crywankband · 8 years
3rd March 2017
Again still doing a poor job of keeping up with this blog. I should try and spend more time on this and less time on facebook. I swear down facebook makes me go so wild and paranoid. I use social media impulsively then dwell on the repercussions. A lot of people see things and form opinions who don’t interact. I think I chat a lot of shit.  We did a lot of shows this month. At least it felt like that. We played in bradford at the 1 in 12 which was really fun. Then we spent two nights recording a live album at JT Soar with our friend Phil. Our friends band Rosseau also performed at these two shows. We’re going to Ireland with them in two day but we are having money troubles which is making me go a bit odd. So is visiting my parents. I struggle with nostalgia and being in my childhood bedroom surrounded by things I used to see every day and reminded of things and events that haven’t crossed my mind in years is bizarre. This is my band blog, why am I sharing this? We played in London, Brighton and Portsmouth, then I played solo in Plymouth and Essex. We met some lovely people at each show which was good and don’t really have any bad experiences to report. We went to a fun squat show. Dan bought me a weed necklace. After the shows I went to go see Suggested Friends feat my friend Laura (head of london), which was cool. I’ve been doing a lot of live streaming on instagram, although I wonder why I find the compulsion to even do it. It seems fun when I’m doing it but I analyse the intent and imagine it from the audiences perspective and then wig out a little. Despite saying this I am likely going to continue doing it. I need to pack and get ready for Ireland. I am not really ready. I’ve gotten nervou before loads of tours before though and they’ve worked out. Things just seem to be going wrong already though. I can try and work it out somehow. Some days I feel so chill it’s unreal and other days I feel so sick with paranoia that I can barely get a word out. Fluctuating between show-off and hermit. 
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crywankband · 8 years
9th February 2017
Wow. I have done a pretty terrible job of keeping up with this blog. I’ve done a pretty terrible job of a lot recently. I am 26 years old. I do not have a card. I do not have a phone. I do not have a passport. I do not have ID. I do not live anywhere. I do not have a job beyond a music project I call Crywank. I’m trying to remember what I’ve done since I last blogged but it’s largely a blur. I know I went to Manchester and hung with Rose. I’ve been missing her a lot since leaving the house-share so it was nice to go out dancing. We also had an awful hangover day following. I am pretty sure we watched a lot of stuff, but nothing I can really remember... My mind has been pretty wild of recent. I guess it’s hard for minds not be in the current climate. I find it harder to even have opinions though. Everything seems so fallible. Definitions are changing all the time. The current trend seems to be people calling angry right wingers ‘snowflakes’, which I understand the reasoning behind considering how that language is used by them, but it also makes me uncomfortable I think purely because it’s a term I’ve been on the receiving end of a lot. I keep thinking about gender and class and race and religion. I keep trying to make charts finding out which areas connect. I’ve been watching Adam Curtis documentaries which has been interesting. I watched Hyper-Normalization the other day after Mat from Elvis Depressdly posted it on twitter. I really like Adam Curtis and I enjoyed this dock. ‘The century of the self’ is another I would recommend.  I spent a night at my parents house and played some cards with my friend Paul, my Dad and my Brother. It still weirds me out going home. It’s huge bursts of nostalgia. I always fear I’m about to be quite rightly shouted at for wasting my life. For making nothing with the opportunities I’ve been given. I played a lot of a game ‘This War of Mine: The Little Ones’. I got super addicted to it and stayed up most of the night playing it. I didn’t realise the characters you played as could kill themselves and got really upset when my last survivor did. It is 5:37am and I am making a coffee in my hotel room. I have gotten really bad at sleeping again. When I stay over at peoples houses it takes me a long time to go to sleep. I feel like a ghost walking around their house making noises. I wish I could sleep. It usually gets to the point each night where it feels too late for sleep, and I should just hold off trying again until the next day. I’d like to stay in bed all day tomorrow but you have to leave the hotel at 10. Oh I also went trampolining at europe’s biggest trampoline park, which was horribly exhausting. I genuinely thought I was gonna die, my heart was beating so fast and I could feel my pulse in the tips of my fingers. I swear I am so unhealthy. I also watched the royal rumble. I really enjoyed the event, but not the rumble itself. I could say more but I’ve not slept and my eyes are sorta tripping out now. I’ve been getting trippy eyes a lot recently. Acidy flashback sorta stuff. It’s pretty weird.  I went to V rev to catch up with my friend charlotte in manchester as well which was nice as I hadn’t seen her in ages. I saw Dan but it was super brief. I woke him up in the studio. He is about to move out, it sounds like a lot of drama has been going on in regards to the building, maybe we’ll speak about it at a later date as i don’t wanna cause any legal trouble. Dan is now living somewhere else though I believe now. Neither of us have phone and the last email he sent me was mostly about the cool robot coffee thing he got served by in a shop. It could easily just be dan being impressed by a self-service costa coffee machine though, who knows? I get to see him on sunday which will be nice. He can no longer do the bradford show which makes me sad. The recording is still on though! I came early to Glasgow to go see Slowlight and Min Diesel which was fun. I also so a band from Norway who took a shine to me once they realised I had weed and was nice enough to share. I can’t remember their name though, I’ll have to look through facebook event history. It was super nice getting to see my friend Beth perform again, and I hung out with Tam and Craig from Benjamin Blue who I toured with last year which was nice. We tried a game of monopoly but we didn’t have the power to make it through a full game. The next day was my show which was really nice. I saw a lot of friends and met a lot of nice new people also. I was paid well and the crowd where very sweet. I wish I had merch though, Ill get it sorted one day. I played with Lovers turn to monsters again and it was probably the best time I’ve seen Kyle. I think a lot of Crywank fans would really like his music. I also played with the eagertongue which was interesting. They knew a bunch of people from my past which made me feel a bit silly and paranoid but they where very nice and it was cool to share a bill with a noise act. The next day I went to go see Chrissy Barnacle perform which was amazing as always. We also saw a Glasgow Taiko group called ILK I believe which was really interesting. And a sort of vaudeville two piece act who I enjoyed and hated in equal measures, which I guess is better than indifference in regards to lasting impression, but not necessarily the best impression.  Me and Boab then got drunk and had pizza and this was cool. The next day I went on an epic four hour walk around Glasgow and hung out with Nyla and Kim at theirs. It was nice having a rest day. I cooked a sunday roast (even though it was monday, i told myself it was sunday the whole time though and only realised it wasn’t right now), and then we spent the night listening to cool music and watching documentaries. It was really nice and relaxing. A much needed evening.  Yesterday a group of us went to a pub quiz, we came third, but we lost two drawing teams by a point. We were so close, although I feel like I wasn’t much pub quiz help (I nearly got everyone to put a few incorrect answers down). The team name was “jet fuel can’t melt quiz teams” which I thought was pretty great. Then after the quiz me and Chrissy darted to the hairdressers to Kapils show. The first band weren’t really my cup of tea. I guess I could tap my toe to it, but it was also pretty indulgent. The second band where so gnarly though, it was their last show so I’m super buzzed I got to see them. They were called op, I’ve not listening to their recordings yet but you can search them here: https://oppt.bandcamp.com/ We then darted back to catch the last 15 minutes of Rapid Tan who where super cool.  Yesterday I spent a lot of it online being slow and boring. I then eventually made it to an improv night which I really enjoyed. I saw my friend Leo and watched some interesting (and occasionally difficult/noisy/bad) improv. There was some cool visuals there and a nice inclusive atmosphere. I played percussion for the scoring of a mario kart tournament which I enjoyed. It’s rare I get an opportunity to play the drums. I’ve spent the rest of the night laying around sweating all over this hotel bed and not sleeping and blogging and chatting to people and being gross and pathetic and stupid loser and writing things I may regret. Who knows. I bubble with paranoia a lot. Sometimes I think everyone is awful, and I don’t know if I think this is awful or ok.
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crywankband · 8 years
20th January 2017
So I recorded some demos on the 16th. My friend Jacob recorded me and my friend Colm clapped in one song. We got 15 demos but I have more to record. Then I need to get them to dan so he can start thinking of ideas for the songs. I’ve been totally broke so my couchsurfing has been largely confined to leeds. Most of my clothes are in barnsley so I need to get back there soon. I’m starting to smell pretty bad. I do need to play a show in Harrogate on Saturday though so maybe I should stay in Leeds until then. I’ve been pretty disorganised and January has gone by so fast. I wish I had my tablet still so I could video blog, although a part of me thinks I’d have made a fool of myself through it if I’d been video blogging most of this year.  I’ve been procrastinating and playing a lot of bad clicking games. Game Dev Tycoon and Adventure Capitalist Simulator. I don’t know why I choose to waste my time this way. I listened to a bit of ‘Rustic Bullshit’ by Talons’ today. It always makes me weepy and nostalgic. I’ve started dreaming again after years of not doing. I think my dreams are what make me nostalgic in the day maybe. They’re a lot more rooted in the past. This probably isn’t interesting. I had a VHS boxset of the Dilbert cartoon when I was a kid and in one episode a character sarcastically said “I’ve always said there’s nothing more interesting than hearing about other peoples dreams” so that has always put me off talking about them. I got Twitter back. The internet is still making me paranoid. I think I have too weird of a relationship with it. I both seek and fear attention. There was a point when it felt like I was becoming a parody of myself. Now I am older the world feels like a parody of what it was. I wander how many times this can nest egg.I wander what the end result will be. Did that make sense. I should really have decided to sleep. I’ve been pulling all nighters again which I’ve not done for a long time. Maybe it’s a good thing, I tend to create things and contemplate a lot when I stay up all night. It’s probably not good for my temperament though. Here is some Crywank related things that I saw this week: A wee sketch of Nostril Tampon by @hammerandfail on twitter  https://twitter.com/hammerandfail/status/822328267969466370 A cover of Song for a guilty sadist is here by  Oskar Pochopien https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gx2sOuL7MS8&t=33s A cover of only everyone can judge me by EcastaticCloud https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7vSUdeIxo4 A cover of Song for a guilty sadist by someone called Cameron https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oepWcGJj510 a cover of if i were you i'd be throwing up by Murdered Dishwater (this song is rarely covered so it was super fun to hear, especially the lyric changes hehe) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxAT3_2yhvE Here’s a PMV by Tally Crew for  It's ok, I wouldn't remember me either https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsnY-ets-Gc Here’s an AJMV (animal jam music video) for Only Everyone Can Judge Me done by WondercolorAJ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMqbOjHGm04 Here’s a PMV for I Am Shit by Pichu Girls to celebrate their 1,000 subs on youtube. Congrats! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57k51Hn4Jxw And here’s another PMV for I Am Shit done by Deadroses https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfseKvb5fXI Finally here is a remix of Crywank are posers by 1108 https://soundcloud.com/11081108/posers-1 I love seeing all the fan art and different projects made using our music. If there is something you think I may have missed please send it my way! Oh I also announced a show in Nottingham on valentines day. We’re going to be recording alive album at JT Soar, one of our favourite UK venues! We’re super excited, I need to get more organised for it though! I’ll try and get my act together tomorrow!
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crywankband · 8 years
16th January 2017
Today has been pretty nice. Me and Tom played some video games and then I went to hang out with some friends in Leeds. We got high and watched nearly all of the netflix series “A series of unfortunate events” which I really enjoyed. I thought Neil Patrick Harris was great in it and I really enjoyed the character of Count Olaf.  Apparently we’ve been sampled in a song by XXXTENTACION, although I’m not sure how real it is. The song is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9c8dMjzF_M and it sounds like it samples ’Privatley owned Spiral Galaxy’. What made me think it was more legit was the existence of this reaction video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WLeyimHJ3c . I’d not been aware of XXXTENTACION until someone sent me this today. I don’t really know what to think of them or to being sampled. It’s just pretty weird. It looks like they’ve deleted the song from most of their media channels though so it’s just re-uploads (which again is why I’m dubious). I’m really buzzed to have been included in Salford Uni’s playlist ‘Sounds of Salford. I’m specifically buzzed about it because it was voted for by students, alumni, staff for songs which reminded them of their time here. I dropped out of Salford Uni for a number of personal reasons pretty quickly after starting. The first song I ever wrote was named after the halls there Castle Irwell, and over the years I’ve received a fair few emails from students staying there about the song. I meant to go and do a session with someone there before it got knocked down but it never happened in the end. It’s weirdly nice getting recognition from the university so many years after dropping out. http://www.salford.ac.uk/we-are-50/the-past/sounds-of-salford Currently Listening To: ‘Grounds For Divorce’ by Wolf Parade
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crywankband · 8 years
15th January 2017
So I’ve just found out you can bet on the WWE which I don’t understand because the WWE is fiction. Tom scolded his hand yesterday and I played a bunch of the game ‘Tricky Towers’ because I am really boring. I am hopefully recording demos tomorrow, I find out today!!
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crywankband · 8 years
14th January 2017
Much love to Tom and Rosie for letting me stay with them the past few days. We’re currently giving the new ‘serious of unfortunate events’ series on netflix. It’s only just started, I am pretty buzzing from the theme tune though. My kinda thing. I’m hopefully gonna be recording some demos for the new album on monday and I’m currently trying to book some shows. We’re going to start gigging again in Feb, and I plan on having a busy March and April :) If you wanna help book us please e-mail [email protected] We’ve got two shows confirmed for this year so far. We are playing in Glasgow on the fourth of Feb. (https://www.facebook.com/events/216505858810899/) and Manchester Punk Festival in April (https://www.facebook.com/events/794284377381495/). I’m trying to fill up the months right now. We should have more to announce tomorrow.  Some cool fan things that have popped up. Cerys Lacy drew me as a cat! Tom Gay who did the essay on TINYAEIS the other day also did a remix of ‘Song for a guilty sadist’ which you can hear here: https://soundcloud.com/ratbite/song-for-a-guilty-sadist-remix
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crywankband · 8 years
13th January 2017
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What Doth life? I’vE sTaYeD uP aLl NigHt. Watching nintendo switch launch presentation. I am interested in it as a console, but only in a few games announced so far. I am interested in distractions. I am interested in harmless news. My progress is slow. I said I was a leech. Dan is a snail. I am also slow. Maybe I have a rock on my back. Always ‘posin.  Tom Gay wrote some nice words about our third album earlier today. https://tomgaysite.wordpress.com/2017/01/13/crywanks-tomorrow-is-nearly-yesterday-and-everyday-is-stupid/ It was a nice and interesting read for me. Above is a picture of jar jar binks because I learnt how to add pictures. I don’t have too many pictures on the computer I am using though so I just opted for this one. I do mention Jar Jar bInKs iN oNe SoNg So MaYbE iT’s ApProPrIaTe?!!?!?! It turns out you weren’t a hypochondriac. You were dying all along and you’d just convinced yourself of that. If only we’d seen you earlier.  It turns out you weren’t dying. You are a hypochondriac. You where attention seeking and you’ve wasted everybody's time. It turns out hypochondriac’s can’t die. They just convince themselves they can. It can be argued that for those who live forever, time cannot be wasted. I watched a lot of videos about Waluigi earlier. I answered emails and tried to make plans. I’ve got some wild leg twitch. Nintendo twitch. I need to start again from a date. I can do this. Can I? Looking forward to this being another thing I regret posting onto/into the internet. Not respecting it’s permanence. 
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crywankband · 8 years
Silly music thing I’ve taken from facebook.
Copy this post as a status update. List 10 albums that made a lasting impression on you as a TEENAGER, but only one per band/artist. Don't take too long and don't think too long. (In no particular order) Shoes & Socks Off - From The Muddy Banks of Melitzer Okkervil River - Black Sheep Boy Mountain Goats - The Sunset Tree Sufjan Stevens - Illinois Joni Mitchell - Blue Brand New - Deja Entendu Modest Mouse - Moon & Antarctica System of a Down - S/T Yann Tiersen - Amelie OST Interpol - Turn On The Bright Lights
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crywankband · 8 years
12th January 2017
I spent a while doing Crywank admin yesterday, but it felt like I didn’t even get much done and then I got super frustrated. I was in Barnsley but I found myself super frustrated with a bunch of things and decided to go to leeds to unwind. I met up with some friends and played laserquest then had a pizza. Laserquest was sweet as always, we had a ten person deathmatch. I came third which I was pretty happy with.  Today me and Tom are hanging out today. I’m having a nerd day. I’m super excited about the nintendo switch presentation tonight so I’m gonna stay up all night drinking coffee. I’m hopefully going to be recording demos in the next few days as well. I should watch my voice though. I was really loud yesterday. Me and Tom who played bass on ‘Don’t Piss On Me...’ went to our friends Colm and Daniels place and had a very silly jam. I really enjoyed it though. Silly jams are way less pressure. I have some shows I need to announce. I don’t know why I’m being so reserved about it. I keep procrastinating all the time. Everything seems really tangled up. There always feels like there is too much to do. I’m complaining online again. This is becoming a really bad trait of mine. Speaking about it is doing it. I should end this sentence.  I watched an interesting short yesterday by PFFFR which was presented entirely in fast forward. It’s quite a large scale and after we watched it we found a slowed down version which proved it to have all been filmed and written as a movie. The idea of going to such efforts with the writing and acting just to present the whole thing sped up so the dialogue meant nothing I couldn’t get over. It’s pretty hilarious. Then we watched this odd film that was shot on security cams, I quite enjoyed it but the end left me a bit cold. M.O.P.Z - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7RyZDMRQTI This House Has People In https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-pj8OtyO2I Currently Listening To - Tom Play Ratchet & Clank (PS4)
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crywankband · 8 years
11th January 2017 - Slaves Big Grant
http://crackmagazine.net/2017/01/slaves-250000-grant/   Been applying for grants all morning to try and get oversees with the band as I don’t know how we’ll afford it otherwise. For some reason the momentum application I was filling in said our account had been suspended after two hours of form filling and I have no idea why so I’m in a p bad mood for my time-waste of a day. I’m gonna be honest I didn’t even know a lot of this grant stuff existed and I never really know where to find it. Maybe this is the sort of stuff I should have been getting on years ago. We’ll keep an eye out in the future though, we’re gonna try as hard as we can to get to USA, South America, Canada and Australia. I’m getting wound up immediately at bands who already have a lot of money and opportunities seeming to be the ones who receive the funding though. Bands on major labels with top ten albums who do headline shows at 2000+ capacity venues? Bands who have played the main stage at leeds/reading, who get support slots for some of the biggest musicians within their genre. I don’t understand why they are even applying for grants. Dan told me off for complaining all the time about the music industry online and says it’s something I need to stop doing and makes us look bad…. On that note - Well done Slaves, Everything Everything, White Lies ,Frank Carter, Cate le Bon & Moose Blood. Hope this solves all your bands money problems and lack of opportunities.
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crywankband · 8 years
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I don’t think this grant company wants to help us out. Our account is suddenly suspended half way through trying to fill out the application form. I’m thrilled to have wasted the past few hours. This is why I never do band admin stuff. warrrgghghgh
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crywankband · 8 years
11th January 2017 - Grants?
I’m trying to apply for some sort of music grants. We’re not parts of any ‘legit’ music groups at the moment though so I’m not sure how much weight we’d have with our applications. It’s something I’d not considered before and just assumed I wouldn’t get but after some encouragement I’m researching it. We can prove we have big fanbases in other countries so maybe we’ll be able to get some sort of help trying to get there. I’m pretty baffled and upset when I’ve been looking through these grants though. There are a lot of familiar bands that I’ve seen in the lists of people who have received these grants who I know are DIY bands who won’t have the funding and contacts to get all the opportunities they deserve, but then there are some acts who I know are very well off, who received a lot of press with previous projects and where signed to major labels who where given these grants. It’s just a shame seeing that these people have been successful, maybe it should give me more faith that I may be successful. I just get the impression though that it wasn’t the musicians applying because they are struggling to reach their potential though, and that it’s more likely someone working for them thinking “here’s a free way to get money because I understand how the system works”.  I’m also trying to look out for festivals to see if we can try and get on some. We’ve not done many festival before and I’d really enjoy to be on more bills. I’m going to try and apply for what I can, although I’m not holding my breath. I’m not sure how many festivals would want the word ‘Crywank’ written on their poster. Just updating to let ya’ll know I am doing stuff. Trying not to stagnate too much. I’m currently staying with my parents. We have no cash and no tobacco and I am frustrated. Currently Listening To - Mister Wallace - It Girl
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crywankband · 8 years
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Design by Roseanna Hanson  https://www.facebook.com/roseannahanson
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crywankband · 8 years
11th January 2017 - Fan Videos
I am super self obsessed and google myself every few days to see what people have been making in regards to the band. I thought I’d do a wee post of what I’d found today! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhyYzUTbElQ So this is a Vent PMV (picture music video) by RedBloodSeed for ‘A Deer Mistaking Candles For Headlights’. I came across a peculiar ‘I hate everything’ parody channel about hating spelling which used a Crywank song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXDgE3cxbDE . It’s not really the best viewing.... but I found it interesting because I watched the I hate everything video they did on their parody videos recently, so seeing one with a crywank song was an interesting find. geneva easton made a pmv for a verse of privately owned spiral galaxy in a cute manga style which was cool to see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clA_WMtMUU0 Greed Void did a wee cover on ukulele of ‘A Deer Mistaking Candles For Headlights’. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4L3SYNiMaXo It’s a rearrangement and they’re still learning but it’s a cute cover anyways! Wildly there is a 360 google cardboard VR lyric video for ‘Obsessive Muso With No Friends’ which i something I didn’t expect to come across https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfNIRMdy1ss ‘Blood Like Sunsets’ did a cover of Privately Owned Spiral Galaxy which is really cool to see someone cover. It’s a really hard song to remember and sing so it’s ace seeing other people do it. especially as it’s not the most well known crywank song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7Ym0zCtCm8 I found this ‘Just A Snail Cover’ by Ciarahim which i really enjoyed, especially the vox at the end! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vY8JSgxWKec Finally here is a music video Matty Butcher did for the main verse of ‘Forlorn Leghorn’ for their uni course. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wt2cWaQ_D34 I especially liked the part with the list. There is also a video filmed of me on tour by Pete from Benjamin Blue. I was telling them that I was not having a good time because the beginning of the tour was just me and Beth being sick on each other. Little did Pete know that I was actually having a great time getting thrown up on by Beth and it was the highlight of the tour. You can watch that video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5hh35d4Xj0 or you can check out Benjamin Blue here: - https://benjaminblue.bandcamp.com/releases That’s it for todays self-involvement. I’ll be sure to do this again soon though. Currently Listening To - Benjamin Blue - Eliot
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crywankband · 8 years
11th January 2017
I am trying to blog again. I try blogging routinely and I fail. I don’t think I’ve been doing too well with social media recently though and I’ve been finding the internet an intimidating place that clogs my head. I often feel like I have too much to reply to and I don’t know where to start, so I bury my head into the sand and leave everybody feeling ignored, which isn’t what I want.  I figured I’d just put my efforts into blogging again. Give myself more of a distinguishable narrative for my future self to look back on rather than just years of shitposting counterpointed with impulsively posted pellets of anxiety on a variety of different places. Whenever I stumble onto one of my abandoned old blogs from when I was younger I’m usually pretty thrilled with all the music and film recommendations I get from my past self that I’d totally forgotten about. I also think most of my efforts put in this direction is maybe more productive in regards to what people actually get from social media. I could perhaps be completely wrong though. I’ve just deleted twitter and told myself that more words to explain myself and express myself in is surely better, but Dan has also been encouraging me to leave social media altogether (he still uses instagram though.... @defectiveobjective).  I went to Manchester this past weekend to see my old housemates, Dan and other friends. A party was being thrown at my old house as a belated leaving-do for our friend Rosie and Myself. I got pretty messy and spent the following day coming-down hard, getting very upset at ‘Come Dine With Me’ and the tv show ‘First Dates’. It really made me want to fall in love again, despite being a pretty cheesy show and despite me not really thinking that serious romance is something that I need in my life right now. It maybe says more about my state of mind that day rather than the quality of the show. A self-destructive part of myself really wants to apply to go on it. This year I am meant to be sorting myself out, and sorting Crywank out. We’re nearly two weeks in and all I’ve really done though is wallow or party. I need to work out ways of functioning more like a ‘proper band’. I’ve been doing this for seven years and never signed up with PRS or any similar companies and I think it’s about time I had a go at more legitimate routes of keeping the band going. I’m pretty daunted by all the forms, and I need to sort out my bank and passport issues before I can manage that. Now I’ve written this down into a blog post though, I hopefully won’t be reading this in six months with my situation unchanged. Sometimes the pressure of being more open about something helps it get done. Me and Dan had a practice and worked through some new songs on Sunday which was fun. My fingertips are hella raw now though. I need to sort out learning how to play with a pick one day. Some sound pretty silly and ridiculous compared to our earlier stuff. Hopefully people vibe off it, it’s a lot harder to play.  We do have a music video coming out later this month. I’ll post more details about that this week. We also had one of our songs used in the soundtrack for a documentary that was on viceland. It’s called Payday, I’ve not seen it yet though and have no idea what it’s like. A fair few people got in touch to let me know they’d heard it though which was cool. I didn’t even know it’d aired. We’ve never done anything like have our music used in something like this before, it’s wild to think that people have heard one of our songs on tv. We’ve never even been written about by vice or Noisey so we were really pleased the team on Payday asked us. I’m trying to open myself up to more things like this in the future. I’ve not done the best job at raising money for the band and I’m getting such hot feet. I want to come to South America and Canada and USA and Australia and I’m sorry it’s taking us so long.  I used to love putting pictures in my blog posts but I don’t know how anymore. I’d like to put our new t-shirt design up to let ya’ll see. I’ll have a look and see how tumblr has changed since I stopped using it properly. I’m listening to a lot of stuff I enjoyed when I was 18-21 at the moment. It’s weird looking back, my situation seems to have changed a lot but I still feel really similar. I’ve been getting really overwhelmed by 2017 so far. I’m not usually very nostalgic but my brain just seems to be riding those waves recently. I think I thought I’d feel more like an adult at this point, and right now I’m sort of worried that I never will. Currently Listening To - Paul Baribeau - Rolling Clouds
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