cuentacuantacaloria · 6 years
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cuentacuantacaloria · 6 years
A flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it. It just blooms.
Sensei Ogui
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cuentacuantacaloria · 6 years
Today, I learned an important lesson from my therapist.
At the end of our hour, she told me that although I’ve been hurt and broken badly, she can see I still have parts that aren’t shattered.  I laughed lightly and I said “Yeah, one day that will be all of me, no parts shattered anymore”, And she said “No, it won’t.”
And, for a second, I felt my heart break - but she continued. “But it will be the most dominant part of you. Think of your body - if you break your shoulder, even after it heals it will be tender. It will be a sore spot. You will be careful with it. There will be a gentleness when you care for it. If you crack a rib, laughing will hurt and, even after there is no longer a fracture, you may laugh lighter just in case. You can heal, but it is okay to be aware of the parts of you that once hurt the most. The most important thing to know is that where there is tenderness, let there be gentleness.”
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cuentacuantacaloria · 6 years
no es por lo que eres,
es por lo que trasmites
ahí está tu magia
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cuentacuantacaloria · 6 years
to the person reading this:
you’re adorable
you’re cute
you’re handsome
you’re breathtaking
you’re smart
you’re funny
you have a cute smile
you have an adorable laugh
you light up the room with your presence
you make others happy
you’re strong
you can achieve your dreams
you are loved
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cuentacuantacaloria · 6 years
Recordatorio amistoso de que tú vales mucho, eres amado/a y hermoso/a. Tienes permitido comer y respirar. Estoy feliz de que estés vivo/a y continuando. Estoy orgullosa de tí. Respira profundo y cuídate 💖
Friendly reminder that you are worthy, loved and beautiful. You’re allowed to eat and breathe. I’m happy you’re alive and holding on. I’m proud of you. Take a deep breath and take care of yourself today💖
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cuentacuantacaloria · 6 years
Reasons to never purge
•you will smell like vomit
•you’ll scar your hands
•stomach acid and vomit will come out your nose
•you’ll weaken your teeth and get cavities
•it hurts. So much
•it’s addicting
•it won’t stop you from feeling full
•it won’t rid you of the calories
•it won’t stop you from being bloated
Be safe 🌸
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cuentacuantacaloria · 6 years
Girls with thighgaps: 💘💗💖💕💕goddesses💕💖💗💞
Girls with no thighgaps: 💗💕💘💞💖goddesses💖💕💘💗
Girls with hip dips: 💖💘💗💕💞goddesses💖💘💞💕💗💘
Girls with tummies:💕💖💗💞💘goddesses💞💘💘💕💖
Girls with flat tummies: 💕💘💖💞💞goddesses💗💖💞💘💕
Anablogs that body shame others:💗💖💞💘💕Dont be such a bitch💕💘💞💖💗
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cuentacuantacaloria · 6 years
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Pink; a delicate color that means sweet, nice, playful, cute, romantic, charming, feminine, and tenderness, is associated with bubble gum, flowers, cotton candy, and sweetness. The color pink is the color of universal love of oneself and of others.
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cuentacuantacaloria · 6 years
i cant believe im ruining my life all because i think my thighs are too fat
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cuentacuantacaloria · 6 years
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cuentacuantacaloria · 6 years
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Tal cuál ❤👏
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cuentacuantacaloria · 6 years
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Happy Father’s Day to all the incredible Dads and Father figures around the world and to these animated daddies from Disney, Pixar and Dreamworks ~
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cuentacuantacaloria · 6 years
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cuentacuantacaloria · 6 years
Eating Disorder Recovery Websites
1) http://eatingdisorderrecovery.com/index.php/home - Features a free eating disorder recovery workbook that helps you manage eating disorder symptoms. Includes blogs to help inspire eating disorder recovery. Allows visitors to post and discuss problems and questions in a forum that is monitored.
2) http://www.recoveryboat.com/ - A website that offers peer support for eating disorder recovery. This site includes a forum for those struggling. It also provides basic information about eating disorders for those suffering and those supporting a loved one who is suffering. Lastly, it provides some therapy exercises that can help overcome eating disorder behaviours and symptoms.
3)      http://www.something-fishy.org/ - An all exclusive website that provides a treatment finder, forums, eating disorder information, hotlines, and more. This site even includes resources for books and self-help worksheets to help combat eating disorder symptoms and behaviours.
4) http://www.webiteback.com/ - A pro-recovery website that exists to help others overcome their eating disorder and to combat pro-ana websites. This site provides a forum for users to post on to get advice and share struggles of their eating disorder. This site also provides an extensive resource list for those struggling.
5)  http://www.nedic.ca/index.shtml – The National Eating Disorder Information Centre. This website features all you need to know about eating disorders. It has a resource library that includes links on where to get help. NEDIC runs public service announcements and campaigns that you can get involved with in your own community.
6) http://www.eatingdisordersblogs.com/ - This site is a compilation of blogs written by different people to help inspire you to overcome your eating disorder. You can find blogs written by Doris Smeltzer, Karen Koenig, and even Jenni Schaefer. These blogs provide information on eating disorders, skills you can use to recover, and resources you can access.
7) http://www.mirror-mirror.org/ - This is a site dedicated to help promote awareness for eating disorders. It helps to educate about the dangers of eating disorders. It also has links to resources on getting support for your eating disorder. It provides information on relapses and has a relapse prevention plan. It gives a lot of ideas on coping skills to deal with the hard emotions you feel instead of using eating disorder symptoms.
8) http://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/ - This website is dedicated to advocacy for eating disorder recovery. It provides resources to help teach about what eating disorders really look like. This site provides resources for recovery as well. This is the organization that holds the National Eating Disorder Awareness Week, held at the end of February. This site provides stories of hope that encourages others to seek out recovery.
9) http://eatingdisorderscoalition.org/ - Advocacy at its best! This site is your guide to help get legislators and representatives to hear your voice and get legal action for eating disorder help and recovery. You can find facts and information about eating disorders on this site. You can learn how you can advocate and lobby for eating disorder recovery at the federal and state level.
10) http://www.mentorconnect-ed.org/ - A website that pairs mentors and mentees together to help support those in eating disorder recovery. The purpose is to pair those who have been in recovery and those who are struggling with an eating disorder to share experiences, provide guidance and to help each other through the journey of recovery. 
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cuentacuantacaloria · 6 years
Date a boy who makes you feel like you deserve to be loved
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cuentacuantacaloria · 6 years
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