Fear Itself Sentence Starters.
"Everything was going moderately well until the trail mix exploded."
"For goodness sake, it's called Amityville Horror!"
"If I see one more monster I'll scream!"
"Funny guys go second."
"I didn't realize her brain was loaded with fibre!"
"We must listen to the trail mix."
"Are you describing Big Foot or Danny Phantom?"
"Looks like a good entrance to the Underworld. Or a strip club."
"You never know what garden appliances to trust. Rakes... Not one of them."
"I just want you to hold me!"
"It's a nice day indeed when hell has a heat wave."
"I know you're over here mystery person!"
"Oh no. It's not a Halloween prop. It's real."
"She spends her time lifting bags of soil."
"So this is strange and vaguely uncomfortable."
"I also brought the Emperors New Groove. Wanna watch?"
"Oh yeah, somebody died in the basement and they're still there."
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Slurred words [ ;) let's face it, George probably got her drunk in the first place ]
Send “slurred words” to hear my muse describe yours whilst ridiculously drunk.
“Have you seen m-my friend? She’s, like—like, blonde. About yay high?” Claire tries to demonstrate, put her hand up in the air. Then, after a moment, she remembers she doesn’t know how tall Georgia is, and erupts in giggles. “She’s about as tall as me—w-whatever. Blonde??? Blue eyes??? If it helps any, she drives this blue jeep…” More giggles. Then, “Jeeps are so weird. Wait. What was I talking abut, again?”
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“Ohhhhh. George. Right. She was with me when I walked in—she fucking ditched me, I bet. I am so smashed. I think I made out with that guy over there.” Claire held her glass tightly, afraid to spill any, although if that happened it’d be soooooooo funny. “You see her around? She’s my fucking ride. All my stuffs in her car. Fuck.” Her eyes widen in excitement after a moment—”You think they have more beer? I want more beer.”
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Georgia blinked slowly for a moment before answering the question.
“My little sister? Virginia?!” she said, focusing on enunciating clearly.
She paused for a moment. None of that sounded quite right. Virgina was in Idaho. She shouldn’t be anywhere near here. Virginia was married with kids and a husband. She should be no where near a bar like this.
“Oh!” she said, her mind clear for a split-second, “you mean Claire.”
That little sister. The one she wasn’t actually related to.
That made a lot more sense. A lot more sense. Claire was here. Claire had the keys. Claire was probably getting frustrated.
“She’s great! She’s ‘n okay shot, but she’s gettin’ better! And she’s cute. She’s so cute. Thinks she’s got it all in the bag sometimes, y’know? She’s got that ‘I’m young, I’m immortal’ thing goin’ on and it’s pretty charmin’ when she’s not busy gettin’ into trouble.”
She paused again, picked up the whiskey sour, took a swig and re-focused. Claire.
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“I wish she hadn’ been sucked into this life,” she said slowly. “’S not fair to anyone t’ spend your life on the run from everything under the bed, ‘specially a kid. Everyone should have a choice about huntin’. I’m jus’ tryin’ to make sure she can leave th’life if she wants to.”
She paused again before taking another drink and checking her back pocket.
She cocked her head and finished her drink.
“I think I lost my keys. Have you seen ‘em? They’re for a jeep and there’s a cupcake thingy on them, I swear I had ‘em when I—” She stopped again.
She was forgetting something important.
“Oh!” she said, her faculties punching through the fog of whiskey for a moment, “Claire has ‘em. She’s great. She picks my drunk ass up when it’s time to be gettin’ on back. And she hasn’t crashed the jeep yet! So proud! She’s an awesome kid.”
Send “slurred words” to hear my muse describe yours whilst ridiculously drunk.
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Send “slurred words” to hear my muse describe yours whilst ridiculously drunk.
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Send “slurred words” to hear my muse describe yours whilst ridiculously drunk.
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shippy angst starters.
"You're an idiot if you thought I cared about you."
"You took advantage of my feelings for you."
"Fuck you, fuck your boyfriend/girlfriend and fuck everything about you!"
"I'm in love with you and I'm sick of having to hide it."
"You were supposed to be different."
"You were the one, I can't just move on!"
"I loved you, and just because we broke up doesn't mean I can turn it off."
"I love you too much and you don't love me at all..."
"I would've done anything for you..."
"You left me. You don't get to come back."
"I want you to hurt like I do."
"That's it? You're just giving up on me?"
"I never thought we'd end like this."
"It's such a shame to let you walk away."
"Love isn't a three-way street!"
"Is this goodbye?"
"I would have followed you anywhere. "
"Do I even matter to you?!"
"My back has turned on you."
"I should have known you'd break my heart."
"You're gone and I'm haunted and I bet you are just fine!"
"Goodbye, my almost lover."
"It's over."
"I can't do this anymore."
"I'm leaving you."
"I'm done crying over you."
"I have to let you go."
"You said you loved me..."
"I LOVED you. Past tense."
"I don't believe in love."
"I never loved you."
"I hate you."
16K notes · View notes
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{;; Georgia the State} I wish
{;; Georgia the State} You did
{;; Georgia the State} Haha, that’s very funny
{;; Georgia the State} I’ll see you in a bit
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[ to WINCHESTER 1.0 ] Okay good.
[ to WINCHESTER 1.0 ] Stop texting and drive.
[TEXT]: Can you pick me up? I think I’m lost.
{;; Georgia the State} Yeah
{;; Georgia the State} On my way
{;; Georgia the State} What’s around you?
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Say hello!
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{;; Georgia the State} You’re so weird, y’know that?
{;; Georgia the State} No problem
{;; Georgia the State} I was getting hungry anyways
{;; Georgia the State} Damn straight I’m a goddess.
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[ to WINCHESTER 1.0 ] Are you implying you’re normal?
[ to WINCHESTER 1.0 ] Shit, I fed your ego.
[ to WINCHESTER 1.0 ] But seriously, if you can’t find the gas station
[ to WINCHESTER 1.0 ] Listen for my stomach growling.
[TEXT]: Can you pick me up? I think I’m lost.
{;; Georgia the State} Yeah
{;; Georgia the State} On my way
{;; Georgia the State} What’s around you?
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{;; Georgia the State} And if I don’t?
{;; Georgia the State} I will.
{;; Georgia the State} You’re so demanding.
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[ to WINCHESTER 1.0 ] My stomach might rebel and form it’s own nation >:[
[ to WINCHESTER 1.0 ] Thank-you.
[ to WINCHESTER 1.0 ] And you’re a goddess for putting with it.
[TEXT]: Can you pick me up? I think I’m lost.
{;; Georgia the State} Yeah
{;; Georgia the State} On my way
{;; Georgia the State} What’s around you?
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{;; Georgia the State} I know where you are
{;; Georgia the State} Stay put
{;; Georgia the State} I’ll be there in 10
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[ to WINCHESTER 1.0 ] Wonderful.
[ to WINCHESTER 1.0 ] Bring food.
[ to WINCHESTER 1.0 ] And a beer.
[TEXT]: Can you pick me up? I think I’m lost.
{;; Georgia the State} Yeah
{;; Georgia the State} On my way
{;; Georgia the State} What’s around you?
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[ to WINCHESTER 1.0 ] Open space.
[ to WINCHESTER 1.0 ] A cow or nine.
[ to WINCHESTER 1.0 ] There’s also an old gas station.
[ to WINCHESTER 1.0 ] It’s closed. Sign says “Carli’s Gas and Eat”
[TEXT]: Can you pick me up? I think I’m lost.
{;; Georgia the State} Yeah
{;; Georgia the State} On my way
{;; Georgia the State} What’s around you?
10 notes · View notes
Send 📱 To Find Out About My Muse's Phone
What ringtone my muse has set for yours:
What contact photo my muse has set for yours:
What my muse thinks of the way yours texts:
How quickly my muse responds to your texts:
How often our muses text:
How often our muses call:
Does my muse purposefully miss calls from yours:
Last text sent from my muse to yours:
17K notes · View notes
“We are not just going to take pot shots at old men!” she said in mock exasperation, clicking the safety on her rifle back on. There was nothing here and at this rate, they were going to be hunting pizza sooner than she’d hoped.
“Let’s just go get pizza,” she said, turning on her heel and heading back the way they’d come, “that at least we can find without scopes.”
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Claire let out a groan as they came to a stop. “What I would say, George? I think I’d say,” she leaned her head against the wall, letting out a sigh, ”that I ain’t going all the way down there to get it. How about we shout ‘WEREWOLF’ and just shoot whatever turns around?”
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“I would say, ‘or we could ditch this whole thing and go for pizza’, but don’t you think that guy—” she pointed “—looks a lot like a werewolf? Old, hairy… eugh. We can just take guesses, if you’d like?” she grinned.
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She chuckled. “This isn’t the first time I’ve tried, it’s just the only time it’s stuck. I still sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and reach for a gun that’s locked in my garage. Or I’ll open a search engine and search for cattle deaths and mutilations and close the tab before the results load. Or I’ll look through my phone for people from the old days before I remember it’s not the same phone and all I have are normal people with normal issues in it.”
She laughed and shrugged. “Unfortunately, that’s the standard retirement plan. Go out fighting.” She paused. “It’s unfortunate, really. I’d never planned to be a lifer though, I just wanted to sleep well for once,” she said. That had been the only perk—the nightmares and cold sweats and terror were generally less when she was hunting. It was the worst part of being out.
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not without risk || open
The hunting life was not romantic. It was not easy. And it sure as hell wasn’t the kind of thing that anyone did without a reason. It was the kind of life that required dedication and blood from the individuals who chose to pursue it.
Whatever that meant to anyone else, for Georgia it meant late nights in truck stops and stuffing her face with cheap, greasy diner food and soda when all she wanted was a full nights sleep in a bed of her own and red wine and small plates of expensive, experimental food.
She walked out of the diner, to-go box of fries and a chocolate shake in her hands. The first thing she saw was someone leaning on her jeep. Whatever else it may have been, the baby blue Wrangler was the closest thing she had to a home. It held cupcake pans, guns, and enough holy water to drown a few demons.
“Nice of you to finally show,” she said, opening the driver’s side door and setting the food on seat before turning around. “Now, what’s so important that I had to drive half way across the country to kill it?”
0 notes
wishful thinking #2: folks ‘round here think i’m a local
I bet you're wonderin' where I've been What town I'm calling home for now And just how long I'll be there before I turn around
Alert: mush ahead. Pure mush.
Every time I hear Everything But You by Kip Moore, I want some kind of angsty, kinda fluffy relationship for Georgia in the cupcake!Verse, where she’s retired from hunting, running her cupcake shop, and missing someone.
Since she’s done the “I’m not hunting anymore thing” a few times before, her last talk with Person B went something like:
“You’ll be back, you always are.”
“Not this time.”
“Bullshit, you’ll get bored.”
Or something like that. Probably on the phone. The conversation doesn’t necessarily end well.
But then Georgia really was out. There was no news of her killing things, no news of werewolves being taken out from a far, nothing. Just radio silence and a distinct lack of sugary goodness in life. No idea where she was, what she was doing, is she even alive?
Time goes on. Person B is still hunting monsters and cruising the country for new cases and new nightmares. Georgia is living her life, dealing with her own shit, fighting the urge to pick her guns up and hunt again, and has gotten her little town’s police force to switch from donuts to cupcakes. Her phones, although still active, are locked up in her garage with her guns and books and journals and everything that made her a hunter.
One day, Person B shows up in her little town, hunting something and (bear with me) sees the shop or Georgia’s jeep parked outside her house or hears her name in conversation or sees a box of cupcakes in the police station and realizes that she really did it, she really quit.
For some reason, Person B ends up needing something for the hunt and there’s only one place to go---the bakery. Or something along those lines--cheesy goodness like running into each other at the bar? Or Georgia is dropping by the police station with a box of complimentary cupcakes and has to beat a hasty retreat to not blow Person B’s cover and is waiting when Person B comes out after talking with the locals?Chance encounter in the streets? Georgia having an “oh no, no monsters in my town” moment and breaking out her kit to keep her home safe and running into Person B while chasing down the creepy crawly?
And from there, I don’t know? Fluff, angst, emotions.
And after all of that, there’s this weird dynamic  or something where Person B leaves (maybe to come back later on, maybe not) and Georgia stands by her need to be out of hunting and yeah I’ve entered the word vomit phase.
Message me if interested.
Truth is I've finally found the place Where I can start to plant some roots It's about as close to being perfect It's got everything but you 
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