crystvestal-blog · 8 years
As Agnès was always busy with her job as a vestal, she never had time to watch someone actually painting similar sceneries as the ones she used to see in portraits. Even after leaving the temple, her free time was limited, almost as if she had none.
The girl was glad she was able to stay, and curiosity filled her mind as she wondered how painting works. Watching a person do something they're talented on seemed easy, but it is a fact that it’s not like that.
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“Pardon me for my rudeness. I am Agnès Oblige, and thank you for allowing me to stay here. Nice to meet you.”
The vestal didn’t want to be a bother, so she tried to be as quiet as she could. She had questions to ask, but wouldn’t let them out unless the other allowed her to. She knew people had their own things to do, and even Agnès is like that.
“If it doesn’t bother you either, I would like to know more about art. I never had the time to know more about it, so I am curious.”
Interesting things | Agnès & Satoshi
This wasn’t the first time that someone had been drawn to his art in such an an unatural way. It was common for the Hikari works to gleen attention like that. Though he hadn’t notice her walk up in the first place causing him to jump. Luckily, his hand had been away from the painting at the time. 
This time he had gone with something simple, it was a yard filled with a few cherry and plum blossom trees. The dark branches standing out against the softer purples and pinks that filled most of the rest of the canvous. 
He paused taking the distraction as the opertunity to clean his brush and refresh his water. “Thank you…” He said looking over the peice. He was currently detailing a few of the flowers ment to be falling in the for ground. His careful hand making the curves and lines just right. 
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“Your more than willing to stay, I don’t mind,” Satoshi easily able to tell that she was debating on staying or not. He wasn’t really bothered by people watching him work. 
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crystvestal-blog · 8 years
Surprised as the object was quickly taken from her hand, the girl looked directly into those red eyes and that smile who clearly wasn’t from happiness, and now she was certain that the thing which was the reason she almost fell on the floor was that guy’s.
Just... Who is he? Agnès didn’t feel a good aura coming from him; and the way he reacted made sure a first impression wasn’t going to end up well. It’s not like she was doing something with that. Better, the wand almost did something to her. That response wasn’t pleasant at all.
“Excuse me... You let this end up here. It was laying on the floor, and I almost fell on the floor because of it.”
Agnès wasn’t the one to get annoyed by that kind of behavior. Honestly, the only thing it did to her was make her get suspicious about the other.
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“Be careful with your things!”
They will never leave | Agnès & Judal
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crystvestal-blog · 8 years
h-hello everyone!
sorry i haven’t posted anything in the past two weeks, i’ve been busy with exams and some other things that were making me emotionally and physically tired, so yeah...
i hope the ones who i had threads with are okay with late replies because i’ll do my best to come back at it!!
sorry for the rant, hope you guys have a nice day!
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crystvestal-blog · 8 years
“It’s okay, Tiz. Don’t worry. You didn’t make me wait at all.”
Agnès smiled, relaxed, as her husband wrapped his arms around her, making the girl comfortable.
“I didn’t get lost, I just went for a walk. This place is very relaxing, so I thought I could sit here while waiting for you to return.” She replied. Even if it was a place that wasn’t far away from their home, she knew it wouldn’t be hard for her to get lost. But nothing like that happened, right?
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“Oh, really? So that’s the place you’ve been visiting... I’m not surprised, you’ve always had this urge to rebuild Norende, so I honestly thought you had found something. Turns out I was right, and it would be a good idea. I would support you, Tiz.” The girl caressed his back, thinking about how wonderful it would be if they had a place they could call their own.
Peaceful afterlife | Tiz & Agnès
“Oh, Agnès…! You left home… Did I make you wait for too long? I’m sorry!”
Tiz couldn’t help but smile back, however, after seeing her face. They were married, but it still felt like a dream… He walked closer to her, with a look of affection on his face.
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“Are you being careful and holding your own here? You didn’t get lost now, did you?”
Letting out a sigh, the boy sat next to her and embraced his wife.
“You know… There’s this piece of land I’ve been visiting… It would be a perfect place to build our farm on. We might be able to afford the place if we work hard enough! What do you think, Agnès?”
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crystvestal-blog · 8 years
They will never leave | Agnès & Judal
‘Hurry, Agnès!’
It was almost as if she could hear Airy’s voice telling her the same thing again, making Agnès annoyed because she didn’t want to remember it. The girl had to hurry, it was already dark and she promised Tiz she’d be home early. Of course her bad sense of direction wasn’t helping her, but it’s not like Agnès was lost. Being in a hurry was the problem.
‘If I turn left now, I’ll be almost the-’
The brunette’s thinking was interrupted by a sudden stumble. Fortunately, she managed not to fall, and a sigh of relief came out. Then, Agnès noticed the thing she stumbled on, and picked it up.
‘This is... weird...’ She thought, looking right and left, trying to find someone who might have dropped it. It was something that resembled a wand, and it had some sort of red crystal on its tip. Agnès, worried she wouldn’t find its owner, spotted someone in the way she was supposed to go.
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“Hey, sir! You over there! Is this yours?” She called out.
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crystvestal-blog · 8 years
Interesting things | Agnès & Satoshi
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“Such a beautiful art, sir!”
Agnès didn’t even think about saying that. It just came out, she was concentrated observing the other’s art, appreciating how careful he was with the details, showing some kind of affection towards his own art.
“Oh, sorry...!”
She was quiet until then, the girl didn’t want to bother him. Actually, she had other things to do, but somehow she felt an attraction as she saw that canvas being filled with color and discreetly approached and started watching the guy.
Yet, after revealing herself, she didn’t feel like leaving. What she had to do wasn’t really important anyway. Unless the other wanted her to be there, she wouldn’t mind leaving him alone, since Agnès was the one who approached him.
“You can keep going!”
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crystvestal-blog · 8 years
Curiosity doesn’t kill | Agnès & Remy
No, not going to get lost at all.
As determination was a big part of Agnès’s personality, she knew that improving her senses of direction was necessary. Tiz wouldn’t be there for her all the time, and her other friends weren’t around anymore. So when asked to buy something, she should do her best and make it back home safely.
Walking a bit more, the place Agnès searched for could be finally seen. There it was, the shop! She got happy, knowing she was successful on her “mission”.
But then, something caught her attention. Or better, someone. As the girl approached the shop, her eyes concentrated on a man standing in the front of the shop. She wouldn’t know him, but the vibes the man gave to the brunette were reminding her of those people she fought in Luxendarc. She was certain he wasn’t one of them, but got curious. Those kind of guys were troublesome...
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Agnès entered the shop, cautiously looking to the guy outside. After getting her things, she drove herself to the exit, but before leaving, the vestal decided to watch the guy a bit more. Heck, she didn’t even know him, and his life wasn’t any of her business, but she felt the need to observe him. Creepy.
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crystvestal-blog · 8 years
Peaceful afterlife | Tiz & Agnès
A calm morning, the sun shines on the city, its light reflecting on a girl’s brown and long hair while she walks slowly around the peaceful streets of the place she had arrived not long ago.
Agnès was told by her partner he’d be leaving home early to visit some place. She then got bored, and decided to go out for a while. And as the girl did so, she eventually got lost in thought. Blurried memories were a bother, they weren’t pleasant at all. The girl was already worried about how she ended up on this place, and even more worried about why Tiz came along with her.
Trying to leave the flood of thoughts in her mind aside, her eyes were paying attention to her surroundings. The birds were flying around, guiding her sight to a wooden bench from where it seemed to be a park. The brunette decided to sit down and appreciate the wind that went through her hair.
Almost closing her eyes, Agnès heard footsteps approaching her. She looked to where the sound was coming from, and there he was.
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「...Tiz! Welcome back.」
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crystvestal-blog · 8 years
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sooo i’ll be making a starter call!! like this post and i’ll write you a starter soon! i won’t be capping!
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crystvestal-blog · 8 years
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hello everyone~ my name is ray, and i’ll be rping this cutie here from now on!! it has been a while since i’ve been in a group, so please bear with me ;v;
here’s my twitter, feel free to follow me there! (tiz’s mun’s twitter is on my bio, he’s my bf!)
also, english is not my first language, so please tell me if i make any mistakes!!
looking forward to rp with you all <3
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crystvestal-blog · 8 years
i am
pleased to meet you
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