cryptonewsupdates · 5 years
Master Watch Crafters Chronoswiss Release Limited Edition Cryptocurrency Watches
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Legendary Swiss craft-makers Chronoswiss have announced their latest range of luxury timepieces, inspired by the revolutionary and modern concepts of cryptocurrency. Partnering with Tech Bureau Europe, the family-operated Chronoswiss promises a sophisticated yet elegant marriage of Japanese technology and timeless Swiss design.
In total, five luxurious crypto watch design series has been introduced, each with only 101 pieces produced in a limited edition manufacture and only available through the Zaif cryptocurrency exchange.
The five ranges will take on conceived aspects of their individual cryptocurrency which include Bitcoin as the currency, NEM as the harvest, Ethereum as the contract, Zaif as the exchange and COMSA as the token.
Inspired by crypto, steeped in tradition
The crypto range is based on its latest Flying Regulator Open Gear and the unusual Chronoswiss design. A design which features a dial, that doubles as a module board, onto which the train wheel bridges of skeletonized gears are mounted.
The crypto watches are distinguished by several features including a regulator movement with off-center hour and second displays, a central design element of their regulator mechanism, a technically integrated 3-D dial bearing a custom-made logo to reflect each crypto edition, an elaborately skeletonized second display and in the dial logo print.
Each watch is painstakingly hand-crafted in the Atelier Lucerne and will also bear a hand-painted individual serial number to specify its limited production. On the back is a skeletonized, red gold-plated rotor with a crypto logo visible through a sapphire glass back. All this encased within solid stainless steel with ultra hard, scratch-resistant, diamond-like carbon coating (5.000 Vickers).
With modern flourishes designed to please the most demanding of aesthetics, these new Chronoswiss watches do not depart from a long-standing reputation of the highest-quality material and workmanship, with authentic touches and meticulous finishing accompanying each piece.
Already recognized for their quality and value, the Chronoswiss crypto watches will appeal to watch lovers and cryptocurrency enthusiasts. In addition, their limited production numbers enhance their values as collectibles, appealing even more to avid collectors of luxury items.
Chronoswiss CEO Oliver Ebstein spoke of how necessity is the mother of invention, referring to how the company was founded during the quartz crisis of the 1970s and 1980s. While the crisis led to a decline in Swiss watchmaking, Chronoswiss defiantly developed purely mechanical watches, insisting on retaining tradition connected to vision, a belief that stands today.
Oliver believes cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology are a dazzling aspect of the company’s future. With its homage to cryptocurrencies, Chronoswiss aims to link the roots of traditional watchmaking with the digital revolution of new world currencies.
The limited edition Chronoswiss crypto watches can only be bought on auction via the Zaif cryptocurrency exchange, which will take place between April 13th to 27th, 2018.
Watches will be listed in the same way as tokens, with customers placing bids as buy orders. For every model, the 101 highest buy orders will be filled, thus giving the respective bidders legal ownership of the watches.
To learn more, visit the Chronoswiss website and register as a user on Zaif exchange.
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cryptonewsupdates · 5 years
Cryptocurrency: The Ultimate Beginners Guide: Learn About Bitcoin, Blockchain, Ethereum, Investing, Mining and More In Less Than 24 Hours
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Before you start trading and investing cryptocurrencies read this guide.
The list of Bitcoin millionaires is growing day by day. Will you be one of them? In this ultimate beginner’s guide, you will the learn the fundamentals of cryptocurrency, blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum as well as other profitable cryptocurrencies. When even the most tech savvy and educated are have a difficult time wrapping their heads cryptocurrency trading and investing, you can set yourself apart with this blueprint to success.
You will learn the key topics such as:
Public and Private Keys
Digital Ledgers
Coins and Tokens
Hash Functions
Initial Coin Offering
And much more!
FREE BONUS: A glossary of terms to help you understand the essential concepts of cryptocurrency.
The book will serve as a foundation to help you quickly master the most important concepts related to cryptocurrency.
Who is this book for?
Individuals who want to quickly learn and rapidly expand their knowledge of how cryptocurrencies work in the hopes of trading or investing.
Businesses searching for new ways to be competitive in the changing digital economy.   
Who is this book is not for?
People looking for a ‘get-rich-quick’ schemes
Anyone wanting to use cryptocurrency for illegal or unethical activity 
*** Limited Time Special Introductory Price *** 
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cryptonewsupdates · 5 years
Ripple Price Surges 20%, Ethereum Nears $500 as Crypto-Rally Spreads
The Search For Value Is Happening
Things are beginning to feel down right pleasant. We’ve had more than a week of price gains across the board for cryptocurrencies.  At the time of this writing, the price action is accelerating. As usual, now is the time when analysts, investors and students rush around looking for explanations.
  Well, here is one factor that won’t show up on any list. Yesterday Alibaba Group took additional steps to ban cryptocurrency products including goods and services including currency sales, tutorials, mining equipment and software.  Back in January this type of news would have sent crypto prices tumbling. Today, it is a non issue.
The answer to the crypto price action is simply that they just got too cheap. Relative to other assets, risk oriented investors were attracted.  Metcalfe’s Law of fundamental valuation may have been involved somewhere along the way but there are plenty of people who don’t know Metcalfe from MetLife.  Just compare the charts of bitcoin to any major stock market average and the relative value pops out.
Another indicator that confirms the search for value is gold, which has long been referred to as a storehouse of value and the place for investors to hide.  Stock market volatility over the past few weeks is bringing out the gold bugs once again.  CNBC just featured an interview in which both experts were wild on the price of gold. For CNBC to have two experts that agree is almost unprecedented.
This is a good time for gold, but not because gold is especially cheap.  For the last five years, gold has been sitting quietly hovering around the $1,350 level; basically going nowhere. Yes, gold may be a better value than the average Nasdaq stock, but is it cheaper than bitcoin? Personally, I don’t think so and I don’t own bitcoin.
Start With the Big Names
Out of the bazillion ICOs over the last year, there are at least 100 that could represent serious threats to takeover leadership of the crypto world somewhere down the line. Recently, we started to take a look at a few of them.  But the question is what names carry the best risk/reward relationship currently. For my money, I am looking at the big names.
Why Choose Bitcoin?
This is an easy question.  For all the mockery by the comedian John Oliver, bitcoin is the face of crypto.  Since it epic rise to $19,000, the coin has tumbled over 60%. The Lightning Network is now live removing one of the big negative arguments about Bitcoin: lethargic speeds.  
Notice that we are not claiming the TLN is fully functional and living up to its billing.  When risk investors buy assets, they are not looking for solutions today, they are looking for logic. TLN contributes to that logic..
Hedge funds are bringing more institutional money into the crypto universe.  While we wait that to happen, it is still the individual investor that represents the biggest client.  Even so, only about 8% of Americans own crypto. That means the average American’s knowledge is limited to what they hear in the mass media.  That is where Bitcoin wins every time.
What About Ethereum?
Ether wins the prize for the worst performing major cap crypto having lost almost three fourths of its value from peak around $1,340 in mid January to a mere $365 at the start of April.  It is now leading the crypto charge on the upside. Will it continue? Ether has a long way to go.
Everybody wants a piece of Ethereum or at least a part of their smart contracts.  Just read the dozens of white papers attached to every ICO and you will find huge promises of better, faster and more awesome strategies.  That is what technology is all about.
Ethereum still has the attention of more Fortune 500 companies than anybody else.  If the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance does its job in creating valid brand identity, Ethereum will end up building a formidable moat.
The outstanding price performance last week was a start, now we need a few more like it.  
Featured image courtesy of Shutterstock. 
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cryptonewsupdates · 5 years
Constellation's New Protocol Is 1000x Faster Than Bitcoin, Ethereum
Constellation, a horizontally-scalable blockchain for consumer-grade applications, is emerging from stealth this week. The team originally formed to build Rakugo, a decentralized content platform project launched on the Ethereum protocol. After realizing the inherent limitations of Ethereum, they pivoted to develop their own DAG protocol that would be more supportive of projects like Rakugo.
FelixMittermeier / Pixabay
Blockchain protocols including Ethereum and Bitcoin have proven too centralized and slow to be truly useful for real-world applications that require intensive distributed computing, like big data, artificial intelligence, medical data analysis, and 3D video rendering.
The key gateway to mainstream enterprise adoption is meeting the demands of consumer-grade applications, and companies like Constellation are working to answer the industry’s scaling debate. For blockchain technology to live up to its full potential, transaction throughput has to reach a level that far surpasses that of anything currently on the market and Constellation’s protocol is thousands of times faster than Bitcoin and Ethereum.
Unveils consumer-grade blockchain as answer to the industry’s adoption and scaling debate
San Francisco – Constellation, the horizontally-scalable blockchain for consumer-grade applications, today announced its emergence from stealth mode with a horizontally scalable protocol that is at least one thousand times faster than Bitcoin and Ethereum. The company’s Proof-of-Meme model is designed to make blockchain technology meritocratic, infinitely scalable, and truly useful for consumer- and enterprise-grade applications that require intensive distributed computing, like big data, artificial intelligence, medical data analysis, and 3D video rendering.
Constellation CEO Brendan Playford said: “Bitcoin’s Proof-of-Work and Ethereum’s Proof-of-Stake have proven to be too centralized, plutocratic, and slow to be truly useful for real-world applications such as a global decentralized bank that is available on any mobile device. By using the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), Constellation will unshackle developers from the limitations of current protocols, allowing businesses and consumers to finally realize the unexplored potential of distributed applications using its microservice application chain interfaces (ACIs). The technology is undoubtedly becoming essential for success in many industries, and I’m confident that Constellation’s uniquely scalable solution will be the pathway to mass market adoption.”
The Constellation blockchain is highly resource-efficient, meaning the transaction throughput increases as more users join the network. The Hylochain architecture allows individuals to directly contribute to the overall speed and efficiency of the blockchain with unused computing power from their own mobile phones, laptops, tablets, and other smart devices.
In contrast to existing consensus mechanisms, Proof-of-Meme is based on reputation and rewards benevolent actors, or “memes,” that improve a node’s overall reputation within the system. As a user develops a positive reputation over time, they become more likely to be selected to validate transactions on the network and then be rewarded in tokens. Proof-of-Meme uses a machine learning reputation algorithm to determine a node’s reputation and probability that it will be chosen. Constellation will use and reward users in Constellation tokens. The Constellation Token Generation Event (TGE) will commence in May 2018.
Constellation CTO Wyatt Meldman-Floch said: “The Constellation Hylochain architecture allows for large networks to communicate total network state at a scale exponentially higher than existing blockchain technology. This enables a large pool of connected devices to share the state of the network and achieve consensus at an unbounded scale that is currently unheard of.”
In launching from stealth, Constellation announced strategic partnerships with blockchain investment and advisory firm Game Theory Group, crypto asset advisory and hedge fund TLDR Capital, marketing firm MW Partners, and venture capital company BCV.
“Constellation represents the next generation of blockchain companies to emerge from Silicon Valley. We have strong conviction that the product and engineering talent behind their platform is of the highest caliber. As investors with a global portfolio, we view Constellation as one of the most exciting projects tackling scalability and decentralization in the ecosystem,” said Game Theory Group Co-Founder Julian Jung.
BCV Managing Director Dane McDonald added: “If blockchain technology is going to live up to its potential, then transaction throughput has to reach a level that far surpasses that of anything currently on the market. Constellation has, with its merit-based system and Hylochain architecture, created the first platform that not only bridges this throughput hurdle, but pushes the boundaries of what we thought possible.”
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cryptonewsupdates · 5 years
TriForce Opens Register List for Raid Party App. Gets over 21,000 Sign-Ups in Its First Week
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This is a submitted sponsored story. CCN urges readers to conduct their own research with due diligence into the company, product or service mentioned in the content below.
Blockchain gaming startup TriForce Tokens is launching “Raid Party”, a social engagement platform dedicated to connecting the gaming community. “Raid Party” aims to revolutionize online gaming: it enables gamers to play whilst also earning FORCE tokens. Just one week following the sign-up, TriForce received over 21,000 registrations. This evident traction has meant live, popular working apps are building upon the platform even at this early stage.
TriForce Tokens is involved in advanced talks with a number of Indie Game Developers, several of whom are signed up to integrate with “Raid Party” and FORCE. The team have secured a promising future for the project after the token generation event; it is on track to soon become the world’s most universal games and entertainment cryptocurrency.
What makes the project so unique?
At its core, TriForce Tokens is bringing players to indie game developers, giving them natural ways to retain their players and lead to more profitable business models. This happens through unique reward mechanisms that are built into certain applications – like our scheduled mobile app release, “Raid-Party”. It is one way for gamers to earn from in-game achievements and collaborate together (even across games and platforms), allowing for a greater rewarding gaming experience across the board.
TriForce Tokens currently positions its technology as an indie developer incubator for the Latin America market. With its partnership with levelup.com, the largest games entertainment publisher for this market, Triforce Tokens has over one million users. No other gaming token is sited to become such a widely adopted currency, with the potential for real-world usage outside of in-game asset trading.
Leading Games Industry Advisers
The vision of Triforce Tokens has attracted the attention of gaming industry leaders who now act as advisors. These include:
Danny Montaner
The former world champion of CS: GO and former manager to the world’s largest and most popular gaming organization, Faze Clan. Danny approached TriForce CEO Pete Mardell and they instantly identified a shared vision for collaboration amongst the gaming community.
Vadim Bulatov
Vadim Bulatov is Head of Social Marketing at Wargaming.net and the creator of World of Tanks, World of Warplanes and World of Warships. Vadim also approached Pete Mardell, as he learned of the project’s vision for community collaboration and the capabilities of cryptocurrency to, on a business level, revolutionize the gaming world.
The team has secured an impressive network of partnerships with renowned organizations and institutions including Coventry University, TIGA and LDJ Capital, run by David Drake (Leading expert on ICO Bench). One of the project’s most recent partnerships is with Busca Todo, who own LevelUp.com and Tarreo.co – Latin America’s largest video game content providers. This entertainments industry group has over 7 million active visitors and 1.1 million Youtube subscribers.
Ramon Toledo
President-Founder Ramon Toledo and his team are working closely with FORCE so that their cryptocurrency is an entertainment industry token, building real-world utilization through strategic partnerships.
David Drake
Chairman at LDJ Capital, David Drake is one of the most recognizable venture capitalists in the investment business. When TriForce Tokens initially spoke with David at the beginning of 2018, he saw the potential for the company and offered his experience from an advisory position. David Drake is considered a founding father of crowdsourcing in the US, having founded the US Crowdfund Intermediary Regulatory Advocates (CFIRA) and US CrowdFunding Professional Association (CfPA).
Drake chairs the New York-based multi-family office. It has more than 50 global directors and works to maintain relations with institutions and family offices, who manage assets worth $1.5 trillion.
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cryptonewsupdates · 5 years
Ethereum, ripple and other cryptocurrency value surges as bitcoin price spikes
Bitcoin’s sudden price rise has resulted in gains across cryptocurrency markets, with ethereum, ripple and litecoin all surging in value.
Within the space of an hour on Thursday, 12 April, bitcoin rose by more than $1,000 - breaking above $8,000 for the first time since March.
The movement’s of the world’s most valuable cryptocurrency is usually reflected across other virtual currencies, and this unprecedented spike was no exception.
Ethereum, which boasts a market cap of around $45 billion, shot up in price by 10 per cent, taking it close to $500. At its peak in January, one ether was worth more than $1,300.
Price jumps by $1000 in 10 minutes. And so it begins... 🚀 $BTC #bitcoin pic.twitter.com/IcE81oEy1I
— Armin van Bitcoin ⚡ (@ArminVanBitcoin) 12 April 2018
Similar percentage gains were experienced by ripple, which has the third highest market cap behind bitcoin and ethereum.
The altcoin EOS saw the largest gains out of all the top five most-valuable cryptocurrencies, rising by over 30 per cent to take its market cap above $7 billion.
The market-wide shift follows several months of steadily sliding prices for bitcoin, which peaked at nearly $20,000 in December 2017.
Dramatic market movements are not unusual for the notoriously volatile cryptocurrency, which can often be triggered by positive or negative news surrounding regulation and laws.
The latest surge does not appear to be related to any significant news within the cryptocurrency space, however, with some analysts suggesting the gains come from a change in sentiment amongst investors.
“In this scenario traders with short positions will start to lose money and liquidate their positions by buying bitcoin,” Ed Cooper, head of mobile at fintech startup Revolut, told The Independent.
“This causes the price to rise further and as more people start to notice the rise they buy in for a quick gain. This continues the cycle.”
Bitcoin: Is the virtual currency the new gold standard?
Despite the gains, Cooper advised investors to be cautious about betting on a positive direction of the market beyond the short term.
“We’d need to see a sustained rise over a number of weeks to signal the end of the bear market,” Cooper said. “We’re definitely not there yet.”
The Independent's bitcoin group on Facebook is the best place to follow the latest discussions and developments in cryptocurrency. Join here for the latest on how people are making money – and how they're losing it.
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cryptonewsupdates · 5 years
Golem GNT Gets Launched While Ethereum (ETH) is Bouncing Off Hard – Crypto Recorder
Ethereum (ETH) was obviously going for a major downfall with the most recent and at the same time the toughest market crash of 2018, although ETH was previously blooming while trading at pretty benevolent rates with only occasional drops in its price. For a long time, it seemed as if Ethereum just won’t be able to pull off a decent rebound, but then a long-awaited app that finally arrived at the Ether network. Let’s see how Ethereum is doing these days and how this app affected ETH to start rising against the odds.
Ethereum and Golem GNT
For a long time during the market dip, Ethereum (ETH) was hitting the bottom while going below the price of 400$, so it was more than obvious that ETH needed a little push in order to make it through the market hitting the bottom.
That is how Golem came into the picture just at the right time, potentially representing one of the reasons behind Ethereum’s successful rebound.
Golem GNT has been worked on for 2 years straight, so it is needless to say that this application was long-awaited by many. However, for Ethereum, this app was launched in the right hour. Golem is actually an application that is smartly called the Airbnb for computers. This is the case because just like Airbnb is helping all users find hotels and restaurants, that is how Golem is helping its users find free CPU that they can rent in exchange for GNT cryptocurrency.
Golem was also one of the first ICO to have decided to go for using ETH currency for their first initial coin offering sale. The name of their token is GNT, and during the first token sale ever to be organized and hosted by Golem, GNT has managed to collect 820.000 ETH in the course of only 8 minutes, which is approximately 8$ dollars in accordance with the price of Ethereum ETH at the given moment.
So, Golem application will be operating on Ether network as it has just been launched on its main net. Golem will be operating in a decentralized environment without the third parties taking their cut from the services provided and the main purpose of this app is to help CPU offers find their way towards users who would like to rent CPU at a fair price and in exchange for cryptocurrency that should be processed in a matter of seconds.
All users working with Golem application will be paid in GNT tokens that they can exchange for other currencies or get involved with trading where possible. There are currently over 800 million of GNT tokens in circulation, and given the fact that Ethereum is the force powering up this handy app, there was something it for ETH as well.
The launching of Golem GNT was probably one of the main reasons why Ethereum managed to get back to and beyond the value of 400$ per one unit. Thanks to having this app being launched at the right time, Ethereum was able to acquire a pretty flattering rate of growth in the last couple of days.
Ethereum ETH and the Market
Ethereum is going beyond the price of 400$, easily going up towards an amazing case of rebounding. After having a troublesome time while trying to pull off a rebound that would help ETH cut on its losses and forget about the market crash, Ethereum is finally going up against the dollar, which means that ETH is trading in the green.
After the latest change in the market, Ethereum started to trade in the green where this currency was pushed a bit by the recently launched Golem GNT app that was actually one of the first ICOs to use ETH for their first token sale.
The most recent change in the crypto market made ETH go up for 9.71% against the dollar. However, since Bitcoin is rising as well, Ethereum (ETH) is trading in the red against BTC for -1.93%, which is a sign of a minor difference in the pace of growth between these two currencies.
The latest increase in its price made ETH worth 460.40$ per one unit. ETH’s all-time high was marked back on January 14th when Ethereum was being traded at the price of 1377$ per one unit. That being said, ETH is still far from reaching its record price, however, in case ETH continues with the same pace of growth without too many “outbursts” on the market, we can see this currency getting back to its record in the following months.
In order to do so, Ethereum (ETH) would need to find a way to somehow establish a higher level of stability in the market.
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This information should not be interpreted as an endorsement of cryptocurrencies or a recommendation to invest. Historic performance is no guarantee of future returns. As an investment class, cryptocurrencies are speculative investments and investing in cryptocurrencies involves significant risks – they are highly volatile, vulnerable to hacking and capital loss and sensitive to secondary activity. Before investing you should obtain advice and decide whether the potential return outweighs the risks.
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cryptonewsupdates · 5 years
Santander Launches First Blockchain Intl. Money Transfer App via Ripple
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Spanish banking giant Banco Santander has announced the launch of its international payments app for retail customers in four countries using xCurrent, Ripple’s blockchain technology.
Santander is laying claim as the “first bank to roll out a blockchain-based international payments service to retail customers in multiple countries simultaneously” with the launch of One Pay FX, in a statement today. The launch of the smartphone app will initially be available to retail customers in Spain, the United Kingdom, Brazil and Poland before a wider release to more countries in the coming months.
“From today, customers in the UK can use One Pay to transfer money across Europe and to the US. In Spain, customers can transfer to UK and US, while customers in Brazil and Poland can transfer to the UK,” Banco Santander’s executive chairman Ana Botin said in a statement.
Notably, customers will be offered different payment options depending on their recipients’ destination. Santander users in Spain will be able to send pounds to the UK whereas customers in Brazil and Poland can send sterling pounds the UK, the bank explained.
Santander is using Ripple’s xCurrent, an enterprise blockchain software developed by the San Francisco-based FinTech giant to power end-to-end tracking of payments and instant settlements around the world. The platform, notably, does not use Ripple’s native cryptocurrency XRP to power the blockchain.
As reported previously, Santander has said that the app will enable international payments with merely “3 clicks and 40 seconds”, a claim that is yet to be independently verified with a real-world transfer at press time.
“Transfers to Europe can be made on the same day and we are aiming to deliver instant transfers across several markets by the summer,” Botin elaborated, adding:
Our goal is to help the thousands of people who use international payments services every day, and we will be adding more currencies and destinations in the coming months.
While Santander proactively becomes the first European bank to use blockchain technology to power a core banking process, a consortium of over 61 Japanese banks – collectively responsible 80% of the country’s banking assets – is also working toward the launch of a similar retail consumer payments app using Ripple’s technology.
Featured image from Shutterstock.
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cryptonewsupdates · 5 years
Cryptocurrency Mining
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Do you finally want to set up your cryptocurrency mining business and don’t know how to start and what do you need for that? This book has all answers!
Are you looking for ways to earn money online from home just using mining rig and pools?
Cryptocurrencies are changing the way that we do business. This market provides users with a way to send transactions instantly while keeping their information private and coins transfers fees low. This book explains to you about cryptocurrency mining from its very basics. Initially, you will learn about all the different terminologies associated with the mining process.
This guidebook is going to take some time to look at mining and how you can get started with it. We will explore a variety of topics about mining including:
•    What is coin mining
•    The risks and benefits of coin mining
•    What you need to help you get started
•    The top currencies to mine
•    Common problems a miner will face
•    How to join a mining group
When you are ready to start your small home-business and earn some digital coins every day, then mining is the best option for you. Take some time to read this guidebook to learn everything you need to know to get started with cryptocurrency mining.
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Please note: Book is available in 2 Paperback formats- Black and White and Full color. Choose the best for you.
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cryptonewsupdates · 5 years
Monero Price Analysis: Bullish Breakout Alert on XMR/USD!
Monero made a bullish break from its descending triangle pattern but might still have a pullback opportunity for more bulls to join in. Applying the Fibonacci retracement tool on its latest swing low and high shows that the 61.8% level is closest to the broken resistance, which might now hold as support.
The 100 SMA is just crossing above the longer-term 200 SMA to signal a pickup in bullish pressure. In other words, buyers could keep gaining traction from here. A shallow pullback could find support at the 38.2% Fib or $183.284 or the 50% Fib at $179.306, which also lines up with an area of interest.
Stochastic is indicating overbought conditions and is just starting to turn lower to signal that sellers could regain the upper hand from here. RSI is also heading south from the overbought level to hint at a likely correction from the strong breakout move. If any of the Fibs hold as support, price could make its way back up to the swing high at $196.161 or higher.
Monero just confirmed its official support from cryptocurrency hardware wallet manufacturer Ledger as lead coder Richard Spagni mentioned in an interview.
“We are on Ledger already if you’ve got the dev kit,” he said. “I saw some commits happening today to fix a couple of small issues… I’d hope that probably alongside the Monero 0.12.1 release, there will be official Ledger support.”
This follows a successful hard fork for Monero that was done to protect the network from certain kinds of ASIC mining. Spagni has pledged to do everything in his power to allow small, individual miners to continue mining the coin as spin-offs like Monero Original and Monero Classic have emerged.
Meanwhile, the pickup in risk appetite in the financial markets on cooling geopolitical risks from Syria and China are also encouraging investors to place bets in cryptocurrencies again.
Rachel completed her degree in Mathematical Finance in 2009 and has since been involved in technical analysis of various markets, such as forex, commodities, and digital currencies.
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cryptonewsupdates · 5 years
Bit2me Adds Support To Litecoin, Enables Cash Purchases via Tikebit
Spanish cryptocurrency exchange Bit2me has added support to Litecoin, in addition to Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), and Ethereum (ETH). The addition effectively paves way for mass adoption of Litecoin and other cryptocurrencies supported by Bit2me, which has a partnership with Tikebit, a provider of vouchers that can be redeemed for Bitcoin. Tikebit vouchers are sold at more than 11,000 retail locations in Spain.
Bit2me offers four ways for customers to acquire cryptocurrencies: Bank transfer, credit/debit card, Sofort (a platform connecting to over 150 banks in Spain, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Netherlands and Italy), and Tikebit. Depending on the volume of purchase, an investor can choose the appropriate facility.
Using bank transfer facility, an investor will be able to acquire €20,000 worth cryptocurrrencies. There is no transfer fee involved. LTC, BTC, ETH, and BCH will be delivered to wallets in 24 hrs.
For urgent requirements credit/debit card can be used. A 2% card fee will be levied. Additionally, a user can purchase only for €500 per day. Cryptocurrencies will be delivered in one hour.
With Sofort, an investor can receive cryptos instantly. However, there is a transaction fee of €5 and the maximum possible order can be only for €600. However, multiple transactions can be done in a day.
Tikebit is for entry level investors who wish to acquire cryptocurrencies for spending elsewhere or as an alternative small level investment. Tikebit vouchers can be bought in retail stores and can be redeemed for Bitcoin on the bit2me platform instantly using the unique-code based method.
Notably, Bit2me has set up numerous Bitcoin ATMs across Spain. Bit2me’s Bitcoin ATM is an autonomous kiosk that allows dual way operations (buy and sell). It attracts cryptocurrency users to store. Bit2Me offers Bitcoin ATM both for sale and rent. A retailer offering Bitcoin ATM can program the fee as required. Bit2me currently charges €6,990 for a Bitcoin ATM, which offers the following features
• Dual way ATM • Detailed information regarding transactions • Paper wallet generation • POS (Point-of-Sale facility) • Multilanguage (French, English, Spanish….) • Alerts • Precision hardware which can be used during a power failure.
Bit2me also offers Android, iOS, and Chrome app. for smart phones. A Chrome browser extension is also offered. Additionally, the facility can be accessed through any web browser.
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cryptonewsupdates · 5 years
Ripple price news: Ripple investors gain BIG boost Why is Ripple rising? | City & Business | Finance
Ripple price news: Ripple investors gain BIG boost. Why is Ripple rising?
Some good news at last for the cryptocurrency world, as green floods the market.
The bulls finally pick up the pace and drive the prices back over $0.50, as the market re-corrects.
As of 8am, Ripple saw a 6 percent increase.
Trading this morning hit $0.520 a coin as the currency rises back up into the green.
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Why is Ripple rising?
The crypto-market is adding to gains seen on Tuesday as the bulls make a dash for a better price.
It has been a torrid time to be a crypto-investor of late, with prices crashing into the red week after week.
Traders are now seeing light at the end of the tunnel with the news that the entire market is now back up into the green.
Ripple's move back past the $0.50 mark is a precarious but welcome change.
The sea of green is positive but the cryptocurrency currently sits in a touted selling zone, so traders should be wary.
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The US tax deadline looms
A large sell-off is expected this week with the US tax deadline hitting investors.
Americans are looking to raise cash to pay capital gains tax, forcing them to sell their coins.
This is expected to predicate a big boost to the market in the long term, but it is nice for Ripple to enjoy its moment in the sun.
The boost in price could be attributed to news that one of the world¹s biggest crypto-sceptics has been turned
Wall Street mogul, George Soros, announced that Soros Fund Management, one of the most affluent hedge funds, would be dipping their toe into cryptocurrency.
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George Soros has announced he will be investing in cryptocurrencies
The $8 billion man had previously spoken at the World Economic Forum in Davos back in January, explaining that cryptocurrencies may not burst in the way people expect.
He said: "Normally when you have a parabolic curve, eventually it has a very sharp break. But in this case, as long as you have dictatorships on the rise you will have a different ending because the rulers in those countries will turn to Bitcoin to build a nest egg abroad. But it's nevertheless a bubble typical which is always based on a misunderstanding like the tulip mania."
The change in tune is a welcome addition to the chorus of crypto-positive businessmen.
To compound that, the wealthiest family in the world, the Rockefeller¹s, are also investing, collaborating with blockchain business, Coinfund.
Venrock, part of the Rockefeller Foundation, announced it would be partnering with the blockchain company. David Parkman, a partner at  Venrock, hopes to have a long-term relationship with cryptocurrencies.
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All cryptocurrencies are back in the green
Mr Parkman said: "We've been spending a lot of time in the crypto ecosystem and wanted to partner with this team that has been making investments and actually helping architect a number of different crypto economies and crypto token-based projects that¹s called coin fund, and we¹ve made a strategic partnership with them.
"There are a lot of crypto traders in the market; there are a lot of cryptocurrency hedge funds. This is different, and in fact, to us, it looks a little bit more like venture capital because these guys are a team of well-respected crypto enthusiasts who have really helped architect a number of different projects over time and their long-term focus, I think aligns them a little bit more with venture capital.
"Venture capitals often called patient capital because we're early stage investor [and] it usually takes eight to ten years for companies we invest in to hit maturation or exit, and that¹s a lot different than some of the activity we've seen around."
These high-profile backers have brought confidence back into a market that had been struggling in 2018.
Cryptocurrency price: A year in charts
Mon, March 12, 2018
Compare crypto currencies (Ripple, Bitcoin, Ethereum, LiteCoin) on value, market cap and supply for the past year
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LiteCoin is going down with the market dip
Reports showed that 2018 has been the worst year for cryptocurrencies.
The entire market lost more than half its cap in Q1, despite experts suggesting 2018 could be the year bitcoin breaches $20k.
However, the news that big hitters like Soros and the Rockefeller family are now entering the market should flood investors with confidence that this is the right move.
After all, they don't make their billions by making bad investments.
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cryptonewsupdates · 5 years
Cryptocurrency Market Cap Clips $300 Billion as Bear Trap Liquidates Shorts
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The cryptocurrency market cap briefly clipped the $300 billion mark on Thursday, a phenomenon that occurred as the result of an apparent bear trap in the Bitcoin futures markets.
Source: CoinMarketCap
Fueled by a dramatic Bitcoin price rally, the cryptocurrency market cap surged by more than $30 billion, peaking at $301.8 billion before settling back down to a present value of $298 billion. This represents a single-day increase of 12 percent, one of the market’s largest intraday rallies since December.
Bitcoin Price Surges as Bear Trap Liquidates Shorts
The Bitcoin price led the rally, surging more than $1,000 in less than an hour and briefly surmounting the $8,000 checkpoint. At present, Bitcoin is trading at $7,740 on Bitfinex — a 24-hour gain of 11 percent — and has a market cap of just under $130 billion.
Bitcoin Price Chart
Analysts largely attributed the precipitous surge to a “bear trap,” which occurs when futures and margin traders attempt to short an asset but have their positions liquidated due to a price increase, forcing them to buy at market prices to cover their position.
Matthew Newton, an analyst at crypto brokerage eToro told CCN:
“Whilst there has been some stability in the cryptocurrency markets over recent weeks, we’ve seen a record number of short positions building on major exchanges. When the price began to rise this afternoon, a large number of shorts with big positions were squeezed. The resulting interest from buyers increased momentum, causing the price to jump $1000 in 30 minutes.”
“The ratio of short margin trades versus longs has been increasing recently,” Nick Kirk, quantitative developer and data scientist at Cypher Capital, told CNBC. “Buying volume ticked up today and a lot of these short trades got liquidated, helping fuel the rally.”
Ethereum Price Soars Past $450
The Bitcoin bear trap rippled throughout the market, and most — though not all — altcoins made significant gains against the US dollar. The Ethereum price, for instance, rose 10 percent on Bitfinex and is currently trading at $463. Ethereum now has a $45.5 billion market cap.
Ethereum Price Chart
Altcoins Rally, But Gains Are Uneven
The vast majority of altcoins posted similar rallies, though the gains were far from evenly distributed and one large-cap altcoin — sixth-ranked Litecoin — trailed the index by a considerable margin.
Source: CoinMarketCap
The Ripple price made an 11 percent leap to $0.55, raising the third-largest cryptocurrency’s market cap to $21.5 billion. Bitcoin Cash, meanwhile, trailed the index by three percent but still managed to surpass the $700 mark.
EOS, continuing its parabolic midweek rally, is up 31 percent for the day, bringing its price to $8.96 and market cap to $7.1 billion.
Litecoin posted the worst performance among top 10-cryptocurrencies, rising just six percent to $121, while seventh-ranked Cardano climbed by 23 percent.
Stellar and NEO rose 11 percent and 12 percent, respectively, while IOTA’s 14 percent rally to $1.18 rounded out the top 10.
Featured image from Shutterstock.
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cryptonewsupdates · 5 years
UAE Government Launches Blockchain Strategy 2021
Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, has launched the ‘UAE Blockchain Strategy 2021’ with the goal of becoming a world leader in adopting technology, the Dubai Media Office reported April 11.
During the launch of the ‘UAE Blockchain Strategy 2021’ His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid said that the adoption of Blockchain technology would support the government’s preparation for future challenges and save AED 11 bln (nearly $3 bln) that the government spends on document circulation annually. Moreover, he estimated the technology adoption would save millions of work hours, reduce government documents by 389 mln, and save 1.6 bln kilometers spent driving. Sheikh Mohammed said:
“The adoption of this technology will reflect on the quality of life in the UAE and will enhance happiness levels for citizens. 50 percent of government transactions on the federal level will be conducted using Blockchain technology by 2021… This technology will save time, effort and resources and enable individuals to conduct most of their transactions in a timely manner that suits their lifestyle and work.”
The strategy rests on four fundamental principles, focusing on “citizen and resident happiness, government efficiency, advanced legislation, and global entrepreneurship.”
The government of the UAE intends to invest in “courses, events, workshops, and reports to build its standing in Blockchain” and “support university education specialising in the field and related subjects like encryption.”
In February, Dubai’s Roads and Transport Authority announced plans to launch a Blockchain-based vehicle lifecycle management system in 2020, that would allow customers to track the history of their vehicle.
Last month, Dubai released plans to launch a virtual Blockchain-based tourism-specific marketplace as part of its Dubai 10x initiative. The marketplace will connect all tourist organizations involved in planning trips via Blockchain, providing guests transparent, “real time” pricing and choice in Dubai’s tourist inventory.
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cryptonewsupdates · 5 years
Litecoin Mining : How to Mine Litecoin in Three Steps 
Litecoin Mining isn’t for everyone. So, if the only reason why you want to mine is to have some Litecoins, then it is recommended that you buy Litecoin from one of the top exchanges. However, if you have the time, resources, and, passion for keeping the network decentralized, this post is for you.
How To Mine Litecoin
1. Choose the Hardware
Just like with Bitcoin mining, you need to choose the hardware for mining Litecoin. Litecoin can be mined with the Scrypt hash algorithm using a CPU. However, this method of mining is no longer profitable for miners. Miners have also used GPUs to mine Litecoins, but this was only profitable till ASICs for Scrypt was invented. So, your hardware should be application specific integrated circuits.
2. Choose the Software
If you have purchased an ASIC miner, you may not need to do any mining software installation as they typically come pre-installed. If you want to use CPU or GPU mining, then you have to choose a Litecoin software that is secure to use. To avoid mining for the software developer and wreaking havoc on your system, you should not follow instructions you do not trust.
3. Choose a Pool
While mining solo might seem like a more fun experience, it’s not necessarily the best choice. With the increasing difficulty of mining, joining a mining pool is your best bet to making a profit from Litecoin mining. If you’re going to choose a pool make sure you do your research thoroughly before you join. Note that you’ll be required to pay a membership fee for joining the pool. Whenever a reward is given, you’ll get your fair share. Your share will be according to the hash power you contributed to the pool mining. The earnings might seem low but it’s going to be more steady than when you’re mining alone. Another thing you should consider is the market concentration of the pool. If the pool is made up of too many miners and it eventually starts consuming more than half of the network’s computing power, you might get kicked out.
After you’ve joined a pool, you can start mining Litecoin to make a profit.
Level : Basic
  Cryptocurrency Mining
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cryptonewsupdates · 5 years
Ripple Price Technical Analysis – XRP/USD to Soar Higher?
Key Highlights
Ripple price is rising sharply and is currently trading above the $0.5200 support against the US dollar.
There is a major bullish trend line forming with support at $0.5050 on the hourly chart of the XRP/USD pair (data source from Kraken).
The pair may correct a few points, but it remains supported above near the $0.5100 level.
Ripple price is gaining upside momentum against the US Dollar and Bitcoin. XRP/USD is poised to extend gains and downsides remain supported above $0.5100.
Ripple Price Trend
There was a nice support base formed near the $0.4850 level in Ripple price against the US Dollar. The price started an upside move and succeeded in breaking the $0.5000 resistance. It opened the doors for more gains, which resulted in an hourly close above $0.5100 and the 100 hourly simple moving average. It even moved past the $0.5200 resistance and traded as high as $0.5550 recently.
A downside correction is underway from the $0.5550 high. During the last slide, the price already tested the 50% Fib retracement level of the last wave from the $0.4938 low to $0.5550 high. The decline was protected by the $0.5200 support and the price moved back in the positive zone. It is currently trading well above the $0.5300 level and it looks set for more gains. On the upside, a break above the $0.5550 high could clear the path for a push above the $0.5800 level in the near term.
The next resistance above $0.5800 sits near $0.6000. On the downside, below $0.5300, there is also a major bullish trend line forming with support at $0.5050 on the hourly chart of the XRP/USD pair. As long as the pair is above $0.5100, it remains in an uptrend for more gains.
Looking at the technical indicators:
Hourly MACD – The MACD for XRP/USD is placed nicely in the bullish zone.
Hourly RSI (Relative Strength Index) – The RSI for XRP/USD is currently correcting lower from 70.
Major Support Level – $0.5100
Major Resistance Level – $0.5550
 Charts courtesy – Trading View
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cryptonewsupdates · 5 years
ICO Rocati, The First Cryptocurrency That Allows to Buy a Real Estate Property
This is a paid-for submitted press release. CCN does not endorse, nor is responsible for any material included below and isn’t responsible for any damages or losses connected with any products or services mentioned in the press release. CCN urges readers to conduct their own research with due diligence into the company, product or service mentioned in the press release.
When it comes to cryptocurrencies, the economic establishment suggests prudence to people, but now a real revolution has emerged in the sector, represented by the Rocati, which has its strength in bricks, a timeless asset that has always meant security for investors.
It is time for cryptocurrencies to make a real leap in quality. The ROCATI concretizes this need by distinguishing itself from other types of electronic money riding the wave of Bitcoin’s success: this digital currency will grow through a concrete good: bricks and mortar. Its value will be consolidated with real estate transactions, and this means that there is no risk of the kind of speculative bubble that finance experts fear with other cryptocurrencies.
From now on it will be easier to buy a house. A cryptocurrency has been born that will help young couples to buy a property and to transform old apartments into modern homes, revaluing them and reducing energy consumption. The Rocati is a currency that does not need an enormous use of electricity for its production, as is required by Bitcoin, and also through the project of restructuring houses it helps to reduce energy waste by protecting the environment. All this is possible with this new currency, which will see its debut on the market in April. The project stems from the intuition of Emanuele Pinzi, a young graduate in engineering with a specialization in interior architecture in the United States, who has brought together the needs of ordinary people and those of the real estate market: a new form of investment that anticipates the future.
The other cryptocurrencies have a purely speculative origin and it is normal that they are perceived as a high-risk investment. The ROCATI has the function of disengaging people from the banking intermediaries that with their own behavior have proved to be an unreliable channel. This currency is a financial instrument that has within it a social soul that is useful to the community.
The real estate sector is the most important lever of the economy, and restarting it is fundamental for all countries. Creating added value in this sector is essential to deliver into the hands of citizens the security they have lost in investing their savings. The ROCATI, in addition to defending the resources of workers and retirees, also beckons to investors who want to diversify their portfolios. The dream of young couples to create a family by sidestepping all the banking bureaucracy to get a mortgage is becoming a reality. This new method will significantly affect real estate transactions, increasing the GDP of countries, and redistributing wealth in a healthy way to consolidate the future of citizens.
The ROCATI is linked to Itarco, a network of real estate agencies supported by a company that will guarantee credit through the transferable compromise, a form of rent to buy that makes your home unassailable and will eliminate the rent charges paid by the majority of citizens in every country. This act makes the asset acquired inviolable, respecting the great value that the property represents. This procedure secures the financial resources of the buyer, ensuring full enjoyment of the property purchase. The person intending to buy a property will receive a mortgage equal to 100% of the value. The transparency of the operations is guaranteed by a software program through which the notary can register the deed directly on the blockchain of the currency. Those who buy ROCATI know that the currency’s appreciation is linked to real estate transactions, not to speculation, and this brick of security will create conditions for a peaceful future.
In 2017 the value of real estate transactions in Italy amounted to € 118 billion, with an increase of 14%, while in the world, this asset reaches the sum of 217 trillion dollars. According to surveys by real estate observatories, the Italian housing stock is rather obsolete, and only a quarter of households are contemplating renovation work. The ROCATI allows you to buy a house that will be revalued in a short time thanks to a restructuring carried out through a team of architects, at a cost divided into convenient instalments within the thirty-year mortgage.
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