cupidr0ses · 3 years
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You Are Plural!
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cupidr0ses · 3 years
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You are a Median System
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cupidr0ses · 3 years
Systems who are bodily “old” - be it senior citizens, or simply above 18, 25, 30, or whatever this site thinks is “too old” - deserve support.
Systems don’t just stop having problems and become selves-sufficient past a certain bodily age. Like singlets and younger-bodied systems, they still need friends, help, and a supportive, safe space.
And people don’t turn into predators the moment they’re 18, 21, 25, 30, or whatever arbitrary age you assign “old” to. That’s not how it works. Predatory behavior is about abuse, about power. Not age. A lot of older-bodied systems are good people.
Systems who are bodily young - be it under 25, 21, or 18 - deserve respect.
Just because a system is in a young body, doesn’t mean they don’t know anything. They may have less experience or knowledge, true, but they are still worth listening to. Someone’s lack of know-how doesn’t make them less valuable.
And you know, some young-bodied systems are knowledgeable. They want to learn, research, and listen to others’ experiences, they are respectful. Not all of them are misinformed exclusionists/sysmeds who are stubborn and harass/abuse people in the community. That should be appreciated.
This post and this blog are inclusive of ALL systems, including non-traumagenic, non-disordered, non-diagnosed, and self-diagnosed systems.
- Mod December
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cupidr0ses · 3 years
To my fellow factives,
It's okay if you're different from your fact-type, source, counterpart, or this universe's version of you (be it their personality, appearance, interests, views, nationality, ethnicity, gender, orientation, or anything else).
It's alright if your fact-type is an extroverted casanova and you're an introverted romance-repulsed aromantic.
You're not cringy for loving a video game your fact-type has proclaimed to hate.
You're not faking if your fact-type loves dogs but you're triggered by them. Or any other combination.
You're not less of your fact-type for being true to yourself.
It's okay if you're different from what the world sees you. Everyone is different, and should have a space to be unique, including factives.
I understand, though, that sometimes doubt will creep up on you, and people who disrespect factives might fake-claim you. But remember:
Being "canon-divergent" does not invalidate your identity.
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cupidr0ses · 3 years
Shoutout to factives, factual introjects, fact-alterhumans, and other fact-types who front often!
(Fact-types include but not limited to: factlinks, factkin, factives, factual introjects, facthearted, fogtives, fucktives/faitives, partial factives, etc.)
Whether you're a frequent fronter with no role, a host or co-host, or anything else, you're amazing.
Thank you for bein' responsible, for doing your best and surviving every day.
Thank you for existing, being you, and carrying your(&) system, even if you're chronically ill, neurodivergent, traumatized, disabled, etc. and feel like a "failure". (You're really NOT a failure! Even if you can't "do much"!)
You deserve respect and appreciation, including from your(&) own system. You don't deserve to be shamed for being a fact-type and fronting a lot.
You're allowed to make jokes like "haha (person in your life, famous person, etc.) stole this body" without other people steppin' on you for it. You're allowed to hate those kinda jokes too.
No matter what - who/what your fact-identity is, no matter how your source person/counterpart is like, no matter your (dis)ability status or neurotype, etc. - you have worth and deserve kindness.
This post and this blog are inclusive of ALL systems, including non-traumagenic, non-disordered, non-diagnosed, and self-diagnosed systems.
-Mod Silhouette
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cupidr0ses · 3 years
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Our proposal(s) for a mixedflux / multiflux flag!
A system that fluctuates between median and multiple; a system where all or most headmates have a constant unsteady/fluid identity, and/or headmates constantly blur, fuse, etc and un blur, fuse, etc.
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cupidr0ses · 3 years
shoutout to median systems! 
shoutout to median systems who dont like differenting themselves!
shoutout to median systems who are different ages!
shoutout to median systems who are different genders!
shoutout to median systems who doubt themselves because of their medianhood!
shoutout to median subsystems!
shoutout to median systems with amneisia!
shoutout to -1a median systems!
shoutout to median systems who dont fit a medical dx!
shoutout to median subsystems in multiple systems!
shoutout to median systems, yall get ignored far too much.
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cupidr0ses · 3 years
❤ Daily Reminder ❤
If you are an endogenic system..
You're amazingly valid! You're an important part of the plural community. You are important to us. Keep on existing!
If you are a protogenic system..
You're perfectly valid too! You're such an important part of the plural community! Your existence is perfectly possible!
If you are a quoigenic system..
You're very valid too! You don't need to figure out your origins either! You exist! Origins arr nothing but a label, it doesn't change your existence!
If you are a parogenic/willogenic system..
You're super valid! You're a very important part of the plural community, and you aren't doing anything wrong! Remember your identity is amazingly important!
If you are a traumagenic system..
You are important as well! Your identity is just as valid! You exist! You deserve to heal! Just keep on existing!
If you're a multigenic system..
You're valid! You exist! It's perfectly possible to have complicated origins! Just keep on existing!
If you are a median system..
You're amazingly valid as well! Median systems are still systems! You are an important part of the plural community!
If you are a multiple system..
You are valid! You are important to the plural community! Keep on existing!
If you are a mixed system..
You are valid! You exist! You are very important to the plural community! You are super valid!
If you are a large system..
You are very valid! You all exist! You are not fake for having a lot of headmates! You are very important to the plural community!
If you are a small system..
You are valid too! It's perfectly okay to be a small system! You are extremely important to the plural community! You exist!
If you're a system, you're valid!
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cupidr0ses · 3 years
Median system culture is referring to yourself and another headmate in a certain context, then going, "Wait, am I x right now?" and realizing you're actually the other headmate you were referring to
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cupidr0ses · 3 years
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The only day you can reblog this post
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cupidr0ses · 3 years
I hope all factives who hate their source have a wonderful day! I hope all factives of bad or problematic people take care of themselves today! All factives who get harassed for their source should get $40 from every singlet starting now
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cupidr0ses · 3 years
If our host gets a job, but we switch or co-front during work hours, it means more than one of us is working. Therefore, systems should be paid the hourly wage multiplied by how many system members there are. In this essay I will
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cupidr0ses · 3 years
To all DID/OSDD systems
I see y’alls asses out here really sayin’ that y’alls traumas ain’t severe enough.
Y’alls traumas are severe enough. Every human being is different. Every human being’s ability to handle trauma is different. Every trauma is different.
Yous get gaslit? Fuckin’ hell, you deserve a hug after that.
Natural disaster? You’re gonna get through it, I believe in yous.
S3xu4l 4bus3? You’re strong for survivin’ that.
Physical? Please take time outta your day to care for yourself.
I don’t care what happened to yous. I don’t care ‘bout your story.
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cupidr0ses · 3 years
plural questioning culture is sometimes having a system, and then repressing and passing off your headmates as intrusive thoughts, and then hearing voICES IN YOUR HEAD AGAIN AND OH GOD THEY'RE BACK AHSGHSGK
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cupidr0ses · 3 years
plural questioning culture is double-taking mentally when you say hello in your head and your head answers back
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cupidr0ses · 3 years
is is this why my sexuality and gender changes every 5 minutes (in reality it changes a lot like every other day but ive had times where i was good like sx mention then all of a sudden i wasnt)
Plural questioning culture is having completely conflicting sexualities and being confused because of this 24/7 then you do a double take and have a mental breakdown because you realize one of the reasons this could be happening
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cupidr0ses · 3 years
Plural questioning culture is being sure there are other consciousness/people being in this body, but being able to talk about them or never seeming to switch so you aren't sure
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