cuddlefish85 · 6 years
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1st attempts at using polymer clay to make Needle minders.
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cuddlefish85 · 7 years
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1st attempt at making my own needle minder. Glue everywhere. Pin from loot crate. Hail hydra.
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cuddlefish85 · 7 years
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I started this project over a month ago when I was so happy and awaiting someone I've been waiting for two years. Sadly things turned out for the worst and I was half tempted to leave but I didn't and I'm glad I managed to finish with glow in the dark thread as well.
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cuddlefish85 · 7 years
I debated for a few days now wither I should write this or not and even though I'm still not sure I feel the need to get this out.
On Christmas eve me and my boyfriend discovered we were having a baby after 2 years of trying. To say we were over the moon was an understatement.
And after 4 very positive tests we really began to believe we were going to be parents. At 4 weeks there was spotting but nothing serious and the evening sickness (no morning sickness) was kicking in full force and everyone said it was normal so why worry? 8.5 weeks a little more bleeding but was told it was normal. Around 10 weeks evening sickness stopped and looking back that should have been my first clue because something was different I felt different but the 4th test came up positive and not 2 pregnancies are the same. And finally at a little over 12 weeks we were told the worst four words we could have heard. 'There is no heartbeat'. Our little baby went away at 10 weeks and 1 day. No reason it just stopped growing. It's called a missed miscarriage.
The baby stops growing but your body continues to produce pregnancy hormones. It's heart breaking and the steps that come after those words are life shattering not just for the mother but for their partner and family.
I'm not writing to hurt anyone or to even get attention.... I'm writing this because I didn't know that 1 in 5 pregnancies end in miscarriage and even if I did it wouldn't change anything my baby wasn't meant to be here.
I hope if anyone else out there is going through this know you are not alone.
Our hearts are breaking but they are also filled with so much love for our baby.
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cuddlefish85 · 7 years
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I love it love it love it
Rolling in the Deep Part 2 of 2 (mobster tony drabble)
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Summary: Let the flames rekindle.
Word Count: 1.5K
Warnings: swearing, angst, very little fluff, someone dies, a special appearance
(Read part one here)
“I don’t know what I expected from this.” you mumbled in awe as you grabbed Tony’s hand and stepped out of the vehicle.
“It’s just one dinner, Y/N,” he chuckled lightly as he led you into the elaborate restaurant. “I paid the owner a hefty amount to have this place all to ourselves tonight.” he answered your unasked question once you had stepped inside and noticed the place was vacant. A single table had been lit with a candle and a single rose. Piano music played from the speakers hanging in the corners of the place.
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cuddlefish85 · 7 years
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Another 5 days and only realised too late that I had miscounted stitches but I pulled it back for now.
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cuddlefish85 · 7 years
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I love Alice and Matt sassing
Ricochet Part 6
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Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5
A/N: Alice and Matt have a talk and go on a trip and Alice (finally) learns where Bucky has gone. Please let me know what you think!
Warnings: None really
Nasty word used by bitch landlady.Maybe don’t mess with a vampire slayers friends and loved ones? 
Word Count: 2725
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
Alice was in bed. Warm, comfortable and rested. Stretching, she looked around. The room was white…Alice couldn’t make out any details. Fuzzy. Didn’t matter though, Alice could hear movement outside the bedroom door, excited Alice sat up and smiled.
Bucky walked through the door holding a tray with breakfast on it. He was smiling, gloriously shirtless wearing sweatpants that hung low on his sculpted hips. “Mornin’ beautiful.”
Alice’s smile dropped just slightly, Bucky’s form was fuzzy too, all that beautiful muscle appearing first one way then another. You never saw him without a shirt on, Alice. Alice’s head whipped to the side, who said that?
“Happy anniversary Darlin’. The best year of my life.”
Did you hear that Bucky?”  
“Hear what sweetheart? Eat up, I’ve got big plans for us today.”
 Alice was nervous all of a sudden. Making to get out of bed, Bucky grabbed her before she could even swing her legs over the edge. “Where do you think you’re going Alice?”
“You left me once. Why do you think I would let you get away with that?”
“Baby, we need to leave. Let me go okay?”
Bucky crawled over Alice. His face was steadily growing redder with fury. “You can’t leave. I have orders” His metal hand held her neck. The grip grew tighter..
“Please love. Let me go. You love me remember? Please remember..” Alice’s air was cut off. All she could do was watch as Bucky became The Winter Soldier in front of her eyes. “I don’t know you. My orders are to kill you.”
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
Alice awoke. Ignoring the panic that wanted to choke her, she concentrated on what she remembered about the dream. She knew those words. Bucky had mentioned them early into him staying with her. He warned her, if someone found him and said those words, he would turn. He would not stop trying to kill her, he wouldn’t remember. In all honesty, Alice had forgotten all about them. Why was she dreaming about them now? Stop procrastinating. Bucky needs you. Find him, something bad is going to happen.
Getting up, Alice headed into the bathroom. Looking at her arm in the mirror, Alice frowned. It hadn’t hurt when she got in and she had fallen asleep without thinking about it. The wound had already started to heal but it needed cleaning in the worst way. At least it wouldn’t scar. Odd Slayer biology meant that nothing scarred. Alice sighed as she looked at the silvery marks on the right side of her neck. Vampire bites though? That was a whole different story. Alice got washed up and dressed in dark blue jeans and a deep purple t - shirt, her plain black boots on her feet. Not bothering with makeup she started to brush through her hair, it had gotten long, was almost at her waist now. Looking at the clock radio on the nightstand, Alice muttered to herself, “Three, two, one…” Knock knock knock. “Right on time.” Alice got up and swung the door open. Matt stood in the other side. “I said I would be here at 9.00.” Matt said dryly. “You heard that? Oh, you know what, never mind. I really should know better.” Matt walked in and stood in the centre of the room. “So. Talk.” “Before I do…promise you won’t say anything about Bucky? Honestly Matt, he’s not what they say about him. He was forced into doing those things Matt, they hurt him, tortured him, he forgot who he was-!”
“Alice, it’s okay.” Matt had been holding his head to the side as she ranted and he smiled lightly as he held his hand up to stop her, “I believe you okay?” “Oh. That was quick. I expected to argue for longer.” “Amazing hearing has it’s benefits.” “Uh huh.” Side eying him, Alice grabbed her jacket then tutted when she spotted that tear, “I need a new jacket.” “We can get one whilst we’re out.” “Oh so you’re coming with me? I don’t remember asking you.” Matt put his hands in his pockets and smirked, “You still need to tell me what the hell you are. C’mon, you can tell me on the way.”
Matt went back to the flat with her. Even if Bucky wasn’t there, Alice needed to know about those cameras that Ivar had mentioned. Alice prayed he was lying. It would show just how easily they had wormed their way into her new life and toyed with it like she was nothing but a new set of statistics for them to study. And they had spied on Bucky. After everything that had been done to him… Alice almost wanted the Council to still be here. Wanted them to make a move against her… Slayers were some of the most dangerous people in any world. Alice felt like it was time to remind The Council of that… “What are you thinking?” Matts voice interrupted her. “What? Nothing.” Not about cold blooded revenge murder. Oh no.
“You’re lying. Your heart rate just picked up, temperature rose just slightly and I can hear your teeth grinding from here.” Alice glared at him, “Has anyone ever told you that is incredibly rude and intrusive?” “Like anyone would believe me. And, I apologise. It’s not something that I can help though. Even though, usually, I only ever use it against people in court. Or a fight.” Shoving her hair back from her face, Alice cooled down slightly. She knew what it was like having no choice in being different. “Huh. Fair enough. Just…don’t let me know next time okay? I’ve had far too much experience being monitored for my liking.” “Okay.” Awkward silence ensued for a few minutes. As they reached the station, Alice got the tickets and sat them down before the train arrived. Feeling bad about snapping Alice made to apologise but Matt beat her to it and started the conversation again. “So…how did you become a super powered badass anyway?” A ghost of a smile hit Alice’s lips. “It’s a long story.” “I’ll tell you more of mine if you tell me yours?” “Okay then. When I was fifteen…”
Alice’s heart was stuttering in her chest. The four steps up to the building looked like a harsher trek then if she were to take on Everest. What if he’s not here? What if he is? Oh shit oh shit oh shit.
Just go up and see. At least you’ll know.  
He’s going to go spare at me.  
Yes. Obviously. But you’ll be back with him. If he loves you then that’s all that will matter to him.
I don’t want to lose him.
You’re boring me now. Get your shit together and walk up those steps.
“Ready?” Alice looked over at Matt. He had been quiet since Alice had told him a short version of what she was. Like vampires and demons and people fighting them were less believable than a boy getting sprayed with chemicals and becoming super powered rather than seriously ill. Or dead. “Yeah. Come on.” Slowly, they made their way up the steps. Alice held the door open for Matt and took his arm as they climbed the stairs to the floor she had lived in. As the reached the landing Alice saw the door. Air seemed to be thinner…the door was getting closer and further away at the same time…
“Alice? Sit down for a minute, you’re about to pass out.” “I’m scared Matt.” Alice whispered it so quietly as he guided her back to the step and pushed her to sit down. Alice heard him take a breath, to respond with what she wasn’t sure as there was a clattering of heels on the floor below them and then a nasally woman’s voice yelling “Miss Smith?! Is that you? You owe me money lady!” Jumping to her feet and whispering an apology to Matt when she almost caused him to fall, Alice’s eyes widened as she saw her old landlady. She had forgotten what a money grabbing, plastic faced, she devil she was. “Hi.. yeah, so I’m sorry for skipping out on you like that but-” “Not just you! You’re boyfriend did the same! I’m owed $4000 by you lady! You best have that cash now or-” “Wait, my boyfriend? He was here? When did he leave?” “Yeah, the gorgeous one with those eyes. Among other things if you get my meaning honey.” The bitch started giggling to herself, Alice counted to 10. “When did he leave?” Forcing the words out through gritted teeth, Alice was going full death stare at the woman. Alice hadn’t got her name before and felt zero desire to find out what it was now. “Oh he left about 4 months ago. I offered him a way to help me if you weren’t able to pay, but…” Matts hand grabbed Alice’s upper arm in a firm grip. “Well, he didn’t seem all that interested in helping himself. Once I realised about his condition I decided to back off.” She ended on a sigh, like she had been so put upon. Matts hand gripped tighter as Alice asked in a quiet voice, “What…condition are you talking about , exactly?” “Well he’s a cripple with that one real arm of his! He must have fought in the war…such a brave man.” “Could we take a look inside please? Alice has left some stuff and she needs it back.” Matt was almost vibrating from the effort it was taking to stop Alice from launching herself at this woman. “You put your fucking hands on him?!” Alice finally wrenched free and stepped up to her old landlady. The woman was taller than Alice anyway and was also wearing some expensive looking heels but she moved away as Alice advanced. “Well, just in a comforting gesture Jane. I wasn’t inappropriate. And, like I said, he skipped after that. Anyway, what do you care?” Looking over Matt, the woman smirked, “You seem to have found another pretty cripple to-” Alice moved too fast for Matt to stop her, he sighed as he heard the woman be pushed into the doorway. “Take your hands off of me!” Alice glared at the woman, her hands were already back by her sides, her palms literally itching to slap the shit out of this bigoted trash. “Right. Here’s what’s going to happen. You give me the keys to this apartment. I give you the money that I owe you and then we leave. And you best hope that I never lay eyes on you again. You made my boyfriend feel like less than a person. Insulted my friend. And your face looks really expensive…I would hate for you to need more reasons to spend money on it.” Bullies didn’t line being stood up to. Trembling just slightly, the woman handed over the key and nodded. “Well…I’ll expect you out within 20 minutes and-” “We’ll be done when we’re done.” Alice, slightly harder than necessary, pushed the woman to the side, and stared putting the key in the lock. Shooting a scathing look over at the bitch still stood there, Alice rolled her eyes “Bye then!” Jumping, the woman ran down the stairs.
“That lady could’ve had you arrested for assault, Alice.” Alice was stood stock still in the middle of her old living room. Walking through the hall had been like being walking through a hailstorm of memories. Most of them were mundane, normal things that two people sharing living space would do. Alice was surprised by how much just the memory of walking past Bucky first thing in the morning after patrolling and him softly asking her if she was okay would feel like a sucker punch. “Alice? Don’t you need to be looking for something?”
Jumping slightly, Alice spun around looking for somewhere to start. Eyes caught by a vent on the wall, Alice gestured towards it, “There’s a vent up there that would have a good view of the room, I’m going to grab a chair and have a look for a camera or listening device or whatever.” Matt, unerringly, went straight to the nearest chair and brought it over to her. Smirking, he shrugged, “I can hear air movement and what it bounces off of remember? I knew there was a chair there before you did probably.” “Well do you think you could somehow use that magic power and find more spying devices for me?” Smile dropping, Matt replied sadly, “Sorry, no. Doesn’t work like that. How would they even get them in here? Wouldn’t you or Barnes know if someone had been in here?” Climbing up on the chair, Alice clenched her fists a moment, “They were spying on me, not Bucky. I think they could’ve come in at any time before he got here, once I had started actively patrolling again and done it. I never knew because I am fucking blind apparently.” “Alice-” Interrupting him by ripping the vent cover from the wall, Alice looked in the exposed space. All the breath left her lungs. There, bold as brass, was a small camera, now on it’s side. Alice had no idea if it was still active. She doubted it, as she had stated, they wanted to know what she was doing, not Bucky. Tearing it out and crushing it between her fingers, Alice growled, “Let’s check the rest of this place.”
Half an hour later, Alice had found cameras in every room, apart from the bathroom. Beyond angry, Alice was existing in a space where all those feelings were separate. Waiting to pounce later. When they did, it would be explosive but right now… “If Bucky was last here, and he had to leave abruptly, in theory he would’ve left me something to find him.” “Where though? And what?” Alice ran her hand through her hair, “I don’t know! If he was rushed, it would have to be something quick…small…easy to hide.” Brain suddenly kicked into gear, Alice marched into the kitchen. Matt followed slowly behind her. Alice looked up at the wall, the one that had cracked when Bucky had punched it. There, heart skipping a beat, Alice spotted the small red star that had been drawn at the top. The wall had since been fixed, Bucky would know that so…Alice climbed on top of the table and started tapping on the coving between the ceiling and wall. When she hit a hollow spot, Alice didn’t waste a second, she tore the coving from the wall. “Christ Alice-” “Shut up Matt, I’ll give the bitch some money. There’s something in here…” Fingers grasping in the small space, Alice’s hands latched onto some paper. With shaking hands, she pulled it out, jumped from the table and sat down. Heart banging like a drum, Alice smoothed the paper out and saw words written hastily. Alice took a deep breath before reading.
I should’ve never just let you get away and I am so sorry.  Don’t get me wrong though Alice, I am still so angry at you, I know that there is more to why you left. You should’ve woken me up, why didn’t you? Why didn’t you trust me to help you?  I’m never giving up on you though. I know you will find this.  Sam Wilson is looking for me, I have to leave here. I’m going to go to a motel to stay for a while, then I’m going to Romania, I’ll find a way to get there and I’ll stay in Bucharest.  That’s where I’ll be waiting for you. We can start this new life together there.  When I see you, we’re going to talk seriously about your God damn hero complex. Then I’m never letting you out of my sight again.
I love you. I’ll see you soon. Bucky.
“Alice? Don’t cry, you’ll find him. What did that letter say?”
Alice was crying, but she was smiling like a lunatic as well, she knew where Bucky was! He still loved her!! Well, as of 4 months ago he did anyway… “I know where to start looking. I need to get to Bucharest, Matt. Like, right now.”
I’m coming Bucky. Hold on.
Tags: @jrubalcaba @magellan-88  @bolontiku  @4theluvofall  @erisjade  @swtwtrgin  @kimistry27  @ryverpenrad  @jhangelface0523  @bookwarm85  @pineapplebooboo  @mo320  @sarahmatthews7  @mllebnzh  @ghostssss 
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cuddlefish85 · 7 years
Caplan’s Masterlist
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**UPDATED November 13, 2017
Caplan’s Song Fic Challenge Masterlist
Caplan’s Christmas Challenge Masterlist
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cuddlefish85 · 7 years
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Four Date Rule
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You and Bucky Barnes, Private Bank Manager and all around hottie, have had four dates and you decide to give him your real number but the jerk doesn’t call! Off to the club with your friends, looking for Mr Right Now, who should you stumble across??
What will happen when you two meet again? (Spoiler: Smut is what happens.)
A/N: I just wanted to write some straight up Bucky smut. So sue me. I’ve just to keep this as non specific as possible as far as skin colour or body shapes go but, if you feel there’s something I could’ve done better in that regard, let me know, I’m more used to writing OC’s that reader inserts.
Warnings: Swearing and Smut. Oral (M and F receiving.) Fingering. Public nudity (almost). Unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, kids). Kind of Dom/Sub vibes? Not exactly that but Bucky is assertive anyway. Please do not read if you’re under 18, this is extremely 18+ ONLY.
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cuddlefish85 · 7 years
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Love it
Ricochet Part 5
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Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4 
A/N: A certain vigilante gets involved in Alice’s problems. This is not as harsh as the last chapter. Again, I don’t know if this is how hospital or police procedures work. What Alice interrupts with Daredevil is just something vague that I made up for this, it doesn’t coincide with anything on the TV show.
Please let me know what you think!
Warnings: Fighting and swearing at the end. Nothing else that I can think of.
Beep beep beep beep
Alice woke up slowly. Everything hurt. All at once she remembered what had happened and jerked upright, “Ow! Shit!” Slumping backwards, Alice cradled her ribs. Yeah, large piece of wood fell on you remember? Be thankful you’re alive to feel your broken ribs.
Alice was in a hospital bed, looking down she could see an IV in one hand and bandages covering the other. Slowly she lifted her right hand to her neck and felt the bandages covering that too. The door to the room she was in creaked open, Alice looked up and watched as Matt Murdock made his way into her room. “Hi Matt. What’s occurring?” Matt sat down on the chair next to her, “What the hell happened to you Alice? Who kidnapped you? And where did they go?” Alice was silent for a moment. They, she was assuming the police, thought she had been kidnapped. Not an unfair assumption she supposed. Alice decided to stick to the tried and true method of telling the truth without actually telling them anything. “I don’t know Matt. I was walking through town, feeling sorry for myself when next thing, someone grabbed me and then everything went dark. It’s all blurry after that. The last thing I clearly remember was those bombs going off. Then I woke up here.” Frowning, Matt kept on looking at the floor but his voice was shaking “So you think that I’m going to believe that? After you call me, making me take your money so you could keep me as a lawyer, then next thing I get a call saying that a client is in hospital after being kidnapped, assaulted and possibly tortured and you think I’ll just write it off as a coincidence?” Alice frowned “Am I going to be charged with something Matt?” “No, clearly you were held against your will so-” “Right then. So that’s all I need to tell you. People kidnapped me and I don’t remember anything until I woke up here. The end.” Matt opened his mouth but closed it again abruptly when a nurse walked into the room. Tall and beautiful, she looked quickly between Matt and Alice. If Alice didn’t know better she would say that they knew each other even though they didn’t exactly acknowledge the other. “Hi Miss Smith, how’re you feeling?” “Not too bad. When can I leave?” Alice looked at her name badge as she bent over her to shine a light in her eyes. It read “Nurse Temple” “Hmmm. Well probably today. You’re doing better than you have any right to be. But I’m gonna keep you here a few more hours, make sure that any nasty symptoms don’t crop up now you’re awake.” “Honestly, I feel fine. And no offence but I really hate hospitals so..” “Yeah, don’t think that that old line is gonna work on me honey. Something bad happened to you. Now you’re in my care, I’m making sure that nothing worse happens, at least medically.” Alice liked Nurse Temple. Looking over at Matt, she got the feeling he did too. “Okay but…um, this is going to sound weird but, well…could you be my only nurse? I really don’t like hospitals and I don’t want to have to see loads of new faces…” Concern dashed across the woman’s features before she smoothed them back into a neutral smile, “Yeah sure, I’m going to be back within the next couple of hours anyway but if you do suddenly get into a lot of discomfort and need to get one of us nurses then be prepared, if I’m busy somewhere else, another nurse will come for you. Don’t freak out, just let them do their job okay?” Alice rested back against the pillows and nodded. “Are you staying with her?” Nurse Temple asked Matt sharply. “Yes. The police will want a statement so I’ll stay with her whilst she does that.” “Okay. Rest up Miss Smith.” With that, she left. Sighing, Alice asked “When are the police getting here? I don’t have anything to tell them Matt. It was just bad luck.” “Soon. Let’s go over your story a few more times before they get here.”
Detective Dick (sorry, Richards) came and make the appropriate sympathy noises before bombarding her with stupid question after stupid question.
Eventually Matt had had enough and told them that unless they had something to charge her with, that they should leave her to rest. After they had gone, Alice whispered “Thanks Matt. I really do wish that I could tell you more. But I can’t.” Matt looked thoughtful, “Everyone has secrets Alice. As long as yours isn’t putting anyone in danger, we’re fine.” Alice felt exhausted all of a sudden, “No, no one is in danger. Not from me or anyone else.” Nodding slowly, Matt got up. “Sleep for a few hours. I’ll talk to the nurse about when you can leave.” Alice’s eyes wouldn’t stay open, “Okay. Thanks Matt. I’m glad I met you.” Matt just smiled and shook his head as he walked out.
Matt had organised a car back to the motel for Alice. She had sorted the bill and everything whilst she was there with the brand spanking new ID, complete with valid health insurance. Alice was officially, Alice Smith on every system. It had cost her a pretty penny but was worth every last one of them. Winters was just a bit too specific, when Alice went under this time, she wanted to be extremely hard to find. Also, thanks to Ivar killing Ben and getting her known to the police, suddenly having a new surname could cause issues. Her first name would be easier to explain away. As soon as she walked through the door, Alice slowly made her way to the floorboards where she had hidden the Scythe. Getting it out took longer than it should have and she was shaking with fatigue even after the additional rest at the hospital by the time she had got it out and moved the bed back. The shaking was getting worse. Holding the Scythe to her chest, Alice was desperately trying to get some of it’s power but, again, nothing. Laying down on the bed she hugged it to her chest. Sleep did not come for a very long time and when it did, she dreamt about Ivar hurting her, taunting her. Alice dreamt about Simon, plotting her death and laughing when the Council agreed to let him be her Watcher. And Alice dreamt about Bucky. She would see him in a crowd, call his name but every time she got close to him he would get further away. When she finally caught up to him, he didn’t recognise her and pushed her away.
1 month later.
Alice was still in New York. In the last month she had decided to stop playing the poor little victim, she was still a Slayer for gods sake. Bearing that in mind, Alice was still going out at night, just to be sure, just to be certain, that there weren’t any more vamps. Alice was positive that the ones in the church had died, there wasn’t anywhere but the sun for them to go to. As much as she wanted to just leave it and focus 100% on finding Bucky, finding out whether that bridge was burned or if she was back to being on her own, Alice made herself go out and check though, but she wasn’t doing it with the same fervour as before. Already, she could tell that there were no more vamps, she didn’t feel like she was being watched anymore, at least not by vampires. Paranoia about that chip in her neck plagued her. Were the Council still watching her? Would they force her to do something else again? Should she even listen to Ivar? He was hardly the most trustworthy of sources after all. Not knowing what to do, if it was there it wasn’t something that she could just rip out, Alice ignored it and just started to take more note of who was around.
Currently, Alice was stalking through Hells Kitchen, trying to figure if there was a way to track where Bucky was. There was one place that hadn’t checked yet though. It was very unlikely that Bucky was still in New York, and if he somehow still was, it was even less likely that he had stayed in the flat but…Alice was going there in the morning. Just to check. Walking past an alleyway, Alice heard a crash from further in followed by a shout of pain. Alice stopped, creeping closer she tried to sense of it was a vampire attack before charging in. Alice was secure in the knowledge that she could take out a fair few people in a fight but the people in this country had far too easy access to guns and Alice wasn’t bulletproof. Turning a corner, Alice stopped and stared.
There were about 5 men with various weapons ranging from pipes to bits of wood attacking another man. He was dressed in black…tall, broad shouldered. His face was covered. Oh my God. It’s Bucky! They’re attacking Bucky!! Alice felt a moment of pure unadulterated happiness, she had found him! “Bucky, I’m coming! Hold on!”
Acting purely on instinct, Alice ran into the fray. Holding back as much as possible, these thugs were only human after all, Alice kicked and punched and managed to take 3 of them out. Bucky had taken out the other 2 so they were dazed. Spinning to face her he growled “Alice?!”
Alice felt like she had been gut punched. That wasn’t his voice. Looking properly it quite clearly wasn’t his build either. All the happiness she had felt drained away. It’s not him. Wait… That voice is- “MATT?! What the fuck are you playing at?!” “What are you doing here? You need to get out of here, it’s dangerous-” “Really?! Well what are you doing here then?” “I’m not telling you now! Get lost!” “How about you fucking try and make me ninja boy!” The thugs had started stirring, 2 of them rushed at Alice and Matt. Screeching in pure frustration, Alice shoved Matt away as hard as she could (quite hard, obviously) and sent thug #1 flying into the wall behind him. Turning she caught the other ones hand holding the pipe that he was about to smash over her head, casually snapped his wrist and sent her elbow into his face so he fell to the floor like a deadweight. Alice wasn’t paying attention though, Matt was fighting another one, using far too many flippy spinny moves in Alice’s opinion, she didn’t notice the last one get up and reach into his jacket pocket. Alice was glaring at Matt when he suddenly spun to her and yelled “Alice! Move!”
BANG! A white hot pain went across her right arm, looking down she saw that her nice leather jacket had a dirty great rip in the arm and she was slowly dripping blood. Alice had actually been shot before. The lab seemed to run out of ideas after a while so just made her stand in a room and make her wait whilst they set up things to damage her with, guns, arrows, knives. “Oh! Great! That’s ruined! Do you wankers think that I’m made of money or something?!” Alice stalked over to the idiot with the gun, luckily the piece of shit had jammed and he didn’t notice. Grabbing him with her left arm, Alice smacked his head into the wall next to him. Alice leant over his slumped form. Patting him lightly on the head, Alice quipped, “Don’t worry mate. You tried, no one can say you didn’t try.” Another one of the thugs was rushing at Matt, pipe overhead, rolling her eyes, Alice intercepted him and grabbed the pipe in both hands. The idiot looked shocked and didn’t let go so, seeing as she was in such a bad mood anyway, Alice decided to mess with him, “Hey, you want to see something cool?” Adjusting her grip, Alice bent the pipe so it was almost at a right angle. Stunned, the mans hands dropped and he stood there with his mouth hanging open. “You should close that, you’ll catch flies.” Spinning, Alice sent the back of her fist crashing into his face. Alice didn’t even watch as he fell. Matt had just finished kicking the crap out of his set of thugs. Silently, they regarded each other across the space. “So…you’re the Devil of Hells Kitchen.” “And you? What are you Alice? Not out of breath, heart rate normal, hell…you’re arm isn’t even bleeding as much as it should be. What the hell are you?” Stepping towards him, Alice hissed, “How the hell do you know that? You’re stood all the way over there! You’re blind!” Closing the distance between them, Matt smirked underneath the black fabric covering his face, “Yep. Chemicals hit me in the face when I was a kid and blinded me, the rest of my senses though? Through the roof.” “Ugh. Everyone in this dimension has some stupid story with chemicals.” Alice muttered furiously. “Dimensions? What?” Alice felt so sad all of a sudden. Matt was good, kind, this crappy life defending people would harden him. “Why are you doing this Matt? You’re going to get yourself killed.”
Crossing his arms, Matt dropped his smile, “No. Your turn, what are you? What are you doing?” Beyond tired all of a sudden, fed up and not caring at all anymore, Alice turned away. “I’m not your fucking concern. Don’t die out here Matt. Thanks for the help.” Matt grabbed her upper arm, apparently he forgot that she had just been shot. On a surge of fury, Alice twisted and sent him flying up and over her shoulder. “Keep you hands off of me Matt!” Getting to his feet, Matt swung at her, “Talk to me Alice!” Blocking the hit, Alice tried to kick his knee out but Matt was much faster than she had given him credit for, he knocked her leg away and sent her spinning, “Grrr! No! I’m not your goddamn crusade!” “You’re a problem Alice. You have been since the day I had to clear you of murder charges.” Exchanging blows as they spoke, neither of them actually landing any punches, Alice grew more frustrated as it went on, she should be able to knock him flying. Why couldn’t she do it? “I never did that Matt! I proved it! You’re the one doing illegal shit right now, not me!” “I’m not the one who harboured a known murderer.” Time stopped, how the… You screamed out Bucky’s name you idiot. Now Matt fucking knows.
Ducking under the kick Matt aimed, Alice grabbed the fabric at his back, spun him, and finally sent Matt flying where he crashed into the wall. “Right. First things first. I put you on retainer right? Say one word and your license gets taken away. Secondly, that was me holding back, do not try and hit me again. You’ll regret it.” Matt got up with a groan, “I knew saying that name would push you to show me what you can do.” “Oh you think you’re clever?” Looking down at her arm and grimacing, Alice uttered a soft laugh. “Okay. Fine. I’m going back to my room. Come by tomorrow morning and I’ll tell you then. I’ve got places to go though so don’t be late.” Alice reeled off the address. “I’m not the bad guy Matt. I’m sorry for throwing you against the wall.” Turning away, Alice walked off before he could answer.
Tags: @jrubalcaba  @magellan-88  @bolontiku  @4theluvofall  @erisjade  @truebloodamazonian  @swtwtrgin  @kimistry27  @ryverpenrad  @jhangelface0523  @bookwarm85  @pineapplebooboo  @mo320  @sarahmatthews7  @mllebnzh  @ghostssss
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cuddlefish85 · 7 years
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I think my captain America collection isn't too bad.
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cuddlefish85 · 7 years
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Day 5 of my latest project 'I'm late' from alice in wonderland by Bothy threads. Can't wait to use my glow in the dark thread for the rabbit.
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cuddlefish85 · 7 years
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But why Ben jr?????? I feel like you have afflicted cruel and unusual punishment us poor readers more so than normal. I feel hurt to be honest.... I'm wagging a finger at you missy 👈 (They don't have an emjo for that but you know what I mean). Still loving the series though 💗
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Well, I am sorry about Ben Jr but… well… yeah, you’re right about the cruel and unusual punishment coming up lol.
Thank you, love!
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cuddlefish85 · 7 years
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But why Ben jr?????? I feel like you have afflicted cruel and unusual punishment us poor readers more so than normal. I feel hurt to be honest.... I'm wagging a finger at you missy 👈 (They don't have an emjo for that but you know what I mean). Still loving the series though 💗
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Well, I am sorry about Ben Jr but… well… yeah, you’re right about the cruel and unusual punishment coming up lol.
Thank you, love!
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cuddlefish85 · 7 years
Running For You... (Part 2) (Bucky x Reader)
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Word count: 2,326
Summary: Hired by Tony Stark to conduct a public relations campaign for the Avengers, Y/N and Bucky managed to keep their relationship secret from the rest of the team. But when her work for the highly public figures leads her to accept a position with a prestigious international firm in Tokyo, the two decide to split. When her new job isn’t all she expected, she’s reminded of a promise Bucky made her. 
A/N: So I finally got around to writing the second part of this fic and surprise! There will also be a Part 3 posting soon! Sorry this took so long, I started some other fun projects, you can check them out on my Fanfic Masterlist. A special thank you to @prettyyoungtragedy for all of her encouragement and help with this fic! 
“Running for You” Part 1 
     Bucky groans when he hears his phone ringing in the middle of the night, lighting up the dark room and stirring him from his sleep. It’s not a text message, he realizes, the device is still jingling after several seconds.
     Rolling across the bed, he lifts his head from his plush pillow and glances at the phone on his bedside table through squinting eyes. The brightness makes the screen difficult to read. He blinks repeatedly, willing his eyes to focus on the blurry text. Who would be calling at this hour?
    “Buck?” The voice beside him purrs, reaching for him. “What is it, baby?”
     He lifts his flesh hand to rub his eyes, then feels his heart falter suddenly in his chest when he’s finally able to read the name on the screen. Y/N.
     With the promise he’d made to you nearly a year ago ringing in his ears, Bucky lunges for the phone, nearly knocking it off the nightstand in the process. He fumbles with it for a moment before bringing it to his ear with a shaking hand. 
Keep reading
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cuddlefish85 · 7 years
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Ricochet Part 2
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Part 1
A/N: Introduction of new character. I have no idea if this would be how the legal system works so lets just pretend and use our imaginations… 
Warnings: Mentions of blood and death. Kind of hoping to make people cry. Big time violence at the end and (obviously) cliff hanger ending. Enjoy! Please tell me what you think!
Word count: 3476
Alice made her way back to the motel, mind going over and over the practicalities of what she was trying to plan… It wasn’t just dangerous…legally it was life in prison if she got caught. Alice wanted to just go and burn the bloody place down, she had done that before when she had had no other choice, but that had been different circumstances and only one vamp. Fire, whilst fast acting, wasn’t sudden enough to catch a building full of vamps unawares. Also, their sense of smell was better then a humans, if she ran around the building dropping petrol everywhere they would smell it before she could get far, then they would either get her and kill her or spook and move somewhere else and Alice would have to start all over again. Alice didn’t know what would be worse.
Alice stopped to get breakfast for her and the Bens, finally finding the nest and having a plan (or a start of a plan) had brought on an extreme appetite. Strolling leisurely back from the diner, Alice couldn’t help but feel close to happy, almost free from this burden, a friendly face waiting at the motel, hot fresh cooked breakfast in the paper bag in her hand and the future stretching out before her…a future that still hopefully contained one James Buchanan Barnes…Alice was feeling good. When Alice finally got back, the first thing she did was go to Bens room, she didn’t want the food to get cold.
Getting to his door she stopped dead. It was partially open and there was a smell coming from inside…coppery and thick.
Dropping the food, Alice crashed through.
And felt her partially healed heart break all over again.
“BEN!!! Ben…no, please please please…” Alice was sobbing, she rushed over to way Ben lay broken on the floor. Blood was everywhere…her boots became painted red. Alice knew straight away what had happened…that they had finally found her, and they had killed Ben instead. Alice could hear people nearby, there was screaming and yelling. Eventually someone pulled her away, pointlessly put their fingers to Bens neck to look for a pulse…there was hardly any neck left. Alice was being dragged away by the police when she spotted Ben Junior, torn apart by savage teeth and claws. Ben, the miracle dog who came to her rescue with his own teeth, butchered like some farm animal. Alice let herself pass out, her last thought shamed her for the rest of her life…at least it wasn’t Bucky…
Waking up slowly, Alice found herself in the back of a police car. Making to move her hands, she found them bound in handcuffs, Alice immediately started panicking, being tied up was not something that she would ever be calm about. “Hey calm down okay? You were kind of violent when we took you out, those cuffs were only put on to protect yourself. And us obviously.” Alice looked up at the female officer talking to her “Please take these off…please I-I can’t h-handle…” Curiously, the woman said “Yeah sure honey, you promise you’ll stay calm? We’re gonna have to bring you in as you found him but I have to think about everyone else as well as you, going into the station. Don’t try anything okay?” Alice nodded her head as quickly as she could, logically she knew she could break out of these handcuffs but all her strength had deserted her.. shock had sapped it, the barrier between what was happening right now and what had happened in the past was paper thin. Slowly the woman unlocked them, as soon as she did Alice breathed easier. “Why are you taking me in? Obviously I didn’t do it, no normal person could do that.” “It’s only procedure. You found that guy, we need to know who killed him and you might’ve seen something that can help the detectives find them.” Not before I find them first, Alice thought darkly. At the station, Alice waited. Staring into space, she let her mind go blank. But she was never on her own anymore..especially in her head. Ben is dead. Ripped to shreds.  Your fault. Not my fault.
He would’ve been better if you never met him. He should have just let you be-
Alice snapped back to awareness as the detective entered the room. “Sooo. Jane Smith yes?” “Yes.” “It’s strange, Jane. We can’t seem to find you anywhere.” Alice kept her eyes trained just over the guys shoulder “I’m right in front of you. How hard are you looking?” The detective regarded her, he was quite young, maybe 35 or so and had the look of someone that took great care of their appearance and thought very highly of themselves. Alice disliked him instantly. He reminded her of Simon. “Ya know…I’ve met Brits before and I still can’t work out when you guys are deliberately tryin’ to joke or when you’re being serious.” “And you’re a detective…no wonder this city is overrun with animals butchering innocent people.” Smirking the detective looked down at a slim file he had brought in with him “See? There, I can tell you’re as serious as cancer.” Alice just sighed and looked up at the ceiling. “So…Jane Smith. As I was sayin’ can’t find you anywhere on the system and you say you don’t have any ID with you?” “No.” “No passport?” “It got stolen.” “Driving license?” “Didn’t need one.” Alice shrugged. “What about living permits? Working permits?” “Wasn’t planning on sticking around that long.” Smiling openly now, he just shook his head “Well I think you oughta make those plans now sweetheart. You’re the only one who had any access to Ben and you were covered in his blood. You’re under arrest for his murder darlin’” Alice blinked. That shouldn’t have come as a surprise. “Well. I guess I need a lawyer don’t I?”
Alice waited another hour or more. Hunger gnawing at her stomach and her head starting to pound, Alice wanted to wake up. Just go back 6 months to when she had seen those 2 newspapers under her door. Every time she thought about what she had done in those ensuing minutes…she just couldn’t remember why she had done what she had done. Alice would do anything to turn back the clock. Ben would still be alive… “Jane Smith?” Alice was lost in her thoughts, didn’t hear the deep quiet voice. A pair or red spectacles on a face with brown hair and scruffy stubble was suddenly in her eye line from across the table. The man was reasonably tall, slightly built but Alice could sense a lot of strength under that suit. This must be her lawyer then. “I’m sorry.” Alice shook her head, “I was a bit spaced. Yes, I’m Jane.” “Matt Murdock, I’m your defence attorney.” “Oh” Alice looked him over, Murdock had his head in her direction but she couldn’t feel him watching her…Alice looked a bit lower and spotted the cane. Oh. Right. “Well, I’m sure you hear this all the time but I didn’t do it.” Smiling gently, Murdock gestured to the seat “Do you mind if I sit?” “Yes please…umm do you need help…or…?” Murdock’s smile froze in place “No.” “Oh God, I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean to offend you. Please, accept my apology? I’m not at my best today I’m afraid.” Smile slowly turning back into something genuine, Murdock shook his head as he sat down “I accept your apology. You’re hardly the first. Quite polite though so, there’s that.” “My parents always taught me to be polite.”
Smile dropping ever so slightly, Alice’s new lawyer sat up straighter “Okay, so. First thing, you’re right, I do hear the whole “I didn’t do it all the time.” However, that doesn’t mean that you aren’t in fact innocent.” “Well, if it helps, I’m going to give you the easiest job ever.” Cocking his head to the side, the lawyer seemed to be trying not to laugh “Oh, I don’t doubt it. I genuinely don’t think you did this. The cops just saw you first.” Snorting, Alice grumbled “Typical, the first time I ever get seen as dangerous is when someone is murdered.” “What was that?” “Oh. Nothing. So, how about I give you a list of all the places I have been overnight? At least some of those streets will have CCTV, I bet that it will prove that I was no where near that motel when Ben was…when he was…” Alice took a shaking breath and tried to blink back the tears that had abruptly shown up. Ben was dead. Ben was DEAD. Alice had tried to keep that thought at bay until she was alone but, talking about how she was innocent…all the places to look for her. Alice was never going to see him again. Ben Junior would never try to comfort her after a nightmare again.
What did I do? Why have I arrived here? Poor Ben. He didn’t deserve to meet me, no matter what his past. I’m sorry Ben. I wish you had never met me.
“When he died.” Murdock finished quietly. “I uh…haven’t seen the pictures obviously but, well they tell me it was quite horrifying. Do you have idea who could have done that? Did Ben mention any enemies at all? Maybe the mob or something?” The mob?! Ben should’ve been so lucky. Sniffing, Alice shook her head. When he silence dragged she remembered and blurted “No. No he never mentioned anything. He didn’t like talking about his past.” “Well, it’s up to the cops to find out who killed him. It’s up to me to get you off.” Matt went bright red, coughing he quickly continued “Get you off of those charges. Tell me where you’ve been overnight and then I’ll get them on it. You should be out within the next few hours.” Alice was still trying to figure out what had caused him to blush and stammer, shrugging, Alice reeled off a comprehensive list along with times but warned Matt that the times were an estimate at best “I wasn’t planning on having to defend myself against murder charges after all.” Smiling again, Matt Murdock stood up, “I’ll get them to move you to a cell in the meantime.” Before he left, Matt turned to her “Why were you out all night? You went everywhere in one night, were you looking for something?” Alice’s heart rate sped up, she couldn’t help it. Not that it mattered of course, it’s not like he would know. “No, I’m an insomniac. One of the reasons why I came here, New York is the city that never sleeps or whatever. I was just exploring.” “Dangerous thing. A woman exploring this city on her own at night.” Tipping her chin up, Alice gave the smallest of smiles “Depends on your point of view I suppose.” Frowning, Matt left the room.
Another 6 hours later, Alice marched her way out of the precinct. More than enough footage had been found to clear her. Walking out, Alice flipped the bird up at Detective Dick (turns out his name was Detective Richards. Alice couldn’t help it if it was so appropriate). Alice wasn’t too surprised to see Matt Murdock waiting for her outside, carrying on towards him Alice stopped in front of him on the stair above him, it put them at nearly eye level and Alice was feeling too light headed to bother looking up at someone who couldn’t see her anyway. “If you give me your card, I’ll make my way over to your office tomorrow to pay you. I don’t have the cash on me right now.” “Wow. Don’t be too grateful that I cleared you of those charges.” “I just offered to bloody pay you. What more do you want?” “Your promise not to do something stupid. Like going looking for whoever killed your friend.” Rolling her eyes, Alice murmured “Do I look stupid to you or something Matt?” One raised eyebrow from him had Alice stammering “Oh for fucks sake…. I’m sorry. Again. Just for Gods sake, NO! I will not be going gallivanting off after a man who looks like he kills people by eating them. Not like that nutter vigilante. I don’t have a bloody death wish.”
After a pause, Matt reached into his jacket pocket, “Here is where our offices are. I expect to see you tomorrow.” Alice was really starting to feel dodgy, “See me? How?” “It’s a figure of speech Jane.” “Whatever. I’ll be at your office tomorrow bright and early. Probably with doughnuts or something for when I remember how insufferably rude I’ve just been.” “You could just apologise.” “Don’t tell me what to do.” Alice was trying for joking but it came out much harsher than intended. Shock crossed his face, before he broke out into a grin “No. I don’t think I would dare. Do you have an email? I’ll send you through the bill.” Closing her eyes and pressing he hands to the lids, Alice shook her head “No. No email. It’s fine, I’ll just bring cash.” “Hey, are you okay?” “I’m fine. I’m going back to the motel for sleep now. Bye.” Alice turned away and then shot back around “Also, thank you. Seriously. You’re a good lawyer to know.” Alice walked away towards the subway before he could say anything else.
Three weeks later…
Alice looked down at her Scythe in her hands. It would make tonight so much easier, she knew that. Tonight shouldn’t be easy though, tonight needed to be hard. It needed to be painful. Tonight….everything would finally end.
“Matt Murdock?” “Yes? Who is this?” Alice looked at the phone in her hand, she had him on speaker as she was getting ready. “Hi Matt it’s Al- it’s Jane Smith.” A pause. “Hello Jane. What can I do for you?” “I fancy getting a lawyer on retainer. I thought of you.” A longer pause. “Why? Are you in trouble?” “No. Just…bad things can happen at any point right? I want to know that there is someone on my side when the dust settles. If, you know, it were to get kicked up.”
If a silence could be thoughtful, Alice would definitely class this one as such.
“Jane… if you put me on retainer, you know anything you say is confidential right?” “Of course I do. I watch TV.” “Well, you can tell me if you’re in trouble. I can help.” “I’m not in trouble. Just want a lawyer because….because.” “Jane-“ “My name is Alice for Gods sake. Just tell me the company bank details already.” “I knew that Jane wasn’t your real name.” “Yes very perceptive Matt. Details. Now please.” “Ja-Alice…are you going to go after who killed your friend? The police don’t know anything, if you do you need to tell me now. I told you not to do anything stupid.” “No, you asked me to promise not to do anything stupid. And I made no such promise.” “Alice..” Huffing out a furious breath, Matt tried again “Why don’t you come and meet me? You can give me this retainer in person and I’ll buy you a drink.” “I’m not getting a drink Matt. Just take my money and I’ll leave you alone.” Sat on the bed, Alice waited. Technically, if tonight went to plan she doubted she would actually need a lawyer. Still… the cops here seemed to be deeply stupid, she might need a lawyer after all. Better safe than sorry. “….Fine. I’ll give you the details. Don’t make me regret this Alice.” “Wouldn’t dream of it Matt.” Famous last words…
Alice had been busy the last 3 weeks. Losing Ben had almost made her give up. Who cared if vampires were living in New York? As evidenced by the news streams, Alice was hardly the only super strong person living here, eventually someone would pick up on what was going on and they would figure out how to kill them. Alice was just…so tired. She had lived this way almost half her life, getting away and never looking back was a lovelier and lovelier picture the more she thought about it. The life she really wanted though…she couldn’t honestly live it and live with herself if she didn’t at least try to finish this. So she had researched and bought various things. During the nights she had been travelling back to Hells Kitchen and waiting until that church was empty. Then she had been planting what was necessary. It was the only plan she could think of, Alice needed to do more than just kill them all. Alice needed to know what had brought them here in the first place, if there were more coming. Thinking back over and over about the night she had “escaped”, the morning she had “left” Bucky, she was becoming more and more convinced that there was more going on than just vamps following her here. Alice’s plan was simple. Get them to take her in the church, question them. Then, come sunrise, regardless if she was still in there, blow the fuckers up.
Alice left the motel room and headed towards the subway. Alice had put her Scythe back under the floorboards after talking to Matt, if she made it out tonight then it would be there waiting for her. If not, it was because she was dead and well…when they knocked the place down in however many years someone would get a nice surprise. Alice could feel the nervous tension screaming through her veins, it was barely sundown and she would have to wait until as close to sunrise as possible before heading to the church. Alice put her hands in her pockets, she really hoped she ran into more than one vamp before the night was over. Alice was spoiling for a fight. 8 hours later and Alice had got her wish, sort of. Alice had met 4 vamps but none of them were especially skilled at fighting so it had been far too easy. Alice didn’t want to think of herself as a bully so when they couldn’t fight like she could she had just staked them. It left her feeling especially antsy though, like ants crawling over her skin, you know, I heard that’s what it’s like if you have really bad sex…or no sex at all.  
Oh thanks a lot. Just what I need to be thinking about before throwing myself to the lions.
Bucky looks like he would be really good at sex…
Oh…shut the fuck up for heavens sake.
Forcefully shoving any thoughts of Bucky out of her head, Alice began to make her way to Hells Kitchen. Alice got there with just over an hour to spare before sunrise. Keeping back again, she waited a while for a vamp to make it’s way to the door. When it got to 15 minutes before sunrise, Alice saw one go in. Adjusting the sleeves on her jacket, Alice got up and she quickly ran up to it from behind and shoved it face first into the room beyond. Looking around, she could see just a few less vamps then she had counted before but she couldn’t spot Ethan anywhere. All eyes were trained on her, moving back to the door, Alice closed it behind her, pulled the stake out of her pocket and softly said “I’m sorry I’m late, I’m here now though so come and have a go.” About 4 rushed at her whilst more started to create a circle around her and bring her further into the room. Alice fought like the warrior she really was, some of them sucked at fighting and others definitely had some skill but Alice was nothing but rage now, everything that had happened to her in the last 3 years, all the people she had lost, Alice took it and used it to kick the ever loving shit out of all these vampires that kept on screwing with her life. However, numbers don’t lie, Alice was outnumbered by a staggering amount and when one managed to kick her square in the chest and send her flying backwards into the wall, there was nothing Alice could do. As she lay on the floor, all movement suddenly stopped around her and she could hear heavy footsteps heading her way. A pair of ice blue eyes looked down at her “Well, well. The Slayer finally shows up.”
Ethan stood up and towered over Alice’s prone form. “Sorry Slayer. But finders keepers.”
Ethan’s boot crashed into Alice’s face and everything went dark.
Tags: @jrubalcaba  @magellan-88  @bolontiku  @4theluvofall  @erisjade  @truebloodamazonian  @swtwtrgin  @kimistry27  @ryverpenrad  @jhangelface0523  @bookwarm85  @pineapplebooboo  @mo320  @sarahmatthews7 @mllebnzh  @ghostssss
171 notes · View notes
cuddlefish85 · 7 years
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Day 5 of my latest project 'I'm late' Alice in wonderland by Bothy threads can't wait to use my glow in the dark thread for the rabbit
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