cuddlysolo · 2 years
steve “hands on his hips” harrington
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cuddlysolo · 3 years
Summary: You, a painter, find yourself at a royal party and admiring all the beauty, but especially admiring the young prince. After an odd encounter Loki proposes if you would like to paint him and mischief starts from there
Word Count: ~6k
Warnings: None. Just fluff and some teasing
Note: Set before any of the movies
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Keep reading
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cuddlysolo · 3 years
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in conclusion
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cuddlysolo · 3 years
a platypus? [gasp] perry the platypus!
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cuddlysolo · 3 years
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Bucky and Sarah (and Sam)
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cuddlysolo · 3 years
The Winter soldier then:
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The winter soldier now:
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I would honestly let him ✨Rail✨ me. Respectfully.
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(Hehe sorry... not) jk
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cuddlysolo · 4 years
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cuddlysolo · 4 years
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my favorite men of the 80s
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cuddlysolo · 4 years
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Pedro Pascal being pure and utter Daddy™ material in We Can Be Heroes (2020)
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cuddlysolo · 4 years
The roses have bloomed
The ground is muddy
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cuddlysolo · 4 years
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[x] Bonus:
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cuddlysolo · 4 years
petition for JJ to be happy in season 2 because he deserves all the happiness in the world and more, reblog if you agree.
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cuddlysolo · 4 years
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Let me love youuuu
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cuddlysolo · 4 years
Woke Up Late - JJ Maybank x Reader
Summary: this is based off of the song with the same title. It’s loosely just because I have the reader not drink or anything. But enjoy! Part two coming soon.
Also sorry if this is weird cause this is my first time posting a one shot on here XD
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The breeze was warm, waves crashing in the distance. I was visiting from another state. We were on vacation in the Outer Banks in North Carolina. I have to admit, the place is pretty beautiful. I had been walking down the street taking a stroll when I overheard someone mention a kegger on the beach. My first instinct was to ignore the comment, but I also knew that I was only going to be here for a little while - for now - and I wanted to have some fun. Maybe without the alcohol, but I could definitely use some socializing without my family.
So I loosely follow them to a part of the beach I hadn't been to. I heard them call it the boneyard. Fitting. It looked like the place from The Lion King.
There were already quite a few people here, the sun beginning to set. Lots of teens my age having alcohol before they're technically meant to. But, beach life and teens kind of equal this sometimes.
I continue to walk around the crowd, my inner introvert screaming for me to high-tail it out of there. Then someone taps on my shoulder so I stop.
"Wanna beer?" I hear him ask. The boy was standing next to the keg holding a red solo cup. I shook my head no, politely declining the cute boy's offer. "You sure? That's kinda the point of the party."
"Nah, I don't drink," I reply.
"Okay." He shrugs. "Hey, I'm John B, by the way." He sticks his hand out for me to shake.
"y/n," I reply, accepting his introduction.
"Nice to meet you. Enjoy yourself. Make some friends. I can tell you're nervous."
"That obvious, huh?" I ask, reaching to scratch my head.
He walks around the keg to stand next me. "Very...Here, I'll introduce you to the Pogues. That'll give you some friends," John B says with a grin.
"Pogues?" I ask. The word goes over my head.
"It's what my friends and I are called. There's the Kooks too, they're the rich people of the island. And you, y/n, are a touron. Here on vacation, right?"
We begin to walk down towards the water and around the various trees that scatter the sand. I push my hair behind my ear as he assesses me perfectly.
"Yeah, but I'm hoping we stay. My parents are discussing it. Maybe if they do, I can join the Pogues," I say, nudging his arm.
"We'll just have to see," John B grins. I return it. Then he stops in front of a group of three people sitting on and around a large limb. "Guys, I'd like you to meet, y/n. She's a touron who has no idea what she's doing."
"Way to be brutally honest," I say, giving him a look. He only laughs and walks away.
I turn back to the three in front of me. They consist of two boys and a girl. The blonde guy sticks out like a sore thumb to my eyes. He's gorgeous in every way possible.
"Hi, I'm Kiara. But you can call me Kie," the girl says while we shake hands.
"I'm Pope," the dark skinned boy says as we do the same. He turns back to face the water after we part.
I look to the blonde, stretching out my hand in a polite greeting. But he just sits there and stares me in the eyes. I lose my smile the longer we hold each other's gaze, slowly retracting my arm back to my side. Kiara clears her throat after a few seconds.
"He's JJ. Normally, he's very talkative," she says, pushing him on the shoulder.
I give her a quick smile and watch him as he curses that she made him spill some of his drink.
"Sorry to bother you guys. I really don't know why I even showed up here. I don't go to parties," I blabber while taking a seat on the sand beside Kiara.
She seems to be the most interested in even getting to know more than my name. Kind and inviting.
"You're not bothering us at all. Plus, John B was just trying to help you out," she says with a forced grin. She's pinching JJ on the arm in the process.
He swats her hand away and takes a swig of the beer. "No, yeah, you're good," he finally says something.
Oh gosh, his voice is even pretty.
I sit back against the tree and sigh. "So what do you even do here? Like, just drink and talk or?"
I literally had no idea what I was doing. Why didn't I just listen to my introvert and go back home and live my safe and boring life?
Cause it's safe and boring. That's why.
"Pretty much. We play music most of the time too, but those guys don't show up till it's dark," Pope answers, finally turning to face me a little.
"Oh cool. Sorry I'm such a square with all this," I say nervously, fiddling with my hair again.
"Only a square says they're a square anymore. Are you, what, from the fifties?" JJ asks, scoffing at my comment.
Kie scolds him, smacking his arm. "No, you're right. My vocabulary is a bit outdated when I'm anxious. It's a thing I do," I defend him moreso than myself. I really do talk with older words like this, but it's just because I don't have enough friends to keep up.
"Still doesn't give him a right to be rude to you," Kie speaks up.
I smile. "Nah, he's good."
JJ sits up and looks over at me. "I insult you and you're fine with it?"
"It's not an insult if it's the truth. You don't know me, and I don't know you. Possibly, anything you come up with, could just be the truth and you wouldn't know it until after because I told you. And vice versa."
His eyes are slightly wider as he slumps back up against the limb. He takes a swig of the alcohol and I watch him, seeing his jawline pop out. Wow.
"Hey, Pope, you wanna go get more drinks?" Kie says after a second.
The other boy nods and they both practically sprint out of sight, leaving JJ and I alone.
"You're turn. Go on and enjoy the party so you don't have to sit with a touron," I say just as they go. When JJ doesn't budge, I look over. "You not leaving?"
"Nah," he replies, almost too quiet with all the other voices around. He scoots closer, I watching his every move. "You're good."
I roll my eyes with a grin, looking away from him. "So what, you're flirting now?" I can feel him put his arm behind me on the tree, grazing my shoulders slightly.
"Me? Flirting? With a touron? No." Every word comes out sarcastically. As if I would know that detail about him.
"Now we both know a little about each other," I say, turning back to him.
He's closer than before, our faces only inches apart. I involuntarily almost choke on air. I've never been this close to a guy before.
"So we do." His voice is quiet.
"JJ, I really-" I start.
"Oh come on, man. Can you not hit on her?" Pope asks as he and Kie make their way over. I jump as I look back to them.
They hand a drink over to JJ as he downs the other one. Kie sits on the other side of JJ now, meaning he couldn't slide away if he wanted. And I couldn't because of the tree roots beside me.
"He's fine, it's fine, don't worry," I say, mumbling out the sentence.
I see JJ smirk at how he had just made me so nervous. I easily was blushing. I mean, come on, a guy I instantly think is adorable slid himself over into my personal space. I'm a bit disoriented.
"If he's bothering you, we can leave," Kie says towards me. "He can be a bit much."
I shake my head, trying not to look JJ in the eyes. I can feel his baring on me, seeing him in my peripheral. Kie just grins and goes back to her drink. She turns to Pope and starts a conversation while I sit back and look down to my hands. I can feel JJ staring at me still and try not to give in to him.
"Wanna drink?" I hear him ask.
I look up and shake my head. "I don't drink."
He looks at me like I'm a freak. "You really are a square." He almost laughs.
"Actually," I start. I feel his hand get closer to my shoulder, his fingertips brushing my skin. "I can't for medical reasons."
He was quick to choke on his drink with an "oh" escaping his lips. "I'm sorry."
"You didn't know," I weakly smile.
I notice the dark has began to set in. And the mood of the party is changing from one of a group of kids hanging on the beach to one that could easily be mistaken for a frat party. I watch everything and everyone from the same spot. I bring my knees to my chest after awhile, not even caring about JJ probably staring me down as time goes on. Kiara and Pope eventually get up to hang out with other people and to find John B. But JJ stays put.
After the moon is fully up, the supposed DJs show up and the frat party is in full swing. It surprises me that JJ doesn't get up to find himself someone to hook up with. He seems the type to go macking on anyone who's willing.
"Why don't you go enjoy the party?" I finally speak up, having to clear my throat from lack of use.
"You're way more fun," he says with all seriousness.
I scoff and turn to him from having my head propped on my knees. "You must be on something stronger than beer. We've done nothing but sit here."
He sits up and gets close to me again. I keep my eyes trained on his to make sure I don't slip up and glance at his lips. Even if it's tempting. He's a stranger, but boy is he pretty.
"True. But you've been watching people and observing what they're doing. You've kept your eyes trained on one or two people at a time and whispered to yourself on what you think they're doing. Then if you were squinting or trying too hard to figure someone out, you bit your tongue in concentration. You were watching them, but I was watching you."
I almost couldn't breathe. Any other time, I probably would have thought that was creepy - which it still is - but the fact he took the time to not go dance with someone or kiss all on some blonde visiting from Maine, made me feel butterflies. And his proximity didn't help. He didn't even have to speak loudly over the music or chatter. He was close enough to where I could hear it all perfectly clear.
"Why did you watch me?" I choke out.
He smirks. "Nah, I'm good."
He then stands up swiftly and reaches out his hand for me to take. I notice the rings and bracelets he wore. Fitting. "Where are we going?"
"To dance. Come one, baby, let's get you out of that corner."
I couldn't help but smile at the Dirty Dancing reference as I take his hand. He pulls me up and we make our way to where most of the teens were jumping and groggily bopping to the music. He maneuvers our hands and pulls me close.
"I can't really dance, Johnny," I tell him, hinting at Patrick Swayze's character.
He smiles. "Neither can I."
I roll my eyes with a newfound grin. Then we get into the beat of the song and dance together for what seems like forever. We continue enjoying ourselves being in the other's company. He gets off balance a lot from the amount of alcohol he's consumed, but I always catch him while we both laugh it off. The high I feel of just being with him is intoxicating enough to make it feel like I have been drinking myself. I continue to giggle as he twirls me around and I nearly fall over. He's quick to grab my waist to settle me into him before I do.
That's when I pause and look up at him with my face as serious as it could be. His eyes are trained on mine with a look of lust and admiration. Something I have never seen in eyes when they're looking back at me. Sure you see it in movies, but no one has ever looked at me that way before.
"Hi," I whisper. I feel him tighten his grip around my waist and I secure mine on his hands.
"Hi there."
I look all over his face and notice each detail I can in the dim firelight. His blue eyes are piercing me as I can tell he stares me down while I scan his features. It's like we're the only two here. I don't even hardly notice it when someone bumps into us without even acknowledging that they did.
"Wanna go for a walk?" I ask quietly.
He nods. Then we untangle ourselves and head away from everyone and down the beach.
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cuddlysolo · 4 years
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How can one human being be this adorable? Someone please explain to me because I want to put in my application to get myself one😌
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cuddlysolo · 4 years
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mild kleptomaniac
aka JJ + mildly stealing things
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cuddlysolo · 4 years
hi I live for Rudy’s dimples
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