crystallinefkg · 3 years
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"Flake's discovery."
Flake wanders around the top of the castle, like they usually do on Saturday. They decided to check out further than it usually does.
Suddenly they find itself at a big door leading to what looks to be, a big sort of shrine. But it isn't sure.
Flake opens the door. Scared for what's about to come. They fear the worst. Being deleted. But what they find is not what Flake had expected.
"The fountain..?"
It was the dark fountain.. but wasn't that behind Queen's castle? This isn't behind it at all. Was the other one, an illusion? Of all people Flake should know if something is an illusion or not. He litterally specifies in magic!
"I should warn the others, but.. I don't think they'd believe me. Not many people know of me anyway." It's true. Flake wasn't well known unlike the other addisons. They'd just kind of wander around the more darker parts of the cyber city.
"I'll have to wait until a lightner comes and closes it off. But with that... i will rather have this world saved even if that means what it does. Than letting all the dark worlds get destroyed."
Flake has waited. And waited. Until.. a young little deer in a wizards robe shows up.
Hope you liked this short story about my addison oc Flake :) they're quite interesting and have a lot of potential so I'm kinda excited to make more stories with it!
-Signing off, Crystal/Ralsei/Zyphr.
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crystallinefkg · 3 years
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So uhh hi hello
I have an addison oc. I think they're quite cool since they show up most prominently in the snowgrave route.
Name: Flake
Pronouns: They/It
Occupation: Magician
Height: Differentiates frequently, but seen mostly as 6ft/182cm
Other facts:
• Only really "shows up alot" in Snowgrave route.
• When Noelle enters the dark world, before being "captured" by Queen, mans would teach her spells COUGH ICESHOCK COUGH
• Would give Spamton the Thorn Ring, and ask him to sell it to Kris and Noelle when they yk.. murdered everyone
• Would help Noelle get around the Cyber City after she leaves in the Berdly fight
• I'd imagine this guy hanging around in the carnival as well because why not
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