cultphobia · 3 years
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cultphobia · 3 years
i think the fact that my eyes dont glow and my hair doesnt float when im feeling a lot of strong emotion is very unsexy of me
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cultphobia · 4 years
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cultphobia · 4 years
I started an Onlyfans during the pandemic. There's some money when you first sign up, but the audience wants new new new so it dries up quickly. In six months I've made $300. It makes you want to spend money on sex toys and nice lingerie and makeup. So I spent money, didn't make money, and now I have to live with the fear of friends and family seeing my stolen content posted to free sites. I wish we talked about this. People know strippers have to pay other club employees and sometimes that takes all the money they make. But they think cam work or Onlyfans means unlimited cash even though the site takes a huge cut and so does whoever referred us. Even though everyone knows most men never pay for porn. There are sites that repost pics and videos from OF with the names, workplaces, and even addresses of the girls. That's terrifying!!!!! I'm so stupid I was just desperate. Did you ever watch the documentary Hot Girls Wanted? They made almost no money after months of getting fucked on camera. It's also crazy how nobody is questioning this idea the best money women can make is by selling our bodies to men. That's not even true and if it were it should scare us.
thank you so much for sharing this, I really appreciate it. hopefully other girls or women thinking about going into only fans might see this and think twice.
for a generation raised on “what you post on the internet never goes away” people sure as hell don’t talk about this shit enough, reposts WILL happen and possibly with your personal info. it makes me so angry and sad to know that this type of shit is being marketed as safe or healthy
yes i’ve watched that documentary and its so fucked up, I highly recommend it
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cultphobia · 4 years
your first column of emojis describes your personality! what’s yours?
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cultphobia · 4 years
gm dentists are evil
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cultphobia · 4 years
3 for 3 - TERF Tracker, Terfblocker, and "Shinigami Eyes - Terf Hunter" all created by or run by rapists | GenderCritical
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cultphobia · 4 years
Wow guys, men sexualizing and objectifying women sure is empowering! Just look at these if you don’t believe me!
TW: Rape, abuse, femicide, torture, pedophelia, racism and slurs, etc.
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TW: Rape, dismemberment, femicide, racism, slurs, abuse, incest, pedophelia
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Some of these subs and images have tens of thousands of subscribers and likes. This is not an isolated incident. I have thousands more of these screenshots, but I’m limited to ten on tumblr. Keep telling me how being the object and target of men’s sexual desires is empowering, how porn and BDSM aren’t directly related to misogyny and male violence against women.
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cultphobia · 4 years
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Mark Samsonovich, ‘Nature Knows No Kings’, 2016 Source
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cultphobia · 4 years
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cultphobia · 4 years
So apparently now women in Poland will be forced to give birth to a child that is too sick or deformed to survive. One more reason not to get pregnant in this fucked country.
(for those unaware - Poland already has had one of the most strict abortion laws, and there were three situations when it was allowed - when the pregnancy was a result of a rape, when woman's health or life was endangered or when the child was too ill or malformed. In other cases it is illegal to make abortion here).
As a young woman, who may yet decide to have a child, I am terrified of this choice being taken away from me and from all the women around here. Those who can afford it will go abroad, but others?
Edit: I'm sorry, it's not my usual content. But I need to scream.
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cultphobia · 4 years
why do you keep making fun of people's age and identities...
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cultphobia · 4 years
Zagreus: Father, I am curious. In all of my expeditions into the underworld I have never once encountered the legendary hero Bophades. Would you happen to know where he is?
Hades:  Foolish boy, do not trifle me with such matters. I have never heard of such a man and I am personally responsible for every shade that enters this accursed place. Who, or what, pray tell, is Bophades.
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cultphobia · 4 years
tumblr ads fucking quit challenge
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cultphobia · 4 years
German speaking Radfems or Rad-leaning women!
The following is in German, but I would appreciate it if you reblogged this! I'm searching for other German radfems or Rad leaning women, because radical feminism in Germany is... Rare, apparently. And I'm feeling lonely, lol.
Hey! Ich bin Marlies, oder auch Mary oder Meryl. Ich bin eine deutsche radfem/ radfem leaning aus NRW und suche dringend nach Damen, die ähnlich gesinnt sind! Es gibt hier gefühlt nur libfems, die Männern in den Arsch kriechen und I'm sick of it! Ich habe mit 2 anderen Mädels eine Twitter Gruppe, in der wir uns darüber unterhalten. Erfahrungen austauschen, über radikalen feminismus reden, aber manchmal senden wir auch memes oder reden über persönliche Dinge. Keine Sorge, ihr müsst nicht beitreten, aber mein Twitter Name ist Jotarophilia, falls ihr mich dort kontaktieren wollt! Natürlich geht das auch hier auf Tumblr. Wenn genug Leute zusammen kommen, können wir auch hier ein kleines Grüppchen bilden. Mein 'Traum' wäre es ja, die ein oder andere radfem Freundin in echt zu haben. Eine, die in der Nähe wohnt. Oder wenigstens im gleichen Bundesland.
Seid nicht schüchtern, meldet euch ruhig, ich würde mich uuunendlich freuen! <3
Edit: Wir haben auch eine telegram Gruppe! Dort ist es besser c:
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cultphobia · 4 years
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Mark Samsonovich, ‘Nature Knows No Kings’, 2016 Source
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cultphobia · 4 years
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(via Turkish woman allegedly kills abusive husband, becomes social media icon)
“Will women always die? Let some men die too,” Dogan told police. “I killed him for my honor.”
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