How I Went To My “First” Interview
Before even sending out my finished CV, I got an email from the CU recruitment team for an internship in Leamington. After reading out the job description and skills needed, I felt like it could be suitable for me since I needed a part - time job to survive.
After sending my CV and cover letter out I’ve got a response straight away. The recruitment employee was Sufyan Choudhury - a very professional and polite lad who made everything truly easier for me. All I needed to do was to send a link to my portfolio and he contacted the company in leamington straight away.
Moments later I got an interview with Hiplok - a professional wearable lock company which had an original and contemporary style. The interview went smoothly and I found out that it’s quite a small company, therefore, I would work closely with the co - founders and the rest of the team consisting of Marketers, PR, sales people and product designers.
The interview lasted for more than 1,5 hours and the co - founders seemed very chilled but professional at the same time, thus, it made me want the job even more. 
After the interview I got a second email:
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The brief asked to create an ad for their new product - Hiplok DX lock. They’ve sent me the high res logo and images they would like to use and gave me about a week to complete it.
I did a lot of research on their previous ads and decided to keep the style consistent but tweak it so that it represents their originality. 
Version No.1
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Version No.2
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I’ve decided to make 2 versions of the ads which would give Hiplok more choices.
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How I Plan
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This year’s plan is simple - get shit done. 
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How will I have time? CV Makin’
Since it’s the most important year of the course, I have decided that I will need to manage my time better. I have worked for about 3 years now and studied at the same time which did not cause any problems except lack of sleep (not being able to concentrate afterwards doesn’t help my studies or work either). 
That is why I have decided to reduce my work hours and start looking for a part time job related to my studies. Which of course means that I need to properly update my portfolio (print and web) along with a professional  CV. After a couple of meetings with Creative Futures last year, I finally erased all of my irrelevant experience and started describing what I actually do in my course and what skills I have. 
 The main point is to keep a clean layout and not to overload it with long bits of information. After some good research about CVs I felt like I’m quite ready to send it out to some companies.
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How I Got The Job
After finishing up the ads Hiplok requested, I got a call from the PR lady Francesca Smith. She informed me that they would be delighted to work with me and offered a position there for about 3 months.
I started shortly - the first day I got to meet the whole crew:
Ben & John - co-founders who finished product design at Coventry University with huge experience in the design industry.
Francesca - Marketing and PR - a tough and extremely professional woman with experience in advertising, marketing and 10 years working with luxury companies.
Ian - sales
Jack - responsible for deliveries and the website
Andrea - accounts
Each member good experience in different sectors and something I could learn from.
Our studio :
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My desk (showing my new baby)
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A little book I bought which should push me a bit to finalise my portfolio and look for another job!
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Let the sciences flourish, Let the arts flourish, For these are the dual faces we have to drive humanity, Behind the mothership, Hoisting a flag of creativity, Within her an engine strong with knowledge and ripe enough to understand.
thealleysofhermind (via wnq-writers)
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So we travelled to Amsterdam and it has been one of the nicest trips that I had with the course. The city itself is amazing regarding everything - art, architecture, lifestyle, style, etc. We had a chance to live right next to the city centre where you can find art galleries on each corner. 
Besides millions of bicycles trying to run you over(and it did feel like that) I have enjoyed walking around and getting inspired with each step. Coffee shops, book shops, mini galleries - it made rethink my plan of staying in England.
I have visited the open book shop, which is quite usual in Amsterdam and found this beauty:
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Of course the trip wasn’t a holiday and we had to crack on some designs(heavy morning drawing):
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The trip has been amazing. CU in Amsterdam!
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Since I am doing a case study for my dissertation -” A Brand is not a logo” I have decided to do some research that includes history and choose a brand that is famous, but also isn’t such cliche(Apple). 
After talking to Dr Simon Bell, I have decided to buy a book about Chanel Nr.5 - one of the best selling perfumes for around 100 years now. There are so many facts about Chanel itself and secrets of branding and the more I read the more I understand how fake this industry is.
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How I bought a Barbie
Another Penguin brief came up and I’ve chosen a rather ironic book about feminism. Caitlin Moran is a wonderful writer(although I don’t agree with her on a lot of things, but the style is funny) and I have enjoyed reading it.
After analysing it and trying to figure out what cover jacket I should create, I’ve done a lot of research on Chip Kidd, who later on became my God in a way. 
Chip Kidd has a style that I believe everyone can define as crazy. He doesn’t do pretty illustrations or neat layouts - he experiments and makes it unique.
That’s why I thought of doing something I’ve never done and thought: what is the icon of a woman? We all had it when we were little girls and all had dreams about having Barbie’s life - she’s perfect: slim body, blond shiny hair, long legs, a car, a dog, Ken on the side and a perfect smile. Something completely different than what Caitlin describes in her book. 
I’ve decided to make it ironic and funny and also put a little thought in it too.
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Penguin doesn’t require an inside bit, however I’ve decided to go the extra mile and make it look consistent.
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You should never consider your portfolio finished, and you should always be dissatisfied with it. The day you sit back and say, “My portfolio is great,” is the day you are dead in the water. Your portfolio requires endless work, and few things are more important than it. This never changes no matter how successful you have become. That’s really the only thing I’ve learned about portfolios.
Adrian Shaughnessy (via citizendesigners)
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Our course has decided to go on a mini day trip to London and visit museums to get some inspiration. I have visited all the museums in London (twice) but every time its still nice to come back, especially to V&A since it gives me new ideas on my own work.
Guys pretending to be interested:
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Science Museum
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There should be an unwritten rule that if you request a meeting at noon you are responsible for providing lunch.
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Shoreditch Menu
Another brief I’m working on is a menu for a new restaurant in Shoreditch, London. Since the area itself is very contemporary and and my audience is clearly the group called hipsters(even though they don’t like to be called like that), I am using a quirky style:
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BBC World Service Radio Campaign
348 DVA Visual Communication
I’ve started a new project for BBC - creating a new campaign to make people listen to the World Service Radio.
I’ve done a lot of research on Guerilla Marketing company since I think it’s the most successful one regarding popularity. They take advertising to a next level by creating original advertisement through digital media and surroundings.
I’ve created a vending machine which at first sight seems to be selling newspapers, however, has a more interesting purpose.
My idea is to put an interactive screen which allows the audience to view a promotional BBC Radio video:
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Once a person presses “No” the screen shows a video:
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