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»_TRON LIVES_y/n?_
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Repairs and Modifications
Tarker tried to look, well, inconspicuous. It was a fairly easy task to do, looking like he belonged someplace was literally part of his code, but it was still what the Users would call “nerve-wracking.” What a nerve was and what exactly wracking entailed was a mystery to him but the concept of a situation that prompted a great deal of nervousness was very familiar.
He slunk down a side street and into a back alley, scanning the people around, trying to find someone who met the description. Or maybe they’d find him. He wasn’t super good with all these back-alley deals. He usually just took what he needed from the Occupation and left it at that. However, stealing someone who could fix his illegally customized Light Sword baton was a little, well, at the very least it was harder to do, and Tarker wasn’t particularly fond of kidnapping.
If his source was correct, he could find the weaponsmith here. Tarker was kicking himself for just taking off and not waiting to find out if there was a password or something like that. 
He pulled out his baton and fiddled with it, tossing it and catching it, trying to look like he belonged but also available if the right person saw him and had an idea of what he was looking for.
He figured if worse came to worse he could just, activate his broken weapon and let that draw this weaponsmith out.
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“Same. Better circumstances would have been preferred, all that. Now then, if I’m right, this should...”
Tarker pushed two lines of code together, and looked up hopefully.
The red strobing light and the siren was obviously not what he was looking for.
“AH! Frag! Frag frag frag frag frag, um..” His eyes darted around, looking for something, anything, finally setting on his makeshift bomb from earlier.
“I’m gonna need to make another bomb...” he mumbled as he grabbed the device and chucked it into the terminal, slamming the panel down on top of the opening. He glanced up at Talba.
“You might want to stand back. Like, a good several meters.”
Tarker flew backwards with the panel, landing a fair distance away. With the terminal now a slightly smoking mess of mangled code, every cell wall in the block shimmered out of existence, every disc unlocking at the same time.
Tarker picked himself up off the floor, tucking the panel under his arm. “EXIT’S THAT WAY! NO HESITATION AND YOU’LL ALL GET OUT FINE! Now you, Talba, come with me,” 
 He started pulling her in the opposite direction from where he pointed.
“I still need some help from someone who’s done some breaking and entering. If I wanted to, say, blow a gigabyte-sized hole in this sucker, where do you think would be the best place to do it? The bunks? Ooh, the armory. Oh! Even better, the canteen. That’ll make em mad.”
“Yes. Kind of. If I’m being honest I have precisely 11.9872% of a plan. Here, hold this.”
The cracking device was shoved toward the program he had just broke out, to enable him to use two hands on the terminal.
“I’m glad you can run, we’re going to have to in a minute. Now lessee, if they haven’t changed things then…”
Tarker flinched back from the terminal as it turned from orange to red, and made an error sound.
“Ah gridbugs. Uh, okay, guess I gotta do this the hard way. If anyone comes around that corner try to look official. Maybe tell them that we ran off, um, that way.” Tarker pointed. “That works sometimes. If it doesn’t hit them with the fracker.”
The hacking script soon had a panel off of the terminal and was poking, prodding and manipulating the code inside. He poked his head above the terminal for a moment.
“Hey, what’s your name anyway?”
   11.9872%. Lovely.
   “That’s not enough of a plan!” she hissed quickly, clumsily taking the device as he shoved it to her. Hasty plans were something she was well acquainted with, but she also liked to think that she usually had a higher percentage than that.
   How on the Grid was she supposed to look official? It was beyond obvious they weren’t Occupation, and busting open a data terminal to boot. She kept a nervous eye out for any soldiers and the like, crouched beside the terminal and praying they had both calculated the guard rounds correctly.
   “Talba,” she answered after a moment, looking over at the other program, “Nice to meet you. Sort of.”
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((if we have a thread that I have yet to reply to and you want me to continue it, just let me know and gimmie a link! I've been on hiatus for a while and just moved like, within a week, so it's likely I forgot about it!))
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Tarker was mildly curious. What was out there within those parameters right now?
"Sure. I mean, it's what I'm coded for. What in Flynn's name could there be though? Most of the Archives were recovered macrocycles ago."
Yori stood at her window over looking the city. Tron City, it was finally living up to its name once more, becoming more free, more for the Programs and Users who made them. There were a few here right then, scouting out the Grid for ISO survivors and Programs who needed saving from repurpossing, re-building the very code of the Grid to help it become more stable. The havoc that Clu had reaped upon it was extensive. It would take some time.
Giving a small smile and a sigh, she lifted her hand at her side to materialize her staff, she would go outside and see what more she could do. Being the planner, there wasn’t much she could do outside, but she wanted to help. Travelling down to corridor, she noticed something off. She looked at the wall. No, it was there. A small crack and a section lifted out, not like it was supposed to be. So she investigated further and reached around to pull the section out further.
With a little effort the piece was free, swinging by its hinges. Huh. She thought. Maybe this was put here by my Tron… Though I doubt it. I wonder who’s been using it. And with that, she went in, not knowing what she would expect.
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"Yes. Kind of. If I'm being honest I have precisely 11.9872% of a plan. Here, hold this."
The cracking device was shoved toward the program he had just broke out, to enable him to use two hands on the terminal.
"I'm glad you can run, we're going to have to in a minute. Now lessee, if they haven't changed things then..."
Tarker flinched back from the terminal as it turned from orange to red, and made an error sound.
"Ah gridbugs. Uh, okay, guess I gotta do this the hard way. If anyone comes around that corner try to look official. Maybe tell them that we ran off, um, that way." Tarker pointed. "That works sometimes. If it doesn't hit them with the fracker."
The hacking script soon had a panel off of the terminal and was poking, prodding and manipulating the code inside. He poked his head above the terminal for a moment.
"Hey, what's your name anyway?"
“I do a fair bit of breaking and entering myself. To be fair, it’s kinda in my programming.”
Tarker pulled the wires out of his mouth and stuck them into place on the device.
“Oh, this thing? Well it’s… are you familiar with the infiltration technique where you basically just overwhelm security with a ton of false positives so that the one actual program can get through while they’re all busy? This is kinda like that, but with code.”
He flipped a switch on the device, and it hummed to life.
“It puts a ton of pressure on that one weak line of code I told you about, until it’s-”
The glowing cell walls suddenly flickered out of existence. Tarker grinned, very pleased with himself.
“Forced to reboot to avoid catastrophic failure! Cmon! We’ve only got a few nanos before the cycle finishes and by the time I’d get another crack set up the guards will cycle back around.”
Grabbing his device, Tarker sprinted out from the cell, making for the main access terminal for the area of the prison they were in.
   Talba managed to peep out a confused “Maybe?” before he continued with his explanation, then jerked her head up in surprise at the cell blinking out with a handful of shocked blinks. Quite the effective hacker, indeed.
   “H-hold up!” she blurted, rushing to follow when he suddenly bolted with a squeak of her boots. She’d have to look into that hacking technique if she was able, in the future. If she made it out of this sudden prison break still rezzed.
   “I’m assuming you have a plan?” Talba called as she rushed to catch up, a handful of steps behind Taker.
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((I humbly direct you to Tronblr. There's a... fair number of us. I just ranted about Tron and how it's so underrated by everyone in a group chat full of Tron fans recently. @alwaysyori's personal blog can hook you up if you or anyone else is looking for Tron fandom.))
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Oh the pain of having no real fandom and nowhere to go to be a fan of a dead show  T_____T
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((Plz copy/paste the question too. I iz on mobile and lazy))
Uncommon Questions for OCs and their creators:
Send me a # (questions for OCs) or a letter (questions for creators) and I’ll answer
What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
How easy is it for your character to laugh?
How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)
How easy is it to earn their trust?
How easy is it to earn their mistrust?
Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable?
What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child
Do they swear? Do they remember their first swear word?
What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them?
How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)?
How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can’t quite reach?
What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color?
What animal do they fear most?
How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
What makes their stomach turn?
Are they easily embarrassed?
What embarrasses them?
What is their favorite number?
If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do so?
Why do they get up in the morning? 
How does jealousy manifest itself in them (they become possessive, they become aloof, etc)? 
How does envy manifest itself in them (they take what they want, they become resentful, etc)? 
 Is sex something that they’re comfortable speaking about? To whom? 
 What are their thoughts on marriage? 
 What is their preferred mode of transportation? 
 What causes them to feel dread? 
 Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth? 
 Do they usually live up to their own ideals? 
 Who do they most regret meeting? 
 Who are they the most glad to have met? 
 Do they have a go-to story in conversation? Or a joke? 
 Could they be considered lazy? 
 How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt? 
 How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive? 
Do they actively seek romance, or do they wait for it to fall into their lap? 
Do they have a system for remembering names, long lists of numbers, things that need to go in a certain order (like anagrams, putting things to melodies, etc)? 
What memory do they revisit the most often? 
How easy is it for them to ignore flaws in other people? 
How sensitive are they to their own flaws?
How do they feel about children? 
How badly do they want to reach their end goal? 
If someone asked them to explain their sexuality, how would they do so? 
A) Why are you excited about this character? B) What inspired you to create them? C) Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story? D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look? E) Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you? F) What do you feel when you think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)? G) What trait of theirs bothers you the most? H) What trait do you admire most? I) Do you prefer to keep them in their canon universe? J) Did you have to manipulate or exclude canon factors to allow them to create their character?
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If you thought Classic Tron was cute, Tron in the Kingdom Hearts 2 manga is the next level of adorable…
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"I do a fair bit of breaking and entering myself. To be fair, it's kinda in my programming."
Tarker pulled the wires out of his mouth and stuck them into place on the device.
"Oh, this thing? Well it's... are you familiar with the infiltration technique where you basically just overwhelm security with a ton of false positives so that the one actual program can get through while they're all busy? This is kinda like that, but with code."
He flipped a switch on the device, and it hummed to life.
"It puts a ton of pressure on that one weak line of code I told you about, until it's-"
The glowing cell walls suddenly flickered out of existence. Tarker grinned, very pleased with himself.
"Forced to reboot to avoid catastrophic failure! Cmon! We've only got a few nanos before the cycle finishes and by the time I'd get another crack set up the guards will cycle back around."
Grabbing his device, Tarker sprinted out from the cell, making for the main access terminal for the area of the prison they were in.
“Awesome. Here, catch.”
Tarker tossed the makeshift incendiary device to the program, then dropped down into her cell.
“Hi, I’m Tarker, and I’m gonna be the one who busts you outta here.”
He immediately began pulling other odds and ends off his belt and started to assemble a small structure on the corner of Talba’s cell. 
“Sorry I had to just drop in on you, but this one particular cell has a weak line of code that I’ve used to bust out before and they caught on that if I’m in THIS cell I bust out extremely fast. So this time I’m teaching them that if they put me in a different cell I bust everyone out.”
He stuck a couple wires in his mouth to free up his hands to finish up his makeshift code-cracker.
“So, what’re you in for?” he asked, his voice slightly muffled by the wires he was holding. “I got caught stealing prisoner files. Again.”
  She sputters for a moment, snatching the device out of the air despite her confusion. She can’t get a word in edgewise before he’s yammering off about busting out and weak coding, and she indignantly gawks at him with a raised eyebrow.
   Talba throws a wary look over her shoulder through the cell door, scanning for guards, but the patrol hadn’t come back through yet, thankfully. With any luck, what this Tarker program had planned would work.
   “Uhm- breaking and entering,” she stutters after a moment, blinking tightly in an attempt to refocus. It’s not a lie, as she’d been out to hack and acquire blueprints from an Occupation console downtown.
   “What exactly is that… thing you’re building?”
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come into my inbox and pretend to be me
and i’ll rate you on how accurate you are out of ten
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“Awesome. Here, catch.”
Tarker tossed the makeshift incendiary device to the program, then dropped down into her cell.
“Hi, I’m Tarker, and I’m gonna be the one who busts you outta here.”
He immediately began pulling other odds and ends off his belt and started to assemble a small structure on the corner of Talba’s cell. 
“Sorry I had to just drop in on you, but this one particular cell has a weak line of code that I’ve used to bust out before and they caught on that if I’m in THIS cell I bust out extremely fast. So this time I’m teaching them that if they put me in a different cell I bust everyone out.”
He stuck a couple wires in his mouth to free up his hands to finish up his makeshift code-cracker.
“So, what’re you in for?” he asked, his voice slightly muffled by the wires he was holding. “I got caught stealing prisoner files. Again.”
curiousmultiversetraveler said to architectprogramtalba:
Tarker slid back a grate and stuck his head down into a detainment cell similar to the one he had been in just a few nanos ago. He wasn’t about to just… SIT there. He was bustin out, and taking as many of these other detainees along with him.  "Hey. Hey you. Are you losing energy? I need you to hold something but if it comes in contact with exposed energy it could shock you. Or explode. But most likely just give you an unpleasant shock. Exploding SHOULD come later when we’re both outta here.“
   Talba jerked her head up at the sudden voice in her cell, looking up at the program in the ceiling from her seat on the floor. She blinked owlishly at him, shoulders stiff with surprise, listening intently. What in the name of…?
   The captured architect sat dumbfounded for a few moments, before slowly moving to stand and cock an eyebrow at him as she took in the situation.
   “… Nooo,” she tried, sounding skeptical. A little scuffed up, maybe, but not leaking badly enough to be any kind of problem.
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“I, uh, coded my way in. I got bored one day, wanted a place to chill, and just sorta... found this empty space in the code and hacked it to make it kinda nice. Sorry. I know I shouldn’t have. I’ll put this archive bin back once I fix it up.”
Tarker patted the bin he was still squatting on top of. It clanked hollowly, with a sound it definitely should not have. It was going to take some work. He sat down on top of it, making himself more comfortable. 
“I, uh, just wanted something to do, Yori.”
Tarker had been coded for infiltration and data retrieval. That often involved blowing things up and just breaking what he couldn’t bluff. Now though, everything was going the opposite way. More building and repairing, less blowing stuff up, running from Black Guards, getting into hair-raising scrapes that he only barely survived with all his programming intact.
Yori stood at her window over looking the city. Tron City, it was finally living up to its name once more, becoming more free, more for the Programs and Users who made them. There were a few here right then, scouting out the Grid for ISO survivors and Programs who needed saving from repurpossing, re-building the very code of the Grid to help it become more stable. The havoc that Clu had reaped upon it was extensive. It would take some time.
Giving a small smile and a sigh, she lifted her hand at her side to materialize her staff, she would go outside and see what more she could do. Being the planner, there wasn’t much she could do outside, but she wanted to help. Travelling down to corridor, she noticed something off. She looked at the wall. No, it was there. A small crack and a section lifted out, not like it was supposed to be. So she investigated further and reached around to pull the section out further.
With a little effort the piece was free, swinging by its hinges. Huh. She thought. Maybe this was put here by my Tron… Though I doubt it. I wonder who’s been using it. And with that, she went in, not knowing what she would expect.
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A friendly foot pressed down a barely seen wire, said wire pulled a pin locking a small device he’d learned was called a catapult, launching a grenade toward his hidden doorway. Moving quickly, Tarker snatched the device out of the air just inches from Yori’s face. He started to breathe a sigh of relief until he realized it was still active. 
“Gridbugs! Um, uh...”
His eyes flicked around this little makeshift sanctuary in a panic, finally settling on some reinforced storage box that he had borrowed. Tarker threw the explosive inside, threw the lid on it, and jumped on top. The contained explosion did manage to make the box jump, and he would have to clean the inside and possibly defragment a few dings, but everyone was safe. 
“Uh, Hi. Sorry about that.” He waved awkwardly at Yori. This... this was going to be a very uncomfortable conversation.
Yori stood at her window over looking the city. Tron City, it was finally living up to its name once more, becoming more free, more for the Programs and Users who made them. There were a few here right then, scouting out the Grid for ISO survivors and Programs who needed saving from repurpossing, re-building the very code of the Grid to help it become more stable. The havoc that Clu had reaped upon it was extensive. It would take some time.
Giving a small smile and a sigh, she lifted her hand at her side to materialize her staff, she would go outside and see what more she could do. Being the planner, there wasn’t much she could do outside, but she wanted to help. Travelling down to corridor, she noticed something off. She looked at the wall. No, it was there. A small crack and a section lifted out, not like it was supposed to be. So she investigated further and reached around to pull the section out further.
With a little effort the piece was free, swinging by its hinges. Huh. She thought. Maybe this was put here by my Tron… Though I doubt it. I wonder who’s been using it. And with that, she went in, not knowing what she would expect.
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Sort of! I've been without inspiration for a while.
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ooc; Out of curiosity, are there any active TRON muns/muses around anymore?
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Nickname: Demoman. ;)
Not bad. Not bad.
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