cthulhuscrawlings Ā· 4 years
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Been a while since I had the will to draw haha.
Have a small Yoko illustration.
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cthulhuscrawlings Ā· 4 years
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Joined the Sailor Moon redraw challenge over on Twitter and thought I would post the result here as well.
I donā€™t think itā€™s that bad but Iā€™m definitely not good at perspectives Lololļæ¼
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cthulhuscrawlings Ā· 4 years
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It was a very self-indulgent hour last night so I drew my persona in Simons outfitļæ¼ šŸ˜¤šŸ™šŸ¼
Mainly did this ā€˜cause I dont have the technical skill to create his outfit so that I can cosplay him.
This was the next best thingļæ¼ lolol
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cthulhuscrawlings Ā· 4 years
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Have a sketch of the boy!
Tried a slightly different eye style this go around.
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cthulhuscrawlings Ā· 4 years
I thought Iā€™d do one of these for ā€˜em!
Name: Runehn Balahmra
Age: 28
Height: 5ā€™8
Skin color: mocha
Eye color: Amber
Hair color: rose brown
Gender identity: gender fluid he/they
Love interest:
Julian. Heā€™s been attached to the good doctor since his time as an assistant. Even if he didnā€™t remember at first.
A female cockatiel named Beet. She and Malak donā€™t get along, much to Runehns dismay but she enjoys faustsā€™ company.
Reading, singing and writing. Occasionally he will write songs and serenade his friends.
The more naughty ones are reserved for Julian.
Hidden talents:
Runehn can mimic various animals, though mostly this skill is used as a party trick.
His singing can also mend wounds, though the skill has been less reliable since he was revived.
Magical talents:
He has an affinity for healing Magicā€™s and runes. Other forms donā€™t come as naturally to him.
However, he has found that through such magic, he can inflict a significant amount of damage.
He has yet to tell Asra how he came upon such a discovery.
Runehn is the definition of a bleeding heart.
He is kind to a fault and pushes himself to meet expectations. This is doubly so for his friends.
If he makes a wrong move, he feels that he has failed them. Itā€™s very hard to convince him to take a moment for himself.
The only times he lets that demeanor slip, is if his dedication is questioned.
Soft edges become like blades and he goes on the offensive quick enough.
To Runehn, Julian is their heart. Someone more precious than any magic they could wield.
To show him this, Runehn will often write ballads for him and perform them where everyone can hear.
Other times, the two of them will venture out on the water and trade stories back and forth until the stars are dotting the sky like diamonds.
Runehn has always lived in Vesuvia. He grew up alone, taking work at various stalls that lined the streets and often sneaking food to the less fortunate.
Itā€™s how he met Asra and Muriel.
He began to travel more after he met them.
Shocking moments:
Aside from the very obvious dying, Runehn was so desperate to save those affected by the plague, that he lost control of his runes and drained a patient of their soul. Julian found him cradling the lifeless corpse and singing to himself.
Asra and Muriel.
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cthulhuscrawlings Ā· 4 years
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Mock sprite done!
Iā€™m still not confident in my coloring abilities but I managed to finish it so Iā€™m proud šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤
This soft boy just wants to cheer you on!
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cthulhuscrawlings Ā· 4 years
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This is a work in progress at the moment because Iā€™m still not entirely sure what colors I want for him but here we are!!ļæ¼
A mock sprite for Runehn!!
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cthulhuscrawlings Ā· 4 years
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Yoko but heā€™s retired lolol
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cthulhuscrawlings Ā· 4 years
Makes me want to redraw my old zircon ahaha
Your blue is so cute though, I really love the outfit šŸ’œšŸ’œ
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So I realise Iā€™ve not posted my OC design (atleast the re-vamp one)
Her name is Blue Zircon
I designed her back on 2015 when Steven universe havenā€™t makeĀ ā€œThe Trialā€ episode yetĀ 
I did thought of changing her name but Iā€™m too lazy to do another gem research lol
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cthulhuscrawlings Ā· 4 years
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Inspired by Endy on twitter!
Luluka rocking the reverse Exarch AU!!
Iā€™ve not designed a fantasy outfit in a looooong time and it shows lolol
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cthulhuscrawlings Ā· 5 years
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Days 21 and 22!
I donā€™t think Iā€™m really following correctly anymore but šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø
I like it.
Day 21 features another of @prismkidd s OCs!
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cthulhuscrawlings Ā· 5 years
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Day 20!
Really just struggling at this point lolol
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cthulhuscrawlings Ā· 5 years
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Day 19!
This was a struggle.
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cthulhuscrawlings Ā· 5 years
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Day 18!
Zoelles clone Laurelle!
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cthulhuscrawlings Ā· 5 years
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Day 17!
Donā€™t really like this one but here we are!
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cthulhuscrawlings Ā· 5 years
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Day 16
Another OC if @prismkidd !!
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cthulhuscrawlings Ā· 5 years
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Days 13, 14 and 15!
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