culhwchpig · 5 months
Olwen Quest: The Final Update
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I officially took Olwen as my wife!!!
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Of course, my dear cousin Arthur and his knights are the reason we are so happy together! Once I found out all of the tasks had been completed I was ecstatic and rode off with Goreu son of Custennin to my soon to be father in law's fortress to seal the deal.
Goreu son of Custennin cut off my (late) soon to be father in law's head and Olwen and I were wedded and of course consummated the marriage (wink wink)
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I don't think I'll have to marry ever again, because after everything is said and done, Olwen was really worth it.
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culhwchpig · 5 months
I wish Arthur had made me a knight so I wouldn't have to wait around for the "real knights" to come back with everything Ysbaddaden Bencawr asked for. I don't want to seem ungrateful, but I really just want to marry Olwen already!
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hopefully the knights will be back soon so I can go get my wife!
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culhwchpig · 5 months
Olwen Blog 1 Year Update
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Hey blog,
The knights and I made it back to Arthur's Court!! Surprisingly, my cousin hasn't made me a knight yet, however I'm sure he's just waiting for the right time to celebrate my rise to knighthood!!
Anyways, the rest of the knights are off questing for everything Ysbaddaden Bencawr asked for which should at the very least make planning the wedding easier.
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culhwchpig · 5 months
Olwen Quest Blog Day 3
I'm really starting to get sick of giants.
To cut to the chase the knights and myself are still questing, and these giants keep giving us trouble. We found another fort, and apparently no guests have ever left Wrnach Gawr's place alive. Once again, the gatekeeper was not too helpful and he told us that we could not enter the fortress.
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Cai was smart and told Wrnach Gawr's gatekeeper that he was a craftsman. This allowed us to enter, and Cai of course had a trick up his sleeve. He told Wrnach Gawr that he would polish his sword, which he did, and said his scarab was damage (Wrnach Gawr gave Cai both of his weapons), and Cai LITERALLY CUT OFF THE GIANT'S HEAD WITH HIS OWN SWORD!!!
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Anyways, we're heading back to Arthur's Court,
Bye Blog
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culhwchpig · 5 months
In laws.
Feeling kind of annoyed right now,
Ysbaddaden Bencawr and I had a chat. Apparently I can only marry Olwen if I complete a series of (what I think are) ludicrous tasks. I guess he's really into planning the wedding, which I don't understand because when we actually get married Ysbaddaden Bencawr won't be alive for it. I suppose that means I won't have any in laws, but that still leaves myself and the knights to complete his weird demands.
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culhwchpig · 5 months
Olwen Quest Blog Day 2
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Update: we found Olwen! And she is gorgeous!!!!! So now I'm actually kind of excited to make her my wife!
But we found Ysbaddaden Bencawr's fort, which was kind of menacing, but it doesn't really scare me. Anywayyys we actually found my aunt since her husband is a shepherd and he was outside the fort (how lucky), and they fed us at their house nearby which was very nice. My aunt said she actually knew Olwen personally, because apparently every Saturday she comes to wash her hair. My aunt made us promise that we weren't there to hurt her, and of course we said we weren't. 
The next day was when I met my future wife, Olwen. She is literally the prettiest woman I have seen literally ever, she's just as blonde as I had hoped she was!!!!
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One minor thing, Ysbaddaden Bencawr (her father) apparently will die whenever she gets married, which may be a problem since I have to convince him to let her marry me. Oh well, I know you may think this will not be easy for me, however I know for a FACT that this will be very easy for me
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culhwchpig · 5 months
Olwen Quest Blog Day 1
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Hey blog! 
It's me, you favorite (basically) knight Culhwch son of Cilydd son of Celyddon Wledig, from Goleuddydd daughter of Anlawdd Wledig.
I'm writing after a year of hardly posting since up until now there hasn't been any news on my future wife Olwen or where she is, so now I mean business. I went to Arthur and told him that he had failed to keep his word, which seemed to get things going as shortly after he organized a group of his knights to help. Although I wish he had done this sooner, I am very happy that things are starting to go my way, I'm just hoping after all this trouble that Olwen isn't a hag. 
Tomorrow the knights and I are setting off to ACTUALLY find Olwen, and blog. I know you may think this will not be easy for me, however I know for a FACT that this will be very easy for me.
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culhwchpig · 5 months
Exciting News!!!
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In all seriousness, I am very excited because Arthur is going to help me find Olwen!!! I really do have a way with words so it wasn't very hard to convince him to uphold this favor. Plus everything is basically working out in my favor because if Arthur doesn't find Olwen then I will make sure he is shamed and dishonored as much as he was once loved (which would never happen of course), which is why I'm guaranteed to break this curse from my nasty stepmother once and for all. So he's sending out messengers to track her down!
Additionally, I think I would make a great edition to the Round Table, I mean technically I'm a knight because once the messengers find Olwen I can say I completed a quest (because I asked Arthur to do it).
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But anyways I'll post again after I find out if Arthur's messengers have news on where Olwen is, if not hopefully Arthur will send out his knights (and obviously myself) I know you may think this will not be easy for me, however I know for a FACT that this will be very easy for me.
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culhwchpig · 5 months
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The absolute gall of some gatekeepers these days. Can’t a guy just see his cousin for a haircut (BTW my cousin is KING ARTHUR, so I definitely have a birthright to see him since I’m basically royalty)?!!! Not to mention… my situation is kind of dire (no thanks to my stupppiiiddd stepmother) and now I’m cursed to never marry unless I get Olwen, daughter of Yebaddadden Bencawr (who I’m kind of in to, but it’s the principle of the things) Anywayyyysss this nasty gatekeeper had the audacity to make me wait till the next day and he offered me “hot peppered chops,” I DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR “HOT PEPPERED CHOPS SIR''!!!!! Did I mention that I’m literally Arthur’s cousin? To be frank, I found it incredibly rude and vile to be treated with such distaste. I told this gatekeeper that I would shout and make all the women in the kingdom barren, which he found to be believable. Although I definitely was not bluffing luckily for the entire kingdom, the gatekeeper let me see my cousin. I figured I would post this on my blog so people know ahead of time that the gatekeeper sucks. 
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culhwchpig · 5 months
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Hey Blog, it's me Culhwch!!
My dad just let me download social media for my 9th birthday and I figured I would write here to keep you all updated!!!
I first want to rant about my stepmother, I can't stand her, especially since she literally cursed me because I refused to marry her daughter. Now I'm annoyed because she essentially cursed me to never marry unless I find this girl named Olwen, which is kind of weird.
Not to be completely off base, but you would think she was the one who was actually born in a pig pen (because she stinks) (ha ha), but I'm kind of annoyed now because dad told me I have to ask my cousin (King Arthur) 1- give me a haircut and 2- to help me find Olwen.
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Dad took this picture of me heading off to Arthur (the cover picture for this post), which looked pretty cool and maybe it will impress Olwen when I find her!!!  I know you may think this will not be easy for me, however I know for a FACT that this will be very easy for me.
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