cryptospacebot · 4 years
How to survive the coronavirus crisis?
The coronavirus crisis broke the plans of many people, both entrepreneurs and businessmen, as well as ordinary people.
Many decided to try their hand at on-line earnings, someone decided to cash in on the trouble, and bought medical masks at a cheap price and resold them on the Internet for much more.
And some people registered at a bookmaker for the sake of earning money, and thanks to luck they tried to make money by betting on sports or playing roulette.
Of course, it's a bad thing to judge someone for ways of making money, but while bookmakers take the last from people, many well-known companies make money in the cryptocurrency market, which is experiencing a real boom during a pandemic.
You can earn on cryptocurrency on your own, for this there are specially trained SpaceBot, which, due to its unique software, allows users of the service to jointly mine cryptocurrency.
How does it work?
So that everyone can get the maximum mining pair ratio (does not depend on the amount contributed to the mining pair), they use their own wallets and the wallets of the both partners together.
By increasing the mining steam ratio.
Can I withdraw my profit immediately? Yes.
Mining by team steam mining, coins are distributed daily and are available for withdrawal from your balance.
If you want to increase your income, do not withdraw coins. Reinvest them!
0.7 - 0.9% payments daily.
Pair Mining PRIZM cryptocurrency is an effective earning tool that provides partners with earnings of up to 27% per month for a pair of mining PRIZM coins.
There is an affiliate program here, earning up to 15% in 9 lines (no limit on the number of partners in each line).
Follow the trends, look wider into the future, Register and earn with SpaceBot.
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cryptospacebot · 4 years
What has the coronavirus taught us?
The cryptocurrency industry, like everyone else, suffers from global world problems! Whether it be a war, a crisis or a pandemic, any business likes to be calm, but cannot change and grow without a storm. Some people understand this and create new opportunities, while others see only problems.
The pandemic began in China, one of the main centers of the entire cryptocurrency market. Recall that Chinese companies are leading in the production of mining equipment and Bitcoin mining. The world's two largest companies, Bitmain and Canaan, are located in the Celestial Empire. In total, according to various estimates, over half of the computing power used to obtain the first cryptocurrency can operate in this country.
Bitcoin has historically acted as a defensive asset - for example, when the national currencies of some countries (Iran, Turkey and Venezuela) sharply lost their advantages in terms of availability and reliability last year, we saw a massive jump in the price of Bitcoin.
So against the backdrop of the coronavirus, investors and national central banks for some time tried to maintain the value of their assets, primarily by buying gold and bitcoins. Nevertheless, as practice has shown more than once, the cryptocurrency market today is still subject to the influence of bad news - albeit not to the same extent as the stock market. The sharp drop in March has once again confirmed the fact that both bitcoin and altcoins are falling along with the failure of the exchange rate, as in all previous historical moments of the crisis. So today, after a short take-off, we observe that the shares of crypto companies have already started with significant falls for many days, and during the day prices continue to be near their record lows.
But as it turned out, any crisis always has two sides of the coin. The fall of traditional markets and the crisis phenomena nevertheless contribute to the fact that more attention is paid to the possibilities of cryptocurrencies, and new capital is flowing into the sector. The risks of using cash during the coronavirus pandemic could increase demand for the use of central bank digital currencies. Experts believe that a realistic assessment of the risks of dealing with fiat can open the way to abandoning cash. At the same time, the researchers note that the emergency transition to payment in digital format does not seem to be effective. The reason is that not all users will be able to quickly change their habits. Elderly people can be at risk. In addition, people are starting to pay more and more attention to new directions and new cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin is the flagship of the industry, but it is far from the only cryptocurrency. Now, most experts say that a successful start usually does not start with Bitcoin. The reason is the high entry barriers and slow payback. Especially now, after the so-called halving took place this spring.
In other words, cryptocurrencies are going through the same process as other industries, namely, everything is moving towards consolidation. Small players are being pushed out by larger ones. It would be quite adequate to decide to start not with the largest currency, but to evaluate the entire market.
SpaceBot is well aware of these trends and proposes to make the transition to PoS mining to a new level.
SPACEBOT provides an opportunity to get an increase in the productivity of mining cryptocurrency per month for mining BIP, PRIZM and other cryptocurrencies due to a total larger balance in the blockchain network using the "Proof-of-Stake" system.
POS technology is becoming more and more popular today. After all, for mining the PRIZM cryptocurrency, you do not need expensive mining equipment, you only need a phone or a computer with the Internet. Now imagine that a wallet, an exchange, the issuance of their tokens, a smart contract, security, speed, and most importantly simplicity - all this is in one Decimal blockchain.
If you want to know more, go to the SPACEBOT website, and also follow our news on the forum, good luck friends.
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cryptospacebot · 4 years
Does it make sense to do classic mining in 2020?
The question on which many experts have already expressed their opinion. Often we can all assess the market situation and give an adequate answer for ourselves.
If you are looking for quick profits, then it is not too smart to mine now.
For many, it has already become the norm to mine cryptocurrency for the future. What does it mean?
You buy equipment, count your electricity costs while realizing that you can only earn money if the cryptocurrency rate grows significantly and you can sell it more successfully.
Thus, if we consider the entrance to mining for profitability, everything does not look very pleasant. At the same time, you can still see large investors who enter the niche right now, expecting to make a profit later.
Among cryptocurrencies, there are two main approaches to projects - PoW (Proof-of-Work) and PoS (Proof-of-Stake).
In PoW, power is vested in miners who provide computing power to the network. The more there are, the higher the reward. The situation is different in PoS. This principle is intended to correct the main disadvantage of PoW - the huge consumption of electricity.
And in this case, the number of coins that the user temporarily "freezes" for baking/staking is directly determined - an analog of a bank deposit, on which interest accumulates over time (usually higher than in banks). So, in PoS, wealth provides both power and income at the same time.
For a long time, PoS coins have been in the shadow of PoW.
PoS began to polarize sharply at the end of 2019 thanks to the emergence of staking services on major crypto exchanges. Today, more and more people prefer to keep coins, not in personal wallets (often bulky and difficult to learn), but on exchanges.
And if earlier PoS coins could only be stored on exchanges, now you can earn income from them right there in the form of staking interest.
SpaceBot is well aware of these trends in the transition to PoS mining, as to a new level.
SPACEBOT provides an opportunity to get an increase in the productivity of mining cryptocurrency per month for mining BIP, PRIZM, and other cryptocurrencies due to a total larger balance in the blockchain network using the "Proof-of-Stake" system.
POS technology is becoming more and more popular today. After all, for mining the PRIZM cryptocurrency, you do not need expensive mining equipment, you only need a phone or a computer with the Internet.
Now imagine that a wallet, an exchange, the issuance of their tokens, a smart contract, security, speed, and most importantly simplicity - all this is in one Decimal blockchain.
DEL is the main coin of the Decimal project, about which you create your tokens on the project.
Every purchase of a DEL coin is reflected in its capitalization.
That is, the more coins in circulation, the higher the price of each coin. Please note that the market value of the coin will grow in proportion to the CRR.
The reverse mathematics of buying a coin applies when selling. The fewer coins in circulation, the lower the price of one coin.
But if you exchange one coin for another, you are also moving the DEL reserve in favor of the second coin. This is the basic rule of money: the more demand and reserves, the more expensive the coin.
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cryptospacebot · 4 years
Not just bitcoin. New cryptocurrencies provide an opportunity to earn more?
When we talk about cryptocurrency, Bitcoin immediately comes to mind. As the very first and most valuable currency in the entire industry. And this is true, but is it worth working with him now or only with him?
We all know well what cryptocurrency is and how to mine it. Now in the world, there are two main methods of mining cryptocurrency.
Proof-of-Work or PoW (proof of work) is an algorithm for reaching consensus in the blockchain; it is used to confirm transactions and create new blocks.
With PoW, miners compete with each other to complete transactions on the network and for rewards.
Network users send digital tokens to each other, after which all transactions are collected in blocks and recorded in a distributed ledger, that is, in the blockchain. But you need to be careful when confirming transactions and organizing blocks.
And the second type is PoS mining. It is based on the fundamental principle of capitalism: "Money makes money." In blockchain networks based on Proof-of-Stake, trusted nodes are involved in confirming transactions and generating new blocks. They must have a certain number of tokens on the balance sheet and receive a reward for their work. This is a common consensus algorithm, and it has several subspecies, differing in the schemes for assigning validators and calculating payment for services.
SPACEBOT provides an opportunity to get an increase in the productivity of mining cryptocurrency per month for mining BIP, PRIZM, and other cryptocurrencies due to a total larger balance in the blockchain network using the "Proof-of-Stake" system.
Let's look at them in more detail at two points, namely BIP, PRIZM.
BIP is a promising new cryptocurrency.
BIP cryptocurrency is the main coin of the Minter blockchain.
The Minter and BIP cryptocurrency was developed by the administrators of the DeCenter portal, the largest Russian-speaking crypto community in Russia.
According to the official website, the development team consists of 20 people.
The main task of the team is to create a convenient blockchain that allows you to create your own coins, transfer, and instantly exchange them among themselves, for another crypto (Bitcoin, Ethereum) or even for fiat currencies.
Transactions are carried out within 5 seconds, while the commission is close to zero or completely absent.
The bandwidth of the blockchain is also impressive: Minter is already capable of processing more than 2000 transactions per second, and in the future, the developers promise to make the network even better.
In turn, PRIZM is already a more familiar currency for the audience.
PRIZM (PZM) is a fully decentralized and self-regulated cryptocurrency.
A new implementation of the digital currency concept that allows any user to easily and securely store finances or make transactions directly - similar to the transfer of cash from hand to hand.
The coin was created with the aim of creating a new approach to the architecture of fair financial relations: rebalancing and fair distribution of funds.
That is why innovative POS technology is popular today. After all, for mining the PRIZM cryptocurrency, you do not need expensive mining equipment, you only need a phone or a computer with the Internet.
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cryptospacebot · 4 years
Why is pos mining so profitable?
Cryptocurrency mining is a profitable business.
It was before!
However, now the situation in the market and in this area has changed.
What is the situation for 2020?
Experts have already agreed that the so-called home mining has finally died.
What does it mean?
Investments required for a profitable start of mining have already gone beyond the reach of most private traders. For the most part, only big players will remain in the market and will feel more relaxed. If you still decide to open your own farm, it is worth considering that at current prices for equipment, having invested, for example, 100,000 rubles, you will be able to adequately recapture your funds only after three years. Agree, the term is not quite small.
In addition, little takes into account the instability of the exchange rate and general inflation of currencies, there are still big risks. During the existence of mining, due to network congestion, more than one mining farm has already burned down, and people just lost their money!
What does this mean for us?
If there are a few main branches that you should look at if you really want to stay in the field and be successful.
First: continue to work in the direction of Pow, which is (Proof of Work) mining.
In other words, use your equipment to mine coins. However, there is another option.
To solve all the problems and shortcomings of Pow mining, another method of minting coins was developed, which will be discussed today.
POs mining.
Proof of Stake is a modern token mining technique that allows you to perform work and calculations without using expensive equipment!
Let's outline the advantages of PoS mining:
1) Increased validation rate;
2) Reduced costs for the implementation of protective functions;
3) Reduced fees;
4) To obtain the maximum income, a minimum of resources is used;
5) energy saving;
The history of this mining method begins back in 2011. It was then that for the first time ideas of consensus began to be expressed on the basis of the vote of coin holders (“holders”), and not miners.
The reason for this course of events in those days was the excessive consumption of energy by farms by the standards of that time.
The principle of operation of PoS mining is quite simple: a user who holds a cryptocurrency, for example, Prizm, freezes a certain amount of coins in his wallet, and after a while, he begins to receive charges. The amount of remuneration directly depends on the size of the deposit.
However, now more and more new projects that work on the PoS mining system are entering the market. It is worth choosing a project that provides more opportunities for creating new coins.
How to start PoS mining?
1) You need to go to the site SpaceBot.ltd.
2) Download applications to your smartphone
2) Go through the registration, namely:
- Come up with a nickname;
- Enter your email address;
- Make a strong password (it is better if it contains letters and numbers);
- Enter the email of the person (if you have the appropriate field: "Uplinker mail") who invited you to the mobile application;
- Check "I accept" (I agree) after reading the user agreement;
- "Sign Up" (register).
3) Top up your balance and take advantage of all the features of SPACEBOT.
You can choose from a cryptocurrency that works according to the above principles of Pos mining. In total, you can get up to 21% of your coins on mining. In addition, there are special opportunities for working in a team where you can engage in PoS mining with friends.
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cryptospacebot · 4 years
Most people will agree that mining now is a very expensive pleasure. Huge money is being invested by people in order to create minimum conditions for profitable mining. The situation is not improving, rather, on the contrary, every year we notice an increasingly obvious tendency for the number of investments necessary for mining to grow. Earlier, experts argued that for effective mining of Bitcoin, its price should be around $ 16,000. The era of home mining is a thing of the past, now it is almost impossible to profitably mine without huge costs for equipment. Or is it still possible? Everyone wants to solve this problem, not just us. And as you know, when people have a strong need for something, the market and technology will definitely help us! It's time to learn new technologies for mining. At the moment, one of the most attractive and interesting is Pos mining. SPACEBOT provides an opportunity to increase cryptocurrency mining productivity per month by mining coins BIP, PRIZM and other cryptocurrencies due to the overall greater balance in the blockchain network using the Proof-of-Stake system. Why you should pay attention to Pos mining?
"Proof-of-Stake" or proof of ownership, this term is deciphered in this way - this is an alternative way of mining. In blockchain networks based on Proof-of-Stake, trusted nodes are involved in transaction confirmation and the generation of new blocks. They must have a certain number of tokens on the balance sheet and receive remuneration for their work. Using this technique, you can create an effective option for passive income with a high level of profitability. We are changing the idea of mining as a huge system with a bunch of complex and expensive equipment. In many ways, the principle is similar to a deposit account, which receives interest as a reward for using the bank's services. In some cases, the criminal who wishes to attack the coin is among the victims, because the cryptocurrency is losing stability and value. The advantage of the Pos-mining algorithm is a high level of security. The organizational structure makes an attack on a PoS-based system unprofitable. How to start Pos mining?
Download the Spacebot app on the App Store or Play Market.
- Come up with a nickname
- Enter your email address
- Create a strong password (it is better if it contains letters and numbers)
- Enter the email (if you have the appropriate field: "Mail up liner"), which invited you to the mobile application.
- Check "I accept" (I agree) after reading the user agreement
- "Sign Up" (register)
Top up your balance and take advantage of all the features of SPACEBOT.
You can purchase cryptocurrency on the exchange or exchanger.
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cryptospacebot · 4 years
SpaceBot affiliate network and Pos mining
Each of us is constantly trying to look for effective ways to increase our own earnings. Some invest in cryptocurrency, others are actively engaged in trading.
The big paradox is that often opportunities are closer than they appear.
Pos mining is a modern and technological way of earning on cryptocurrency.
Everyone is well aware that mining a new cryptocurrency is a complex and expensive process.
In contrast, there is Pos mining. Where a certain cryptocurrency in your wallet already creates new coins.
In other words, cryptocurrencies mine themselves. The growth of Pos mining, and accordingly the number of coins depends on two main factors.
1. Amounts of your own cryptocurrency. And also the number of partners in your network.
2.SpaceBot provides opportunities for joint Pos-mining, which will increase your gain.
The reward for delegation is a certain amount in coins which is credited to the address of the Delegate after he has delegated his funds to the Validator. Thus, having coins in your wallet, you delegate them and get bonus accruals.
Any network user can delegate their coins, as well as any coins issued on the Minter network to master nodes and receive rewards for block validation, as well as commissions from transactions made on the network. The income is divided proportionally to the steak between all delegates, minus the commission of the owner of the master node.
Due to the large number of user coins that make up the pool, you can get a higher percentage of mined cryptocurrency than if you mined cryptocurrency yourself.
SPACEBOT supports PoS mining cryptocurrencies and implements the BIP cryptocurrency staking and BTT token for software users.
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cryptospacebot · 4 years
Crypt or not crypt? What to do in 2020?
The cryptocurrency market is one of the most promising at the moment. However, the events of 2020 showed that the world is still full of unpleasant surprises that can spoil life. All jumps caused by the coronavirus epidemic have a strong impact and make you think. But is it worth to continue working with crypto? Or maybe it's time to look in other directions? The question "crypt or not crypt" flew in the minds of many people. Especially after the change in prices for the main cryptocurrency - Bitcoin. However, what does 2020 prepare for us? Many people believe that one of the most anticipated cryptocurrencies of this year should be digital yuan. They say that such a move by a financially strong China could change the balance of power in the world of cryptocurrencies. Another important event of the year- halving the Bitcoin, and as we can see, the process of mining has become easier by 6%. Many experts say that the crisis of altcoins will not stop. There are thousands of coins on the market now, but most do not have liquidity, have no value, and are not in demand. Most likely, gradually they will simply disappear. Ethereum is also waiting for big changes, after which the future of the main blockchain platform for decentralized applications will be more clear. As for Tether, Binance Coin, and other tokens, their price is determined solely by the activity of traders. Exchange tokens - it's one of the most popular coins. As you can see, the world of cryptocurrency not only survives but also successfully adapts to new conditions. But what about a beginner in the field of cryptocurrencies? How to succeed and make money? It’s worth to pay attention to new and promising cryptocurrencies. You can protect and grow your coins due to new technologies in the process of mining. SpaceBot is a great solution to the problem. Everyone wants to engage in mining, but not everyone has the opportunity to do so. The process of coin mining has become so complicated that it incurs high costs. And as an answer, a new type of cryptocurrency mining appeared - POS mining from SpaceBot. The answer to the question "is it worth to do crypto in 2020?", Yes. However, you need to do it right! Having coins in your account and partners in the system, you activate POS mining. The biggest advantage of such cryptocurrencies is that they generate themselves. And the more cryptocurrencies and partners, the greater the increase in cryptocurrency productivity. This is POS mining from SpaceBot. The system operates independently of the crisis, or whether you have a piece of powerful equipment for mining. This year will be a year of opportunities with SpaceBot.
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cryptospacebot · 4 years
How POS mining will help to survive the crisis?
Coronavirus, the global crisis and unemployment. How do we go next?
The unemployment rate may rise by several percent due to the coronavirus pandemic . For many people it threatens with a loss of work.
The crisis makes us not only adapt, but also look for new ways. One of such path is the world of cryptocurrencies.
There was a time everyone considered such popular coins as Bitcoin or Ethereum almost indestructible. However, like all cryptocurrency, they rely only on the trust of people.
Bitcoin fell, and fell quite a bit. Belief in him shook. In the eyes of many people, it showed the weakness of the entire market.
And it’s hard to disagree. However, is it worth not trusting the entire industry because of Bitcoin?
New technologies are a reliable way to deal with crises and problems that await us.
Most of us are already well known as cryptocurrency work and why their value in the modern world is so high.
POS mining will help wait out the crisis!
Mining technologies are not standing still. And there are many ways to create for yourself a reliable source of new coins.
What are the main issues that drives the industry?
The process of coin mining has become so complicated that it incurs high costs. And as an answer, a new type of cryptocurrency mining appeared - POS mining from SpaceBot.
How does it work in SpaceBot?
Having coins in your account and partners in the system, you activate POS mining. The biggest advantage of such cryptocurrencies is that they generate themselves.
And the more cryptocurrencies and partners, the greater the increase in cryptocurrency productivity.
This is POS mining from SpaceBot.
The system works regardless of the crisis or whether you have powerful mining equipment.
Thus, it becomes much easier and more profitable to protect yourself during the crisis.
All the coins that you get in the process of mining POS, you can use for mining new coins or withdraw into your account.
In addition, SPACEBOT is a huge community that has a great influence on the development of cryptocurrencies, and we are always happy to welcome new people, in gratitude for this, community allocates up to 10% of the affiliate program.
By creating your own network of partners, you only increase the percentage of POS mining.
You can find out all the details on the SpaceBot website
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cryptospacebot · 4 years
SpaceBot and the myth of the crypt collapse
Stocks, corporate bonds, real estate, oil, most metals, and, of course, crypto-assets received a blow in the form of a halt in economic growth and a certain amount of uncertainty in the situation.
Cryptocurrency is a completely new generation of finance that many people are just starting to learn. And it is not always possible to do a couple of days.
Bitcoin fell by 40%, at that moment everyone began to suspect it of extreme insecurity as an asset-refuge, which caused a storm of emotions both among cryptocurrency supporters and its opponents.
But all is not limited to Bitcoins. According to CoinMarketCap data, out of the top 10 cryptocurrencies nine of which fell more than 30%. All except USDT.
Bitcoin did not become the asset for value accumulation as it was expected. However, who said that in our time, cryptocurrency, in general, is a bad idea?
Yes, clearly the value of different coins can fall even lower. However, no one, even the most eminent banks, can guarantee you the complete safety of your funds. We have lost a lot, but not all.
When you work with cryptocurrency, you are still more likely to have access to your savings, even if banks or payment systems collapse.
The general collapse of cryptocurrency is nothing more than a myth. Even compared to the value of gold, cryptocurrency can be effectively used as a currency for settlements. Any leaps in other markets that create problems for the traditional banking system, but retain access to cryptocurrency, only strengthen the belief in its value.
In turn, the development of cryptocurrency, technology, and mining only contributes to the growth of popularity.
ParaMining coins PoS - is a new way to survive in such unstable situations. To buy coins and work with SpaceBot will be much easier for you. After all, the more coins you drop on PoS mining, the more coins are mined.
And in order to help your friends during the crisis, invite them to the referral program and get a percentage of their participation.
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cryptospacebot · 4 years
Bots can be different! The whole truth about Spacebot
Opportunities that you should not neglect
Crypto trading is a tricky thing. Unlike stock markets, crypto markets do not suspend work in crisis times, and that’s a challenge not only for newcomers but for experienced traders as well.
Crypto markets are highly volatile. If you are a trader you might be familiar with the feeling of huge financial losses or, on the contrary, large profits. But things have changed since the appearance of crypto bots. They do not require emotional costs and are able to close deals faster than you say the word “HODL”.
As a result, such bots are becoming increasingly popular. As the crypto space is being filled with new users, smart investors have to search for new ways to outwit the competition.
Trading bots are represented by computer software and trading systems based on pre-established automatic strategies. The retail markets sometimes call them robots.
This term can be used to refer both a trading script that you`ve designed on the computer and multi-million systems used by HFT Quant Funds on Wall Street.
Another advantage of such bots is high speed of transaction processing since they generally operate on high-capacity servers which open and close deals instantly.
Nevertheless, the main benefit of the algorithm is absence of emotional costs. But all of that still doesn't guarantee success.
There are other kinds of crypto bots. These are bots equipped with the function of PoS-algorithm coins` paramining.
Space Bot and its features
Space Bot is an effective and convenient tool which provides an opportunity to earn up to 21% income per month with PoS coins paramining.
The mathematical algorithm implied by this tool enables you to deposit crypto in the mining pool. This is what allows you to get higher percentage from the total amount of mined crypto (because of the great number of users included in the pool) than if you mined it on your own.
The bot provides investors with an up to 21% profit per month by increasing the paramining coefficient. The maximum profit is reached by using both personal wallet and wallets of the PoS coin network partners, making it possible to reach the highest coefficient for all partners regardless of the amount delegated for paramining.
Coins mined by team paramining are distributed daily and available for withdrawal. If you don`t withdraw coins you may reinvest them to get higher income.
This crypto bot has clear advantages:
No need for expensive equipment;
No huge energy costs;
Available for Android and iOS;
No need for instant internet access;
Minimum entry fee (100 coins in your wallet).
Currently it is one of the most advanced crypto mining tools. Like any self-respecting bots it also has a mobile version.
SpaceBot.mobile is a transparent and effective app for mining and generating crypto which enables each user to get up to 21% income everywhere in the world. All you need is a smartphone.
The income rate depends on two factors:
Amount of coins in personal wallet;
Parnters` accounts in the affiliate program .
The equitable distribution of coins starts once you have joined SpaceBot, and each of users get the maximum profit due to the high rate of remuneration.
Daily profit is calculated depending on the amount of crypto assets in your account .
Advantageous features of the Bot:
Daily coin distribution;
Opportunity to withdraw coins at any time;
Profitable partnership program consisting of 9 levels (6% at the entry level);
Usability and ease of use;
Fast growing community of MLM paramatrix admirers;
Additional bonuses and possibilities for active users.
All of these benefits have helped SpaceBot to gain high popularity, and therefore millions of traders have already joined its community.
Even despite crypto trading has become more complicated over the last month, retail traders still have some attractive options.
Although the arbitrage opportunities are being taken over by HFT companies and the crypto trading robots are not always as effective as desired, you still have a possibility to earn on profitable solutions like SpaceBot.
The times bring new solutions, so this innovative way of mining
is a real revolution. And SpaceBot is an armored truck to withstand and win.
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cryptospacebot · 4 years
How Spacebot can help a newbie in trading
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Crypto trading is extremely complicated and unpredictable. You can lose your investments if you don’t have enough knowledge and skills. But there is a way out. It’s SpaceBot that can help a newcomer.
How can a newcomer navigate in crypto space
When a person comes across crypto for the first time in an effort to make money on it, his first reaction as a rule is disappointment. It’s not because it’s impossible but because he cannot understand anything.
Yes, cryptocurrency is an innovative generation of finance that should be mastered. It cannot be done overnight. What a poor guy has to do in this case? Some people give up giving in to their laziness in mastering something new. Other people are looking for any opportunity to study a new science.
But, as we have already said, it takes some time. How can a new crypto trader survive during the time of mastering trade wisdom? Crypto trade Bot is going to help him.
What is a crypto trading Bot?
Crypto trade Bot is a programmed set of instructions which fulfill
bargains automatically without human participation. Trade Bot has some main components which does not depend on language or structure.
Use of blind trade strategy is the best way to lose all your money. In order to see how your method works, you are to test it in practice. As a rule it’s frustrating.
The collection of high quality tick data is usually carried out with the help of connection to API interface of exchange. CCXT is a good library that allows to interact with many exchanges in the same way. But can you explain it to an ignorant person?
After you`ve chosen a strategy, you are to test it in order to estimate the effectiveness. As a rule, only profitable strategies pass through the testing phase because many things can go wrong in reality.
In order to model real testing you must take into account such things as delay, slipping and trading commission. Anything unclear? Everythingl!
The Universe of possible strategies is limitless. Some people try to predict the average regression act, other people can predict an impulse in certain direction and still others try to rule carry trade or act as market makers. But it doesn’t make a newcomer feel any better.
SpaceBot is a reality for a newcomer in crypto trading
Finally, you have made up your mind to use a bot and you want it to work autonomously. It's not very good idea to leave your computer working. What to do in this case?
All you have to do is just start working with Space Bot. Why it? Because it’s the very thing that won’t let you go to the trouble with strategies and algorithms. It will let you start generating income from the very first day of using.
While all crypto trading Bots require individual approach SpaceBot will let you relax and enjoy getting income. In addition to that, you will have time to get into details of crypto trading.
It’s SpaceBot that will make your income from investment grow exponentially. Paramining of PoS coins, the bot`s special offer, will guarantee this. What is it? That’s what will help not only a newcomer, but also an experienced trader to invest and not to lose hope in getting income.
Paramining is an innovative way of mining coins. It’s SpaceBot that takes responsibilities of mediator between a trader and the entire cryptocurrency market. It’s enough to buy coins of PoS algorithm and deposit it a specialized wallet to start getting profit.
Well, there are some other peculiarities that allow you increase profit. It’s about the referral ecosystem. The more referrals you involve, the more income coefficient you have.
Today, in condition of COVID-19 global quarantine, any opportunity to get income has become an urgent problem. On the one hand you can try to create a wheel, on the other - address to a trusted source such as SpaceBot. It’s enough to have a look at its numerous fans and it becomes clear - it’s a real way out!
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cryptospacebot · 4 years
Spacebot: a real opportunity to deal with depression
The current global situation can upset even a man with nerves of steel. The COVID-19 pandemic, markets and global economy collapsing, Bitcoin falling and so on. Despite all these, there is always a chance for feat. This is the POS mining rise and growth of Spacebot popularity.
World horror story
New coronavirus pandemic is spreading all over the world and the global economy is deteriorating. On the basis of asset prices it’s obvious that COVID-19 is not only a problem of China, but also the world crisis
Stocks, corporate bonds, real estate, oil, most metals and cryptos as well got hit in result of slowdown of global economy and current market uncertainties.
The recent 40% Bitcoin fall and its inability to act as safe haven for assets in rough time caused much excitement of Bitcoin critics.
It goes not only for BTC. According to CoinMarketCap, the 10 biggest crypto assets in the world demonstrate more than 30% fall, except for USDT, the only stable coin among top 10.
Sudden drop in prices turned out to be a problem not only for investors but for crypto exchanges as well. A sudden influx of users for sales and hedging has put the most important exchange`s feature to the test. It’s their liquidity and technical capacities.
As it turned out even the most eminent platforms experienced problems in varying degrees. For instance, one leading exchange`s spots were delayed and futures trading system appeared to be overloaded.
Besides this, there were errors occurring on some resourses` servers and also malfunctions of futures trading and over-the-counter deals. The depth issue was revealed since it appeared to be not as good as the public claimed. Even OKEx, famous for its systems security and sustainability faced a problem of application crashes.
Fortunately, most of such problems were quickly solved. But traders still bear this experience in mind and it will affect their choice in future.
Shit around but we muddle through
Bitcoin turned out to be not such a good store of value as many used to think. Young age and lack of credibility. But it doesn't mean there is no sense in Bitcoin storage these days. Gents, nobody cancelled HODLing yet. And this goes not only for BTC.
Yes, the price may drop even lower. And yes, in recent weeks Bitcoin has been more like a loose cannon than a digital gold. But imagine how much money you will lose if the bank where you keep your hard-earned cash collapses? So HODL, because the time will come and you will pat yourself on such decision.
And what about paramining? Hedging, halving, crisis - whatever happens it doesn`t care for that. If you seize such opportunity as PoS coins paramining you`ll find out it`s not that bad. Having bought some coins and following our advice to HODL, you get this money straight in your wallet. And that`s not all. You can benefit a lot from SpaceBot assistance as it will do your job for you. The more coins you send on PoS mining, the bigger the income.
If you don`t want to suffer from loneliness in such challenging times of economic collapse, you just need to get a merry band of your paramining referrals. They get their profit, and you get a share from their participation.
Listening to the voice of common sense
If the pandemic consequences appear to be worse than the 2008 global financial crisis, then following all the advice given in this article would be the wise decision. Even in case of banking failures, cash deficit and payment systems collapse you will still have access to your savings.
Besides this, crypto, unlike gold, may be effectively used as a currency. In the event of traditional financial system`s collapse merchants and retailers all over the world will start accepting cryptocurrencies, and it may become the guarantee for financial stability for you and your family.
Althought this scenario looks rather grim, the recent events have shown it`s better not to succumb to pessimism but to prepare thoroughtly. May the Spacebot help you!
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cryptospacebot · 4 years
How SpaceBot works under quarantine
For many people freelance is not only a way to earn money. For crypto traders it’s more like philosophy and way of life. Many things have changed with the beginning of quarantine, but not for crypto traders using SpaceBot.
Survival school in conditions of quarantine
Trying to stop spreading of virus, the governments had to force citizens to stay in quarantine because of the outbreak of coronavirus pandemic. Many companies and enterprises stopped working. It looks like the whole world has been ordered to stay home because coronavirus keeps on spreading chaos.
As it’s known, strange thoughts come to our heads during the time of long staying home without going out. Something like “How not to start hating people being with them in quarantine or how to fight the desire to kill somebody. ”
It’s about searching the way of coexisting with somebody and all of his needs and anxiety of everyday being in limited space during the unknown period of time. If you think it must be easy because you live together and love each other, you are mistaken and you know it. People in quarantine begin wondering one and the same question “What am i going to do with my life?”, “How to earn money for my living?”, “How not to catch the virus?”
Firstly, you can’t avoid routine quarrels about toothbrush or Pope in Vatican. The experience of such way of life is going to be stressful and even traumatic. It’s going to have more in common with sending to Antarctic research station, submarine or International space station, than with your ordinary boring life.
If you want to find the way out from this torment remaining safe and sound, it’s time to start preparation for your mission.
Secondly, the best way to protect yourself not only from the virus, but also from aggression of your coexisting partner is to find a remote work or other way of getting income.
Many people are feverishly looking for a job on the internet, spending GBs of traffic. As a result, the world has almost become digital. Those who didn’t know what is copyright and rewriting start to discover these sciences. Even some crypto investors disappointed with the market price drop are mired in search of new sources of income.
But as it turned out there is a niche in crypto space which not only goes on generating steady income, but also provides protection for its users against coronavirus in every possible way. It’s mining with SpaceBot.
The most secure business partner
Working with this Bot you will put neither yourself nor your loved ones in danger of COVID-19 infection, because there is no necessity to go out. It will do everything for you. No, it won’t prepare fried potatoes, but it will not leave you without profit. It’s more comfortable to communicate with your referral ecosystem mates, watching the growth of paramining, not the body temperature.
To cut a long story, in the current situation SpaceBot is one of the most pleasant and careful business partners, it’s unimaginable breakthrough. It will neither let you die of hunger, nor of coronavirus. And it won’t let you kill each other as well.
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cryptospacebot · 4 years
Space Bot has prepared a surprise for miners
Amidst the recent events in the world and crypto industry, the SpaceBot announcement of finishing the technical works and new improvements was like manna from heaven.
End to my sufferings and disappointments...
Hardly anyone nowadays remains optimistic about the future. Most people are cautiously waiting for news, but not the SpaceBot users.
When it was announced about its break for maintenance works the crypto community took it with understanding and patience. And today’s that day!
Upon completion of technical works the following updates have become available for users:
1. Multicurrency.
Now you have access to such cryptocoins as PRIZM, BIP, BTT (the last two on Minter’s blockchain).
2. AirDrop.
Next week you’ll get access to AirDrop assessments. The mobile app functionality testing has almost been completed and the developers have added new coins.
Those who joined the Bot before 1 November will get 10% BTT of the total amount on Paramining. Users who joined the Bot after 1 November will get 15% BTT.
3. Updated marketing strategy
The renewed marketing strategy will pleasantly surprise users with paramining profitability increase.
It means that 15% is now deducted for referral reward while depositing not from the amount of deposit but from the daily paramining amount of a user.
4. BIP coin.
The delegating of BIP asset will be accompanied by 0.27% of generation according to Minter’s network calculations. This update also provides for daily interest payments.
5. BTT token
The delegating of BTT asset will be accompanied by 0.12% of generation according to Minter’s network calculations. This update also provides for daily interest payments.
As regards Minter network’s assessment amounts, they will be changed downwards each 200 000 of blocks.
All these benefits are valid only for Mobile App SPACE BOT. If you still haven't joined it then you should download this app on the Appstore or Google play
And become one another happy Space Bot user.
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cryptospacebot · 4 years
Implementation of acquiring in SpaceBot mobile
Crypto purchases, deposits and withdrawals are rather simple and clear processes. All of that has become possible with acquiring - an easy but indispensable function. Now it is available in Spacebot Mobile Application
Upgrades that improve the App
When Bitcoin and first altcoins first came out it was quite challenging to get them. The existing payments systems took them as outcasts, and any attempt of purchasing crypto via banks had unfortunate consequences.
But time goes by, and today many eminent banks will welcome working with cryptocurrency since its ecosystem has reached huge popularity. Now it is possible to purchase and buy crypto using credit or debit cards, cash, Paypal, remittances and even basic barter agreements.
US dollars, British pounds, euros, roubles and other hard currencies can be easily used to refill the crypto balance. But the primary benefit is that you may use any of your cards or a payment terminal for that. And it's all thanks to acquiring.
What is acquiring and what is its use for Space Bot?
Acquiring is a non-cash payment system using plastic cards, and payments via POS-terminals (traditional trading acquiring) or mPOS-terminals (mobile acquiring).
Due to the implementation of acquiring in SpaceBot mobile App, users can easily refill and withdraw funds. For that it is enough to use terminals or bank cards. The development team has applied maximum effort to make acquiring multifunctional and easy to use during the recent upgrade of SpaceBot Mobile.
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cryptospacebot · 4 years
Innovative cryptocurrencies and ways to get them
Hundreds of new opportunities have appeared with the advent of the cryptocurrency industry. One such solution is paramining - a brand new method of getting coins
SpaceBot - a breakthrough in mining
There were times in crypto industry when mining was so lucrative that it formed the basis for a new industry. However, increasingly it became unprofitable due to heavy cost so it no longer attracts trousands of users because of its inefficiency.
But progress does not stand still, and the assets with completely new possibilities for investors have entered the market. One of such possibilities is paramining.
Paramining represents a unique method of creating new coins that enables users to get income from such parameters as the number of coins in personal wallet or total amount of assets of one’s partners.
In order to simplify this way of mining crypto, a new Telegram instrument - SpaceBot was introduced. SpaceBot is equipped with a PRIZM coin paramining option.
SpaceBot functions:
● Multilingual system
● Affiliate program monitoring
● Buying, selling and withdrawal transactions with tokens
● Delegation of coins (deposit) and daily/monthly percentages
● Commission payments for participating in the affiliate program
● Different means of payment
All you need to start paramining is to get some coins and delegate them on the SpaceBot deposit. Your profit rate depends on the amount of coins you delegate.
Innovation ecosystem
Due to the unique affiliate program SpaceBot let you create your own partnership ecosystem.
Each time you invite a new partner, your profit will increase, and your paramining rate may rise up to 21% per month.
As a huge community which has a significant influence on PRIZM coin, SpaceBot enables new investors to get up to 10% from the affiliate program in gratitude for contributions to PRIZM development. The bigger the community, the higher the paramining rate.
The withdrawal of funds is available once a day or month if you don’t reinvest coins in paramining.
PRIZM benefits
● Using forging in process of generating blocks makes it virtually impossible to attract the network
● Fast transactions (less than 1 minute for a transaction)
● Low fees for transactions over 0.5% PZM (but not more than 10 PZM)
● System transactions may be accompanied by encrypted comments
● A limited amount of coins in network (6 billion of coins will be produced in total)
Times have changed, and ASIC equipment and cloud mining have been replaced by new solutions that remain profitable even in crisis. These solutions let investors not only to preserve their assets but to get steady income. SpaceBot is a perfect example of this.
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