csventbutsane · 2 years
Please be careful with allowing dainty ads, the only reason it’s banned in csmarketplace is because of phazedd. Worried it’s him and his shit overpriced dainties.
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csventbutsane · 2 years
"Kshanggalin" no way this is a real cs. no way. lmao. what the fuck word even is that.
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csventbutsane · 2 years
(chimereon) Prompts can be fun, I like some of them. But after doing the calculations for a single dirt pearl submission, the art that chams are asking me to do would cost $50+ if it were commission. It's ridiculous for me to pick the dirt pearls over actual money. It's the same for other species, they undervalue artists with drawing prompts because they don't think about personal prices. Most of the time, the rewards just aren't enough to compensate for your work.
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csventbutsane · 2 years
(Kebanzu) even all that on the prosthetics and scars doesn’t mean a thing when you consider that Hauket doesn’t allow you to draw gore or do anything “bad” with your character. You aren’t allowed to make villain kebanzus because Hauket doesn’t like that. You cannot draw ANY gore of your kebanzu, because Hauket doesn’t like that. You cannot post anything in the discord server that Hauket doesn’t like either, or you’ll be immediately banned without warning or strikes.
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csventbutsane · 2 years
Injured keb traits being uncommon but are “frequently asked to be made common” is not the flex for the species you think it is. Not only is there no way to earn uncommon traits except by paying for them, it proves that Hauk is not listening to the community in how this is a really scummy system. Also, having prosthetics locked behind any paywall, even play to earn currency, is still a really gross practice. :/
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csventbutsane · 2 years
(Kebanzu) @last Kebanzu anon; You can get MYO slots for free by drawing art, the price is high to encourage drawing. MYOs are all common traits because there are a million and two event traits you can get by...drawing art. They can have 75% of their body covered in scars, includeing blindness and missing limbs for free, prosthetics are free by DRAWING ART. SOME markings, docked tails and nicked ears are traits, the latter two being suggested to be common frequently. This is available info btw.
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csventbutsane · 2 years
@ post/687028174094221313 My comment was only on how long ago the IP theft was. I made no comment ragging on them myself, and I'm glad they've stopped. For some people they can and will be leery with something that was that recent, and may want to avoid the species/li0nez because some people will see it as prioritizing money with no regard for ripping off a design. That may not have been li0nez's intent with the IP theft peakits, but looking in with no prior context, that is what it looked like.
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csventbutsane · 2 years
people not letting things go is par for the course anon, sorry to say. Fumi still gets shit for similar ip stuff and that happened all the way back in 2020, and they took responsibility and publicly apologized back then too. Best to just not say anything and anons will move onto a new topic on their own, sending more asks about it drags things on
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csventbutsane · 2 years
Does it matter if the Peakit ip theft shit was less than a year ago? It still ended, they still stopped doing it, and still ragging on them for something they don't do anymore is still getting pathetic.
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csventbutsane · 2 years
@ post/686844965922422784 Do ya'll need to have a look at the Peakit tag on the cscreenshots blog cause the IP theft happened not even a year ago. How long is "that's a long time ago" to ya mate?
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csventbutsane · 2 years
The kshangglin species has a free myo event going on right now, but the discord is a bit dead And I've been struggling with getting help or info about said myos >_>
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csventbutsane · 2 years
Re Peakits and there's a Twitter account pretending to be the Peakit owner and being really gross about it. Supposedly she gets other harassing messages too. Her art is good but she isn't popular so ig in so e peoples eyes she's an OK target.
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csventbutsane · 2 years
post/686645197125435392 my pronunciation might be a bit rusty bc i havent spoken filipino fluently in years BUT the species name is a combination of "kch" and the filipino word "tanggalin" (pronounced "tang-gah-lin", means 'to remove') so together it'll probably be "KCHANG-gah-lin"
i for one find the species cute (bit sad that there's barely 50 members tho,,)and i like that we're having some pinoy rep somewhere (it always makes me sad when ppl say "asian" bc in a lot of spaces they almost never mean filipino,,,) but the designs dont rlly catch my eye :'D ill be coming back when i have money to buy/commission someone for an myo tho!!
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csventbutsane · 2 years
to that anon saying Peakit owner is IP theft, sory but you remind me of brainless monkey memes. they saw the mistake because they didn't know it and said they don't support ip anymore. that's a long time ago. because of people like you, i'm scared of saying something in a species community j. christ
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csventbutsane · 2 years
people are definitely right about mushy, while no one deserves death threats or doxxing, mushy knew what they were doing by publishing fake anons with no evidence about things as severe as pedophilia - this to people with NO ANONYMITY. they repeatedly caused the same thing that happened to them! i dont think you get to cry victim about it after repeatedly doing worse to people who didnt have the option of packing up and leaving their old image.
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csventbutsane · 2 years
how the FUCK do you pronounce Kshanggalin
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csventbutsane · 2 years
“ art which is such a shame cause they have such a nice style and their species are cuter scarfoxes” they’re literally an IP design theft and an asshole stop being sad over shit creators
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