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bodega dog (and catgirl) available as a print!
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fourth attack of the year - @gargfowl75's Dusty
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What happened at UCLA 4/30
@FilmthepoliceLA recorded the entire attack on Pro-Palestine Protesers by Zionist attackers
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Link to video
The police allowed Zionists to attack the Pro-Palestine protesters at UCLA and even watched them do it. The attacks were solely initiated by the Zionist side. They hurled fireworks at the Pro-Palestine side, yelling anti-Black racial slurs, and using pepper spray.
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I only learned recently that people from Not America don’t specify hard cider and instead it’s just cider.
I know this is a small difference but it is surprisingly one I do sometimes have to lie down on the floor about.
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I feel like I made a good thing today
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i dunno if this has been asked already but, have you ever seen narupajin's unsettling miku doll? i think about her a lot and how badly i wish i could have her.
Tbh I wish I looked like her so customers at my job would avoid talking to me
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the joys of a keychain (wow! little object) vs the fears of a keychain (What If It Vanishes)
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hourlies from yesterday!
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Reblog to make it die faster
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sometimes when i see bad cable management im like oh noo the computer threw up ): but other times when i see bad cable management im like ok so the computer likes to be natural she doesnt shave she is a feminist <3 the fact is that i contain multitudes.
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https://youtu.be/U8NNHmV3QPw?si=6aInyR5QVTAT3z0R Watch if you're bored but you might be surprised 🤷🏻‍♀️.
It's about spirit science
GHJKSD when you said this video was about Spirit Science, I thought you were gonna like, link to a video talking about how the Spirit Science guy Jordan Duchnycz is a rapist or his weird obsession with Emma Watson or his antisemitic claim that Jews come from another planet. I didn't expect you were going to link to like, an actual Spirit Science video.
In brief, what Jordan's putting out here is straight-up baloney. A lot of it's pretty bog-standard New Age pseudohistory based on unsubstantiated conjecture, misinterpretation of various mythological traditions, and shit somebody just pulled straight from their ass. Not only is there no actual evidence to support any of the stuff he's putting out there, the actual evidence we do have inevitably precludes it.
Here are some links that explain why and how we know that people like Jordan are just wrong:
The Sirius Mystery: did the Dogon know about Sirius B?
The Truth About Atlantis
Atlantis @ Bad Archaeology
The Weird Case of Atlantis-Mu in the Madrid Codex
Lemuria, the weirdest continent that never existed
Naacal @ Wikipedia
Close encounters of the racist kind
The Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis Is Racist And Harmful
Zechariah Sitchin @ Bad Archaeology
"The Emerald Tablets of Thoth": A Lovecraftian Plagiarism
Left- vs. Right-Brained: Why the Brain Laterality Myth Persists
Are the Egyptian pyramids aligned with the stars?
Criticisms of Drunvalo Melchizedek @ Wikipedia
Detailed deconstruction of the "face" and pyramids on Mars claims
"Christ" @ Wiktionary
"Allah" @ Wiktionary
Charles Hapgood @ Wikipedia
It’s better light, not worse behaviour, that explains crimes on a full Moon
Sphinx water erosion hypothesis @ Wikipedia
Egyptian Hieroglyphs @ World History Encyclopedia
Predynastic Period in Egypt @ World History Encyclopedia
Sumer @ World History Encyclopedia
Debunking the Myth: The Council of Nicaea and the Formation of the Biblical Canon
First Council of Nicaea @ Encyclopedia Britannica
Did Jesus Go to India? A Modern Gospel Forgery
Also, the fact that Jordan appeals to channeled information is a massive red flag. Channeling is fun and sometimes produces some interesting things, but a source of reliable information it is not.
He also claims that a pole reversal makes the planet start spinning the other way, which is literally not how pole reversals work at all.
And of course, Jason's claim that thirteen powerful families are controlling the world is that general conspiracy theory shit derived from The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, early modern witch panic, and blood libel. The whole thirteen families thing in particular comes from Fritz Springmeier, a far right conspiracy theorist who proudly cites other hateful kooks like Edith Starr Miller and Alexander Hislop and basically claims anything that isn't good wholesome Christian entertainment is actually Satanic programming.
Basically, Jordan Duchnycz is just another New Age conspiracy theorist pushing the same old garbage as loads of others like him.
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click the read more for a treat!
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you just got teehee silly'd!
reblog to totally teehee silly your friends!
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the subway is an angel and they've plastered ads all over her
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Remember when New Agers said that we were going to have quantum healing beds ("med beds") that would fix all of our health problems by now? Because I sure do. These things were supposed to be fully rolled out and implemented by now and everybody was supposed to have free access to them.
That's New Age predictions for you, though. The big changes are always just on the horizon, but they never manifest. They just keep hovering on a little further ahead, like a glittering mirage in a hot desert. Some folks catch on and turn away to find something real, but others keep following the mirage until they die.
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