cryptidcat-stories · 4 years
Ghastly Consequences {2} | BATIM
HOOO BOY- I’M SO SORRY FOR GETTING THIS OUT LATE I kept forgetting... Plus I kept falling asleep.. Sorry
I've got nothing to add here! Just another part of my Ghost!Henry AU!
Hope y'all like it!
A Striking Revelation
The last thing Henry knew before his vision dissolved into ink, was that he was traveling with Allison and Tom. They were out looking for a new safe room. As the old one, got attacked and exposed by the ink demon.
Henry’s vision was dark as he was collecting himself. He had no clue what was happening at the moment. He remembered being cornered by the ink demon, and it tearing into his- The Brute’s body as if it were tissue paper.
His head throbbed in a painful headache as he was there. Then suddenly, coming into his vision, was the glowing heart that he had noticed from inside the Brute Boris’s chest while he was ‘possessing’ the wolf. He hummed in acknowledgement seeing the heart.
He reached for it and grabbed it, and on instinct, he put it to his chest. His world had been a void before he had grabbed the heart, but as soon as the heart touched his chest his world flashed brightly. And as soon as his vision cleared, he saw the familiar grinning stone face of the ‘revival’ statues.
Henry hummed to himself again, flopping down onto his back and looking up at the ceiling. He had no idea where this statue was, as this area was a tad unfamiliar to him as of right now. Henry sighed as he sat himself up again, now taking in his surroundings carefully to find out where the hell he was.
Looking down each hall he still didn't recognize the area. Henry got up to his feet in a worry, this isn't normal for a loop. It's gone waaay off track. And if Henry had to guess, this was his fault for the loop going off track. He HAD somehow possessed the Brute Boris.
Now to think of it, how did that even happen?
Henry looked down to his hands, looking them over. They seemed relatively normal, and from when he was in the void he saw that his hands were semi transparent? His eyebrows furrowed as he placed his hand onto his chest, right on the spot where he let the glowing heart touch.
He shook his head and removed his hand from his chest. ‘Focus’ He told himself. He had to find a way to Allison and Tom, even if they have no clue who he is. It was who he had to go to next in the loops.
Henry soon started to make his way quietly down the hall, in hopes of running into some familiar scenery to get himself back on the correct road.
Henry had been walking through various halls and nothing familiar had shown yet. No new or old tapes, no weapons to protect himself, and oddly enough: no enemies! The complete lack of enemies completely threw him off, is there another big creature wandering these halls like the projectionist? Or is this place territory for another ‘Alice’ or the ink demon?!
Henry paused and groaned quietly into his hands. He was getting real frustrated quickly, he had many questions of what was even happening.
Henry sighed and continued on walking. He rubbed his eyes as he turned a blind corner. Soon enough, Henry was suddenly knocked over onto his back and his vision was once again going to static. And just before his vision went out he saw the familiar face of a Striker. It gave him relief to see a butcher clone, however it also worried him as it looked like the Edgar clone looked extremely worried and frightened.
Henry blinked as he laid on his back, he had yet another killer headache. And his body felt once again odd. ‘What just happened…?’ He slowly thought to himself.
And in a blink, what had happened before static, overcame him in a quick pop. He blinked, slowly lifting up a hand. He saw the mechanical spring off a Striker on his arm, his shoulders felt uncomfortable as he found out there were two arms that were attached to the device.
He carefully sat himself up, using one of the arms on his other side, he didn't really yet know how to control more than his usual two. It'll take some getting used to…
As Henry stood up, he realized how much longer the legs of this Striker was to a normal one. He hummed in thought, the mouth atop his head subconsciously opening and closing quietly. He peered at himself quickly, taking in any other possible differences.
The things different about this Striker were minimal. The stitches on his main mouth seemed much looser than they seemed, a thick wire connected from his back onto something of the back of the item around his waist, and that he had lacked the pie cut toon eye that the normal Strikers had. It seemed to be something in common with these accidental possessions.
Henry jerked out of his focus when he heard quick footsteps. He tensed looking around wildly for a place to hide. He had no such luck, the hall was barren beside really high up shelves. He frowned in worry, looking down the halls for whoever was running.
He was ready to run in the opposite direction in a moment’s notice.
What ran around the corner made him freeze on the spot, his eyes eye wide with surprise. There standing, now just as frozen as Henry, was a Boris. But what made Henry quite scared was what was in the Boris’s hands, an axe. And if he was correct, the Boris looked like he knew how to use the weapon efficiently.
The two stood there looking at each other for what felt like hours, but in reality only possibly a few seconds.
Henry then suddenly whipped around and ran off in the opposite direction in fear of Boris. He didn't want to be killed again, the experience of dying is not all fun y’know. The Boris flinched in fear when Henry moved, but became confused when they saw him running away.
Henry drew in a deep gasp of breath as he halted his running a few halls away from the quick encounter with the Boris.
He sighed and leaned against the box, soon sliding down to sit. He brought his knees up to his chest and hid his face. Henry didn't really like how he looked at the moment, anyone who was relatively friendly wouldn't immediately turn defensive within moments of seeing him.
Henry sighed again, soon standing back up. Once again wobbly on his own feet, he ran a hand down his face, looking downwards. He soon walked around the box and sat back down behind it, out of view. He wanted to rest as it has been a long day.
The Boris Henry met actually happened to be his old co-worker, Wally. He was once again walking through the halls carefully, now in search of the strange Striker. Hopeful to befriend it. He thought it was time to find some allies or friends in this studio. Because being alone for so long can cause you to go nuts.
Wally shifted the axe he had to one hand, and he ran a gloved hand though the fluff he had atop his head.
He sighed and gripped the axe in both hands once again, and he continued on down the hall.
He barely made a sound as he walked through the hallways, very scared of attracting any enemies or the ink demon. His mind wandered to his old friends he made when he first joined the studio.
He wondered if anyone escaped or got lured back into the old studio. He was scared for whoever was turned or lost to the ink, and mournful for his family and friends. He was mostly scared for Henry. The old animator was lured back to the studio and he looked worse for wear when he first saw him.
Wally had been lucky to escape the clutches of that false ‘Alice’. Who knows what she might have done to him if he didn't escape. But he was scared for Henry, as he might have guessed he thought he didn't escape.
So as he walked, he also kept an ear out for the older man.
When Wally passed by a large crate, he heard something shift and sniffle. So he froze. He slowly turned his head to the box, his own ears perked up and alert. He carefully approached the box, keeping his footsteps quiet and light.
When he peered over the box, his own pie-cut eyes widened in shock. There’s the Striker! Just like he remembered!
He shifted the axe he had to his off hand, and carefully tapped the head of the striker. Carefully making sure of the teeth atop its head.
The Striker flinched and whipped around. Both eyes were wide in shock and fear. It backed up, pressing its back against the wall, its arms splayed out pressed against the floor. Fear was evident on its face, glancing between the axe in his hands and his face.
Wally spoke in hopes the Striker could understand him, as Henry couldn't when he first saw him. “Hey hey hey- It's alright...” The Striker's eyes widened in shock. He could hear him! That's great! But did he recognize him?
When Henry heard the Boris’s voice, he tried his damnedest not to burst out in tears. It was Wally! He was scared for the janitor when he found out he had been lured back to the studio. However the man was a Boris clone, and he was afraid.
His teeth on top of his head were chattering, though he put a quick stop to that. He curled in on himself, placing his two right arms over his face and his left over his head. Black inky tears soon started to drip out of his eyes, he was saddened with the revelation of what he found and finally broke.
The old artist just sat there, as Wally started to fret over him. “Oh gosh- Uuuh…” And it looks like Wally didn't know what to do about him.
Henry slowly recollected himself, desperately trying to wipe off tears. When he succeeded he found out that the wolf had knelt in front of him, his hands hovering over him and the axe laying on the floor next to him.
Henry suppressed a laugh, his teeth chattering again. He looked up to Wally, his face in a tired and relieved expression. He got a confused look back at him.
Henry looked around him in search of an ink puddle. And quickly finding one, he made work of dipping a finger into it wand writing something on the floor. ‘Hello Wally. Nice to see you again…’
Wally gasped quietly, and looked to Henry. “Henry?...” He muttered as tears were starting to form in the wolf’s eyes. Henry tried his best to smile at Wally, his eyes and nodded. He yelped quietly when he got suddenly engulfed in a hug. Henry chuckled lightly and patted the wolf’s back carefully.
After the hug was separated, Henry carefully got himself to his feet. He rested a hand on a wall as she stood up. Wally was soon to follow, grabbing the axe he had as he stood up. “So wanna go find a new safe house? He was asked.
Henry shook his head, quickly writing on the wall. ‘I have found two new people. Allison and Tom.’
Wally’s eyes widened at him, “You found Allison and Thomas?!” Henry nodded in response. ‘However, they might not be… Friendly…’ Henry was nervous, staring at the wall he wrote on. ‘They ended up killing the false Alice though. So no need to worry about her.’
He felt Wally relax next to him. Henry looked to Wally, he smiled softly at him, patting his arm. ‘Lets go.’ He wrote next. He followed behind Wally as the two now made their way down the halls.
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cryptidcat-stories · 4 years
Ghastly Consequences | BATIM
ah HA! Hello! I am finally home to post the first part of my new Bendy and the Ink Machine AU!
I've always liked ghost like characters, so i’m always happy to read/see ghost AUs! They would always have an interesting concept and plot! And I love it!
So I’ve been working on a little personal AU for BATIM- I’ve always thought of something going wrong in Henry’s revivals, and this is a perfect opportunity do put that idea into action! I'm quite exited on how y'all will feel about it!
So a quick review on Ghost!Henry! - He’s still visible! And solid too! So that wont affect anything plotwise. - He doesn't really know hes become this ghost creature until this point! - He is able to become intangible! However, it only happens with extreme emotions at the moment! - And finally(I think)! Hes able to possess others! He just cant un-possess them, he kills the possessed person if he somehow leaves the body. And hes forced out if the body is killed with him in it.
Anyways! Onto the story! Hope you like it! I’ve got one more short done for ya’ll! It’ll just be put up tomorrow!
A Painful Possession
A crash cracked though the room as Henry’s cart was flung into a wall. The cart Henry was in shattered as he fell to the ground. The wind being knocked out of him from the fall. Henry never knew how he didn’t break any bones whenever he was flung by the Brute Boris.
He groaned as he got up, and he nearly yelped as he dodged when the Brute flung a large box at him. He somehow missed the wood shards as he dodged off to the side. All he had to do was wait for the Brute to stop so he could get himself some thick ink for the mini-ink machine next to the wall.
It was a tedious job to constantly go back and forth from breaking the weak pipes it produced and having to wait for more of the ink. Plus it was painful to have to go though this fight so many times and see his friend in so much pain. As he was the only one to end it for the poor Boris.
The fight was getting long and he was getting close to getting sent back. He didn’t want to have to restart the fight from the start. All he wanted was to end this loop! This wasn't going all too well for him at this time.
Strange things were happening to him in this loop. One, he constantly dropped things he had in his hands whenever he was frightened, he somehow moved faster when he was walking through the ink, and that every now and then an enemy will ignore him even though he was clearly in their sights. It was commonly strikers that ignored him too…
He choked back a yell as the Brute backhanded him once again into a corner. He coughed harshly, keeping a hand over his waist and mouth. His eyes tightly shut in pain.
When Henry opened his eyes, he was cornered by the Brute. He looked up at the Boris in fear, he heard ‘Alice’ cackling over the coms. And if he had to guess, ‘Alice’ couldn't see Henry as he was hidden by the Brute.
He clenched his teeth and closed his eyes again, waiting for the time he was sent back to the well to be revived. But the moment the Boris touched him his vision went static for a split second, and then pain suddenly radiated all throughout his body.
He shrieked out as pain laced throughout his body, the sound he made sounded extremely wrong and garbled. All of his limbs felt heavy and he felt like he was going to lean over. The pain and static subsided, and he found out he was now on his feet. He closed his eyes as he fell back onto his butt as a wave of nausea hit him.
He groaned lightly as he raised a hand to rest on his head. But he froze as he felt something cold hit his hand. He opened his eyes in confusion once again and looked to where his hand felt the cold. But he froze as he felt his head hit the same cold thing and stopped him from moving his head any more than where he had it.
Henry felt his eyes wide when he looked down, and… He saw a familiar snout… He let out a whimper as he held his hands out and looked at them, there he saw the sepia colored gloves of a toon. He brought up his hands to his chest as he looked down, tilting his head to the side. He looked down at the gaping hole that was there.
There in the chest, that he could barely see, was a golden and glowing cartoon like heart. Along with all the organs that sat in the chest of the Brute. The heart looked like it was made of whatever the invisible ink was that was all over the studio.
He inhaled sharply and flinched when he finally registered the voice of the other ‘Alice’ angrily screeching over the coms, “BORIS!” He looked up, his ‘ears’ perking up as he was now listening to the ‘Alice’. He heaved himself up onto his feet to be ready for just in case the ‘Alice’ rushed out at him.
“Why were you ignoring me?” She asked. Henry decided to not make a reaction to ‘Alice’ to play as he was still the Brute and not a somehow possessed one. He seemed to do right as ‘Alice’ continued on, “Ah nevermind. You can't speak anyways. Come back to me Boris, I've got some things I need you to do for me.”
Henry didn’t move from his spot. He didn't know where this ‘Alice’s’ little hideout was besides going up the elevator and back to the room where he first saw her fully. And he was sure that was not her main hideout.
“Well what are you waiting for?” She snarked, “Come back here! Or i'll come get you myself!” Henry of course didn't move, he needed the other Alice to come down here to have Allison kill her. It is how the loop normally went for him. And it's what he needed for the loop to continue on as normal.
However if Allison failed to kill ‘Alice’ he guesses he would have to take to killing her with his own- Er, Brute’s hands.
So while he waited for ‘Alice’ to get down here. He decided to look over this body.
He shifted his feet looking down to the ground. He looked back up looking at his hands with mild curiosity, he looked them over flipping them to look at his palms. He soon shifted his gaze to look up his arms, his eyes tracing the ropes that wrapped around the Brute’s forearms.
He moved to the false ‘halo’ that was over his head. He felt the buckle on the large piece of metal that the ‘halo’ was attached to. And without a second thought, he undid the latch and nearly chucked the item away from him.
It hit the ground a bit away from him with a loud clang. He huffed in anger, his eyes narrowing. He huffed again, going to rest his now gloved hand over his face. That's when he realized that he didn't really have the x’ed out eyes that the Brute Boris usually had. Instead they seemed like normal eyes for a toon.
That when he heard it. The clicking of heels caught his attention, the Brute’s ears perking up in attention once again. The clicking was fast paced, and almost angry sounding. So Henry turned his head to focus on the doorway the sound was coming from, and he stared at the spot ‘Alice would come from.
His face contorted into an angry snarl as ‘Alice’ came into view. ‘Alice’ froze in the doorway at the sight of the Brute. Her face too changed into an angry snarl, as she saw the slight differences of the Brute Boris.
“Boris…” She growled out at him.
Henry clenched his fists and turned his body towards the false Alice. He bared his teeth as he narrowed his eyes at her. ‘Alice’s’ expression darkened when Henry let out a low growl at her.
“Ah-” She started. “So that Henry caused you to defect…” She scowled, “Guess I'll have to kill you. You've become no use to me like that.” Her hands clenched into fists and she reached off to the side, she soon pulled out an ax he had somehow not spotted from the very start.
That's quite bad...
She soon charged at Henry with an angry shriek. Henry roared at Alice before charging and swinging a fist at her.
It wasn't before long until Allison showed up and swiftly dealt with ‘Alice’ by beheading her.
Henry sighed in relief, falling onto his bum with a soft thud. He was breathing hard, and he held a hand over the exposed part of his chest. The ‘Alice’ was able to get a few lucky strikes, and it somehow had hurt quite badly.
Allison was staring at him, one hand tightly gripping her machete and her other resting on her chin. Tom was also staring at him with a hint of curiosity and suspicion.
Henry looked to the Alice and Boris, wondering what they might do. They usually brought him to their current hideout. He tilted his head, looking back to himself.
He never really had much time to process what had happened earlier. How had he possessed the Brute? Can he un-possess it? What in the world has been happening lately?
Henry zoned out while thinking. His 'ears' flopping over, and his hands held open in front of himself.
Henry jumped when Allison spoke up. "Hey. Can you speak?" She asked him.
Henry gained a thinking look. 'Am able to speak like this? I highly doubt that…' Henry shook his head no at Allison. She frowned and returned her hand to her chin, once again thinking.
Henry thought for a second before remembering something from a previous loop.
He smiled and started to shakily sign out something. [I know ASL] It was rough, and he was going off what he could remember. It has been awhile since he signed.
Allison lit up, a smile forming on her face. Tom on the other hand, looked really confused. "Oh good! I know ASL too!" She quickly spoke. [Do you remember who you were before?] Allison signed out to him.
Henry hesitated, [Well] he started off. [I don't know how to explain this, but I guess yes I do. But not all too well] he looked embarrassed of having to lie. But he had to now play off as if he was a Boris who remembered who he was before.
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cryptidcat-stories · 4 years
Regressus | HLVRAI
Hmmmng wrote this quite awhile ago- And I kinda made a design for this au too,,
aaa- Well essentaly this is how Gordon meets the Science team in this au, cause,, He wasint the one to do the test here.
You can ask me more stuff about this ‘experiment’ au at my main blog @/thecrypidcat
So onto the story! Hope y’all like it!
The last thing Gordon ever remembers is a bright green flashing and a searing pain. The pain he had was still lingering a tad as he sat there, his body felt stiff as he sat leaning against a wall. He also had his eyes closed, so he couldn't see his surroundings.
Being honest, Gordon was scared to open his eyes. He was scared to see what the accident had brought upon him and his surroundings. 
He soon scrunched up his face, lifting a hand up to rub at his eyes. A sudden headache had appeared for him. 
He tried to remember the events leading up to the accident, but… He couldn't remember..?
Before his hand reached his face, he heard a hiss. He dropped his hand and popped open his eyes. He flicked his head back and forth, ignoring his hair that usually hung over his eyes, looking for the source of the sound. 
He also temporarily ignored the clacking of what sounded like wood hitting together as he looked around. His surroundings were different from what he could last remember. 
His face gained a look of confusion as he looked around the room more carefully he was in. It looked like one of the few break rooms scattered throughout the complex. He had also spotted that he was sitting on one of the tables, his back leaning up against the wall it was sitting in front of. 
Finally, Gordon noticed that he seemed… Smaller than he remembered. 
He looked down to himself and immediately froze. He looked very different than he remembered himself looking. One, he looked more puppet-like. He seemed to be made of wood, including his clothing and hair. The only non wooden item on him was his lab coat, it was still fabric as he saw fold around from where he sat. 
He lifted his hands, temporarily inspecting them. He saw that he had four fingers for each hand like a cartoon. He soon brought his hands close, raising them to his face. His own face felt vastly different to him. It seemed more, cartoonish, more like how you would find a wooden puppet to have. His own eyes seemed to be sunken into his sockets, making it look like his eyes were set in some void inside his head. 
He still had his glasses, but they seemed to be more for aesthetic than purpose. Next he felt his jaw, finding it vastly different. It felt like something that you would find on a nutcracker, besides the rod that stuck out the back of the head or body. 
Finally he noticed the near invisible strings that were attached to very small loops on his hands and feet. He soon found out there was also a loop and string attached to his head too after feeling the top of his own head. He saw that the strings thinned out the higher it went, making it disappear from view before even touching the ceiling.
He sighed and slumped over from where he sat. 
Gordon soon got a thought. ‘Could I still move normally like this?’ He asked himself. His face was contorted in a thinking expression, a hand resting on his chin. 
He quickly nodded to himself and planted his hands next to himself ready to lift himself up. He soon heaved himself up, setting a foot and leg under him. All he could hear in the small room was the sound of wood rubbing and hitting against each other as he shakily stood up on the table. He had a hand resting on the wall, keeping him stable in the moment for just in case he fell. 
Despite his legs being made of wood, and seemingly looking weak and frail. He stood strong and sturdy in place. He didn't feel wobbly at all, he didn't feel like he was going to fall at any second. He felt quite light actually. Just not light enough that he felt ke he was floating, he still felt the slight weight his own body had.
Gordon hesitantly removed a hand from the wall letting himself stand there without any support. It was quite odd to him to be honest. He still kept his arms out, tence, for if he fell.
He carefully made his way to the edge of the table, his footsteps sounding like the soft thuds and clacking of dress shoes. Even though he was still clearly wearing some combat boots, but he guesses being entirely made of wood would change the sounds of your own footsteps? I guess so.
He peered over the edge, and as seeing as it was a very short drop to the floor he jumped down. A semi loud clack came from him as he hit the ground in a crouch. He stiffened as he heard growling from the other side of the wall. He ducked under the table quickly as he soon too heard the quick thumps as someone ran through the hall on the other side of the door and window he spotted. 
A loud slam shot though the room twice as whoever ran in opened and closed the door in a quick session. They were breathing hard, their back pressed up against the door. Gordon peered through the darkness, unaware of his own eyes glowing a faint white, and looked at what he saw was a scientist. 
They looked worse for wear. Blood splattered their coat and spots of ash decorated their clothing and face. They breathed for a second, now resting their hands over their face. Gordon could not recognize them, and didn't really want to leave his temporary safe spot. Scared for what might happen if the scientist might do to him if he was spooked by his appearance. 
He also had a feeling that if someone aimed and broke any of his strings, there would be painful consequences. So all he did was settle himself down under the table quietly and closed his eyes. Staying seated and hidden unbeknownst to the scientist also hiding in the room. 
It felt like at least days, hiding quietly under that table. The scientist occasionally coming and going, they were going out and searching for food. Gordon realized soon, that he didn't feel hungry nor thirsty at all. It was possibly the side effects of this new- Puppet body? He didn't really like it, he had a feeling he would miss eating. 
He sighed in his head as the scientist returned once more. Bags of chips were gripped in his arms and a few soda’s sat loosely in the pockets of his jeans and coat. They carefully closed the door behind them and set the stuff on another table in the room that sat in front of a large window viewing the hall ahead. 
Gordon watched quietly as the scientist checked over the items. He had his knees pressing up to his chest as he sat against the wall, his arms were wrapped around his knees and his own smaller coat was wrapped tightly around him. The fake sweater he had pressed into his chin as he sat, bored. 
Soon the scientist left once again, leaving the food sitting out and in view of the window.
The scientist Gordon saw did not return after that. Gordon could say he wasn't really worried, he thought that the scientist had found another safe spot. He was just wondering why they didn't bring the food they had collected with them. 
He shook his head and hesitantly exited from the shadows underneath the table. He approached the table and heaved himself up onto it. 
He looked at the various bags of chips and brands of soda. He sat himself down, crossing his legs and to keep himself busy, he sorted the items into groups. He didn't know why, but he really wanted to keep himself busy. 
So he sorted for a few hours, occasionally changing the group specifics. It kept him busy while he thought on what to do. 
Gordon stopped what he was doing. Under all the sounds of him moving he heard distant talking. The voices somehow sounded familiar to him, and he didn't know why. It confused him very much. 
As the voices got closer, he abandoned the snacks on the table and jumped down and ducked under. He crouched under, tense if he needed to run. 
The voices got louder until they reached the window and abruptly stopped. The sound of glass shattering stopping them. Hisses and growls were heard for a split second before the sound of a gun going off and it stopped abruptly with a pained shriek. 
The silence that followed was deafening to him. He had to stop his shaking as his rattling would alert whoever was out there.
Soon a timid voice interrupted the silence, “Dr. Coomer! Look! In that room is soda and chips!”
“There sure is Tommy!” A kind voice responded to the other, “We should go in and get them. We are low on food at the moment!” 
Gordon froze, ‘They were coming in?! Dammit I should have hid those!’ He internally screamed to himself for his stupid mind. Something soon caught his eye, it looked to be a crowbar. He smiled to himself and quickly grabbed it. Not even surprised anymore as it didn't seem all that heavy in his hands. 
He gripped the crowbar tightly at the sound of the door opening in the room. He held his breath as two pairs of legs walked in front of the table he was hiding under. The two seemed to converse with each other as they went through what they had ‘found.’ 
Meanwhile Gordon was still frozen and lightly pressed against the wall with a crowbar tightly gripped in his wooden hands. 
Occasionally the two ahead of him would shift their footing and Gordon would flinch quietly. He was listening carefully to the two, thinking about if he needed to run or not. Or if he would be in any danger with these people. 
Soon one mistake on Gordon’s end caused the two to notice him. The crowbar he had suddenly slipped from his hands and he wasn't able to catch it in time, so it hit the ground with a loud clatter. It immediately silenced the room. 
Gordon was frozen on the spot. He flinched when one of the two talked, “Who’s there?” 
He reached for the crowbar once again, grabbing it and held it tightly against himself. The two pairs of legs backed away from the table and to the middle of the room. He could see the two figures up to their waists now, one was much skinnier and taller and the other looked to be stockier and much shorter than the other. 
He backed up, and pressed himself up against the wall now tightly.
What the others saw of Gordon, unknownst to him, was now his legs and lab coat he had. Tommy pointed it out speechlessly to Coomer and got a nod in response as he saw it too. They were curious at the sight as they could see it seemed like a toy or a puppet. Was it just an inanimate toy? Or was it brought alive by the cascade? They didn't know, but they were too curious not to know.
The two almost jumped as the puppet underneath shifted back. They looked at each other, eyes wide. So it WAS alive. The two didn’t know how to react to that. 
Tommy hesitated before slowly approaching the table and crouching. The puppet under flinched harshly, the wood of their body clacking from the sudden movement. In their grip was a crowbar, so Tommy backed up a reasonable distance away from the currently armed puppet. He held his arms out, showing he had no weapons. 
“H-hi there…” Tommy spoke quietly so as to not scare the puppet. It looked a little familiar, but the shadows of the table hid most of the puppets features so he couldn't recognize them. “My name’s Tommy… The other here is Dr. Coomer..”
The puppet flinched again, looking like it was ready to dart off at any moment. 
Tommy noticed the strings attached to the puppet and looked to where they went. The strings seemed to disappear off somewhere so he returned his focus back to the puppet ahead of him.
The puppet was looking at him wide eyed, he soon noticed that the entirety of their eyes glowed a faint white making it look like they didn't even have irises. Tommy was worried for the puppet. 
“Don't worry…” Tommy started quietly again, trying not to scare the puppet more. “Me and Dr. Coomer wont hurt you…” Tommy didn't want to mention the others, as he would not know how the puppet would react to the two just yet. 
The puppet seemed to relax only slightly, but still stayed tense. “Could you come out for u-us?” Tommy hesitantly asked them.
The two others outside of the room were watching what was going on silently from the other side of the window. Both Bubby and Benry were confused at what was going on. Bubby was real close to entering the room, but Coomer had told him earlier that if there was any danger in the room that he would deal with it.
Gordon only relaxed a tad when the person crouched in front of him said he means no harm, but he still stayed tense in case they were lying. 
At the next question Tommy asked him, Gordon thought for a moment. He soon nodded to Tommy. The man in front of him gave a wide smile and backed up, shifting to sit on his knees. Dr. Coomer sat down next to him crossing his legs.
Gordon hesitated before slowly creeping out from under the table, still making sure to stay out of sight from the window. 
He stood there nervously, the crowbar gripped tightly in his hands. He wasn't looking at Coomer or Tommy. But the two had looks of shock from the sight of a live and walking puppet. 
Tommy soon hesitantly asked, “Do you have a name to call you…?” Gordon nodded slightly thinking of others giving them his first or last name. “What do you want us to call you?..” Coomer spoke up asking.
Using the crowbar, Gordon scratches ‘Freeman’ onto the concrete floor. He looked up to see both Tommy and Coomer nodding. “Hello Mr. Freeman..” Tommy greeted him with a small smile. He decided to return the smile back to the two. 
“We need to continue on-” Coomer started quietly as to not startle Gordon. He looked at him, “Are you okay with meeting at least two more people?..” Gordon froze, gripping the crowbar tighter before nodding, shaking a tad. 
“Don't worry!” Tommy reassures him with a smile, “They won't harm you, I-I’ll make sure of that!” Tommy stood up quickly, Coomer following. 
Tommy approached Gordon and held out his hands, “Are you okay with me carrying you? Or do you want to walk?” Gordon thought for a second before pointing to Tommy. He got a nod before he was picked up, his legs hanging free and his arms hanging over Tommy’s own. He kept his crowbar gripped tightly in his hand as he was held.
Dr. Coomer grabbed the snacks that were resting on the table and they all exited the room.  Gordon going immediately limp in Tommy’s arms the second he's through the doorway and in the sight of two new people. He would say its instinct the moment he played being a normal puppet.
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cryptidcat-stories · 4 years
Matrix Error | HLVRAI
SO- ABOUT TIME I PUT THIS U P ALKJ This has been an au I’ve been working on for a short time. I was able to make various thing for this au. As in I've made an ask blog for this AUs Gordon, a small plotline for this au, and this one-shot. 
Be weary that this one-shot is very long. I was originally planning on making this two parted, but I realized I could NOT write G-man. And I cant really write Benry very well... So hes very much ooc here...
So I hope ya’ll like it!
The last thing Gordon remembers before blacking out was following the Science Team in the strange world of Xen. He didn't know what happened, whenever he just randomly blacked out or something unknowing to him tranquilized and captured him. But he remembered nothing really piercing his skin nor suit for the past hour they've been on the planet. 
He did feel like something major was gonna happen though. But he didn't know what. He didn't like it either. 
His mind was becoming more hazy and harder to think by the minute. He didn't know why, but he was getting more scared with that fact. He hoped the Team helped him and if he was taken, noticed he was missing. 
Benry was freaking out a tad. They had realized Gordon had suddenly disappeared and no one knew where he went. Benry did all he could to try and find the leader of the little group. No one even knew when they last saw him, it was all at different points as he had been keeping to the back of the group. He had his reasons to stay in the back of the group, some he named, others he did not.
Dr. Bubby was getting irritated thinking Gordon just up and abandoned the group. Dr. Coomer and Tommy were telling him that Gordon would never do that. Dr. Coomer said Gordon would never do that as he was nearly everyone in the group’s friend. Dr. Bubby just brushed it off with a huff, and his eyebrows furrowed. Dr. Bubby’s glasses glinted from an unseen light hiding his eyes. 
Tommy was fidgety, concerned for his friend. Because he believes he was taken. He was concerned for Mr. Freeman’s well-being. Tommy believed whoever was waiting for them at the end had Gordon as a hostage. Or worse, had already killed them.
It was actually Dr. Coomer’s idea to have the group keep going forward. Benry hesitantly agreed, missing his usual snarky and odd comment. Dr. Bubby just growled and didn't say anything, not adding anything nor arguing to stop and possibly wait for Gordon. And Tommy quickly agreed, hoping the group would find Mr. Freeman soon
Gordon slowly regained his consciousness, however something just… Felt wrong with him…
He was laying down in something, and as his vision slowly cleared all he saw was red. He quickly pushed himself up, a yell clogging up his throat. His waist felt like it was trapped, and as he looked down he froze eyes widening. 
Gordon saw that his body seemed to be lodged into the ground. And from what he can see, his own body looked to be covered in plates and scales that imitated his HIV suit. But something that looked almost exact to the front of his suit was wrapped around his chest and back. It honestly felt really uncomfortable to him, and he hated how weird it felt.
Gordon felt his right arm be a little lighter than usual so he quickly looked to said arm. He saw the lack of gleaming metal and clearly remembered there had been a gun on his arm. His eyes widened once again from seeing the gun missing, and in its place a familiar stump, scars were now clearly decorating it. He peered at his other hand. What he saw instead of a normal hand, was now a clawed hand. He closed his hand experimentally into a fist, confirming that it was truly his own hand.
He brought his hand to the side of his face and rested it there. He closed his eyes and dragged his hand down his face, now covering his mouth. He refused to acknowledge his now sharp teeth and slightly different facial features. 
He realized he still had his glasses though, which he was glad for as he still needed them despite- His new form.
He hoped this form was not permanent, and if his friends even will recognize him if they ever found him. Gordon's thoughts suddenly started to go in a dark direction, ‘What if I'm forced to fight them..?’ ‘What if they can't recognize me?’ ‘What if I… Lose control of myself?...’
He was slouched over, his one hand covering nearly half his face as his eyes were wide at his last thought. He squeezed his eyes shut and breathed for a second. 
He removed his hand after a few minutes, and finally took in the room he was in. 
The room was massive. Faint unseen lights lighted up parts of the room, making it not as dark as it seemed. The floor had a red liquid covering it, making whoever stood in it feel like they were wading in blood. And red fleshy looking support beams were scattered throughout the edges of the room. 
Ripples fanned throughout the liquid from his own movement as he turned and looked through the room. It was unusual, but not unusual enough for this world. So the room fit right in.
What startled Gordon though, is that his thoughts started to get fuzzy. And he didn't know why. He was worried, something or someone was messing with him. And he didn't like that. 
He slouched over in sudden pain, a groan echoing out his throat, his head was nearly touching the floor and the liquid that covered it. A sudden migraine had appeared and it hurt like hell. His thoughts were getting more muddled and scrambled, and he couldn't think straight. 
His eyesight got blurry as his glasses fell off and somehow disappeared into the red liquid. He put a hand on his forehead and supported himself with the stump of an arm he had. He groaned again as another wave of pain hit him, and the sound that came from him sounded more like a growl. But he couldn't focus on that. 
What he could focus on, were the sudden disturbances and ripples that he suddenly felt from the sludge. He lifted his head enough that he could look in the direction of where the ripples were coming. 
His face was contorted into a pained glare as he looked at the opening. His vision was fuzzy so he couldn't see whoever or whatever was there.
Gordon had one last coherent thought before unknown instincts took over. And he disappeared under the ground and out of view.
‘What the hell is happening…?’
The team had finally reached a large room. It was like the last few rooms they were in minutes ago. And the same red liquid was still bubbling and fanning around their feet. 
Benry was getting antsy. He didn't know why, but he didn’t like it at all. His thoughts were still muddled from the worry of the dangers and needing to find their friend. 
Benry felt something crunch under his foot as he waded through the liquid. Confusion crossed his face as he reached down and began to search through the substance for whatever he stepped on. His hands brushed by something slick and feeling of metal and broken glass, he nabbed the item and brought it out of the liquid and carefully wiped it down to the best of his abilities. He froze in shock, his eyes widening and a bit of sweet voice slipping out catching Tommy’s attention. 
There grasped in his hand were Gordon’s glasses. Now even more cracked from Benry stepping on them. 
“Benry?” Tommy hesitantly asked, turning around to face him. Dr. Coomer and Dr. Bubby stopped their conversation from Tommy’s voice, the two were now looking at them in confusion. Benry looked up to Tommy, fear clearly showing in his eyes. He held out Gordon’s glasses in a way so the rest of the group could see them. 
Tommy gasped, his hand flying to cover his mouth. His hat slipped to the side a little bit from the sudden movement. Coomer’s eyes were firmly glued on the glasses, his own face showing shock. While Bubby was silent, the glare of his glasses once again hid his expression. 
Tommy was going to say something before he was interrupted from sudden large ripples and large bubbling from in the center of the large room. Everyone’s focus was drawn away from the glasses and looked to the center of the room. 
It looked like something large was here, and nobody liked that. Everyone got into a defensive stance, ready for whatever might come at them. 
Benry had quickly pocketed the glasses and went up to stand by Tommy, letting his own hands shift to claws and allowing a few extra eyes to appear. 
Soon after, a low growl began to echo around the room. Everyone was tense, hopefully ready for whatever might come. 
They didn't have to wait long after that as a large figure burst out from the ground with a gutting roar. 
The figure was warped, looking mixed from various beasts they have encountered and various animals. Plates decorated the monster, and a mane of what looked like dark brown curly hair draped down the beasts head and back. It looked like it was tied into a low ponytail, but no one noticed that at the heat of the moment.
It had a hand missing on its right arm, cutting off from above where the wrist might have started. Heavy scarring surrounded it making it look like it was sawed off haphazardly. It also had two pairs of eyes. The upper pair were a pitch black, a bright green iris was all that could be seen in the eyes. And the second were closed, currently no clue of how they looked.
Wrapped around the chest of the behemoth ahead of the group looked to be some kind of device. Various softly glowing buttons could be seen though some of the excess liquid dripping off it. A symbol seemed to be placed above the buttons of the device, however it was too dark and the figure was moving around too much for it to be seen properly at the moment. 
The beast caught sight of the group, its eyes flashing and it suddenly roared and lunged for them. A clawed hand darting out to slam into the group. The group panicked and split so as to not get smashed. 
There, the fight has just started. And Benry was scared out of his wits for Gordon. Hoping for the man to be okay.
It felt like hours when he was put into the void of his own subconscious. It however, has only possibly been 30 minutes, since he lost control of himself. 
His vision soon started to clear as he was finally able to open his eyes. His vision was clearing slowly by the seconds as if he had his own glasses on. But he quickly realized that he didn't have his glasses on, as the weight from them was missing from his face..
Gordon soon realized his own thoughts were muddled as hell, and it seemed he couldn't even look straight. He had a hard time seeing, as he was lashing around attacking something. He quickly realized he wasn't actually in full control of himself.
His own eyes widened at the realization, quickly darting around hoping he wasn't attacking his friends. He also soon found out that he had two pairs of eyes now. He could see though both, but his focus was currently on the bottom pair. The upper pair, he found out, was wildly somehow glitched and blurry. And it made the team look like other monsters or the damned military that was attacking the facility and them. 
Gordon made sure to keep his own focus on the bottom pair of eyes. He wanted to see his friends how they were, and not some warped, messed up versions of them.
His mood immediately got worse when he finally spotted Tommy, Sunkist and the others, they were all battered and bruised. Surprisingly Benry was still here, he looked a tad different but that didn't matter to him right now. The group was ducking behind pillars and attacking him when he left a spot open and exposed. 
Gordon quickly realized soon, of how much pain he was currently in. It felt like when he lost his hand, but now scattered all over the upper part of his body. His own eyes filled with tears. From both the pain and the realization as they were attacking him for their own protection. 
Gordon suddenly lurched, and he quickly spotted Dr. Coomer. Who had his back turned to him and was currently distracted from new opponents that appeared. It looked like his false instincts were taking a chance of a distracted enemy and attacking. Gordon heard the sudden panicked shouts from Tommy as he felt his own claw shoot out to attack. 
Gordon narrowed his eyes, more tears pricking the edges. He had to redirect his attack, and keep it from hitting Coomer. He strained, gritting his teeth as he was able to slow his attack down and made it strike and hit an alien that had appeared behind Coomer. 
He let out an internal sigh of relief, closing his pair of eyes, seeing he was able to change the direction of his own attack. His own body growled in irritation and in pain, as Dr. Coomer took the chance to attack his hand before darting back out of range. 
Gordon reopened his eyes, glad at the start of taking control of his own body again. It was a start, even though it was only to change his own attack.
Tommy let out a shout seeing the beast change its focus on Dr. Coomer. He yelled out his name, hoping and warning Coomer of the attack. He was glad to see he took notice of the attack, but immediately changed into panic seeing how he didn’t know how Dr. Coomer was going to dodge that attack without getting severely injured. 
But without warning, the attack from the beast suddenly slowed and got knocked off course from some invisible source. It hit an alien who had appeared behind Dr. Coomer instead of the original target.
Tommy was confused, he had finally spotted the second pair of eyes the beast had. They were now open and wide.
It looked like relatively normal eyes. The sclera was white, while the irises were a dark natural green unlike the upper brighter neon green. It also seemed to express different emotions than the upper pair, and look in different directions. Earlier it looked panicked, tears pricking from the corners of its eyes and looking around frantic. And now they were closed with relief, possibly from Coomer dodging out from its... Own attack?
Tommy looked to Benry, seeing if he too spotted the eyes. Sunkist whined next to him, a few bubbles of sweet voice coming from her. ‘Bright green to black blue,’ His mind supplied. ‘I can see the difference too.’ 
Benry had his focus on some aliens, getting rid of them to give the others ease when dodging attacks from the larger beast. Some bubbles Benry’s own sweet voice were slipping out between jagged and gritted teeth. ‘Ice blue to deep saffron, I want to see my friends safe and fight on.’
Tommy shook his head, returning his own focus back to the monster. He couldn't help a nagging feeling at the back of his mind that this beast somehow felt familiar. He just couldn't place it, and he felt awful. 
He shook his head again, clearing his thoughts. He quickly gunned down a few enemies who popped up nearby. He spotted an opening from the beast. It let its chest wide open as it was trying to bat down Coomer who was now swinging overhead and out of reach. Tommy quickly sent in Sunkist, having her go and strike the chest. 
Sunkist nodded from the command Tommy told and howled quietly as they shot forward. They hit the control panel on the device, a soft but noticeable sounding crack coming from the item. 
The beast suddenly howled in pain from that attack, its voice distorted and somewhat unilateral. He soon figured out it sounded like there were two voices there. One howling and the other screaming in pain. It stopped aiming for Dr. Coomer, and was looking around. It didn't like that. And it seems the team had finally found a weak point on the beast.
Lucky enough, Sunkist got out of range before a claw swung where he just was. They returned back to Tommy’s side, and the fight continued on. Everyone got the clue and were now looking for any openings to attack whatever was on the chest of the thing. 
Gordon was making sure that he didn't hit his friends fatally. His body was currently focused on Dr. Coomer, he was using a barnacle to swing overhead and out of reach. Gordon knew his body was plotting on pulling itself out of the ground as he felt his own legs shift wherever they were. 
Gordon and his body were soon shocked out of focus by a sudden near unbearable pain right in the middle of his chest where the damned device was. His body howled in pain, and his own voice screaming in that same pain underneath it all. 
His body hunched over, now holding his handless arm over and near the broken part of the device on his chest. The other arm coming in close to protect itself.
He took in the damage of who attacked the item. Some buttons were now cracked and broken, some of them lost their light. He blinked as he soon realized he had a little more control in the moment as he flexed his own other clawed hand making it hover over the damage on the device. His grip on himself soon slipped once more as his body was now trying to find the culprit of the damage. 
Gordon now realized, it was the piece of tech that was strapped around his chest that made him go nuts and lose control of his own body. He hoped his friends spotted this weakness and kept attacking that one spot. Even though it hurt like hell, he didn't want to be trapped in his own body anymore.
He also soon found out that he was now able to talk under the growling and screeching of his own body. It looked like he had a second pair of vocal chords that he now had full control of.
However, he was only restricted to only able to speak at the same time his own body made a growl or any kind of noise. 
He took that chance he had, and he hoped to get through to the team, even though his own voice was faint and near unheard of the loud echoed sounds of the fight.
It has been many minutes from the opening his body gave to the others to attack. And Gordon was struggling on helping the team, trying to get the body to allow another opening of his chest. He was struggling, his teeth gritting together.
He soon caught Benry from the corner of his own sight. He figured out that Benry might be like him earlier on in the fight. The security guard had currently shifted himself to be quite large, and was trying to sneak up on Gordon’s body. But he was struggling on doing so from the ripples he caused in the liquid below. 
So Gordon decided to help him out. He made sure to leave his back exposed, and did his best to keep his body’s focus on the fight in front of him. 
He knew he did well when he felt a sharp pain claw down his back, another crack of the device echoing sharply around the room. His body howled in pain again, its back straightening up. It whipped his head around and looked at Benry. One of the guard’s now clawed hands were coated in the now familiar bright magenta blood of his own body. 
His body growled at Benry and leveled him with a glare. Gordon’s own eyes giving him a sympathetic ‘Thank you’ look. However that expression soon changed as his body soon quickly turned around and made work of pulling itself out of the ground. Benry quickly gained a panicked look of ‘oh fuck-’ before he was quickly tackled from the now freed monster. 
Gordon's own eyes were now wide in panic, he was now trying to weaken himself to give Benry an advantage. Because he knew this body was quite strong and Benry stood no chance of winning as of right now. 
The two were now wrestling, shoving each other around, punching, and clawing at the other when they were given a chance. 
The two eldritch beings were now screaming at each other. One voice loud and clear, able to decipher as Benry and his own Sweet Voice. The other garbled and hidden under furious shrieking, unknown and begging for the opponent to win.
Benry knew he was fucked the moment the monster pulled itself out of the ground. The beast legs looked more animal-like with it being digitigrade and covered in plating. Almost like a familiar suit everyone knew of, from the placements of the plating and scales to the colors it had.
A sharp electric blue bubbles of Sweet Voice came from him as he was rammed into. ‘Electric blue, damn you!’
He quickly shoved off the other and took grip of a clawed hand suddenly being swiped at him. He shoved the other to the ground making the opposing beast choke out a yelp. 
Another cracking sound was heard as Benry soon made use of the downed monster to slam a foot on top of the beast's chest, and on the weakest part of the device. A loud crack came from the beast as his own foot connected with the chest of the monster. It roared in pain once again and rolled over onto its chest to protect the device and to try and get back up.
Benry backed away from the monster, taking a breather and checking on the others. Who were now hiding behind pillars, away from the fight and trying their best to not get in the way of the fight from their friend and the monster.
Benry has been slowly seeing as this beast becomes more familiar to him, and he doesn't know why. And it confuses him. Seeing now, there were some similarities between this monster and the team’s missing friend. 
The plating on the beast was looking more and more like the suit that Gordon wore, and the barely heard voice under the growling sounded a lot like Gordon’s. The hair it had, it was tied into a ponytail. Just. Like. Gordon’s…
Benry was slowly connecting the dots as did Tommy. Although Tommy had connected the two way before Benry even thought he did. 
As from the moment Tommy realized who the monster was that they were fighting, he had become more hesitant to attack. Because he didn't want to harm his friend. He also found out that Gordon didn't really have control of himself and that he was just as scared as they were.
Right now, the beast laid in front of them.  Now struggling to get back up. Benry was tense and ready to strike down the other again if he needed too. 
Gordon was in immense pain the moment Benry slammed him into the ground. The device was littered with cracks, and sparked from torn wires that were threatening on coming out. From the point of damage the device now had. 
Gordon nearly had full control of himself once again near immediately after that attack. His instincts were trying to take control of him again, and were only succeeding on making it harder to talk and have his motor controls of his own body. He was struggling on getting up, his legs weren't responding to him and he felt weak, really weak. The only thing he succeeded in doing was turning himself into his chest.
He huffed out a soft growl in pain and let himself flop back down onto the liquid covered ground. He let his now second pair of eyes close under the first pair seeing as it was not warping his world anymore. 
His vision was once again blurry but soon something out of the corner of his eye caught his attention, he opened his second pair of eyes once more and looked to the spot of the glint. It looked to be his glasses. They were somehow pushed up behind a pillar during the fight. They seemed cracked from where he was. 
He shifted his head onto its side, ignoring the sudden ripples from the liquid as Benry and the others flinched. The glasses were on the right of him, so he tried to reach for them with the stump of an arm he had. It was a stupid idea, but he could not really think straight again as of the moment.
He would have reached the glasses if he still had a hand, but lacking one made him short of grabbing the wretched things. He sighed as he just laid there limp, his right arm outstretched to where the large pair of glasses sat. 
His eyes were half lidded as he waited. He didn't know what he was waiting for, but he was waiting for something to happen. Whenever major or not.
Benry waited tense for any movement of the opponent to do anything. But after the other tried multiple times to get back up, but ended up giving up after reaching for something with an arm that had the missing hand. 
So there laying limp and head facing away from him was the monster who would have nearly killed them minutes ago.
Benry just stood there, towering over everyone and looking down to the other confused. He felt someone patting his leg, and looked down to see Tommy. 
“I’m… Gonna approach them…” Tommy hesitantly said to him, looking back down to the other downed person. “You can shrink down, I have a feeling on who that really is…” Benry looked at him, not really confused on what he meant, he had the same feeling, so he complied and shrunk back down to normal size. 
Coomer and Bubby have hesitantly approached from their spots, looking to the large being ahead of Benry and Tommy. The two watched as Tommy slowly approached the person. Sunkist following after him.
Benry made a split second decision and decided to follow Tommy. Not too far behind him. 
The two walked around the head of the person, Tommy hesitantly patting their head before continuing on to their face. He looked nervous, as for Benry he decided to check out whatever this person was trying to reach earlier.
Tommy nervously stood in front of the beings face, Sunkist standing next to him. Tommy held his hands together looking at them before looking to who he believed was Gordon. 
“Um…” Tommy nervously started, “Hello… I-I’m asking you something v-very important. More to confirm something…” Tommy averted his eyes from the other before making eye contact with the other. “Is it you Mr. F-Freeman?”
Even before Tommy got a response or a reaction from Gordon, Benry came up running. Large cracked glasses in tow. Tommy’s eyes widened at the sight of the large glasses, he was surprised to see such large glasses. Gordon was for sure amused as he rose a brow at Benry.
The two missed the reaction from Gordon as he dropped it as the two turned back to him. “L-like I was saying…” Tommy hesitantly continuing, “Am I right?...” 
Gordon gave him a smile, his lower eyes closing. He shifted his head slightly, indicating a nod in confirmation of Tommy’s question.
Gordon propped his head back up when Tommy suddenly burst into tears. His smile was dropped immediately in worry and he retracted his right arm, now resting it behind Tommy. Offering him a place to sit. 
Tommy took a seat immediately, he slumped over a smile on his face and tears streaming down his cheeks. He was trying to wipe away tears that just kept on coming. Sunkist sat in front of the crying man and laid their head on his lap allowing the man to hug her. 
Gordon looked over to Benry. The others eyes were wide in shock, and his mouth was gaping open. He had heard what Tommy asked earlier and saw the response, now finally connecting the damn dots. The large cracked glasses sat semi forgotten next to him. Benry fell to his knees, a soft splash as he hit the ground. He was now zoned out and looking blankly to the ground, he too looked like he was on the verge of tears. 
Dr. Coomer and Bubby had heard the crying from the other side of Gordon and came rushing in, or over Gordon in Coomer’s case, the two looking ready for a fight. But they dropped their defensive stances switching to confusion after seeing a shocked, broken, and blue screened Benry and a happy crying Tommy sitting on the arm of the ‘monster.’ 
Gordon decided to quickly nab the glasses next to Benry, because he wanted to see the team properly without the use of his second pair of eyes. 
Careful so as not to disturb Tommy on his arm, Gordon shifted and reached for his glasses next to Benry with his other hand. Coomer and Bubby jumped from the sudden movement and whipped around to glare at Gordon. Gordon, of course, froze on the spot. He didn't really like glares from Coomer, and it usually frightened him. 
Gordon held his breath, his hand hovering near his glasses and Benry as he was stared down by Bubby and Dr. Coomer. 
Gordon flinched when he felt something touch his hand, and cautiously and hesitantly averted his gaze from Coomer to his hand. Benry had snapped out of his superior and now handed the glasses to him. Gordon shakily nodded in thanks and grabbed the glasses from Benry. He carefully pulled out the sides of the glasses and slipped them on. 
He returned his gaze and looked back to Coomer and Bubby. Who now had Benry next to them and trying to reassure them that Gordon wouldn't harm them anymore and tell them who he really was. Shock was now showing on both scientists' faces once more as they turned their heads to him. 
He was still nervous, diverting his eyes away from the team. He could see properly once more, besides the now large cracks scattering the glasses. 
Tommy, by now, had finally recollected himself. He hopped off of Gordon’s arm and approached the team who now stood not too far away from Gordon. And he explained why he believed Gordon wasn't acting like himself earlier in the fight.
Gordon felt a sharp pain from his chest as he laid there. A sharp intake as he cringed. It felt like his own mind and body was trying to rip itself apart. His eyes widened as he felt like his own thoughts were once again getting fuzzy. He started to panic, his body was once again trying to take control once again. 
Gordon’s teeth were gritted together and his eyes were tightly closed. He flinched again as he felt someone touch him. He relaxed ever so slightly hearing Tommy’s voice.
“Mr. Freeman? Are you alright?” Gordon hesitated on his response. 
He shook his head no as another wave of pain hit him. He curled up on his side away from the group, his arms were tightly pressed on his chest. He hissed again as the device crackled again. 
He heard hesitant voices on the other side of him asking if he was alright. He shivered and shook his head again trying to clear his mind.
Gordon suddenly remembered that said device that was strapped around his chest was the main issue to this problem. So what he did was he dug his left hand and claws into the device. Making sure it cracked and sparked, it hissing as if it were trying to get him to stop what he was going to do.
He suddenly jerked his hand out and away from his body in a snap. And in his claws, still held tightly, was the device that was the cause of his pain and despair. He gasped as he was freed from his own mind and his thoughts were once again his. 
He threw the now broken and somehow still sparking item across the room. It hit with a loud clatter on the wall. He had ripped the entirety of the device off him, including the strap that wrapped around his body.
He watched as it sparked for a few moments before dying down. Gordon curled in on himself once again, resting a hand on his now bleeding chest. Tears were coming out of his eyes as he controlled his breathing once again. 
“Mr. Freeman?” he heard Tommy hesitantly call from behind him. “Are you alright? What was that..?”
Gordon drew in a shaky breath and tested his jaw for a few moments, seeing he could now control it once more. And then he responded and a slightly quiet and shaky voice. Now lacking the growing and distortion it had.
“I-I’m fine now… I got rid of the p-problem…” He smiled to himself as he heard a sharp gasp from Tommy. 
Gordon soon slowly turned back around and sat himself up, still a tad weak from the fight and the recent event. He was now able to get into a seating position instead of laying down. He realized one now towered over the others by lots. And he was quite nervous.
Tommy didn't hesitate to jump up, with the assistance of Sunkist, onto Gordon’s lap. Tommy gave Gordon the best hug he could manage he could at that moment. Tears were once again streaming down Tommy’s face. 
Gordon was really close to also crying again. He had missed his friends and being able to talk to them despite it being only a few hours. He was also very close to hugging Tommy back, but he was afraid of crushing the poor man and possibly harming him more. So he just sat there, his arms hovering around his friend, worry etched onto his face. 
He heard snickering and looked up to see Benry trying to hold in a laugh at the odd sight. But tears were too pricking out of the corner of his eyes. Dr. Coomer had his hands woven together and a smile on his face while watching the whole exchange. Bubby still had his arms crossed, but had a tight lipped smile too watching the scene. 
Gordon huffed and looked back down to Tommy. He hesitantly brought a had and patted him softly on the back. He was careful for it to be light. 
A thought soon came to Gordon. He gained a mischievous grin and glanced at the rest of the group. He looked down to Tommy and back to the group. He slowly brought his other arm out, careful not to disturb Tommy.
He lurched forward and scooped up the rest of the group. Shouts of surprise came from them as they were brought into a light hug from Gordon. A huge smile was on his face as tears started to prick from his eyes. He really was glad to have his friends back.
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cryptidcat-stories · 4 years
Facts and Features!
OKAY! SO- Ive finally made myself a blog for any short stories I write that I dont want to put onto my Ao3! Some could be multi parted or single parted. 
This was mad so I could free up my one-shot document a bit (It was starting to chug a tad). 
Anyone is free to submit prompts or ideas I could use for stories, so that means I have a lid of what I would and would not do!
What I wont do:
Anything NSFW >: (
Anything relating to romance (I just cant write romance, plus im not that all into it. Sorry)
What I am willing to do:
Anything for any aus! (Of whatever fandom I’m into) Just supply a prompt!
Angst! I’m definitely willing to do Angst!
Same goes for fluff! I need to practice on my fluff from time to time alkj
Fandoms I’m willing to write for:
Half Life VR but the AI are Sentient 
My Hero Academia 
Bendy and the Ink Machine
A Hat in Time
Mad Rat Dead
Mystery Skulls Animated
[More TBA  in the Future!]
[This has a chance of being updated at any time! So check on it every now and then for anything new added!]
This is mainly a place to check out some writing I do. As I wont put it on my Ao3. As I either 1. Feel uncomfortable with putting onto my Ao3 | 2. I really don’t want to go though the hassle of tag on Ao3... |
Main Blog - https://thecryptidcat.tumblr.com/
Ao3 - https://archiveofourown.org/users/TheCryptidCat/profile
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