csillagkisasszony · 19 days
What are your thoughts on haiku bot?
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I wish @the-haiku-bot would abuse its massive influence to rickroll people.
Just once.
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csillagkisasszony · 19 days
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The Government Media Office in Gaza reported that the Israeli military targeted at least 10 UNRWA displacement centers in the past 24 hours. These shelters, housing tens of thousands of Palestinians, including women and children, were hit in Jabalia, Nuseirat, Gaza City, and Rafah. The latest strikes on Rafah killed at least 35 people, with the death toll expected to rise due to the severity of the attacks. The office stated that these actions send a “clear message” from Israel and the U.S. to the International Court of Justice and the global community that the attacks on displaced persons will continue, despite international law.
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csillagkisasszony · 19 days
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csillagkisasszony · 19 days
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This is for the support of Gaza's Municipality Services - which help ensure clean drinking water, waste collection, debri removal and sanitation services - life saving services to run a state - reader I imagine wherever you are or how lacking the municipality services in your city is, it's not worse than Ghazza.
Currently it's only at 11% - please donate -
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csillagkisasszony · 19 days
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két iksz a gerire, ha meghúzza, de a teljes rakparttal, irtsd a szar autót, hétfőn a gyerekem végigkismotorozott a parlamenttől a szent istván parkig, közben néztünk hajókat, kacsákat, rakparton üldögélő embereket. tényleg agyatlan istenverte barom, aki szerint ehelyett egy autópálya kell oda
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nagyon szeretek a dunaparton lakni
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csillagkisasszony · 19 days
tha pope said Faggot
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csillagkisasszony · 1 month
How old were you at the lowest point in your life? Reblog this and put it in the tags, plus your current age maybe. I'm trying to see something.
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csillagkisasszony · 1 month
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Cant have fucking shit in Detroit
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csillagkisasszony · 1 month
love shakespeare. did a hamlet run tonight, looked someone dead in the eye to say “am i a coward?” during a speech and the fucker shrugged and nodded
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csillagkisasszony · 1 month
1930s news about a trans woman: Well I'll be curfuffled young Corlotta Jhonson has transformed herself from a dandy into a dame and what a Bombshell she's become. And How!
1930s news about trans men: Wanted dead or alive this young lady who started wearing trousers, the tomboy terror known only as The Crust is wanted for snorting the President's personal stash of opium and has slain nearly every senate member in a pistol duel.
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csillagkisasszony · 1 month
the first day of my hand drafting class in my senior year of college, after the prof taught us how to frame up on the drafting table and went over how to use the tools we'd bought, he had us all take our pencils and make a mark on the top right corner of the vellum. then he walked us through the setup steps - the border, the title block, etc.
and he told us to erase the mark.
when someone - rosie, i think - asked what the mark was for he smiled.
"if you give a novice student an expensive, blank piece of paper, they panic. they think if i start using that i will ruin it. so the first thing i want all of you to do, any time you stare at a blank piece of paper, is to ruin it a little and take the pressure off yourself. pencil erases. anxiety has to be managed."
i hated that man for a myriad of reasons, but that was some of the best advice i've ever been given.
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csillagkisasszony · 1 month
earring backs have a special quality where you can watch them fall out of your hand, hit the floor, and then they literally vanish in front of your eyes and despite presumably being within a relatively small radius of a spot you were just looking at, will never ever be found again
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csillagkisasszony · 1 month
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Chelsea Hodson, "Tonight I'm Someone Else" // l.a.m, "The Rising of the Phoenix" // @astrono77153462 // author unknown, "Fallen Angel in Church" // Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov // Franz Kafka and @wingful // @conturnacious // Ted Chiang, Hell is the Absent of God // Google search results // David Bowie
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csillagkisasszony · 1 month
I am logging off once again until further notice
jövök ha letudtam a záróvizsgám, vagy ha megtudom a dátumot :')))
need to prepare for my final exam at uni but idk when it is yet
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csillagkisasszony · 1 month
Go ahead and block/report @/report-Palestinians too
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csillagkisasszony · 1 month
Brazil's Rio Grande do Sul is currently flooded
I don't make these kinds of posts, but Rio Grande do Sul (a brazilian estate) is going through its worst natural catastrophe in recorded history and I need everyone to know about this. Its currently looking like this:
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What is going on
Most of Brazil suffers from yearly floods during the rain season. These floods most of the time aren't bad, with water going away a few hours later. Sometimes they are a nightmare, with people losing their homes and most if not all belongings. But this?
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This is not fucking normal.
Currently (May 6th, 2024) there's +80 confirmed deaths and 873 thousand people are being affected by these historical floods. Eight hundred and seventy three THOUSAND people. Once again: THIS. IS. NOT. NORMAL.
Rio Grande has 496 cities, and currently, 364 are reporting problems related to this. It's almost the entirety of Rio Grande - and you know how big Rio Grande is? If you're from the USA, its just a bit bigger than Colorado, and just a bit smaller than Nevada. If you are European, Rio Grande is bigger than the United Kingdom. Can you imagine if almost the entirety of the UK was underwater? Because I sure fucking can just by watching brazilian news!
Rio Grande expects floods. It rains a lot in Brazil. What no one expect is having to deal with 2,30 meters - 7'7 feet for reference - ABOVE the expected flooding level, which is 3 meters (9'10 feet). This means that there were 5,26 meters (17'3 ft) of water. Chart for comparison:
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I live in São Paulo, which is completely unaffected by what is going on over there, but I need people to be aware of this. Why?
How YOU can help
A single US dollar is almost five reais. One euro is around 5,50. This may not be much to a lot of people reading this, but literally anything helps. If you donate U$10, it's R$50 for us. If it's euros, then it's R$55,00.
If you can't donate, please just reblog this post.
If you use euros, here's the donation info:
Standard Chartered Bank Frankfurt Bank
Bank Account: 007358304
If you use dollars, here's the donation info:
Standard Chartered Bank New York Bank
Swift: SCBLUS33
Bank Account: 3544032986001
You need to inform this in order to donate:
IBAN Code: BR5392702067001000645423206C1
Name: Associação dos Bancos no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul
CNPJ: 92.958.800/0001-38
If you're brazilian, oi, aqui tá o Pix do canal SOS Rio Grande do Sul para você ajudar:
Pix: CNPJ: 92.958.800/0001-38 Banco do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul ou Associação dos Bancos no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul
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csillagkisasszony · 1 month
Reblog my poll boy 🫵🏻
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