curiouscatrecaps · 1 year
Episode 2 - My Name is Konohamaru
As a requirement for his graduation from the Ninja Academy, Naruto needs to submit a picture for his ninja registration form. The photographer double checks with Naruto if he is sure with the look he is going for to which he says yes with conviction. The final photo shows Naruto wearing full kabuki make-up.
The Third Hokage rejects the photo and asks Naruto to submit a new one. Undeterred, Naruto tries to one up the Hokage by using the Sexy Jutsu, causing the old man to have a nosebleed and to fall off his chair. The Third Hokage quickly regains his composure and explains to Naruto that the ninja registration form is an important document in the ninja profession.
A small boy suddenly interrupts the proceedings and launches an attack on the Third Hokage. But before he could do any damage, the boy trips on his own feet and falls face first to the floor. Ebisu, the boy’s guardian, shows up right after, looking alarmed.
The boy tries to downplay his embarrassment and blames Naruto for his fall. Naruto cuffs the boy to teach him a lesson but Ebisu orders him to stop because the boy is the Third Hokage’s grandson, Konohamaru.
Konohamaru dares Naruto to hurt him, thinking he wouldn't do it because of his status, but Naruto says he doesn’t care and punches the boy in the head.
Ebisu scolds Konohamaru for not acting like the Hokage’s grandson and warns him not to get too close with Naruto. Knowing the kid’s wish to be the next Hokage, Ebisu proudly tells Konohamaru that he’s the only one who can help him realize his dream. He keeps talking so much that he ends up not noticing that Konohamaru has slipped away from the room to follow Naruto. Meanwhile, the Hokage seems to be worried about Konohamaru's growing interest in Naruto.
While walking through the village, Naruto notices that someone is tailing him. Konohamaru thinks he is being stealthy but his disguises are so bad even Naruto doesn’t have a hard time seeing through him. After a series of terrible camouflage attempts, Naruto finally calls out Konohamaru and orders him to stop following him. Konohamaru just brushes it off and declares that he wants to be Naruto’s student because he wants to learn the Sexy Jutsu that “took out” the Third Hokage. Naruto refuses at first but when Konohamaru calls him “boss,” he gives in to the request.
Naruto tries to lecture Konohamaru on the importance of mastering the “Chatora.” Konohamaru corrects him with the right term - chakra. He then goes on to explain that chakra is the essential energy needed to perform Jutsus. It is produced by combining ones’ physical energy and spiritual energy, honed through training and experience. Naruto is initially amazed at Konohamaru’s excellent explanation until he turns around and sees the kid reading all the information from a scroll.
Naruto tells Konohamaru that the real way to master the Sexy Jutsu is through hard work and guts. They begin their training by performing a basic Transformation Jutsu. Naruto orders Konohamaru to transform into the beautiful woman just across from them. Konohamaru does as he is told but the transformation did not turn out quite well. The woman sees them and gets angry at the unsightly figure that Konohamaru turned into, but she only punishes Naruto. As for Konohamaru, she only tells him to try better next time.
For their next task, Naruto brings Konohamaru to a book shop to look at sexy magazines for reference. They manage to go in unnoticed and browse some magazines but the owner eventually catches up on them. Konohamaru comes out unscathed, while Naruto gets another beating.
Their final task involves disguising themselves as girls and sneaking into the bath house. Naruto does a perfect Sexy Jutsu while Konohamaru’s isn’t as good looking. They get discovered almost immediately, earning Naruto more injuries. They both retreat into the forest where they practice Konohamaru’s Sexy Jutsu further.
While resting, Naruto asks Konohamaru why he is so obsessed with beating his grandpa. Konohamaru explains that he doesn’t get the recognition he deserves because everyone just refers to him as the Hokage’s grandson. The only way he can get the respect he wants is to be the Hokage himself. Naruto tells him it will not be that easy because he has to beat him first.
Elsewhere, Ebisu continues on his search while the Third Hokage is visited by Iruka, who reports that Naruto seems to be genuinely happy now that he is about to become a ninja. However, the Hokage expresses some doubts if it will last because the road to acceptance will be difficult, knowing that Naruto is the vessel of the Nine-tailed Demon Fox. Despite the Fourth Hokage’s dying wish for the village to treat Naruto as a hero, most of the villagers see him as the monster that lives inside him. They may not be allowed to say it outright because it is outlawed but Naruto will surely see the resentment and anger in their eyes.
Back in the forest, Ebisu finally locates Naruto and Konohamaru. He gives Naruto a cold, hateful stare for being the demon fox’s vessel before trying to convince Konohamaru to resume his training with him. Konohamaru counters with a perfectly executed Sexy Jutsu, but Ebisu is able to control himself and proceeds to drag Konohamaru back to the village.
Naruto uses the Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu to stop Ebisu. Ebisu laughs it off, saying that he is not as weak as Mizuki. As he prepares for battle, Naruto and his clones perform the Sexy Jutsu all at the same time. Ebisu is fawned over by a gaggle of beautiful, naked women, causing a huge nosebleed that incapacitates him. Naruto celebrates his victory and calls his new technique Harem Jutsu.
Inspired by Naruto’s win over Ebisu, Konohamaru expresses his desire to be the Hokage as soon as he can. Naruto takes this opportunity to lecture Konohamaru that there is no shortcut to becoming Hokage - one has to work hard for it and be prepared to go through numerous struggles. Konohamaru realizes how serious Naruto is in attaining his dream of being Hokage, so he discards Naruto as his teacher and declares him as his rival. Naruto assures Konohamaru that even though he is going to be a ninja first, he will treat him equally when the time comes that they have to fight for the title. 
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curiouscatrecaps · 1 year
Episode 1 - Enter: Uzumaki Naruto
The story begins twelve years ago when the Nine-tailed Demon Fox attacked the Hidden Ninja Village of Konoha. The village’s best ninjas made a valiant stand but the beast was too strong for them and many were killed. The only one who was able to stop the rampage was the Fourth Hokage, Konoha’s leader at the time. He saved the village by sealing the beast in an infant boy at the cost of his own life.
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In present day Konoha, a young troublemaker named Uzumaki Naruto is being chased by two village ninjas for defacing the monument of the Hokages with graffiti. He manages to evade the guards but is eventually caught by his teacher, Iruka.
Iruka brings him back to class, where he reprimands Naruto for failing the previous graduation tests. Naruto remains defiant so Iruka tells the whole class that they will all retake the Transformation Jutsu test, even those who already passed it before. The class expresses their displeasure at Naruto for making them take the test again but he just shrugs at them.
During Naruto’s turn to do the Transformation Jutsu, he turned himself into a beautiful, naked woman, causing Iruka’s nose to bleed. He calls this technique Sexy Jutsu. Iruka scolds the unrepentant Naruto for causing so much trouble.
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Later in the day, Iruka makes Naruto wipe off the graffiti he drew on the monument. He tells Naruto that he will not go home until everything is clean, to which Naruto responds that he does not care because nobody is home anyway. Iruka feels a little taken aback by Naruto’s response so he proposes that he will treat him to ramen if he cleans the monument on time. The offer excites Naruto and begins to take the cleaning work more enthusiastically.
That night, Naruto and Iruka have dinner at Ichiraku Ramen. Seeking to understand Naruto better, Iruka asks the boy why he always defaces the Hokage monument. Naruto declares that even though they’re the best ninjas that the village ever had, he will surpass all of them and become the next Hokage. He then asks Iruka if he can try on the Konoha forehead protector but Iruka refuses, saying that only those who graduated from the Academy can wear it. 
Graduation day finally comes. For their final test, the students are told that they will need to perform the Shadow Clone technique - a technique that Naruto has a hard time doing. As expected, he fumbles the test by producing only one shadow clone that can’t even stand on its own. Mizuki, one of the proctors, asks Iruka to just pass the boy but Iruka plays it by the book and fails Naruto.
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The graduation tests are finally over and everyone celebrates with their family - except Naruto. He is a lonely figure in the swing, watching the other kids get happily fussed over by their parents. Some villagers notice him, but they keep their distance and gossip about his past. Mizuki then shows up and invites Naruto to the rooftops where he shares that there’s another way to pass the graduation test.
That night, Iruka could not sleep - the words of the Hokage telling him to understand Naruto still lingering in his mind. He then recalls the events of 12 years ago, when his parents died fighting the tailed beast. He is woken up from his reverie by Mizuki banging on his door, telling him that Naruto has stolen the Scroll of Sealing.
The village immediately launches a search party to look for Naruto. The Scroll of Sealing is an important artifact of the village, containing powerful jutsus that could be dangerous in the wrong hands. Iruka joins the search for Naruto.
Mizuki also joins the search, but his true intentions are revealed - he wants the villagers to eliminate Naruto and take the scroll for his own use.
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Unaware of the commotion he caused, Naruto hides in the forest just outside the village, studying one of the techniques written on the scroll - the Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu. He is eventually found by a very angry Iruka. Naruto proclaims that he was able to learn one of the jutsus and that he will demonstrate it so he can finally graduate. He also reveals that it was Mizuki who told him about it. Iruka realizes that Naruto was tricked.
Mizuki suddenly shows up and attacks them. Iruka shoves Naruto away to save him so he ends up getting hit by a couple of kunais. Mizuki asks for the scroll but the injured Iruka orders Naruto not to do Mizuki’s bidding and tries to tell him that Mizuki lied just so he can get the scroll. Mizuki counters by revealing the village’s secret to Naruto - that the nine-tailed demon fox spirit is sealed inside him, the same beast that destroyed the village and killed lots of Konoha ninjas, including Iruka’s parents. 
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Mizuki then attacks Naruto but he is saved once again by Iruka, who takes the full hit of the giant shuriken. When Naruto asks him why he risked his life for him, Iruka answers that he understands him because he also grew up without parents and resorted to doing pranks and being the class clown to get the recognition he craved. He also apologized to Naruto for not doing enough to prevent the same suffering on him. However, Mizuki insists that Iruka only said that so he can get the scroll back, causing Naruto to run away.
The chase ensues. Iruka catches up on Naruto and tries to convince him to return the scroll but Naruto attacks him instead. Iruka falls to the ground and reveals himself to be actually Mizuki. In turn, Naruto reveals himself as Iruka. The real Naruto, meanwhile, hides behind a tree nearby. 
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Mizuki declares that Naruto is the same as him, because the demon fox will also use the scroll’s power for his own gain. Iruka refutes this and tells Mizuki that Naruto is not the demon fox but an exceptional ninja student of Konoha. Touched by Iruka’s belief in him, Naruto launches a surprise attack on Mizuki. He then uses the Multi-Shadow Clone Justu he learned from the scroll to take the traitor out. 
Amazed at mastering such an advanced Jutsu, Iruka finally makes Naruto a ninja of Konoha by giving him his own forehead protector. The third Hokage calls off the search, having observed all the events through his crystal ball.
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