csrolereversal · 5 years
@delightfully-difficult-pirate brings in another piece of this hilarious and emotional - because we do have feels in here, people! - puzzle. I personally am thrilled to see how it all turns out!
Freaky Friday the 14th (CSRR) (2/3)
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AN: I intended to post the finale of this fic today, but I haven’t had the time to finish editing it all.  So instead of not posting, I’m posting what I have as part 2 and next week I’ll get the rest of it posted as part 3.  Sorry!  Another thanks to @mariakov81​ for her wonderful art that served as inspiration and has tested my writing abilities.  And of course to @csrolereversal​ for organizing this event.
Rating: PG-13
Part 1 (art)
Emma hated Killian’s alarm clock.  It was an actual, physical alarm clock, and an ancient one at that.  Well, ancient may be too strong of a word, but it was old.  So old that she couldn’t plug her phone into it so that it played something other than the annoying buzzer as the alarm.
Buried beneath the covers, Emma reached out one arm and clumsily slapped the alarm clock until the sound ceased.  She slowly lifted her arm and squinted at the clock.
So absorbed as she was trying to figure out why Killian had set the alarm for so early on a weekend, it took her a couple of moments until she realized that the arm holding the blankets up was not her own.
Except it was.
It was the arm that moved when she instinctively jerked it back in shock.  
Freaked out, Emma tried to unbury herself from the bedcovers, but only tangled herself further.  She continued to fight against them until she tumbled off the bed and onto the floor.  Finally, she fought free, but when she tried to stand, she found it difficult.  Her body felt disjoined and heavy and her head was pounding.  Confused, she looked down at herself.
Emma was greeted with the sight of a bare, hairy chest that she was intimately acquainted with.  Killian’s chest.  She pulled on the waistband of the grey lounge pants.  Definitely Killian’s penis.
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csrolereversal · 5 years
I don’t think I’ve recovered from the first laugh I had when I saw @mariakov81​ pieces :’D This is just amazing, isn’t it?
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And from here on some fun begins! Here is the part 2 of the amazing story @delightfully-difficult-pirate created for @csrolereversal! And it's not the last part! Yay! ❤️
Part 1 is here
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csrolereversal · 5 years
And now, last but not least, we close this Valentine's week with all the rock-hard candy fluff @swanslieutenant gifted us with!
an extravagance of candy hearts (1/1)
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Happy Valentine’s Day! My turn for posting for the @csrolereversal​, with the art by @kmomof4​. Hope you all enjoy this short fic for Valentine’s Day, set in the six weeks of peace during S4. 
Read on AO3
Summary: As Killian’s first Valentine’s Day in Storybrooke approaches, Ruby and Henry take it upon themselves to make sure that both he and Emma have an incredible, extravagant time they won’t forget.
Emma and Killian walk hand in hand down the main street of Storybrooke, headed towards Granny’s diner. It’s a quiet Saturday in early February; in fact, it’s been peaceful since Elsa and Anna returned to their land and since Gold was banished from Storybrooke. The absence of the Dark One seems to have lifted a cloud over the small town, freeing it from the darkness lurking in every corner and in the now shuttered pawn shop.
While Emma has returned to her day-to-day activities as sheriff, Killian spends most of his time trying to help Belle in figuring out a way to rescue the fairies from the Sorcerer’s Hat. It’s frustrating and fruitless work, and so when Emma had dropped in to take him to Granny’s for lunch, he was only too happy to oblige.
Just outside of Granny’s, Leroy and one of the other former dwarves (whose name escapes Killian’s mind) are in the midst of a shouting match.
Emma sighs as they approach, shaking her head in irritation. “Best go and see what that is about,” she mutters, before stepping on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. “See you in a minute. Order me a grilled cheese, yeah?”
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csrolereversal · 5 years
Anyone with a sweet tooth out there? Anyone just melting at the sight of this wonderful piece by @kmomof4 ? Yup, I'm right here with you, guys!
And here’s my second piece of art for the CS Role Reversal!!!
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Thank you @csrolereversal for putting all this together this valentines week! And thank you @swanslieutenant for such a CUTE and SWEET story to bring my artwork to life!!! Everyone go read it and give her lots of love for this fluffy valentines fic!!!
Ao3 link
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csrolereversal · 5 years
There's little I can say about this, because very little of me is left after reading this masterpiece by @thisonesatellite . Right in the feels, lovelies, right. In. The. Feels.
militiae species amor est
militiae species amor est (Lat: love is a kind of warfare) – Ovid –
A sleeping curse cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while.
| AO3 |
This is my entry for @csrolereversal, which i wrote for the gorgeous artwork which @darkcolinodonorgasm made.
Please please please stop by her tumblr and give her ALL THE LOVE, because she is simply amazing.  i mean seriously - just LOOK at these picsets.  They’re breathtaking.  AND she organized this whole event.
Sara, you are wonderful and infinitely talented, and your mind is a brilliant treasure trove of unique ideas and lovely weirdness.
i would walk to the end of space, or time - or sleeping curses - with you. ❤
All the thanks to @profdanglaisstuff for encouraging me to run with this weird idea, and most especially to @ohmightydevviepuu, who made me squeeze every last drop of potential from this story, and would not let me give up, no matter what.  And finally to @shardminds​ whose love is effusive and (on occasion) as shouty as my own.  
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militiae species amor est
Hear this now, love.
The hills are greener than the forest and steep as she walks them, clouds overhead and no song in her heart.  She remembers it well.
Her breath comes in pants and her muscles strain between the up and the down and a storm rolling in.  The sky is almost black now.
Cold wind cuts through her clothing.
She slips on a patch of wet grass, falls down and rolls all the way to the bottom.
When she picks herself up, groaning, exhausted, she sees a path to her left, and a tower in the distance.
Thunder starts to rumble. 
She remembers it well.
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csrolereversal · 5 years
@darkcolinodonorgasm gifts us a heartbreaking journey in the Enchanted Forest, hitting our feels just right, even crushing our hearts along the way.
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militiae species amor est - read on tumblr - ao3
Summary: A sleeping curse cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while.
Happy Valentine’s Day everybody, to those who does not have a Valentine, to those who do! This is my entry for @csrolereversal and I would not be sharing this were it not for the wonderful, most amazing, irreplaceable @thisonesatellite ! 
Steph, you listened to my ramblings about this plot and my need to have this bloody underwater coffin and I’m in bloody awe of you. Thank you for being my companion once again, I love you so much and you chose the best summary in the whole world using my favourite quote from The Princess Bride and I don’t know whether to yell at you or hug you or do both - but probably both. From Italy. I don’t care, I’ll shout so loudly you’ll hear me!
Thank you so much darling ♥
So, everybody, give Steph lots of love because I might have cried a little when I read the finished fic because it not only contains so many elements I love, but it’s written by a wonderful, talented person and what more could you ask?
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csrolereversal · 5 years
What better way to give us all a twist on a famous movie than turning it into a a fanfic? I adore this idea and I can't wait to see what @delightfully-difficult-pirate has in store for us!
Freaky Friday the 14th (1/2)  (CSRR)
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The amazing @mariakov81​ posed me quite a challenge with this @csrolereversal​.  She made some amazing art and this gorgeous banner and I can only hope I have done her idea justice.
Rating: PG-13
     “He’s not going to propose,” Emma told to herself as she carefully applied a thin line of eyeliner along her eyelid. “He wouldn’t be stupid enough to propose on Valentine’s Day”
    Not after all the times she’d expressed annoyance at the commercialized fake holiday.  He knew how dumb she thought proposals on Valentine’s Day were.  Just couple’s giving into the forced romanticism retailers and expensive ad agencies had shoved down everyone’s throats since January.  Decisions made in haste that would only backfire in the long run.
    “He better not propose.”  Emma placed the cap back on her eyeliner with a little more force than necessary.  
    She loved Killian, her boyfriend of two years, she really did… but she wasn’t sure if she was ready to take a walk down the aisle.  She’d only settled down in the small town of Storybrooke, Maine, a few years ago after a lifetime on the move.  Emma loved the quaint, seaside town.  She had many friends, a job she loved, but Emma still had a fear that one day, she would no longer be welcome and be forced to leave.  It was an irrational fear, she well knew, but after the turbulent life she’d had, it was hard to believe that she’d finally found a welcoming home.
    And such a wonderful partner in Killian.  He was an intelligent man who actually listened to her when she told him something.  He was not, she told herself, an idiot and therefore would not propose while they were out to dinner.  There was no need to work herself up into an anxious mess about something that would not, absolutely not, be happening.  
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csrolereversal · 5 years
@mariakov81 is back and damn, this scenario is so intriguing I cannot wait to see more of it! Angst is looming, friends, and I bet this will be awesome!
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Happy Valentine's Eve, guys! 😋 It's my turn now to contribute to the wonderful event organised by @csrolereversal! ❤️ Which makes me feel both nervous and excited. I'm really excited because I can't wait to read the story by amazing @delightfully-difficult-pirate based on my weird idea. 🙈 The idea was - sometimes to understand another person better you must put yourself in their shoes....or... maybe their body?
So please find chapter 1 of the story here and my drawings below! (More to come with the next one)!
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csrolereversal · 5 years
If what you seek is angst and poetry with a dash of tears, this is what you need! This perfect poem created by @profdanglaisstuff has the power to drag us all on a rollercoaster of emotions you really want to experience.
memoriam amoris (cs valentine’s role reversal)
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When I first saw this gorgeous picset by @hollyethecurious​ with its soft colours and candid shots, my first thought was ‘this is a memory.’ This is one of them thinking back on their relationship and remembering… happy memories but melancholy thoughts… one of them is sick, or hurt, this is by a bedside… and then my ridiculous brain was like ‘okay, good, sure, bUt whAt iF yOu mADe iT a pOeM???’ So then this happened… I can only apologise. 
Written for the @csrolereversal​ Valentine’s Day event, and also as a tribute to Galentine’s Day and my brilliant friends to whom this is, of course, dedicated. 
To @ohmightydevviepuu​​ who held my hand when I was a mess of emotion after writing it, to @thisonesatellite​​ who actually wrote the whole thing out in her gorgeous script (and I WISH I could post the result because it is just ❤️❤️❤️, but Tumblr’s image resolution does NOT do it justice. This title bit, though, is HERS) and of course @katie-dub​ without whose support I would not still be writing. Simple as that. I LOVE YOU ALL. 
On AO3
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It’s the little things that he remembers  The sunlight on her skin and in her hair  That hair sex-mussed, her smile glowing  Her scent in his nose, her laugh, her silences deeper than words
It’s the bigger things he can’t forget  First date on the beach, first kiss in the twilight  Wedding in the sun, first dance in the firelight  Honeymoon on the sea, they two and the waves and  sky and sunsets 
It was the moonlight on her skin, aglow above him  Head thrown back, sweat-slicked and sighing His love more than he can bear, less than she deserves Her name on a gasp and his on a moan as they came together
It was the years of love and life and partnership  Fights that they could have with no one else  Makeup sex and stress of jobs and sacrifices Kisses high on mountaintops, a tiny girl with his  hair and her eyes
It was the day she couldn’t climb the mountain Her gasping breaths, her hand pressed to her chest Her face dead pale, swaying, stumbling Collapsing on the trail, the baby’s sobs and how his heart stopped
It was the sirens’ blare, harsh glare of lights  The doctors’ words, too long, all jumbled sounds  And then experimental, only chance, and not much hope  Their faces stark in pity and the tears that  drench his cheeks
It was papers that he signed, consent to try  To bring her back or see her gone forever  Her brow too cool beneath his fingers and his lips His aching dread, their daughter’s wail as she was wheeled away 
It’s things he fears he’ll never see again The baby in her arms, them both asleep in his  Her nose scrunched up in laughter, angry tears  That sly look as she tucks her icy toes between his thighs  to warm them
It’s things that she may never see at all  School plays and graduations, sports and birthdays Public tantrums, sulks, and nighttime cuddles  Wedding anniversaries and the grey she always wanted  in his hair
And now it’s night, coal black and endless  And faded roses there beside her bed  Hearts drawn from petals and five hours, sir, by then we’ll know He grips her hand and begs her please Swan, please don’t leave me 
It’s five hours gone, he hears the doctors coming  And it’s the miracle that didn’t come  It’s sobs that wrack his chest, despair that tears at it  Her hand so cold in his and how he doesn’t know a way to  live without her
Then… It’s a twitch of fingers, eyelids fluttering  Beeps of instruments and doctors turned to stare  His breath stalled in his throat, the hope that nearly chokes him  It’s green eyes opening and warming skin, and it’s a single  hoarsely whispered word.  Killian 
@katie-dub​ @stahlop​ @mariakov81​ @kmomof4​ @teamhook​
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csrolereversal · 5 years
This makes me think about old photographs, an actual walk down memory lane @hollyethecurious draws us into and makes us want to never leave!
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memoriam amoris by @profdanglaisstuff for the @csrolereversal
It’s the little things that he remembers The sunlight on her skin and in her hair That hair sex-mussed, her smile glowing Her scent in his nose, her laugh, her silences deeper than words
Killian remembers his and Emma’s love story at the most difficult time of his life… and possibly the end of hers.
Rated GA / ~500 words / Available on AO3
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csrolereversal · 5 years
And here's the link to @originalsmiths 's fic, which is just oh so lovely and flangsty and really all you need for Valentine's day!
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Aaand here it is!! :D 
My contribution for @csrolereversal StValentine themed! I cannot wait to see what @originalsmiths cause for once, i’m almost in a total mystery of what the story is haha the story can be found on AO3 and on “Broken Ship” on tbl will arrive soon ;p.  Thank you so much mate for stiking with me and damn i really cannot wait to read your part!! ♥
So a bit unusual for a StValentine from what I used to draw but hey, I really wanted to draw that picture of Killian in hospital bed haha and I had soooo much fun drawing it this way, in some sort of long storyboard-ish.
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csrolereversal · 5 years
@cocohook38 strikes again, and as usual, there are whumpy seas ahead, bringing you angst with a side of fluff!
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Aaand here it is!! :D 
My contribution for @csrolereversal StValentine themed! I cannot wait to see what @originalsmiths cause for once, i’m almost in a total mystery of what the story is haha the story can be found on AO3 and on “Broken Ship” on tbl will arrive soon ;p.  Thank you so much mate for stiking with me and damn i really cannot wait to read your part!! ♥
So a bit unusual for a StValentine from what I used to draw but hey, I really wanted to draw that picture of Killian in hospital bed haha and I had soooo much fun drawing it this way, in some sort of long storyboard-ish.
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csrolereversal · 5 years
My, my, look at that smut!! Let's all thank @stahlop for this wonderful fic in which our favourite people just get to relax and have the peace - and the honeymoon! - they deserve.
Honeymoon in Paris (CSRR) 1/1
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Look at this amazing artwork @kmomof4 did for this! That picture in the top right corner was the real inspiration for this piece. I knew it had to be really steamy and sexy. So this is basically a CS honeymoon and it’s pretty much a PWP. There’s a little plot, but not a ton. Just lots of smutty fun. So I really hope you like this Krystal!!
This piece is based off canon and in the same universe as my other CSRR piece, Not All Treasure is Silver and Gold (sometimes it’s chocolate). While that one was pure fluff, this one is just sex.
Thank you to my betas, @profdanglaisstuff​ and @thisonesatellite​. Honestly, Saira, I don’t know if this piece would’ve been written if it wasn’t for all your help. 
Rated E
Summary: Emma and Killian are on their honeymoon and Emma wants to take things really slow and just enjoy each other.
He’s on her before she can even get the keycard in the slot, nuzzling against her ear, hitting that spot right behind her earlobe that he knows drives her crazy.
“We are in the hallway of the hotel,” she admonishes him in protest, but he knows she loves it all the same.
“Then get that door open so I can ravish you, darling,” he says, smiling into her hair. 
She’s trying to get the keycard to work, she really is, but she can’t concentrate when he’s busy kissing his way down her neck.
“Killian!” she hisses as he starts moving the neckline of her top aside to kiss her collarbone.
Finally, after what seems like forever, Emma finally gets the damn keycard to click and opens the door.
Killian shoves her inside, kicking the door shut behind them, swinging Emma around, and pushing her up against the inside of the door; not even taking the time to see the view of the Eiffel Tower that is supposed to be visible from their hotel suite window. Her breath is coming out in short puffs with the way he’s all over her. He captures her lips with his own in a searing hot kiss, only pulling away to start giving hot, frantic kisses down her neck. The salty taste of her skin on his tongue. He uses his hook to skim down the buttons on her blouse.
“Do you like this shirt, love?” Killian asks as he bites the junction between her neck and shoulder, quickly soothing it with his tongue. Emma braces her hands on his chest and pushes him back.
“Whoa, Killian, slow down.” He pouts at this, not happy that she interrupted his ministrations. “I didn’t say stop,” Emma gives him her best seductive smile, “just slow down.” She runs her finger down his still buttoned up shirt, “We’re on our honeymoon.” She unbuttons one button on his waistcoat.  “We’ve spent so much time rushing things because of larger-than-life villains.” There goes another button. “We can actually enjoy the quiet moments.” She says echoing what he used to tell her when they first started dating. He looks down and now all his waistcoat buttons are undone.
Killian shucks it off, letting the black waistcoat Emma loves drop to the plush carpeted floor. He resumes kissing her and slowly backs her up toward the huge, four-poster, king-sized bed, adorned with rose petals, that is waiting for them. Emma’s knees hit the mattress and she sits. 
Killian expects her to either start unbuttoning his shirt and play with his chest hair, which she loves to do so much, or unhook her bra so he can play with her, but she does neither. Instead, she starts unbuttoning his pants. 
“Emma…” Killian whines.  He normally likes to pleasure her first, but she shushes him. She gets the button through the hole and slowly pulls his zipper down.
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csrolereversal · 5 years
@kmomof4 brings us smuff!! Look at how romantic that artwork is, and the colors!! I love them! 😍
It’s my day to post for the CS Role Reversal!!!! I’m so excited!!!
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Ohhhh I am sooooo excited to share this with the fandom!!! This is my first time participating as a contributor to a fandom event, THANK YOU @csrolereversal, and it was sooo much fun!!! @stahlop took my art and ran with it giving us the most sweet and precious Honeymoon in Paris!!! So everyone read it and be sure to give her all the love!!!
Ao3 link
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csrolereversal · 5 years
This is so fluffy the snow is melting!! @theonceoverthinker hits us again with this lovely and heartwarming Lieutenant Duckling ficlet and I swear, the snow is not the only thing that's melting right now!
A Winter’s Snowball (CS Role Reversal)
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Summary: It’s unusual for love to be in the air just outside of a ball meant to inspire it, but that’s how the Charming family has always worked, hasn’t it?
AO3             Fanfiction.net
A/N: Hello, OUAT fandom! It’s great to be back, and just in time for the @csrolereversal!
What? Did you think you’d get rid of me so easily? As if! 
AND LOOK AT THE AMAZING ARTWORK THAT INSPIRED THIS, YA’AL!!! ALL of the props in the world to my super awesome artist, @clockadile. Clockykins, what can I even say? I love this artwork. It’s an incredible mix of the classic Captain Swan aesthetics as well something so new and fun! The watercolors are gorgeous, and give off this amazing fairy tale feeling that works so well with all things OUAT! It really helped me to make this piece the quirky thing that it is.
If there was one thing that Snow White was more certain of than anything in regards to her daughter, it was that she did things her own way. It’s what Snow loved about Emma the most – Emma was hardly the ambiguous type, always upfront with her feelings and at-the-ready to follow her gut and her heart. 
David joked that it was something the two of them had in common, and Snow wholeheartedly and unashamedly agreed with the sentiment, proud of all that it entailed, especially because in so many respects, they truly were different in so many other things. 
For instance, they had different approaches to their kingdom’s grandest of celebrations.
Balls were fun for Snow and David – remarkable events with elegant dances, decadent food, and encounters from all over the kingdoms of the world that brought with them memories the attendants would have for life. Rooms came alive as conversation, lights, and music beamed all throughout their castle. Snow was positively invigorated by everything about them, from the planning phase to the final bits of cleaning the castle’s halls up.
However, while they were fun for Snow, they weren’t so much for Emma, as she was often one to tell them. It wasn’t that she hated her dresses, the idea of dancing, or even the socializing – quite the contrary in those respects, since she loved those things at times where balls weren’t being held. 
No, what she disliked was actually what Snow loved the most – the grandeur of it all. Emma compared balls in their castle to what would happen if an entire circus or bazaar was shoved into their dining room, calling it “too much to handle at once.” In her defense, she wasn’t wrong. Balls could serve as courtship openings, family reunions, dances, and managerial work all at once.
Oh well, not every daughter was like her parents. She supposed it couldn’t be helped.
At least Emma was like her where it counted.
That’s the conclusion Snow reached upon seeing Emma playing in the snow of all things from the balcony, in any case.
While Snow loved balls with all of her heart, even she wasn’t about to say no to a short break from one after a few hours, and few spots in the castle served better to hide away in during those breaks than the balcony just outside the ballroom. It was private enough where she could get a moment to herself, yet close enough to the festivities that if she was needed, she could be there within moments. And the view from this balcony in particular was simply gorgeous. Their castle was blessed with a luscious garden, and while the snowfall that started this morning and persisted until the start of the ball had covered the lovely bushes of flowers there, it left the ground with a beautiful blanket of snow amidst the garden’s many arches and gazebos that was quite the sight to take in all the same, and much of it was captured so well by that balcony’s vantage point.
Snow had spent a few minutes there by herself, enjoying both the quiet that now surrounded her and the cold and crisp nighttime air. It was so peaceful there that if not for the ball inside, she’d have been content spending the entire evening out there.
But all of the sudden, that placid atmosphere was interrupted when she heard a sound from down below.
It was a man’s yelp.
Immediately, Snow’s attention moved to the previously peaceful ground.
Her speedy reaction was rewarded when she saw a young man emerge from below the balcony, now hurrying across the formerly clean landscape. 
“Y-your Majesty!” he cried, his right hand massaging his shoulder where a bright spot on his otherwise dark navy jacket appeared to be.
And then she heard a second, quite unorthodox sound.
It was her daughter’s voice.
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csrolereversal · 5 years
I am in love with the pièce but @clockadile !!! I have no words to express how much joy and warmth the sight of it brings me! And that tiny little detail of a swan and a hook, I assume? That's a wonderful touch!! 😍
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I am a bit over the wire getting this done but it’s here! Thank you so much to @theonceoverthinker for being patient with me as my days got busy and my paint refused to dry fast enough.
She put together a wonderfully fluffy story with a few details I wish I’d had time to elaborate on in art! Read her accompanying story A Winter’s Snowball, our contribution to the valentines week @csrolereversal READ HERE
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csrolereversal · 5 years
What a perfect start for this beautiful idiots to lovers with a little coffee shop AU on the side? @lassluna always manages to make me smile and melt my heart!
Its a brand new day, (it's never too late to start) 1/2
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All Killian Jones wants is to survive this February as painlessly as possible. Hopefully without telling his best friend he loves her. That would be a disaster.
It’s made all the more difficult when he gains the attention of a secret admirer.
AN: Thank you so much @csrolereversal​ for hosting this wonderful event yet again! I am so happy to be a part of it. Thank you @allons-y-to-hogwarts-713​ for making such a beautiful pic set as well as being a beta reader to this story. It was so fun working with you.
 FFn Ao3
The door doesn’t open. Killian curses under his breath, scrolling through his text messages. The landlord had sent him the new code, but he was sparse on details on how to get it to actually work.
Killina sighs loudly, glancing at his watch, knowing that he was going to be late if he doesn’t open this bloody door. He takes a drink of coffee to settle his nerves. 
Empty. Bloody perfect.
“#815.” He’s about to start pounding his head on the door. His brother always said he was hard headed, perhaps he can just break the door down. 
Why the hell would anyone prefer this bloody contraption rather than a key like a normal bloody person?
He wonders how much he’ll get fined for breaking down his own door to his own shop. It’s far too early for these shenanigans and he is already out of coffee. 
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