cryptclan-fh-blog · 10 years
Servant/Prisoner difference;
You do your masters bidding. They may be as nice or cruel to you, Its up to them. But they cannot kill you. You may have kits. Since they are clan born. You will get to keep them, you will get time off to care for them, and they will automatically be a normal kit, apprentice, and get their rank. You may always leave camp. Especially for errands.
You are at the mercy of the whole clan. You do the bidding of everyone. You are constantly being watched and you cannot leave camp. You can be beaten, and even killed. You cannot have kits, if you do they will be killed or raised by another queen. When they are old enough they will enter the same fate as you.
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cryptclan-fh-blog · 10 years
To answer a few things, if you are captured/surrender and are below warrior age, your time will be different.
-Kit age; You will be cared for like the rest of the kits, but you can be sent on small mundane tasks around camp. Kits are still forbidden to leave camp.
-Apprentice age; You will spend your time training and serving your master. Upon reaching warrior age, your servant rank is removed if you wish and you may choose a rank.
Any outsiders (Kitty-pet, rogue, loner, etc.) that joins will start off with the tag CCx until you are either captured or surrender. After that one of two things will happen;
-Surrendered: You gave yourself up without a fight or any trouble, and are now a servant, ready to work for your rank.
-Captured: We had to drag you into the camp and you are now starting off as a prisoner. You have to behave and follow all the rules, plus work, just to become a servant. Then you can ear your rank.
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cryptclan-fh-blog · 10 years
You each get two ravishers. 
For a feline to qualify to be a ravisher they must be either a tier 4 rank or one of your trusted servants. Once they are chosen as your ravishes they hold that rank until death. You are responsible for them.
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cryptclan-fh-blog · 10 years
Any outsiders (Kitty-pet, rogue, loner, etc.) that joins will start off with the tag CCx until you are either captured or surrender. After that one of two things will happen;
-Surrendered: You gave yourself up without a fight or any trouble, and are now a servant, ready to work for your rank.
-Captured: We had to drag you into the camp and you are now starting off as a prisoner. You have to behave and follow all the rules, plus work, just to become a servant. Then you can ear your rank.
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cryptclan-fh-blog · 10 years
Welcome, to |:|Cryptclan|:|
We are a mapless, semi-evil, semi-literate/realistic+, warrior cat role-play.
Our home is in Fluorite, and don't be shocked if we change camps.
Our group lives alone, though sometimes allies may spend time in the camp if a large raid is being assembled.
That being said, we raid, we will normally ask permission to raid you, but be warned, we may randomly scout places. Scouting out a clan does not mean it will be attacked, we are just looking.
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