cryofanewbcrn ยท 1 month
Nearly dead- nearly gone;
Pinned post of cryofanewbcrn.
Hi, my name is Nayen (it/its only, please). I'm new to Monster Hunter rp, please be gentle with me.
This blog and it's lore are largely based on headcanon post-game wise. This blog's Oltura wasn't slain, but nearly killed. Dying, she takes to hiding away in the deep jungles of Hakolo, where she is found and nursed to a somewhat stable health by a stray Felyne that doesn't know what she's dealing with and took pity on Oltura.
Interactions with Oltura are always considered inperson and cannot happen non-f2f unless we are implementing some sort of telepathy lore.
Please read the rules underneath the cut before interacting- I will know if you haven't.
I'm 27 years old and live in Germany. I will have mature content be present on this blog, mostly in the form of violence, death, and sometimes, gore. If this troubles you, please be sure to save your own mental health and not follow.
I will not follow muns under the age of 20 for my own comfort.
This blog follows from my main blog, @shewholovedthem.
Oltura is an antagonistic character, but based on her nature as a Monster, she is not a VILLAIN any more than the Nergigante is. She can and does hold grudges, can and does have trauma, and as a being that doesn't understand this sort of thing, will act on it. - This means that Oltura is likely to become violent if she feels threatened. - Oltura is not a muse for your character to live their hero fantasies out on. She is crippled and disabled, yes, but she is still a massively powerful Elder Dragon, and whilst no longer in control of the power she once had, she is still capable of killing and will react to provocation.
There will be topics of animal cruelty and -death talked about on this blog, as that's essentially what monsters are, the way I see it.
Even though Oltura is more intelligent than most monsters, she is not human, and never will be, and as such, does not understand human language, customs, behaviour, or morality. She can learn little things here and there, but is unlikely to, due to her trauma-based innate hostility toward them.
Oltura is unshippable, even with other monsters, as I consider her a newborn of sorts. She has only just erupted from her larval form into her "mature" form, but I don't feel comfortable treating her as an adult of her species yet. - Platonic ships like friendship and found family are welcome and encouraged, but be warned that Oltura is hard to get through to.
I choose who I follow and interact with, and whom not with. Do not badger me, please. Respect my decisions.
I do not give my discord out to people I have not had extensive ooc interactions with.
If you want to plot, be my guest, but don't just approach me, ask to plot and then never make an offer and expect me to do all the heavy lifting of it. - I also suck at plotting extensively myself, and work best in a moment to moment sort of way, but I am welcoming still to plotting, or trying to anyway, so long as you're patient with me.
I do not touch ooc drama. I do not touch pro/antis/h/ip debate. This blog is for fun, it's a hobby, not to stress myself more out.
I will likely not use many icons on this blog because it's not easy for me to get material for them.
If you have any questions, let me know. I'm much friendlier than I sound like here, I promise- I am simply jaded and have had many traumatic experiences in the rp scene and feel the need to stake off my territory in terms of comfort.
I'm much more scared of you than you are of me.
I know my rules are a lot, but I really appreciate you taking the time to read them. Thank you so much!
Blog will be low activity because I am very low energy, and I prioritize certain interactions over others, simply because of mental illness reasons. Please don't take it harshly.
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