cuptoasty · 3 years
Letter Stickers
warnings: I don't see anything bad, it's just purely fluff.
summary: Tubbo is coming over to Tommy’s, which leads to Tommy being overly inpatient. Tubbo also mentioned a surprised, which Tommy didn't know about.
author notes: everything here is strictly platonic, every little nickname and movement is platonic. Do not leave a comment that is icky or gross.
little: Tommy
caregiver: Tubbo
Tommy was sitting on the living room couch, his leg bounced with excitement as he tried his best to relax. It was quite difficult to do so when Tommy checked his phone, every what he thought to be a few minutes, when in reality it was a couple of seconds, just to see if tubbo was close. The boredom kept bothering Tommy and he couldn't help but have a pout on his face. Each second Tubbo was gone left him more and more excited, humming to himself to try to calm him down just the slightest. See, Tubbo had promised he had a surprise with him, so Tommy was practically vibrating with positive energy.
Soon Tommy heard a ping from his phone, making him pick it up instantly and almost dropping the phone. He had to take a small deep breath, checking if he had cracked it in any way. Then he looked at what the notification was, it was a message from Tubbo! It read “I’m close, Toms! Try your best to not get too excited :P”. Tommy let out a small huff while looking away from the phone, he couldn't help being excited, and Tubbo knew that. Tubbo and him tried their best to see each other often, but they couldn't always do that since they kinda did live a few hours away from each other.
Tommy looked out the window that was behind the couch, bouncing up and down while humming a song from a kid’s show. Kid shows always made him felt safe, the way they spoke nicely and never tried to be rude made him happy. Kid shows reminded him of Tubbo, Tubbo was always nice to him and never hurt his feelings. He loved meeting up and seeing Tubbo, every time he knew they were meeting up, he would be giggly and always had a huge smile on his face. When they did actually meet up, he tried his best to not let go of Tubbo, loving to be by his best friend. His presence made Tommy want to hug Tubbo and talk to him as long as he could.
There was soon a knock on the door that took Tommy out of his happy and soft thoughts. He scrambled to get up, the adrenaline in his body just from excitement made him shake. Tommy ran over to the door, opening it with what he thought was a loud hello, but was probably more of a giggly and quiet one. Tubbo hugged Tommy with a hello back, which made Tommy smile, loving how Tubbo always noticed what Tommy said and responded. Tommy could feel a plastic-like feeling on his back, the shape was a gift bag type. Tommy thought for a moment on what it could be, but then realised it was the probably surprise.
“Hello there, my baby boy!” Tubbo spoke with pure joy wrapped around in his voice. Tubbo also loved seeing and talking to Tommy, He was enjoyed knowing that Tommy felt comfortable enough around him to regress. Even more comfortable to let Tubbo be his caregiver, and honestly, it’s all Tubbo could’ve wanted. Tommy decided to just stop standing there and hugging, he wanted to do fun stuff and to see the surprise! He dragged them to his bedroom with a small annoyed look. Tommy turned over to look over at Tubbo, there was a pout on his face to show that he was upset.
“Tubbo I’m not little!” He whined, clearly not happy at Tubbo’s assumption, he was in fact very very pouty. Tommy let out a small huff to show that he was right. Tubbo just smiled softly with a quiet chuckle and opened the door, letting himself walk in.
“I’m sure the surprise I got you will make you little” Tubbo hummed, placing the bag down and sat on Tommy’s bed. Setting the bag next to him and looked over at Tommy. Hearing this made Tommy perk up slightly, intrigued by the little part.
Tommy rolled his eyes, trying to play it off. “I’m sure it won’t.” He tried to make it seem like he didn't want to regress, but in actuality, its been a while since he last regressed. He would love to regress, it's been taking a toll on him for not regressing, and luckily Tubbo knew that.
“Maybe so, Bubba,” Tubbo said as he pulled out a bag of letter stickers from the blue bag that he had picked up again. The sticker’s bag was clear which showed all the colourful letters, they were rounded and were full of many squiggles of different colours. The bag crinkled which caught Tommy’s attention instantly, he looked over at what Tubbo was holding. It was as if seeing the letters made his mind click and become all fuzzy, he couldn't understand why, but it made him feel so small. “You like them?” Tubbo asked as Tommy tried his best to not fully regress.
“Uhm,, yeah! They’re cute,,” Tommy looked away, feeling embarrassed, and Tubbo smiled, patting next to him. Tommy whined, he knew what Tubbo was doing, but yet he walked over next to Tubbo and sat down.
“I was thinking you could decorate things with them, Bubba. Maybe your door, or a drawing you make. How about that, Bubs?” Tubbo spoke with a soft voice, it was sweet just like honey and maple syrup. The voice usually helped Tommy regress so it was useful in this situation. Tommy looked down at the bag and back at Tubbo with a child-like look. “I can tell you really like then, yeah?”
“Uh-huh,” Tommy’s voice was so quiet, unlike his usual yelling self, now feeling fully regressed. He was genuinely interested in the stickers, letting out a small giggle when Tubbo handed the bag to him. He held it with a smile on his face, holding the stickers right in front of his face to see them better.
“How about you pick some out while I grab your soother?” Tubbo got up, looking over at Tommy as he nodded. Tommy dug through the bag of letters as Tubbo left to get the soother. When Tubbo came back he saw the letters Tommy had picked were T O and M. “Oh! That’s your name!” Tubbo hummed and Tommy nodded. The soother was given to Tommy and was placed into his mouth, making him let out a sound of delight. The soother was one with the primary colours, the shield being yellow, the ring being blue, and the piece in between was red. There was also some decoration on it with the word MOO.
“C’mon,” Tubbo helped Tommy stand up “let’s go put it on your door!” Tommy bounced excitedly and ran out of his room, waiting for Tubbo to come over so he could help out. What felt like forever to Tommy, was only a few seconds, he was so impatient when in littlespace. Tubbo came out of the room and Tommy handed him the stickers so he could unpeel the paper. Tubbo chuckled and he unpeeled each one, handing them back to Tommy.
Tommy said a quick thank you and stuck his tongue out while he tried to properly place the letters, they were a little wonky but you could tell what they were saying. He looked over at Tubbo with a grin on his face and Tubbo smiled back, which lead to Tommy giggling.
Without wasting a moment Tommy dragged Tubbo back to his bedroom, looking around for something. He soon grabbed a piece of paper and started to messily draw something, Tubbo watched while he did something on his phone.
After a bit Tommy stood up, handing the drawing to Tubbo. Tubbo looked at it with a smile “this is absolutely adorable, hon!” Tommy jumped up and down, smiling happily.
“‘Ank you!!” he giggled, a moment later he let out a quiet yawn. Tommy immediately flushed, covering his mouth. Tubbo hummed and opened his arms for a hug, which Tommy obviously accepted. Why would he decline an awesome hug from the greatest person?
He was deceived by this because Tubbo started rocking him, a thing that usually made him sleepy. Tommy thought it was a good idea to shut his eyes, just to rest them for a second. Though, that only proved Tubbo right in making him fall asleep.
Tubbo stayed there, cuddling Tommy as he slept, not planning on leaving him at any time.
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