crystals-and-coffee · 7 years
@ any irl friends: i made a baby sage bundle (like 10 leaves) that I’m not going to use so lmk if you want it
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crystals-and-coffee · 7 years
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When Valentine’s rolls around in the witch community…
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crystals-and-coffee · 7 years
hello hi i’m still alive!
lil life update:
I’m working on recovering from anorexia, and that plus classes plus work means I have very little free time. I really wish I had the time to be on here more, but I’ve barely even had the time to work on my practice. I’m still doing my best!
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crystals-and-coffee · 7 years
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crystals-and-coffee · 7 years
Methods to Bond with Deities
Research: Reading lore, studying history and focusing on how others have bonded in the past can deepen your own bond.
Offerings: Leaving gifts or foods you've made or cooked shows passion and effort that many deities seem to appreciate.
Divination: Using tarot cards or pendulums or writing or dreaming can be way to interpret deities.
Journals: Whether for yourself or for your deity journals are a good way to review past experiences.
Crafts: Whenever making something by hand the time you spend and efforts you put in the details help make connections.
Exploring: Places you discover might feel closer to those you want to know better.
Hobbies: Gardening, writing, or even cooking can be both offerings and activities you share with your deities.
Sharing: Talking to others about their deities can reignite passion and help you realize your own feelings.
Shrines: Having a specific place to do these activities can help you focus on them.
Prayer: It doesn't have to be formal or it can be a well known prayer simply reaching out is simple and often rewarding.
Clarifying this is my post, I am the source.
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crystals-and-coffee · 7 years
Sigil For “Cats Are Attracted To Me”
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With me being a strong cat lover there is no doubt I’d make a sigil for attracting them.
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crystals-and-coffee · 7 years
Like or reblog if you...
• are a male witch • are a gay witch • read tarot cards • read runes • write spells • draw sigils • are a solitary witch • make/reblog Pagan posts • make/reblog tarot spreads • make/reblog sigils
I’m an active tumblr looking for more blogs like these to follow. I follow back and like and reblog my mutuals posts the most!
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crystals-and-coffee · 7 years
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A beauty I got in the mail today 😻💕
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crystals-and-coffee · 7 years
Not everyone is so lucky to have food that they can make or give specifically to the deities. Sometimes, great financial burdens come upon us and we don’t even know when our next meal is, much less when we should give to a deity. There is nothing wrong with not being able to afford food for deities, and having to nourish your body first.
-Drawings, doodles, chicken scratches that are done with the intent of honoring the gods
-Some type of arts and crafts, like sewing, weavings, handmade jewelry or statues
-Play your favorite song that makes you think of them or make up your own. Your hands and voice are all you need to make music
-Poetry, stories, hymns and anything creative
-A glass of water. Consecrate and bless it, then offer it up to a deity
-Volunteer your time at places that would please that specific deity. Clean up the forests and sides of the road for Gaea, or the beach for Aphrodite, or help out at an animal shelter for Artemis.  
Dedicate a meal or supper to them that you are eating. With every piece of food, tell the gods that you are dedicating this meal to them and eating it along side them, that as it nourishes you, so it nourishes them. It would be a good idea to see what foods they like and to try and get those types, if you can.  
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crystals-and-coffee · 7 years
I just bought some rose tea which is literally dried roses, I also got a sage plant and a rosemary plant. I'm so excited for the witchery that is about to happen🌱⚘
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crystals-and-coffee · 7 years
✨ Tea Magic ✨
there are plenty of ways to work to work a little magic into your day without doing a full on ritual, and your daily (hourly?) tea is one of them! here’s just a couple of suggestions with fruit, flowers, herbs, and their correspondences.
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most teas fall under a few categories: tea plant, floral, fruit and herbal. teas can be considered type of potion called an infusion. various types of teas have different steeping times and water temperatures, but you can always chill them and drink them cold too! most teas have some form of the tea plant in them mixed with other ingredients, but herbal teas do not.
teas like white, green, oolong, and black tea come from the same plant ”Camellia sinensis”, and the flavors/properties depend on how the leaves have aged/fermented. these are listed in the amount of least➡️ most fermentation.
white tea - air magic, purification, protection, clarity, realization, meditation, cleansing green tea - fire magic, healing, love, catalysts, mindfulness, passion, sexual health and new energies oolong tea - water magic, wisdom, reflection and deep concentration, beauty and emotional connections black tea -  strength, stability, endings, finished business, and banishment, expelling negativity. (x)
fruit teas will correspond to the meanings of those fruits, strawberry for love, lemon for cleansing, etc. fruit teas often have the tea plant in them.
floral teas will correspond to the meanings of those fruits, rose for love, lavender for peace, etc. floral teas often have the tea plant in them.
herbal teas will correspond to the meanings of those herbs, mint for wealth, rosemary for protection, etc. herbal teas usually do not have any of the tea plant in them.
floral tea magic ✨  herbal tea magic ✨  fruit tea magic 
if you don’t like tea, just move oolong c:
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crystals-and-coffee · 7 years
Herbal Tea Magic 🍃✨
there are plenty of ways to work to work a little magic into your day without doing a full on ritual, and your daily (hourly?) tea is one of them! here’s just a couple of suggestions with herbal correspondences.
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mint -  for exorcism, healing, love, lust, protection, and wealth
peppermint -  for healing, love, psychic abilities, and purification.
spearmint -  for healing and love.
ginger -  for beauty, love, power, success, and wealth.
fennel -  for healing, protection, and purification.
licorice -  for fidelity, love, and lust.
cinnamon -  for divination, fortune, healing, power, prosperity, protection, psychic abilities, spirituality, wealth, and wisdom.
nettle - for exorcism, healing, lust, and protection.
vanilla -  for happiness, love, and lust.
anise - for, lust, protection, sleep, blessings, youth. 
lemon balm -  for healing, compassion, endings, fertility, happiness, healing, love, mental, psychic, success,and youth.
rosemary -  for exorcism, healing, love, lust, protection, and purification.
sage -  for protection, cleansing, and wisdom.
thyme -  for courage, healing, love, psychic abilities, and purification.
there are various blends or herbals teas, as well as with fruits and flowers, though often herbs can be steeped by themselves. what is known as chai tea, is traditional black tea mixed with cardamom, cinnamon and black pepper. 
floral tea magic ✨  fruit tea magic ✨  general tea magic
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crystals-and-coffee · 7 years
Floral Tea Magic 💐✨
there are plenty of ways to work to work a little magic into your day without doing a full on ritual, and your daily (hourly?) tea is one of them! here’s just a couple of suggestions with flowers and their correspondences.
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chamomile -  for banishment, love, purification, sleep, and wealth.
dandelion root -  for divination and wishes.
hibiscus - for divination, love, and lust.
peach blossom -  for fertility, good wishes, longevity, protection, wisdom
jasmine -  for love and wealth.
rose -  for divination, fortune, healing, love, protection, and psychic abilities.
elderflower - for joy, protection, prosperity, health and psychic awareness
lavender -  for chastity, happiness, love, peace, protection, and purification.
marjoram -  for happiness, healing, love, protection, and wealth.
of course, this is not to say you should go out and start picking flowers for your tea! telling plants apart can sometime take an experienced, discerning eye, and it would be unfortunate if anyone tried to make tea with something like poison ivy or poison oak. unless you have knowledge in this area, it may be best to stick by store-bought teas. 
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herbal tea magic ✨  fruit tea magic ✨  general tea magic
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crystals-and-coffee · 7 years
Fruit Tea Magic 🍑✨
there are plenty of ways to work to work a little magic into your day without doing a full on ritual, and your daily (hourly?) tea is one of them! here’s just a couple of suggestions with fruits and their correspondences.
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raspberry - love, strength, endurance and reliability
black currant - for  abundance, lust, and fertility
rhubarb -  for fidelity and protection.
mango -  harmony, balance, contentment, fertility. 
strawberry -  for fortune, friendship, and love.
lemon -  for friendship, love, and purification.
cherry -  for divination and love.
blueberry -  for protection.
apple -  for banishment, fertility, healing, love, protection, and purification.
pear -  for wealth, love and lust.
orange -  for beauty, divination, fortune, love, purification, and wealth.
cranberry -  for protection, positive energy, courage, passion, determination, goals, and action
rose-hip - for luck, love, and spirituality. 
pomegranate - for divination, luck, wishes, wealth, and fertility
there are a number of combinations of fruit teas, with other types of fruit as well as spices, herbs, flowers and teas. teas can be simple, easy potions with a variety of brewed intents. 
floral tea magic ✨  herbal tea magic ✨  general tea magic
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crystals-and-coffee · 7 years
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lepidolite with pink tourmaline is too gorgeous ✨😍✨
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crystals-and-coffee · 7 years
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your magic by figmentedink
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crystals-and-coffee · 7 years
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Weather Magic
The term “weather magic” or “weather witching” has been used to mean anything from divination and forecasting of weather to actual control and manipulation of the weather itself. From calling up treacherous storms to destroy another’s crops or providing fair winds for those at sea, witches (and even those who do not consider themselves to be such) have always been involved with weather magic. When you consider that most forms of magic are based around an agricultural past, the ability to affect and predict the weather was considered an invaluable skill. After all, if your family’s livelihood depended on the success of your crops (or the ability to find water as it did in my family’s case), weather magic would be an extremely handy thing to know.
Why the url Storm Born Witch?
I am quite fortunate, as the gift for weather related magic comes easily to my family. For generations, the men in my family have been dowsers or water diviners. However, it wasn’t until after I displayed an aptitude to weather related magic that I was told about my family’s history with it.
My grandfather was the last water diviner in the family and he died when I was very young so I was never taught how to divine for water. My grandmother was the one to teach me what little she knew about weather magic - the rest either occurred naturally or I picked up along the way.
Whistling Up A Wind (x)
This is the most common form of weather magic and has been practiced for hundreds of years. Depending on the pitch and tone of the whistle a witch can create a gentle breeze or a sharp gust of wind. Traditionally, if the skill of whistling up a wind does not come naturally to you the option of making a ‘wind whistle’ out of willow or alder wood is available.
Here in Australia, whistling up a wind is probably the most common form of magic I do. I honestly do not go a day without whistling up a cool breeze. It’s bloody hot here and sometimes a cool breeze is just what you need.
Storm Casting (x)
Storm casting is the art of creating storms. There are many different methods to creating storms and bringing rain. The method used by my family is to fill a jug with water and while sitting outside (or facing a window) pour the water into a basin or bowl (I just use a wash basin I inherited from my mother - see below). Dip the tip of your pointer finger into the water and slowly make five clockwise circles in the water (if you have a pendant necklace this can be used instead - just above the water in the bowl).
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As you are making the circles call the wind to bring in a storm by blowing (or whistling a continuous low note - the sound of wind over the mouth of a glass bottle) over the water in the basin.
Storm Catching (x)
Storm catching or “reeling in a storm” is even more difficult than storm casting so it’s always wise to think before you cast. Too much energy put into a storm and it will go on for weeks (and cause some flooding - basement incident) or it will be extremely violent and knock down power lines and tree branches. Too little energy and all you will get is a 5 minute shower of rain.
The most common way to catch a storm is by binding it in string/rope or in a bottle. The storm can then be released from the bottle or string at a more opportune time by pulling out the cork or undoing the braid/knots.
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