ctrllucy · 7 years
Daisy shrugged, “I mean, if you really want to. I reckon every table’s got the same amount, if not more.”
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“That’s absolutely horrid. Why are people like this?” 
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ctrllucy · 7 years
“Do you think there’s any chance of Professor Lupin cancelling class?” She sighed and fell in step with the other girl as they walked down the hall. “I’m trying to stick to my no-skip class policy, but I really don’t feel like going.”
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“I wouldn’t be too hopeful, honestly. I think everyone’s trying to... Get things back to normal.” She spoke, attempting to be as considerate as she could. “Maybe you could ask for a special permission to miss class for today? But, if you want my opinion, I think going will be good for you. It’ll give you the chance to get your mind off it all, if only for a little bit.” 
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ctrllucy · 7 years
text | Lucy & Royce
Royce: is it? because when I was there the common room was one of the worst places to go for a quiet place
Royce: I promise. If you're safe I have no reason to be a superhero, anyway.
Lucy: It's not really quiet, but everyone talking is drowning out the storm, which is a lot better than upstairs.
Lucy: I wish I was there with you. You always make stuff like this better.
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ctrllucy · 7 years
“You’re not going to believe the amount of gum and bogeys I found underneath the table.”
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“On this table?” Lucy asked, making a face, “Gross! Can we move?” 
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ctrllucy · 7 years
text | Lucy & Royce
Royce: it's not great here
Royce: yeah I'm at home. I wish you were here, it's weird to be here alone with all this rain
Royce: where are you?
Lucy: I'm in the common room with Dominique, she thought it would be less noisy.
Lucy: Do you promise to stay inside? You don't need to be a superhero today.
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ctrllucy · 7 years
“Yeah,” Dominique replied. “No, it’s pretty warm and there’s a fire going.”
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“Are you sure you wouldn’t mind going with me? Do you have anything else to do?” 
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ctrllucy · 7 years
“They better fix this quick. I am not spending more time reduced to a muggle than I have to be.”
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“I don’t think it’s that bad, it’s just... Inconvenient. I guess it’ll teach us all how to live without magic. I think the storm’s the thing we need to be worried about, not our magic.” 
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ctrllucy · 7 years
“Do you want to go to the common room? It’s probably quieter there,” she replied. “We can talk about how classes are going, and how your relationship is. Girl talk and stuff. We can talk about anything you want so you can keep your mind off of it.”
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Lucy nodded at the suggestion, “The other people downstairs might drown out the sounds, too?” She spoke, nerves filling the spaces between her words, and visibly, still very rattled from the storm. “Is it cold downstairs? Do I need my jumper?” 
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ctrllucy · 7 years
text | Lucy & Royce
Royce: are you okay?
Royce: it's not just me, right?
Lucy: I'm okay, the storm is pretty bad here
Lucy: Is it bad there?
Lucy: Are you home??
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ctrllucy · 7 years
Dominique walked closer to her cousin, grabbing her hands. “Hey, it’s okay, we can keep them closed. Calm down, okay?” she replied, “Everything’s alright. Have you texted Royce?”
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Lucy’s hands kept still in Dominique’s as she tried to focus on what Dominique was saying, rather than the thrashing wind outside. “I’m trying,” She said, keeping her eyes on Dom. “I’m trying to calm down but it’s so loud and horrible, and scary.” At the question, she shook her head, “No, I mean, kind of? I texted him an hour ago but... He’s at work now, I don’t want him to be distracted, not now.” 
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ctrllucy · 7 years
Text: Lucy & Molly
Lucy: Is the storm bad there?
Lucy: Please say no.
Lucy: Please.
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ctrllucy · 7 years
“Luce,” Dom said walking into their room. “You in here? Are you okay?”
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Lucy moved away from the windows after closing them and shutting the blinds. Turning to her cousins voice, and hearing her words Lucy paused. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine- you don’t mind the windows being closed, do you? I can open them again, if you want them to be opened,” She spoke, her words fast and unravelled. 
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ctrllucy · 7 years
“It’s not the fact that I can’t do them. It’s that I don’t want to do them. It’s the principle of the thing, Luc,” Caius shook his head. “If you start working hard at the beginning of the year, the professors are going to expect that for the rest of the year. You’ve got to ease into it.” 
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“I really don’t think it’s that bad! All we have to is write what the professor said in our own words, the hardest part is rewriting it. They’ve been teaching you for the past six years, if you don’t try now you’ll keep getting ‘I’ve expected more from you,’ and give you a look of disappointment. It’s better to just do it now and do it well.”
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ctrllucy · 7 years
“Well, maybe they shouldn’t.” Caius replied, pursing his lips before the rest of Lucy’s words registered. “Wait, are you– have you already finished the Transfiguration homework?” 
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“Well, not all of them. I still have two and a half questions left, but I’m going to do those after practice.  Most of it was things we did last year, and Professor was talking about it in class a lot today, so a lot of it was by memory. I can always help if you need it.”
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ctrllucy · 7 years
“Yeah, you did. And I do want it. But you’re not helping me Luc, you’re sitting there getting mad at me. And that’s not helping.”
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“I’m not getting mad at you, you’re the one getting mad at me! I gave you a suggestion and you told me to shut up. How is that me getting mad at you?” 
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ctrllucy · 7 years
“I swear, it’s like our professors get together in the morning, or something, and conspire to give us a bunch of homework on the same day just to watch us squirm.” 
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“They’re just doing their job, besides, you’ll be able to knock out that Transfig homework straight away, it’s easy!” 
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ctrllucy · 7 years
Royce sighed heavily, giving her a pointed look as she spoke. “Thanks for all the support while I’m stressed Luc. Really means a lot.”
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“I did offer to help, but you clearly don’t want it. So why would I help if you don’t want it?”
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