cthmpsxn-blog · 7 years
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Time meant nothing in such a dazed state, the cool of concrete beneath her and the flicker of headlights burning across the front of Maddox’s home just barely enough to break through the fog of unconsciousness until pain burnt white hot against her temple and nimble fingers and shaky hands lifted slowly, Caitlyn turning further away from the blinding light as she sat. Blind panic hammered against her ribcage while she fought to pinpoint where she was. Perhaps her mind was playing tricks on her and the open sky was nothing more than a deep set desire in contrast to the blackened room that stained the inside of her eyelids. Voices however, gave way to a hope that the scintillation of stars were real. That his voice was more than simply memories on loop. “Mads?” It was weak at best, barely a whisper as dry cracked lips stung against the simple movement but even still it clung to a certain desperation that needed it to be him.
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cthmpsxn-blog · 7 years
[text]: i’ve got one last client, i’ll catch up with you there, okay? don’t do anything I wouldn’t do ;)                                                                           ➟ sent.
She was late; she knew she’d be late, her later sessions with clients always seemed to run longer than they were meant to and as she pulled her fingers through her hair, the foggy bathroom mirror at the gym painting her in a slightly more put together state than she expected, Caitlyn caught the time on the glowing screen of her phone and cursed her way out into the quiet street. Everyone was likely already at the event, they’d probably been there for hours and momentarily she hated that she’d chosen to work late. A typical response really, work to stay busy, to keep her mind from wandering even though she knew at any moment Maddox could walk through those same doors and shatter her weakly built persona of composure that she threw up whenever he was around. 
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Her friends; a drink; a night to live, it was all she really needed to get through another night on her own. How pathetic she felt to need that; to not be okay, it felt childish and she was far from a child. Nevertheless, thinking about it was redundant, and it got her nowhere. How far someone that seemed to eternally perch themselves on a pedestal of positive energy could fall so quickly was not a line of thought that she’d wander tonight. Slipping into the drivers seat of her car, she tossed her gym back to the back where it habitually lived since she always forgot to take it out and deeply regretted it whenever she realized she’d done it again.
For a town that very rarely did you ever run into someone you didn’t know, it still felt like too long of a drive to the high school, Caitlyn switching through songs until she found something to boost her mood, grabbing for her phone to call ahead. If Remi or Lenny weren’t waiting for her at the door they’d hear about it, a thought that brought a quick smile to her face. The dial tone filled the interior of her car as the music cut out, the bluetooth kicking in after the first ring, tapping her fingers across the steering wheel, a deep frown set in place when Lenny’s phone rang out, Caitlyn only looking down for a moment at her phone to try Remi instead before a bright light on the road drew her attention. Like a flash bang, it blinded her, Cait instinctively shielding her eyes as best she could without blocking her view. It faded, slowly but surely, leaving blinding spots glimmering in her vision, the road took shape, trees that lined it no longer blurred shapes. ----- And neither the figure standing in the middle of the road. Standing there; just waiting. Too close to brake in time, she swerved left sharply, the squeal of tires drowning out the sound of Remi’s voice mail kicking in and recording the next three minutes of noise. Gravel and dirt crunched beneath tires as her car went off the road, spiralling a quick descent into the cavern of trees that lined the road and opened up into a branch of the woods lining the far side of the town. It was impossible to see -- to make sense of what lay in front of her, but the ground beneath her car falling through, drew the screaming in her throat louder while she fought for control over the steering wheel.  It was quick and sharp, the car coming to a deafening stop as it slammed into a tree, the impact rough as the front end of her car crumpled by the force of it. Airbags deployed a moment too late, Caitlyn’s vision already waning after her head smacked the window, hard.  Move. Get out and move. It didn’t make sense ---- why would someone stand in the middle of the road like that? The only real reason brought a sense of panic to her chest. People were dead. Murdered. Move. Coughing and groaning as she shifted as best she could in her seat, pushing the airbag out of the way with frustration that bordered a sense of fear, Cait only paused long enough to grab for her phone, it’d fallen to the floor on the passenger side, fingertips barely reached it before she tugged her seatbelt clean off, the sound of fallen footsteps against gravel and autumn leaves. Throwing the drivers door open, she fell out onto the ground, her head spinning violently as she fought the urge to vomit. 
Get up. Her body hadn’t given in, she was fine -- she could run. She knew this town; knew the woods and she damn sure knew she could outrun most. Sticks broke beneath her weight as she pushed herself to her feet, swaying slightly on the spot, the glow from her phone flashing low battery and Remi’s phone call. “--- Remi... Remi..” Footsteps sounded louder than before, Caitlyn only looking around briefly towards the road above before she took a few steps away from the car, her trail into the trees already in front of her
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Impact was brutal. Caitlyn might have sworn she heard it perforate the air like nothing else she’d ever heard when everything went black. Her body hit the ground and rolled through the debris of glass and rocks, her phone tumbling from her hand to bury beneath the foliage, the phone call ending after three long minutes of voice mail was left for Remi Kinkade to find; the screen flashing low battery before going dark too.
She didn’t come to by choice, her lungs begged for air as the smell of something awful corrupted her airways. What she did know -- was her head hurt, and though she tried to reach for it, the feeling of dried blood cracking on her forehead bothering her enough, she couldn’t. Bound. The rope around her wrist and ankles dug into her skin so much that it hurt. Breath didn’t reach her mouth, nothing did --- every confused sound that fell from her lips muted by the material tied and shoved in her mouth, the feeling of it alone foreign and enough for her to pull against her restraints just long enough for Caitlyn to completely miss the figure drowned in the dim light above as it came to a crouched stop beside her, a finger as detestable a skeletal figure lifting her chin high enough for her to see the camera.  “I did warn all of you that my games had just begun,” a distorted voice began, garbled and animatronic as though the speaker were half-machine. “The first move was mine, the second yours. If silence and pathetic, shameful cowardice is the route each of you wishes to take, then I accept.” The hand released Caitlyn’s jawline and the camera panned back with each step its wielder took. “And so I make my next play… Caitlyn Thompson’s life hangs in the balance. Each of you must decide who will be the first to open their skeleton closet and reveal a secret hidden away from the rest. Failure to do so will result in consequences you cannot even begin to fathom, especially for sweet Caitlyn.” Panic --- more panic filtrated her bones, Caitlyn pulling against the restraints more as the voice she could never recognize but would never forget implied what might happen, a muffled sound of objection grew to a scream as she remembered the bodies; how the papers said they were found, the boy hung on the goal posts of the football field, tears leaving dirty tracks against her cheeks as they fought their way through her desperate need not to cry.
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Vision blurred, and her head spun, darkness threatened to take her under. 
“The day of atonement is coming, Blackwater Bay. You have thirty minutes.”
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cthmpsxn-blog · 7 years
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                    “We go to this stupid thanksgiving every year, Cait; I don’t see why we should stop now.” her mood was low, the colors surrounding her were dull and she hated the world in this very moment. But it came as no surprise to herself that the one person she could still stand to be around when things got tough was the very person looking up at her. “So get off my bed and put your shoes on” perhaps it wasn’t the best idea for Remi to go out when things seemed to be spiraling, but Cait needed her friend; it was as simple as that. “Besides, we’re not gonna get laid if we’re sitting in my bedroom watching the bloody OC”
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“Exactly, so what would it matter if we missed just one year? Nobody would even notice.” Even still, she moved to slip her shoes back on as if she knew there wasn’t really any reasoning with Remi. Whether she wanted to go or not, if Remi made a decision, she stuck by it. “I’m calling dibs on the jacket you bought last week.” A smug smirk pulled at her lips before she pushed herself to her feet. “How about..-- we just work on getting you laid... You sound like you need it.” And really, thinking about it just brought both Maddox and Derek to mind; guilt already swirling in her stomach. “I heard Scott was back..”
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cthmpsxn-blog · 7 years
✉ Caitlyn → Leona
Lenny: I've known him my entire life, it comes with the territory.
Lenny: So cadaver meant what exactly?
Lenny: He's a Crow, Cait. He can't go to the hospital because they'll alert the police and if he brings that heat down on them or provides ANY reason to investigate... It would be bad. REALLY bad. I don't agree with his decision, but I understand it. Where was he stabbed?
Lenny: Give it to me. I'll hide it, get rid of it, whatever. Just come by and drop it off, I'm here.
Caitlyn: He's a crow --- I'm so tired of that excuse. People get hurt, they go to the hospital. That's normal. It's fucking normal. He's going to get himself killed, how can you understand that?
Caitlyn: Why does it matter where he was stabbed? Why does any of it matter? You're all so.. calm about this. There's people being murdered in this town and everyone's more worried about keeping this quiet.
Caitlyn: I can't leave yet, Wolf is still here.
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cthmpsxn-blog · 7 years
✉ Caitlyn → Leona
Lenny: Angry? Closed off? Shutting down? Yeah I know exactly what you mean.
Lenny: Please tell me you mean that's a new bar and not a dead body.
Lenny: Jesus Christ
Caitlyn: Hard to think that some people actually know what he's like other than me
Caitlyn: I don't know why I said that, it doesn't even matter. There's no dead body.
Caitlyn: He was stabbed, Len. And he just... His first thought was getting to wolf and /not/ a hospital. I called Erin and I think she helped but..
Caitlyn: I still have the knife and I don't know what to do with it. I thought about giving it to wolf but..-- that didn't seem right.
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cthmpsxn-blog · 7 years
✉ Caitlyn → Leona
Lenny: Sorry I was in the shower.
Lenny: What's going on? Is he alright?
Lenny: You know I'd never say a word, whatever it is.
Caitlyn: Something happened and he's.. you know what he's like
Caitlyn: I found him the other night by cadaver
Caitlyn: A deal gone wrong, that's what he said it was.
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cthmpsxn-blog · 7 years
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“I know, I know I said i’d be here an hour ago but I..-- got caught up.” She noted with a small smile, Caitlyn having left Derek’s place in a mess of tangled hair while she buttoned her jeans on the run. “If I promise to buy lunch today do you think you could try and forgive me?” She batted her eyelashes and lent forward, head in her hands, Caitlyn laughing lightly as she spoke. “For real though, whatever you want to do today, it’s your choice.” @bcnniex
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cthmpsxn-blog · 7 years
✉ Caitlyn → Leona
three missed calls
Caitlyn: Can we talk?
Caitlyn: I need to talk to you about something
Caitlyn: but I need you to promise me you won't say anything.
Caitlyn: It's about Maddox.
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cthmpsxn-blog · 7 years
                                —— ( @cthmpsxn )
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                 “I just figured that maybe you could use some company —- and its been a while, you know? Like — a while. So, consider this a check up and a catch up.”
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“Bishop..--- I mean, yeah.. Yeah the company would be great. I can even offer you a ... peanut butter protein ball? They’re better than they sound, promise. I know..-- it’s been.. too long.” Distractions had taken up so much of her time and she hated that she’d gone so long without seeing Bishop. “That’s my fault, things are just.. well, you know?” 
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cthmpsxn-blog · 7 years
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Flopping down onto the blonde’s bed, the sunlight streaming through the open window, Caitlyn grabbed a pillow and wrapped herself around it. She was used to it -- the mood swings, though she also knew it was more than that, Remi was her best friend. The territory came with knowing the worst of everything. “You feeling any better today? There’s still a whole season of the OC left, we can stay in an binge that if you really want to.” @x--remi
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cthmpsxn-blog · 7 years
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                    Her questions were one of validity and he couldn’t blame his ex (God, that was still such a foreign concept) for asking them during their first moments together in weeks but honestly, he hadn’t paid all that much attention to the guy once the knife had slipped into his ribs and once his own pain had become extremely apparent. “I dunno.” he mumbled through a strained breath that felt like barbed wire tearing at his insides without any signs of stopping and though Maddox barely seemed to want to move an inch, at the mention of the hospital he felt his hand shoot from his side to grab Cait by the wrist before his brain actually registered the sudden movement that hurt in more ways than one. “No. No fucking hospitals, Cait. That’s not how this goes and you know that.” because things wouldn’t end all too well for any Crow member that brought heat upon the gang, but more importantly onto Wolf himself and that was just how things would always be. “— Home.” a gulp now at the familiarity of the word and the pain it brought, despite it being the best idea. “As long as you call Wolf, alright? —- How far is your car?” 
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She froze, and for the simplest of moments, she hated that his sudden movement, his hand wrapping around her wrist caught her off guard. It’d never happened before, and perhaps part of her thought that in the moment, panic, uncertainty and pain that no doubt flourished for him might have blinded his better judgement. “Mads --- let go.” She said slowly, slowly trying to wriggle her wrist from his grasp. Caitlyn hadn’t needed him to tell her no; she knew it already, but if she didn’t hope just once that he could think of his own well being over that of the Crows then she might as well reclaim every acknowledgement of how much he meant to her. “No hospitals. I get it.” It fell sharply against her tongue, but she brushed it off because now wasn’t the time; it would never be the time. “Yeah, home.” Perhaps he’d fight her on it, but either way, she’d never accept it, and it wasn’t as if he had much choice. “I promise.--- Two blocks from here. I’m gonna’ help you up, and I know you --- don’t try and walk on your own, please? Just trust me.” Her stomach turned, her only distraction to reach out and cup the side of his face. It was a lot of blood. “Trust me and I’ll get you home as quickly as I can, okay?”
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cthmpsxn-blog · 7 years
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cthmpsxn-blog · 7 years
Keep reading
It was hard to tell, whether the way her head spun was the alcohol kicking in, or perhaps Caitlyn was simply sobering up, every thought blown completely out of her conscious mind as while warm hands blazed a fire across the curvature of her chest, the brunette letting slip a near inaudible whimper as hips lifted to press further into him as if she’d never find a way to get closer. Had she been thinking straight, had her mind not been completely fogged over by vodka, whiskey and everything else she’d consumed since making it to the bar earlier that night, she might have shuddered at the thought of anyone else other than Maddox’s tracing her body with rough hands, had she been thinking straight, she’d have taken Derek’s hands in hers and torn them from her in some effort to preserve the memory of the last time she found herself pinned between a man and any solid surface. It made her throat thick, Caitlyn biting down on her lesser lip as she drew in a sharp breath all the while his tugged and teased enough that she drew her fingers up through his hair as if it were a last line of defense before she changed her mind. “---Derek.” She managed through every heavy breath, his lips raging a war against her fading better judgement, a burning heat in her stomach near exploding as it twisted until she could have simply ripped clothing until it fell in a heap on the floor. Impatient didn’t begin to cover it, the way her hips lifted as he toyed with the button of her jeans, she reached for his hands in a certain kind of urgency helping to unbutton them. “Hurry up...”
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cthmpsxn-blog · 7 years
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cthmpsxn-blog · 7 years
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How do you even like me? What’s wrong with you? Stop. I don’t even like me.
The Edge of Seventeen | 2016 | dir. Kelly Fremon Craig
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cthmpsxn-blog · 7 years
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                 He was a guy — it was honestly as simple with that when it came to the bulge that was restricting itself behind his jeans, and the way his hands were already getting sweaty at the thought of even seeing her naked. His heart began to pound as he felt her begin to pull away slightly, almost terrified that she was going to change her mind like he had asked her if she wanted to do, his body craving for the lips against his once again and the blurred visions of the blonde Kinkade to stay just that — a blur in the back of his head. Touching another woman was non-existent to the male until this moment, even after the drunken nights he stumbled home to see Logan sitting on the couch with her slim body just showing itself towards him under her clothing, his body always feeling guilty about moving on, and it wasn’t until he ran into Remi and got the gist of their conversation repeating in his head. It wasn’t until he watched the shirt fall to the floor and a braless chest being shown towards him that his eyes widened instantly with lust and a tinge of confusion at how open she was in the situation, making his whole body more nervous in the situation. Liquid courage his ass. “I —– yeah,” he finally said, swallowing in hopes to get his mouth less dry as his eyes focused on her chest, hands moving up to her hips once again before one hand finally reached to grab onto the back of her neck. “Yeah —– Rick and Morty can fucking wait,” he finally said before crashing their lips together, allowing all the doubts to disappear into the air around them and picking her up just long enough for him to push her onto the couch, letting his body weight to press down onto her and his hands wandering along the freshly exposed skin she revealed to him and his body becoming greedy at such experience.
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The longer he remained silent, the more sober she felt, the more stupid she felt for every rash decision she made. They were drunk, too drunk probably, and by morning she’d no doubt have very different thoughts about what was happening. But sitting there on top of him, Caitlyn could really only think of one thing, and his hands smoothing across her skin was beginning to drive her insane. Warmth swept over her with familiarity and as he watched her, shock and awe spreading his features, she could feel an evident flush rise to her cheeks amidst the thoughts of should they. It was the vodka, it had to have been. Had she been sober, she might have written off the kiss as nothing more than that — if they were sober, it wouldn’t have happened and she’d likely have gone to bed thinking about him — but the vodka, the whiskey.. her mind, didn’t want to think about him any longer. Not now. Not tonight. Seconds ticked by as Derek seemingly tried to put together what was happening, and when he did..– when his hand curled around her neck she lent in as he found her lips just as roughly as he had the first time, Caitlyn exhaling deeply against them, a content sound that brought her closer, her arm slipping further around his neck as he lifted her. She sunk into the couch and he pressed down on her, the brunette nipping quicly at his bottom lip while she pressed her own hips up to meet him, legs curling around him, his hips, his legs, the pair a mess of limbs as she arched further into the warmth of his hands, her own trailing over his back, the material of his shirt bunching up between fingertips as she pulled at it with the intention to drop it beside her own on the floor.
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cthmpsxn-blog · 7 years
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                    “It’s not your fault, things like this happen and I’ll be damned if you’re going to go around and blame yourself” as a best friend you had certain duties to attend to, things you needed to say when the moment called for it- moments like this one. Cait needed to hear the truth, that it wasn’t her fault, that she had every right and every reason to ask the questions she asked, that it wasn’t wrong of her to want more and she shouldn’t feel guilty for any of it. Remi voiced all of this as the pair stayed seated, letting the rest of the world pass them by before their eyes met. Despite Remi wanting to make her happy, change the mood and try to have a fun filled day, it was all written on Cait’s face just how much that wasn’t going to happen .. not today. Today, they would talk, perhaps cry, yell and scream for as long as Cait wanted - another best friend duty. “Yes. You were both in different places, thinking of different things, that doesn’t mean you didn’t love each other. It’s not over until the fat lady sings, and I killed the bitch so we got plenty of time”
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“If I’d never asked, he’d never have left, Remi.” She couldn’t have just kept her thoughts to herself, an insecurity that had long since become a fear. Being stagnant in a world that had so much to offer was something that seemed to close in on her from all sides and render her completely incapable of seeing anything else. “Was I wrong? Was I wrong to ask him? To think that he might have wanted something else for us? Maybe I’ve just watched too many crappy movies, or maybe I just thought more of what we were.” She reasoned with herself, as if it might have ever made her feel better. There was nothing about this she liked; Caitlyn didn’t enjoy being a downer, she didn’t like bringing the mood down, but she was suffocating, slowly and without Remi, she wasn’t sure what else she was meant to do. “I didn’t even know..-- I didn’t even know we wanted different things, I thought we were fine, Remi.. And he looked at me like..-- as if I asked him to be someone different. For an entirely new life.” She’d ever in her wildest dreams ever thought she’d hurt Maddox, but apparently she had. So much so that he walked out. “I hope you threw her to the bottom of the bay.” She noted with a slight laugh at how amazingly perfect her best friend was.
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