csigirl3137 · 4 days
why is ao3 is blocked on the hospital wifi????
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csigirl3137 · 4 days
"i would die for her"
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"i would kill for her"
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csigirl3137 · 4 days
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csigirl3137 · 4 days
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dean thinking sam’s jealous after not being listed on the fbi wanted list even as an accomplice… no that boy is LIVID they left out ur partner in crime! ur bonnie!!! how egregiously they disrespected the brotherlover hustle, smh.
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csigirl3137 · 4 days
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Can anyone say 2 for 1????
A httyd Little Mermaid (man?) AU
@mdoodlerfandomart is the amazing line artist of both of these.
And yes, you can bet that I was watching The Little Mermaid while coloring these.
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csigirl3137 · 4 days
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csigirl3137 · 4 days
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The Addams Family // New Neighbors Meet the Addams Family
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csigirl3137 · 4 days
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DreamWorks Animation Studios presents:
How to Train Your Mermaid
Viggo has his work cut out for him. lol (he’s been head butted once already lololol)
Hiccup knows he’s at Viggo’s mercy but that doesn’t mean he’s going to take his captivity lying down. Just because his magic is stunted doesn’t mean he can’t intimidate humans with his teeth. Or stop him from acting like a little shit.
Line art credit goes to the amazing @mdoodlerfandomart Aaaaaaahhhhhh this was so much fun!
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csigirl3137 · 4 days
religion kink and corruption kink samdean.....
sam who prays everyday and goes to church on sundays and carries a rosary but also won't hesitate to get on his knees for a priest or priest-like figure and who moans when someone (dean) presses his fingers into his mouth and tells him that his cum is communion, because who else is god besides your big brother who pulled you from the fire?
dean who uses motel room bibles to roll joints and wants to drag his little brother down to hell with him so he forces sam to say blasphemous things while he's fucking him into next week and pressing his face into the mattress, dean who once set a fire in the back of a church, dean who is secretly afraid of god but doesn't want to admit it to himself
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csigirl3137 · 4 days
my secret agenda is that i don't want sam to be a lawyer because i want to make him into a housewife instead
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csigirl3137 · 4 days
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csigirl3137 · 4 days
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csigirl3137 · 4 days
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csigirl3137 · 4 days
i love the narrative of young sam getting jealous of the girls dean would bring around. i love maybe just a tiny bit more dean getting jealous of the girls sam brings around/studies with/straight up shows any interest in.
like, post stanford sam is so confused whenever dean butts into his love life and nudges him in the direction of having sex because when sam was a teenager that… was not how it was. if sam asked to get dropped off at the library so he could hang out with a girl, dean wanted to know everything about this chick. he had a strict pick up time and expected sam to be out on the steps, alone and waiting for his brother to pull up and get him strictly on the dot.
dean was the type to act like he was grateful his loser kid brother might finally actually be getting some, but when sam promised he’d help one of the popular girls bump up her english grade dean made sure they didn’t have a free moment for weeks until she lost interest.
one night sam asked dean how to ask a girl out. not explicitly, but dean could tell. he knew who the girl was, too. she was a senior who liked to walk sam out of school and wore low cut shirts and left him flustered with her lip glossy smiles. dean picked her up two days later and fucked her in the car. sam had to walk home and dean just said sorry, slipped his mind. neither of them said anything when sam found her bracelet in the back seat. but sam stopped liking girls in front of dean, and that’s really all that mattered to him.
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csigirl3137 · 4 days
MW3 - John "Soap" MacTavish - Nautilus
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csigirl3137 · 4 days
we wincesties just have so much more fun. imagine watching the cinematic crime that is bugs and actually enjoying it. sam and dean being confused with a couple more than once. dean calling sam honey. the lil butt smack. the two breaking into a house cause they wanna try the steam shower. freaking weirdos. love them to death
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csigirl3137 · 4 days
Reader accidentally getting married to a complete stranger (König) after a drunken night? With complete documentation and all.
Your head is pounding. Your throat feels like you were enjoying a light snack of needles and sand last night. Your pussy feels like you decided to fuck yourself with a baseball bat and came three times during it. There is a man in your bed - well, not even your bed, but a bed. A bed in a room that you do not recognise, with a man that you do not recognize. He has his hand thrown over your waist and you can spot a ring on his hand - fucking great, you slept with a married guy. Maybe, you could just slowly ease yourself from under his body and make. a quick run for your life before his wife is here, so... There is a ring on your finger. Same vintage design, maybe a bit more elegant. Giant diamond in the middle, making it look like something you definitely wouldn't want to wear on a daily basis. The guy snores quietly behind you, the outline of his muscular body makes you shiver with desire. So, you did sleep with a married guy. It's just that he was married to you. If you think that convincing Konig that it was all a drunk mistake and you should divorce as soon as possible so you wouldn't have any problems in the future, you're dead wrong. He already tied the knot, and he won't let you or anyone else untie it. Not in his books - he is going to take you home and sign all the required documents, so you'd have a hand on the property, and he already discusses how you'll give up on your job and become a full-time housewife for him. You thought it couldn't get worse, but the guy already calls you his darling, his dearest, and about three different pet names in German that you don't understand - but pretty sure it's something weird and perverted. Konig rolls over you again, his cock poking at your thigh. A newlywed high goes through your mind as he starts sucking on your neck again, renewing the hickeys already covering your soft skin. You ask if he is really serious about the whole wedding thing - and he says that once he saw you, he was certain that you will be worthy of his grandma's wedding ring. Jesus fucking christ...altough god isn't going to help you when your new husband is making you cum on his monster cock again.
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