crystalquality · 10 years
So what do you think of how Usagi is being portrayed in the Black Moon arc so far?
I haven’t really had any bigger change of opinion. I like that they’re finally making her emote more and embrace more of her quirky, fun sides. And the fact that she’s not obsessing over Mamoru while shitting on her friends every episode like in the last arc makes her a lot more tolerable.
That being said, the changes Crystal made to the original script are once again biting them in the ass, because by making Usagi react like this to the mere suggestion that Mamoru could be their enemy
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ends up making this
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look extremely hypocritical. As for Usagi’s jealousy and hostility towards Chibiusa, which I know has always annoyed a lot of people, I’ve never really minded it myself, it made sense to me. What bothers me more is that when Mamoru was kidnapped, we had to sit through episodes of nothing but Usagi moping and crying, but when her friends are being kidnapped one by one, we get one or two minutes of Usagi looking sad, then going back to bickering with Chibiusa, having fun at the arcade, and just seeming completely carefree. It really doesn’t help the already dreadful portrayal of the friendship between the inners.
So yeah, Crystal Usagi is still shit, but I suppose now she’s more like… the shit you can dodge and easily pass by on the street, rather than the shit that sticks to the bottom of your shoe and you end up having to scrape off.
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crystalquality · 10 years
Friendly reminder that they erased Unazuki from existence.
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She’s in a better place now. A place much better than Crystal.
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crystalquality · 10 years
Well, that was that.
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crystalquality · 10 years
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okay, so let me get this straight,
this isn't just the animators giving her the completely wrong weapon here,
this is the animators reusing the exact same animation sequence from episode 13 when Usagi uses Moon Healing Escalation from the moon to heal Earth.
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If there was still any doubt that Crystal's staff give zero shits about this show, well, here you go!
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crystalquality · 10 years
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No better way to set a romantic mood than to talk about the fatal accident of your long dead parents.
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crystalquality · 10 years
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crystalquality · 10 years
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Well, that's... a way to take the reveal that was supposed to come in episode 20 and present it in an incredibly underwhelming manner.
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crystalquality · 10 years
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Well, I think we all know who's high score Chibiusa is beating.
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crystalquality · 10 years
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They couldn't even bother to properly animate falling candy, are you shitting me right now
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crystalquality · 10 years
Wow, it's like this episode is made out of still frames, how about some actual animation?
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... On second thought, go back to the still frames.
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..... On third thought, just stop.
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crystalquality · 10 years
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Usagi's missing nose has been returned to her just in time for the new episode!
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crystalquality · 10 years
You ready for the next episode? And do you think that season 2 is getting better or getting worse?
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And well, I think it’s kinda difficult to say this early in. It’s definitely still bad in my opinion, but so far there hasn’t been quite as many “hahah oh my god that is so terrible it’s hilarious” moments as the first arc. (But then again, the first two episodes of the first arc were pretty decent.) But that actually makes it all more boring to me, because that’s the main amusement I get out of Crystal.
So, not as bad as it has been, but definitely not as fun!
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crystalquality · 10 years
Hi,you tagged your posts for the last (21.02.2015) episode wrong. It was episode 16. You tagged them with "Episode 15". And thanks for making me laugh. You´re awesome!
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I-I don't know what you're talking about...!!
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crystalquality · 10 years
Getting asks from angry anons defending Mamoru's right to force a kiss onto his girlfriend like
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crystalquality · 10 years
Well, that was that.
The good: Everything added to Ami's chess battle with Berthier, even if it sort of ended with more "praise usagi our star of hope", it gave it all a hell lot more substance than in the manga.
The bad:
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The meh: Everything else.
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crystalquality · 10 years
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... Did this
seriously just happen?
Did I seriously just watch Crystal take this scene
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and turn it into Mamoru forcefully trying to kiss Usagi? While she tries to push him away? While making clear noises of struggling?
Okay. Crystal. Real talk here. We all know you love your non-consensual kissing scenes. But how about not taking a scene that in no way suggested Usagi did not want to be kissed and turn into something this creepy?
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crystalquality · 10 years
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