cuddles-with-bucky · 4 years
My Face, Your Boxers
Bucky X Reader
Authors Notes: Written for @the-ss-horniest-book-club​​ and thank you so much for allowing me to combine these two amazing prompts together!!! Hope I did it justice!
Warnings: Enemies to lovers, pranks, language, sexual tension, talks of sex, implied smut.
Words 2,372
Y/N and Bucky have never got along and are always bickering. One day, he decides to prank her by changing all of her lace underwear to briefs with his face all over them.
Bucky has a date tonight and reader changes all of his boxers to “Pardon My Hardon” boxers.
The boxers:
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“You’re putting way too much milk on your cereal, doll.” Bucky elbowed you, almost knocking you off the stool and spilling the milk everywhere.
“Fuck off and mind your own business.” You gritted through your teeth, wanting to knock that smug grin off his stupid face. 
“Ah, young love.” Sam teased as he walked casually into the kitchen that was thick with sexual tension, no thanks to you and Barnes. You shot him a glare, pouring your milk carelessly over your cereal.
“Y/N seriously, fucking leave some milk for the rest of us!” Bucky warned, reaching over and snatching the bottle from your hand.
Keep reading
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cuddles-with-bucky · 4 years
My Face, Your Boxers
Bucky X Reader
Authors Notes: Written for @the-ss-horniest-book-club​​ and thank you so much for allowing me to combine these two amazing prompts together!!! Hope I did it justice!
Warnings: Enemies to lovers, pranks, language, sexual tension, talks of sex, implied smut.
Words 2,372
Y/N and Bucky have never got along and are always bickering. One day, he decides to prank her by changing all of her lace underwear to briefs with his face all over them.
Bucky has a date tonight and reader changes all of his boxers to “Pardon My Hardon” boxers.
The boxers:
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“You’re putting way too much milk on your cereal, doll.” Bucky elbowed you, almost knocking you off the stool and spilling the milk everywhere.
“Fuck off and mind your own business.” You gritted through your teeth, wanting to knock that smug grin off his stupid face. 
“Ah, young love.” Sam teased as he walked casually into the kitchen that was thick with sexual tension, no thanks to you and Barnes. You shot him a glare, pouring your milk carelessly over your cereal.
“Y/N seriously, fucking leave some milk for the rest of us!” Bucky warned, reaching over and snatching the bottle from your hand.
“Stop being up my ass all the damn time Barnes.” You said, scooping some cereal up on a spoon and shoveling it into your mouth. “If you want me to fuck you up the ass doll, all you gotta do is ask.” 
“I’m out!” Sam announced, grabbing an orange and leaving quickly, leaving just you and Bucky alone in the kitchen which was always a very bad idea since you didn’t get along with the man. 
You’re not really sure why, ever since he came to the compound, he acted cold and distant with you despite your warm welcoming and months later, he became the biggest dick. 
“I wouldn’t fuck you if you were the last man on earth.” You argued, loved pushing his squishy buttons. Despite him being an enormous asshole, he was so easy to piss off and you loved it.
“Hypothetical question, why?” Bucky pressed, taking a seat next to you and watched in amusement as you kept on shoveling the cereal in your mouth. 
“Well first of all; you’re always sweaty and disgusting and I imagine you grunt a fucking lot. And secondly; I repeat my first point. Thirdly; I’m best friends with my vibrator that always lets me cum first. Something I don’t see you doing.” 
“Aww, you jealous doll ‘cause you don’t have a man to know, lick you and fuck you into the mattress?” Bucky smirked, leaning his forearms on the counter.
“Jealous? HA. I actually feel quite sorry for any poor woman underneath you as you drip your disgusting sweat on her face. I’m GRATEFUL for that. Besides, wouldn’t want your dentures to fall out as you sucked the life out of me, plus, I’m a really nice person, now please, fuck off and have a great day.” 
“Whatever you say, doll.” Bucky chuckled, drawing the pet name out since he knew how much it annoyed you. He was getting up to leave and missed the spoon being launched at his head by seconds. 
“Sergeant Barnes?” The AI beeped as Bucky walked into the common room. 
“What is it, FRIDAY?” Bucky asked, looking up in the air. 
“A parcel has arrived and Mr Stark has left it in your room, sir.” 
Bucky laughed knowing exactly what the parcel was, and it was all planned perfectly since you would be out of the compound most of today. 
Bucky hurried back to his room and unpacked the parcel that was sitting on his bed, he cut the tape and laughed maniacally as he pulled the new custom ordered underwear out of the box. He spent hundreds of dollars on this and it had to go right. 
He put a few hundred into a separate bag and hid the box in his closet in case someone decided to barge in like they normally did. Bucky exited his bedroom, walking down to the other end of the hall where your room was, just as he was about to go in, you came out.
“What?” You asked confused, putting your keys and phone in your pocket. 
“I was- I thought you were out?” Bucky stammered, subtly moving the bag of underwear behind his back so you couldn’t get a peek. 
“God, what are you, my husband? If you really must know, I’m just leaving so leave your testicles in your pants and stay out of my room. I remember what you did last time and I don’t want another cleaning bill.” 
“Yes ma’am.” Bucky saluted. He was amused you didn’t even wonder why he was outside your door, or maybe you did and just didn’t care since Bucky always did go out of his way to annoy the fuck of you. Him being there was nothing to you.
While Bucky sneaked into your room, you had your own secret meeting with a friend in Brooklyn. You knew Bucky had a date tonight, because he’s talked about it non stop since last week and since he embarrassed you on your last date, you figured a little paycheck was overdue. Your friend had ordered you over 300 pairs of boxers. Boxers you were planning to plant in Bucky’s dresser so his date could freak the hell out. 
You were an observant person, and his sweatpants never hid anything that great. The man constantly walked around with a boner, it was so obvious so these boxers were true, but you know, they would excuse it for him when his date sees him. You couldn’t wait to see the look on his face. 
Bucky pulled all your lace panties out and threw him carelessly onto your bed, including your bras. He unpacked the new briefs and folded them neatly into the top two drawers of your dresser, snickering as he saw the print on them. It was probably quite a childish prank, but he was sure you’d get a kick out of it.
Once Bucky was done, he put your laced panties in the bag he brought with him and left your room undisturbed and went back to his to hide the panties and meet Steve at the bar for a few beers. 
You actually passed Bucky in the lobby, just as he stepped out, you were about to step in. He noticed a box in your hands, around the same size as the one he had delivered and snickered. How ironic would it be if you pranked with him the same underwear. 
“Whatcha got there dollface?” Bucky purred, adjusting his leather jacket. You couldn’t deny he looked smoking hot in his black outfit. “More dildos?” He teased.
You snickered and stepped into the elevator. “Why? Jealous they might be bigger than you Barnes?” You cackled, pressing the button to your. 
“STAY OUT OF MY ROOM!” You heard him yell just as the doors closed. 
If anyone was to blame for this prank, it would be Bucky for leaving his damn door unlocked and making it too easy. You had no problem breaking into his room and removing his tattered and worn boxers, some with holes where the wiener would be, why he had a fucking hole there was anyone’s guess, you’d like to think it was because he probably rubbed one out every time he was alone in this room. 
You replaced his ragged old boxers with some lovely new ones. They were red with a black waistband. The imprint on the front where his bulge would be read “Pardon My Hardon.” To now, you cackled like crazy every time you read it. You could imagine the look on his face, and also his date’s face. 
Apparently, he was hoping to get lucky tonight. With these boxers, that’s not gonna happen. This was their first date after all. Once you hid his old boxers under the bed, you proceeded with the second part of your plan to make sure he would wear these and not notice them; remove all lightbulbs from his room. You paid Tony in good faith to cut the electricity for tonight when Bucky would be in his room changing anyway, but to be sure Tony didn’t follow through on his promise for some reason, you needed to remove the lights just in case. 
You clapped your hands when you got the last light bulb out, also throwing them under his bed and left his room undisturbed. 
Now you just had to wait.
Bucky returned back to the compound around 8 p.m and already it was dark outside. The heavy rain clouds that lingered over NYC ended daylight quicker than expected. To make matters worse, the storm had cut electricity out in the compound. Candles were lit everywhere, except for Bucky’s room since he just needed a quick wash and change of clothes. His eyes had never let him down before and he knew his room like the back of his hand. 
He closed the curtains in his room and walked into the bathroom, washing his face and hands and patting himself dry with a towel he felt around for. 
Bucky could hear the distinctive chatter from his teammates down the hall as they sat in the common room talking about the storm. Thunder and lightning came suddenly and the rain pelted against the floor-to-window panes. This storm came suspiciously quickly. Considering he was aware Thor was in town.
But these thoughts never really crossed his mind and he didn’t piece it together. He was thinking about Dot and his date tonight. He whipped his black jeans off along with his boxers, opening the drawer, he felt around for a pair and grabbed them.
His fingertips traced along the waistband until he felt the silk label and slipped into them. They felt a little tighter than usual, but Bucky had been working on beefing up again. 
Bucky reached into his closet and pulled a clean pair of jeans off the hanger and slipped them on. He next removed his shirt and picked a button up off the hanger on the other side of the closet. When he was dressed and happy, he sprayed some cologne around his throat and neck, picked up his leather jacket off the bed and left his room. 
He walked a little down the hall when your door suddenly ripped open, scaring the shit out of him. He stumbled and put his hand over his heart.
“Did you seriously fucking change my underwear to your stupid face?!” You gritted through your teeth. 
“I did.” He shrugged, smirking as he now leaned against the doorframe. “Now you will always have me between your legs, doll.” Bucky teased, licking his dry lips. 
You huffed out a laugh and shook your head. You’d never tell him, but you actually really liked the briefs. They were exceptionally comfortable and you find them funny. You couldn’t imagine the look on a man’s face though as he peeled them off you.
“You have a date tonight right?” You questioned, the candlelight behind you just about makes out his features. 
“I do, so no need to wait up. I’ll leave some earplugs in the common room so we don’t keep you awake.” 
You laughed, there was no way he was getting any tonight with those boxers he was most likely wearing. 
“Enjoy the *squeak, squeak, squeak*” You teased, imitating his squeaky mattress that you heard often.
“Enjoy your vibrators that you had delivered today.” He retorted. You snorted and retreated back into your room, slamming the door unintentionally in his face.
You didn’t know what time it was when you fell asleep. Once Bucky had left earlier, you found Tony and Thor and thanked them with a hug each for their part in your plan. Let’s face it, without them, this wouldn’t have worked. But it seemed you were right and Bucky really was that naive. 
You’re not sure what woke you up either, you thought you heard a knock on your door but it must have been in your dream. You rolled onto your back and stretched, putting your arm under your pillow, you just started to doze off again when the knock came louder this time. 
You glared towards the door, rolling over to flick a lamp on and dragged yourself from the comfort of your bed towards it. You opened the door and on the other side stood a rather tired and unamused Bucky Barnes. 
“Barnes? Are you lost, you’re room is down the hall on-”
“What the fuck did you do to my boxers?” He seethed, his jaw and fists clenched. You rubbed your eyes and chuckled, angering Bucky more. 
“Oh, you saw them.” Is all you said, his eyes flickering down to his custom briefs. He couldn’t help but become aroused when he saw a slight wet spot and your nipples tenting underneath your tank top. 
“No, Dot saw them and she was fucking horrified!” 
“Poor Dot. You know, they are really funny and I’m sorry but if she couldn’t take the joke then maybe she isn’t the one for you.” You stated, folding your arms across your chest and resting them under your breasts, the swells of your breasts now threatening to spill out. 
Bucky said nothing as he took a step towards you. You remained still in your place, his breath fanned over your face. 
“Maybe you’re right. Maybe then I don’t want another man between your legs, on briefs or otherwise.” Bucky sighed. Your arms dropped down by your side and Bucky took the opportunity to reach out and take on, guiding it to his hard bulge. Your hand squeezed him and he moaned quietly. 
“If you want this, if you really want me, then I suggest you get in here and get your face between my legs for real.” 
“If I knew planting briefs with my face on them would make me fuck you, I’d have done it months ago.” Bucky chuckled, his hands on your waist as he walked you backwards. He kicked the door closed with his foot, guiding you two back towards the bed until your knees hit the side of the mattress. Bucky kneeled on the floor before you, his fingers hovering on the waistband of the briefs. 
“Are you sure?” Bucky asked, needing to hear you say it. “I know we hate each-”
“I don’t hate you. And I’m sure. Please…” 
“Good, me neither. Once I start, I’m not gonna be able to stop.”
“Then don’t stop.” That’s all Bucky needed to hear. Once those words left your lips, your briefs were ripped from your body and your legs thrown over his broad shoulders. His tongue diving in between your seeping folds.
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cuddles-with-bucky · 4 years
Cookie Crumbs
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Bucky likes to make Sam uncomfortable.
Based off the prompt by anonymous:
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Word Count: 203
Notes: This was written for @the-ss-horniest-book-club 💞
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Chocolate crumbs gathered on Bucky's shirt as he shoveled a handful of chocolate chip cookies into his mouth. It was the only biscuit he was addicted to. That, and those Oreo biscuits you would stock up in your own cupboard.
Sam was chatting on the other side of the island, something about some training he was doing with Steve.
Bucky stuck his fingers in his mouth to lick off the crumbs and melted chocolate from his fingers.
Sam glared at him and pulled a disgusted face.
"Dude, do you mind? You're putting me off my coffee."
Bucky grunted, making eye contact as he licked the chocolate from his pads. He slurped at them suggestively.
"You're sick." Sam added with a shake of his head.
"Why? Never seen a man stick his fingers in his mouth before? It's not the recent thing I've had my fingers in..." Bucky mumbled the last part. But it piqued Sam's interest.
"Alright, then what was the last thing you had your fingers in?" Sam asked seriously, but with Bucky's next answer, he wished he never asked.
"That's more gross than your nipples."
Bucky chuckled, spraying some crumbs all over the place as he wiggled his eyebrows.
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cuddles-with-bucky · 4 years
Bucky x Reader
Authors Notes: written for @the-ss-horniest-book-club 💕 and YAY applaud me for finally getting this written!
Warnings: fluffness, Bucky’s just hanging out, loss of virginity and smut is implied.
Words: 758
Prompt: “Can you be my first?” “If you’re sure doll, I’ll take good care of you I promise.”
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It was your three month anniversary and you wanted to surprise Bucky by showing up at his room at the compound with a bottle of wine.
Swiping the key card, you were granted entry into the lobby, ignoring the glares the other women were giving you as you passed them to get to the elevator, where again you swiped your card and the doors opened. 
Tony stepped out with Pepper by his side, he grinned as he eyed the wine bag in your hand. “Hey y/n. Going up to see Barnes?” He asked, writing something down on a sheet of paper.
“Yep, it’s our three month anniversary and I wanted to surprise him.” You offered a smile, rocking back and forth on your heels as the silence between you and Tony became awkward. 
“Well, he’ll be surprised! Have a good night.” Tony said, adjusting his glasses on his face and walking away. 
“I will.” You yelled a little after he left, waving your hand awkwardly in the air for no reason at all and stepped into the elevator, pressing the button that lit up green to Bucky’s floor. 
The elevator dinged and the metal doors opened. Stepping out into the hallway, you’re greeted with nothing but silence.
There was not a single superhero in sight which was quite unusual, but it was also a Tuesday night and around 8 p.m when you finally made it to the compound. Traffic in NYC was always insane, it didn’t matter what time of day it was. 
The floor seemed to be abandoned, there was usually always someone around. The glass balcony overlooking the common room was even empty and there was no after smell of cooked food.
You shrugged the feeling off and continued on your way down the hall to Bucky’s room, the very last door at the end on the left.
You didn’t knock when you reached it, you found it unlocked and stepped in. The room was empty, except for a couple of scented candles that were lit on the nightstand, the same candles you gifted him for his birthday back in March.
You looked around his room, clean boxers and a shirt were laying neatly on the bed. You figured he might be out running errands and set the wine down on the dresser, deciding to touch up your hair and makeup in the conjoined bathroom.
The door to the bathroom was closed, which was no surprise. Just as you stepped inside the bathroom, Bucky was getting out of the shower. Water dripped down his chest, and you saw everything hanging. You knew he was big, you’ve felt it when you were straddling his lap and making out a few times, you just underestimated how big he was. 
Something between a low gasp and groan came out of your mouth, a hot blush rushed to your cheeks as you quickly turned around and walked out of the bathroom. Bucky quickly wrapped a towel around his waist and joined you in the bedroom. 
“Doll, I’m sorry. I wasn’t expecting you.” Bucky chuckled nervously. You turned to face him but kept your eyes on the wall behind him. 
“It’s totally fine! I’m sorry- I- I should have knocked. I just wanted to surprise you.” From your peripheral, you could see Bucky smirking by your flustered state. He sat on the edge of his bed and patted the spot next to him. When you joined him, something lit up like fireworks inside you.
His cologne was so strong, his heavy breathing was making you dizzy and just knowing he was naked under that towel didn’t do you any favors. You made your mind up here and now, you wanted Bucky and you wanted to take the next step in your relationship.
“Can you be my first?” You blurted out, taking him by surprise. 
“I- I- if you’re sure doll, yes. I’ll take good care of you I promise. I just- I just need you to relax so I’m going to take my time with you, if that’s alright?”
“Of course Buck. I’m so sure of this and I trust you.” 
“Good, I won’t hurt you baby. I’ll start with your neck.”
*The next morning*
“Yo Barnes! We gotta- Jesus Christ. Did the Ghostbusters come here last night for a party or what? What’s all this white slime on the floor and door?”
“Ghostbusters didn’t come in here, but I did.”
“Wha- Oh dude. That is nasty. You’re nasty. Ew. TONY we need to burn Barnes room immediately!”
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cuddles-with-bucky · 4 years
oooooo! can you please do something like college student bucky dating (college student)reader and bucky is known to be the bad boy and such (reader is the opposite so shy, timid, and quiet i guess). people think bucky is mean and rude (also protective of reader) but really he's a super soft boy and only reader sees that 🥺 thank you so much if you make this 💓💞💕
Study Buddy 
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader (College AU)
Word Count: 745
Summary: Bucky meets you at the library after class and he’s sweet and soft and your favorite. 
Author’s Note: Thanks for this request, I really enjoyed writing it! I love College Bucky and I hope he’s sweet and soft like you want him to be! I imagine he would be just that and of course always stick up for his girl! Hope you enjoy! Thank you all for reading! Much love always ❤❤❤ Also, thankfully it has been brought to my attention that the gorgeous photo below is an edit by the loveliest @whimsicalrobots / @the-wayward-robot Thank you, it’s perfect! 😍
Warnings: Sweet fluff, soft Bucky and protective baby Bucky, light flirting and teasing fun :) 
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Bucky sits down at the table, plopping his heavy textbook on top of yours. “Hey bookworm. How’s it going?” You giggle and look around, hoping no one noticed his loud entrance into the library. “Hi Bucky. Good thanks! You’re early.” He places a hot cup of tea next you with a smile. “Well, I missed you and I picked this up on my way, didn’t want it to get cold”
You wrap your hands around the cup and inhale, “thank you so much, you’re the sweetest!” He gives you the soft smile he reserves just for you and settles in the seat across, tangling his feet with yours under the table. You two spend the next hour or so studying and chatting quietly before Bucky’s stomach growls.
“Come on, let’s eat before we go back to the dorm.” Bucky stands and packs his bag, taking yours and throwing it over his other shoulder. “I’ll meet you at the door, I just wanna put this book back, I’m done with it.” He nods and heads to the exit. You put the book away and turn the corner, running right into some kids from your calc class.
“Oh, hey look, if it isn’t the math nerd.” They all snicker at once and you roll your eyes, trying to get around them. “Excuse me please, I’m meeting my boyfriend at the door.” The guy in front scoffs like he doesn’t believe you and you shift to the left, once again trying to get by. “I don’t see your little boyfriend anywhere.”
A large hand lands on his shoulder and you let out breath of relief at seeing Bucky standing behind him. “Is there a problem here?” he asks. The guy shakes him off his shoulder and turns. “Oh, it’s you Barnes. Figures she’d be dating an asshole.” Bucky crosses his arms over his chest and smirks. “Hmm, that’s funny. Pretty sure you’re the only asshole here. Then again. She would never look twice at you.”
Just as the guy is about to push back a staff member walks over to tell you to be quiet or leave. With one last dirty look the kids brush past you, the one bumping hard into Bucky on the way. “Hey. Hey baby, it’s ok, are you ok?” he quickly asks, putting his arm around you.
You lean on his chest and nod. “I’m fine. Those are the kids that are always saying something dumb in my calc class. I don’t even care I just hate that they think you’re an asshole. Bucky holds the door as you walk out into the warm sunshine. “Do you think I’m an asshole?” he asks sweetly, looking down at you curled into his side.
“I think you’re perfect,” you whisper, leaning up to kiss him. “Good, cause that’s all I care about.” The two of you head toward your favorite café, Bucky’s stomach making noises the whole walk. “Omg, did you forget to eat breakfast again?” He throws his head back with a laugh, “nah, babe, I woke up too late and I wanted to get to you first, so lunch will be my first meal.”
Giving his hand a firm squeeze you follow him into the place and grab a seat. He pushes in next to you on the seat of the booth and you giggle. “Buck, you’re squshin’ me!” He pushes his hip into yours and smushes you in, smiling and poking your sides. The waitress clears her throat to get your attention and you both look up at her with pink cheeks.
“Hi, sorry. We just need one more minute please.” She gives you a tight smile and walks away. “Ok, let’s order because now I’m really hungry too!” Bucky decides on nachos to start then a burger and fries. “I want dessert too,” he whispers against your ear. “Bucky,” you lightly scold, turning as red as the ketchup on the table.
“Are you gonna come back to my room for more studying? Steve’s out for the night.” Before you can answer him, the waitress appears with your food. You thank her and dig in, Bucky feeding you a fry every so often. “What are you staring at?” you ask him, hiding in his shoulder. “Your mouth,” he states matter of factly, “I can’t wait to get you back to my room.” This time you hit him hard in the chest, “I bet you can’t,” you quip and pop in another fry.  
@aesthetical-bucky @auro-ora @bugsbucky @book-dragon-13 @buckys-broody-muffin @bucky-on-my-mind @bucky-on-my-mind @buckys-henley @buckyandbowties @breezy1415 @chuuulip @eurynome827 @hiddles-rose @hailmary-yramliah @hawksmagnolia @ikaris-whore @itsunclebucky @imgaril-lindru @jhangelface0523 @jewels2876 @lorilane33 @lokilvrr @loricameback @littledarlinhavefaithinme @littleredstarfish @mushyjellybeans @marvelgirl7 @marvelandotherfandomimagines @nano--raptor @pinkdiamond1016 @randomfandompenguin @sallycanwait68 @softpeachbarnes @scarletsoldierrr @tuiccim @the-wayward-robot @this-kitten-is-smitten @yansi1923 @tales-of-spring @hopefuldreamers-world @emilylyoness @buckosawrus @addikted-2-dopamine
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cuddles-with-bucky · 4 years
😂🤣🤣🤣 love it!
Bucko’s Balls
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Prompt: *Reader finds some shriveled up prunes* “Hey Bucko. I found your balls.”
Word Count: 488
Warnings: Light teasing, flirting, there is talk regarding Bucky’s (apparent hairy) balls.
Authors Notes: This is for @the-ss-horniest-book-club​‘s drunk drabbles and I just loved this prompt! Thank you so much @eurynome827​ for beta’ing!! Love you! Hope you all enjoy!
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The fruit trees in the garden of the compound around this time of year were always spectacular. On one side, the colourful flowers in their pots were finally out in flower and they were never a disappointment to see and smell. 
On the other side of the luscious green garden were the fruit trees; oranges, peaches, pears, apples, plums and a new addition was an Italian dwarf prunes tree. Tony had elected to plant some trees around for Bucky’s sake, plums help with his memory and prunes are apparently good for digestion. 
Today was the day Tony sent you and Bucky out to the garden to pick some fruit for a homemade fruit pie Pepper had kindly offered to bake for the team. With your wicker basket in hand, you walked side by side with Bucky, who was whistling to an unfamiliar tune and his hand shoved in the front pocket of his black jeans. 
Bucky was hanging out by the peach trees when he called your name. 
“Hey Y/N. This peach is the same shape as your butt!” He yelled, and you swore you heard him chuckle, which he most likely did. Bucky had a habit of making himself laugh. 
“Yeah, that’s very funny.” You rolled your eyes and strolled over to the prunes. The leaves crinkled under your feet and the birds were singing a sweet tune. 
“I bet it’s as juicy and tasty as you too!” He added with another chuckle. 
“You’re such a charmer.” You chuckled, leaning up to pick the prunes off the tree. A couple fell on the ground and you cursed, kneeling down to pick them up when you saw some that looked quite old. With a chuckle, you placed them into the palm of your hand and stood back up. You walked over to Bucky with a mischievous grin on your face, which made Bucky always very nervous. “Hey Bucko.” He knew any time that nickname was used, something sarcastic was about to spill out of your mouth. “I found your balls.” you chuckled, holding your hand out in front of you. 
“These aren’t mine doll, there is no hair on them.” His smirk turned into a laugh when your face contorted to amusement and then to disgust. 
“Ew. So gross!”
“Anyway, I’m glad you found ‘em.” His accent slurred slightly, “They’ve kept disappearing every time I tried to ask you out.” 
“Okay, well um let’s get these balls back to the compound and then we can discuss a time and date for a date.” you winked, throwing the fruit on the ground and hanging the wicker basket on your forearm. 
“Date for a date, that doesn’t even make sense!” Bucky informed you, striding up alongside you as you walked side by side once again.
Taglist: @jobean12-blog​ @marvelgirl7​​ @godofplumsandthunder​ @hawksmagnolia​​​ @deanthedemon​​​ @crushedbyhyperbole​​​ @eurynome827​​ @emilylyoness​​​​ @buckybarnesplumwhore​ @buckys-henley​​​​ @sarge-barnes-sir​​​​ @this-kitten-is-smitten​​​ @kitkatd7​​​​ @jamesbarnesappreciationclub​​​​ @littleredstarfish​ @tuiccim​​ @mystoragehatesme​​ @starspangledseb​​​​ @bambamwolf87​​ @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog​​​​ @lokilvrr​ @buckbuckybucko​​ @supernaturalwintersoldier​​ @winedrunkbarnes​​ @coffeebooksandfandom​​ @the-romanian-is-bae​​ @dark-academics-and-florals​ @buckysbunny​
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cuddles-with-bucky · 4 years
Writing fanfic
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Mixing tenses
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Losing focus
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Doubting myself as a writer and a human being
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139K notes · View notes
cuddles-with-bucky · 4 years
Thank you so much!!!!!! I’m so honored! ❤️
MCU writers
- @brooklyn-times : writes for Bucky Barnes.
- @clarkimagines : writes for Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Thor Odinson, Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximoff, Peter Parker, Carol Danvers, Miles Morales, Eddie Brock (Venom), Gwen Stacy, and Matt Murdock (Daredevil).
- @cuddles-with-bucky : writes for Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers.
- @dreamer821 : writes for Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers.
- @honeyvbarnes : writes for Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Stucky and SamBucky.
- @hqwkeyes : writes for Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff.
- @imagines-for-the-unpopular : writes for Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Loki Laufeyson, Thor Odinson, Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Peter Parker, Clint Barton, Stephen Strange, T’challa, M’baku, Peter Quill, Gamora, Nebula and James Rhodes.
- @imma-new-soul : writes for Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson and Thor Odinson.
- @iwillbeinmynest : writes for Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Loki Laufeyson, Thor Odinson, Natasha Romanoff, Sam Wilson, Pietro Maximoff, Clint Barton, Peter Quill and Nick Fury.
- @kitkatd7 : writes for Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers and Loki Laufeyson.
- @marvelouslytrekking : writes for Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Loki Laufeyson, Thor Odinson, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Carol Danvers, Clint Barton, Scott Lang, Stephen Strange, Shuri and Pepper Potts.
- @moonimagines : writes for Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Loki Laufeyson, Thor Odinson and Gamora.
- @mushyjellybeans : writes for Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson.
- @ragnarachael : writes for Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Loki Laufeyson, Peter Parker, Matt Murdock, Stephen Strange, Michelle Jones and Wade Wilson.
- @saviorsong : writes for Bucky Barnes, Loki Laufeyson, Natasha Romanoff, Sam Wilson, and Pietro Maximoff.
- @shaynawrites23 : writes for Bucky Barnes and Loki Laufeyson.
- @xetoilerouge : writes for Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers.
Same thing here, I have many more blogs to add to this list! The only reason I’m posting it now is because tumblr’s acting up a little, so whenever I edit my list I don’t have a ‘save draft’ button, only a ‘post’ button! If I made a mistake regarding characters you write for, let me know and I’ll fix it!
Also if you want to be removed from the list, just drop me a message or an ask!
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cuddles-with-bucky · 4 years
If it doesn't say HBC in the blog title, it doesn't have permission to use our format and exact words.
Know Your HBCs:
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cuddles-with-bucky · 4 years
Good Morning
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: you and Bucky enjoy watching the sunrise.
Warnings: Absolutely none (shocking, I know!)
Word Count: 367
Authors Notes: this is specifically for @the-ss-horniest-book-club and the 24 hour surprise challenge across the four HBC blogs. For Bucky, I chose Sunrise.
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Your limbs cracked as you stretched them out from under the thin blanket that was covering your naked body. The morning sun was just beginning to peak through the slightly open curtains.
You watched the sunset last night over a glass of wine on the deck, a summer beach house with a private beach you rented from Tony for a vacation for three whole weeks with Bucky. This was the perfect spot, it was secluded, peaceful and just what you and Bucky needed.
A smile gracefully makes its way to your lips as the dim yellow sun is rising over the ocean water you hear splashing in the distance. You sit up and grab the spare blanket from the chair in the corner of the room and wrap it around your body. Opening the french doors, the heat immediately slaps you in the face, but it’s a feeling you welcome the most as you step out onto the wooden deck and lean against the railing.
Tilting your head upwards, your eyes shut basking in the complete quietness, except for those same waves crashing against each other. A pair of strong arms wrap themselves around your waist, and his stubbled chin rests on your shoulder.
“G’morning baby.” His voice is deep with tiredness, you can’t help but love the Brooklyn slur that slips out as well.
“Good morning handsome. Isn’t she beautiful Buck?” You sigh, nodding your head towards the beautiful sun rising higher. Her light reflecting off the calm water.
“She is beautiful. And so are you.” His lips smack against your cheek and you chuckle, his arms tightening their grip around you. “I never want to leave.” He admits after a few seconds of silence.
“Me neither, I just want to stay here in your arms and wake up to this every morning.”
“That would be perfect.” He agreed with a sigh. “As long as I wake up with you, I don’t care where we are.”
“You’re so cheesy.” You chuckle, pushing your back against his chest.
“I am. I love cheese, cheese is good.” He teases, nuzzling his face in your neck.
“And there she goes...” you stare up at the sun now fully risen.
Taglist: @jobean12-blog​ @marvelgirl7​ @godofplumsandthunder​ @hawksmagnolia​​ @deanthedemon​​ @crushedbyhyperbole​​ @eurynome827​ @emilylyoness​​​ @buckybarnesplumwhore​​​ @buckys-henley​​​ @sarge-barnes-sir​​​ @this-kitten-is-smitten​​ @kitkatd7​​​ @jamesbarnesappreciationclub​​​ @littleredstarfish @tuiccim​ @mystoragehatesme​ @starspangledseb​​​ @bambamwolf87​ @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog​​​ @lokilvrr @buckbuckybucko​ @supernaturalwintersoldier​ @winedrunkbarnes​ @coffeebooksandfandom​ @the-romanian-is-bae​ @dark-academics-and-florals​
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cuddles-with-bucky · 4 years
Give me attention!
a/n: @peterbparkerth​ I really hope you like it! I’ve tried my best. It is a little short, but whatever hahaha. Love you! 
Request: Hey can i have Peter Parker x reader from these prompts? 5 and 9 from random prompt 1,4,10,17 24 and 27 from fluff prompt and 10 from types of kisses. Thanks :) (by: @peterbparkerth )
RANDOM: 5: “Give me attention.” 9: “I could punch you right now.”
FLUFF: 1:“I love you. I hope you know that.”  4:“You’re adorable, and I can’t believe I have you all to myself.” 10:“you make me feel alive. for the first time ever, i feel like i can breathe” 17:“you owe me a kiss.” 24:“i love you.” 27:“I need you.”
KISSES: 10:happy kiss
Warnings: Spoilers from Endgame, read under your own responsability!
Tag list: @marvelscoops​​​ @peterspideyy​​​ @chaoticpete​​​ @starlight-starks​​
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cuddles-with-bucky · 4 years
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Where does Captain America live? What’s your secret address?
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cuddles-with-bucky · 4 years
The Color of Your Smile
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Word Count: 1,415
Summary: Each and every time Bucky smiles it’s like the sun comes out 🌞
Author’s Note: This is for the HBC’s @the-ss-horniest-book-club 24 hour surprise drabble challenge with the theme of colors! Really love this idea and I went with Yellow Sunshine because honestly the thought of Bucky smiling is really like sunshine! And my beautiful friend @nano–raptor and I were talking about how shitty bad days and anxiety can be and what we would love to have to help…love you Mal❤ Hope this makes you all smile and you enjoy it! Thank you so much for reading! Much love always ❤❤❤
Warnings: Super soft fluff, shy Bucky (he’s so soft) and LOTS OF SMILES :) 
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Nothing makes you happier than seeing Bucky smile. No matter how bad the day has been if you catch him laughing or smiling, it’s as if the clouds part and the sun comes out. The way his eyes crinkle at the corners and his nose scrunches up make it impossible for you not to smile too.
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cuddles-with-bucky · 4 years
Don’t You Cry Tonight
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Summary: Breakups are never easy but for you, the fear of losing your best friend causes you to breakdown just before Bucky leaves.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Angst, lovers to friends.
Word count: 930
Authors Notes: This fic is based off the song “Don’t Cry” By Guns N Roses.
Talk to me softly There’s something in your eyes Don’t hang your head in sorrow And please don’t cry I know how you feel inside I’ve I’ve been there before Somethin’ is changin’ inside you And don’t you know
Bucky’s duffel bag was packed and ready for him by the front door. He was gathering the last pieces of his possessions while your own heart was being ripped out of your chest, you would have preferred it actually if someone did that, it might have hurt less.
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cuddles-with-bucky · 4 years
Addicted to Love
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Word Count: 900
Summary: You’re addicted to Bucky (I AM SO ADDICTED) 
Author’s Note: This is for the MCU HBC @the-mcu-horniest-book-club​ 80s music drabble challenge! It’s based off the song by Robert Palmer- Addicted to Love. In some places I pulled lyrics right from the song and in general it’s inspired by the fact that I’m totally and completely in love and addicted to Bucky. HA! Hope you enjoy this and thank you all for reading! Much love always ❤❤❤
Warnings: Fluffy fun! Bucky being hot and sexy and sweet and flirty :) 
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The first time it happened you were caught completely unprepared and you knew you were in trouble…Bucky saunters into the common room in search of water after his run with Steve. You’re sitting at the counter with your chin resting in your hand, looking bored. Your eyes nearly pop out of your head when you see his tight blue tee shirt clinging to his sweaty body.
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cuddles-with-bucky · 4 years
Saturday 7-25-20 - welcome to The Chris Evans HBC 24 Hour Surprise Drabble Challenge!
Today's Theme is AUs. And this would not have been completed without the assistance of @jobean12-blog - thank you!!!
Rules For AU Drabbles:
You do not need to reserve a prompt.
You do not need to tell us which prompt you're writing.
You can write as many or as few as you'd like, and there is no word minimum or maximum.
Smut/Fluff/Angst/any combo accepted, please adhere to HBC Guidelines.
To get on the masterlist, DM the link to @the-ce-horniest-book-club. All Drabble links received in 24 hours will be added to the masterlist.
Flight attendant
Cab Driver
Victoria’s Secret Assistant
Book Shop Owner
Dog Walker
OR Use Your Own! (if it's not listed!)
If you want to do headcanons/moodboards/art instead, PLEASE DO and tag us/DM the link!
Have fun playing!
Love, The CE HBC 💋
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cuddles-with-bucky · 4 years
Can we have a part 3 to leave it to that ? No pressure just asking lol
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