cryptid-feral · 20 days
This <3
Eden isn't fav LI, but I rlly wished with we'd get more content during the time he'd kidnapped us, before Pc gets the Stockholm syndrome trait. New punishments, interactions, maybe even some lore or jusg something my hands can get on, degeneracy at it's finest I know, but the thought is too appealing to just ignore yk?
Oooo you and me both. I want more exploration around an Eden with a freshly caught house spouse who needs broken in.
Specifically, Eden's patience level when teaching this PC what life is like out there. So far the only thing we see Eden teach right away is how to cook breakfast. They only get violent if the food is purposely tampered with, silently munching in pain if PC can't cook for shit yet.
So would Eden have the patience to coax and encourage PC through learning, say, how to preserve the leftovers? How to preserve freshly gathered items? Learning a handful of useful knots? Repairing Eden's clothing?
Or would Eden just tell them once and silently stare at them until they either ask for a repeat of the instructions because they got jumbled up?
Would be a good place to show off Eden's math skills, too (which I found out a couple months ago was Eden's best subject in school). They keep great books of the stores, and expect you to take that over. Later, when Eden teacher PC to shoot the rifle, they could go on a tangent explaining the math required to line up a shot with the scope markings while keeping distance and wind speed in mind. Where's Eden's lil book of past target shots?
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cryptid-feral · 2 months
💘 nsfw X links💘
♡ Sylus, Wriothesley, Alhaitham, Tartaglia, Dottore, Blade, Dr Ratio, Gallagher, Jing Yuan, Toji, Geto, Shiu, Sukuna, Riftan, Ishikan, Abel Kaiser
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🍭 his cock drunk doll
🍭 size kink
🍭 rubbin ur pussy
🍭 playin w him
🍭 treating u like a sex doll
🍭 his cock is jst so perf on ur face
🍭 riding him
🍭 just let him take control
🍭 fingering u
🍭 spanking u aft actin like a brat
🍭 his shoe on ur cunt
🍭 belt slaps
🍭 pussy slaps
🍭 he wanna make u squirt
🍭 bdsm with him
🍭 be quiet
🍭 suck his finger
🍭 wear his leash
🍭 fuckin u on couch
🍭 his gun on ur pussy
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cryptid-feral · 2 months
Oyster mermaid
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My flesh, my home 🦪 🫧
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cryptid-feral · 2 months
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Centaur Watching Fish by Arnold Böcklin (1878).
I love love love Böcklin’s mythical pieces, they have this sense of realism, and often even sensitivity.
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cryptid-feral · 7 months
Eden Housespouses out there! Look at these and tell me what do you see?!! Tell me are you seeing what I'm seeing??
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It's the newly translated oneshot from one of my most favorite R18 Author/Artist Igedoaha!! I swear when I first saw some sneak peaks on their twitter I already knew this character kinda looks familiar, and now I can confirm my feelings! XD
Please give it a try, even for a non-Eden fan like me this is pretty, like, 70% accurate to describe Eden and AFAB PC~ I believe some delulu won't hurt!
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Ah of course! Here's the LINK (Translated, non-profit)
Please purchase and support the artist if you can! Here's the link to their Pixiv and the official DL site where you can download the official translated PDF!
If you want, here's the artist's X/twitter.
Have fun!
Edit: For those cant load the link, the tittle is "Maiden ~The tale of a pr*stitute taken in by a former knight~" go to Bato.to to search it.
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cryptid-feral · 7 months
Vrelnir's QA about Eden & Bailey ——Vrelnir 的问答 伊甸和贝利专题
1.Sorry to interrupt! You mentioned that Eden and Bailey had a popular mutual friend at school. What else characteristics does he/she have?
They were very gentle, even when very stressed.
2.Has Bailey and Eden’s mysterious friend from school appear in game so far? (2023.1.18) if he/shedon’t make an appearance now, will they make an appearance later?
贝利和伊甸学生时代的神秘共同朋友截止目前已经作为命名 NPC 登场了吗?(2023.1.18)如果目前他们没有登场,那以后会登场吗?  
Nope. They might make an appearance later however.
3.How would Bailey(as a student) describe his/her relationship with Eden?
Bailey considered Eden one of their best friends.
4.How would adult Bailey describe his/her relationship with Eden?
They’d consider Eden the closest thing they have to a friend.
5.Eden had very few relationships.  You said Bailey saw Eden regularly, up until now Eden and Bailey still gave Christmas presents to each other.  Do you tend to think they cherish each other?
Perhaps, but they wouldn’t admit it.
Does Bailey have more feelings for Eden than friendship?
7.Is Bailey’s crush a named npc now(2024.1.18)?
贝利的暗恋对象是目前存在的命名NPC 吗?(2024.1.18)?
8.Will Bailey find it difficult to show his feelings to his crush?
Aye, but at the same time they might not be able to stop themselves.
9. Is Bailey’s crush still alive?
I shan’t say.
Is Bailey still seeing his/her crush?
I shan’t say!
1.Will Bailey take care of female Eden when she’s having period pain? If so, what will they do for her?
Bailey would not take care of Eden while Eden was experiencing period pain, unless Eden asked, which they won‘t.
2.If Eden is in a life-threatening situation and needs artificial respiration, with only Bailey around, would Bailey do it for Eden?
3.If PC runs naked past Eden and Bailey, too fast to catch, will they sit and curse together? And get drinks, like the old days?
如果 PC 在裸奔正好经过伊甸和贝利,跑得特别快根本抓不住,他们会坐在地上一起骂人吗?然后像过去一样,一起喝点东西?
They might laugh together for the first time in years.
4.Did Bailey's crush ever fall in love with someone?
5.In all years Bailey and Eden known each other, who had more control over the relationship?
6.If PC give Bailey enough money and ask them to pole dance, will they agree?
如果 PC 给贝利足够多的钱,然后要求贝利跳钢管舞,贝利会同意吗?
7.If PC give Bailey million pounds and asked them to offer sexual services, will they agree?
如果 PC 给贝利几千万英镑,然后要求贝利性服务,贝利会同意吗?
Probably, but they’d hold out if they thought they could squeeze more from the PC.
8.Would Bailey Kiss or hug Eden under any situation? Like cheeks and hands? In the past, present, or future, have they ever had or will they have physical contact?
They’ve had physical contact in the past, but displays of physical affection between them are unlikely in the future.
10.What if there’s one parallel universe out there somewhere (I mean if there were one, not canon just fantasy...)Bailey and Eden had sex, who’d love to be the top?
They‘d wrestle for who gets to be top, and Eden would win.
1.If Bailey sees a stack of hentai doujinshis about themselves on PC’s table, how would they react?
如果贝利看到 PC 桌子上摞着许多关于贝利们的十八禁同人志,他们会有什么反应?­
They’d ignore them.
2.  If Bailey finds orphan reading NSFW fan fiction about themselves, what would they do?
They wouldn’t read the fan fiction enough to find out, but if they somehow did, they’d be irritated. They might not want to draw attention to it though.
3.If PC sets up a booth selling NSFW doujinshis about Bailey outside the orphanage, how would Bailey react?(There will be manga, animations, music, and cosplay! All about Bailey getting fucked or fucking others)
如果 PC 在孤儿院门口摆了一个摊位售卖贝利的色情同人志,贝利会有什么反应?(会有漫画,动画,音乐和cosplay!全部是关于贝利被操或者操别人)
Bailey would put a stop to it.
4. If PC, covered in mud from sewer, broke into Bailey’s house, started bathing in their bathtub, but as PC was about to enter the tub, Bailey returned home. PC looked at them with innocent eyes, looking straight into their eyes, how would Bailey react?
如果浑身是下水道泥巴的 PC 闯进贝利的家中,在他们的浴缸里泡澡,而正当PC准备进入水中的时候,贝利回家了。PC用无辜的眼睛看着他们,直直地看着他们的双眼,他们会有什么反应?
Bailey would throw them out naked.
5.If PC breaks into Bailey’s house while he’s/she’s away, steals their underwear, and hangs it on orphanage’s notice board, how would Bailey react?
如果 PC 趁贝利不在家的时候撬开门锁,把他们的内衣偷出来,挂在孤儿院的告示板上,贝利会有什么反应?
Bailey would hang the PC on the town’s notice board.
6.If Bailey and PC became friends when they were kids, what would they play together?
假如小时候的贝利和 PC 成为朋友,他们会一起玩什么?
That depends on the PC!
7.Is Bailey’s crush more sexually attractive to Bailey or more romantically attractive?
More romantically attractive.
8.Has Bailey ever experienced any form of abuse in the past? (Including emotional and physical abuse)
Bailey has experienced abuse.
9. Bailey still has anal virginity. Considering their active sex life, why haven‘t they ever tried anal intercourse?
It doesn‘t interest them.
10.We know that Bailey hasn’t seemed to express their feelings to their crush. If there’s a chance for Bailey to see their crush again, would they share this special feelings?
They would want to.
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cryptid-feral · 8 months
one time my bf was fucking me and he was expecting a call from a job offer at the time and they actually called while he was rearranging my guts so he stopped and answered the phone while still in me and the guy on the other line goes “mind if we just conduct the interview now so you don’t have to come in?” and this boy goes “sure” and then KEEPS FUCKING ME. he was on this phone interview for probably 20 minutes while absolutely wrecking my shit and at one point i started whining and he just put a hand around my throat and went harder and kept talking about sales with this guy on the other line and when i tell you i’ve never been more turned on in my life.....
AND he got the job.
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cryptid-feral · 9 months
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I call this hairstyle ‘ticking time buns’
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cryptid-feral · 9 months
A powerful wizard
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cryptid-feral · 9 months
ALRIGHT FOLKS, I hope y'all are ready for my fav seasonal treat.
I hope Eden would like it too
TODAY'S TREAT ISSS *drum roll*
It's a german, cookie-like treat whose name roughly translates to "corner nuts." I'll be using grams and mls because I don't know any other measurments.
For the topping
200 grams of butter
150 grams of sugar (I usually put less sugar, do as you like tbh)
15 grams of vanilla powder
4 tablespoons of water
400 grams of whatever nuts you like! Almond, hazel, walnuts, you name it. I personally really like almonds, sometimes mixed with hazel.
For the cookie base
300 grams of white flour
1 teaspoon of baking poweder
130 grams of sugar (again I usually use less)
2 eggs
15 grams of vanilla powder
130 grams of butter
extra ingredients
Dark chocolate (you'll need this one to garnish the topping)
Jam (traditionally you use apricot or orange marmelade, but you can use the jam you like most.)
Start with the mixed nuts topping, because it'll have to cool down before you can actually put it together.
For the topping:
- take yor nuts of choice and blend them. Cut them up enough to have a rough crumble. You want them to be crunchy, not creamy. But definetly not big chunks. A crumble consistency.
-in a pot, put in the butter, sugar and water, and melt them.
- add your crushed nuts and cook them for 5-10 minutes MAX. Just enough to combine it all and be a little sticky.
-let it cool down a little.
For the cookie base:
-in a bowl, put all the ingredients together, and start working them with your hands.
-You have to work it like a pie crust. If you don't have experience, here's sone tips:
-don't use electronic tools. Your hand's warmth will melt the butter and combine it better.
- at first, it'll feel dry and crumbly and you'll be tempted to put liquid in it. DON'T DO IT. trust the process. Believe in the slowly melting butter.
-keep working it until a solid dough forms. It has to be firm and the ingredients must be well combined.
-don't overmix it.
-Take a solid tray, put some baking paper on it. Slap the cookie base on it and start flattening it. Ideally you'd put it in a rectangular shape to cut the cookies better.
-The cookie height should be around 0.5 to 1 cm tall. Depends if you want a tall cookie or not, or if you simply prefer quantity over quality.
-Slap the jam of your choice on the cookie dough. Distribute it on the whole surface. Use more jam than you think you need: it'll help to stick the cookie and the nuts together.
-slap the nut topping directly on the jam. Don't care to keep the layers clean, smear the jam with the nuts if you have to. That shit has to stick together. Distribute the nuts evenly.
-shove the bad boy in an oven at 200 degrees Celcius for 20-25 minutes. Check the sweets, if you want the nuts to be a bit toasty you can put on a grill mode at the last minute. NO MORE THEN A COUPLE MINUTES. Otherwise the nuts might burn.
- let the bitch cool down to room temperature.
- once it's cold, cut it up into triangles. (That's the traditional shape, squares work too)
chocolate topping:
- take a large pot, fill it with water and put it on the heat to boil.
- take a smaller pot, put in enough chocolate to coat the cookies in, and submerge the small pot into tue warming water.
- this is a pretty safe way to melt chocolate without burning it. Just be careful to not splash yourself with the boiling water.
- once the chocolate is melted, take your cookie triangles and dip the corners into the chocolate. Then put them on a tray with baking paper and let the chocolate cool down.
-alternitavely, take a sac-a-poche, fill it with the chocolate and just pipe it on the crumbled nuts. A spoon works too.
Let the chocolate cool down and VOILÀ! NUSSECKEN!
They're not too difficult to make, the only bore is the waiting time for stuff to cool down. Hope y'all like this recipe! ;)
I want to feed it to Eden snsbnansn
What kinda sweets do you think Eden likes? I thought about the Nussecken because the nuts remind me the forest(?) somehow and it feels very homely to me. If you have headcanons, oh Maestro of Eden, please share >_<
1) thank you so much for the recipe, I'm gonna try it at some point and I'll let you know how badly I do at it lmfao.
2) I think you're right that Eden would like this a lot because we see them enjoying roasted chestnuts in game. Which makes me think they'd enjoy those chocolate bars with nuts in them.
Also, scones with fruit jam! Both made by PC! Black Berry jam piled on Eden's shelf in the seasons they grow, ingredients for scones on every shopping list.
Keep Eden away from anything resembling warheads or sherbert. If it's sour they'll die. Just nice and sweet things, but not artificial flavours.
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cryptid-feral · 9 months
names not numbers
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The Palestinian Ministry of Health released a report on Thursday, including the names of more than seven thousand Palestinians who were martyred in the Israeli bombing of the Gaza Strip.
Red color highlights 0-4 years old age group
Green color highlights age group 5-17
White color highlights the age group between 18 and 59 years old
Gray color highlights the age group over 60
These are not just names, but people killed in the midst of a brutal war. Remember their names.
(Designed by @georgedeebstudios on insta)
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cryptid-feral · 9 months
as one, a circle
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cryptid-feral · 9 months
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cryptid-feral · 10 months
*Tap mic*
Yes, it is I - your poor little Dollya
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As some of you may have known already because of my constant whining and bickering for the past few days, my original blog was flagged and I'm trying to appeal. Things seem to not be on my side, though, so I figured a new blog is a must.
I won't delete the og blog, there are too many things going on over there and I simply can not. All my contributions to the DoL fandom, my AU and asks and stuffs,... have all been hidden away from the tags.
Not gonna lie I was terribly discouraged and couldn't pick up a pen to draw or do anything for several days. Terrible, just simply terrible, to look at the ask box or that stupid default avatar icon... But, well, you know, it is what it is, no point just weeping around so might as well make a new place to post stuffs!
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This is a sub-blog with the same email address as the flagged one, I think I would still use the same tags as the original flagged blog: Dollya art, Dollya ask,... and I won't repost my higher interaction posts here either, that's just bitter.
I will post more "community-friendly" kinds of stuff here, so spicier asks or requests oughta go to the original blog' ask box... I don't really know, I guess things will kinda fall into the right places after some time... What do you call it? Settle down?
Anyway, I'll try to be positive. After all, the Pandora box was opened, so if I don't hold onto the tiny hope left behind, I will have nothing.
Let's just hope for the best.
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cryptid-feral · 11 months
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cryptid-feral · 11 months
Cornnnnnnnn 🌽
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cryptid-feral · 11 months
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Omg......I love those ti
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