Truth. Memorize it.
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“She has the moon in her mind, that’s why stars spill off her lips.”
— Camille. -s.p
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Here I am...
So when I began this here spot I had all intentions to update about my nursing school progress. Well as y’all can see it didn’t happen. I had way too much going in. Life, full time job, kids and husband, and nursing school don’t leave you with much time for anything.
However I graduated in December, and passed NCLEX in late February!!! It’s been surreal. To have finally finished.
So now that I have time I figured I could dedicate some to this. Possibly talk about my nursing school experience still, NCLEX and job hunting. So if anyone has any questions in regards to all that feel free to ask.
Last thing, I feel like I need to change the blog name now since I went from future nurse to well nurse. But what to? 🤔
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This guy comes in to the ER with chest pain and you won’t believe what happens
Full cardiac workup plus full PMH and PSH. Trop and 2hr trop negative. EKGs show NSR. Turns out they have an inherited disorder that predisposes them to develop blood clots. They take Coumadin, or rather they’re supposed to take it. The significant other rats then out and says the patient stopped taking it.
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So naturally they get a CT scan and guess what? Go ahead. You’ll never guess.
The scan reveals a dissected aortic aneurysm. DISSECTED. AORTIC. ANEURYSM.
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Oh. But it gets better. Name two things that don’t go well together. Here, I’ll help: dissected aortic aneurysm and Coumadin. Yeah. Bad. Not good. But remember, this patient stopped taking their Coumadin.
I know what you’re thinking: how is this patient living if their aorta dissected? A clot. This patient had a massive clot sitting at the dissected section of the aorta, preventing them from bleeding out.
And they wanted to go home and follow up with their cardiologist on Monday. To which I replied…
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We don’t have cardio-thoracic coverage, so we ended up transferring this patient. But, damn, what a hell of a case.
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So I've been MIA here for a bit because life has just been nuts. Let me start by saying that I passed my 3red semester. Honestly I didn't think I would. My Abuela had been having health problems for awhile, passed away the weekend before finals. She was on hospice before doing so and I didn't have it in me to do anything. I couldn't. I just wanted to spend all my time with her, enjoying her last moments here. Thankfully my friends, my nursing school family helped me through all this. They encouraged me, they called and texted me, they studied with me via phone even though they had taken their final already. I'm blessed to have so many amazing people in my life. Now I have summer assignments to do before going into my last semester. I'm nervous, scared and excited. It's been a long journey, I still have more to go but I see the light at the end of the tunnel.
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Some nearly forgotten spreads from April/early May!
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As a student, the most comforting words you’ll ever hear are “i haven’t started either”
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Also 5pm lecture, after coming straight from work.
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Confession: When I’m having a tough time at work, I sing my own version of “Starboy” in my head...
Every day a patient try to test me, ah Every day a patient try to end me, ah
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After studying 6 hours straight
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Everyday of nursing school
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18 days until IB finals | 15.10.16
Today I finished revising the Biology core, started Maths Options practice, and caught up on Chemistry notes. I’m feeling really good about my progress with these three subjects!
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Happy new year!! Here’s another notes I took today. 💗💗
Studygram: @natastudies
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Popular apps perfect for students
Staying on top of all your to-dos, errands, tasks and due dates can get complicated but luckily there is an app for everything! If you’re looking for app to wake you up in a morning, manage your priorities or soothe your anxiety, you’ve come to the right place. Here is a list of all the top apps that students are using:
Planner Pro
Remember The Milk
Google Calendar
Pocket Schedule - Class Schedule, Homework Planner
AwesomeNote2 - All in One Organiser
The Homework App - Your Class Assignment & Timetable Schedule Planner
My Study Life
Calendars by Readdle - Event and Task Manager
Class Timetable
Due - Reminders, Countdown Timers
Do! - The Best of Simple To Do Lists
Workflow: Powerful Automation Made Simple
Glass Planner
Tide - Stay focused, be peaceful
Focus Keeper
Productive habits and daily goal tracker
Plant Nanny
Note taking
Microsoft OneNote
Boximize - Structured notetaking, personal database, form builder, manager and organiser
RefME - Referencing Made Easy
Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock
Sleep Genius
Rain Rain
Pillow: The sleep cycle alarm clock for sleep tracking
Sleepytime Sleep Scheduler
Mental health and self care
Stop, Breathe & Think: Meditation and Mindfulness
Pacifica - Anxiety, Stress, & Depression relief
Calm: Meditation techniques for stress reduction
Moodnotes - Thought Journal/Mood Diary
7 Cups Anxiety, Stress & Depression Chat & Therapy
Health and fitness
Sweat with Kayla - Fitness & Bikini Body Workouts
Yoga Work Out
7-minutes workout
Waterlogged - Drink More Water, Daily Water Intake Tracker and Hydration Reminders
Pocketbook Personal Finance Expense Tracker
Splitwise - Split bills and expenses the easy way
Pocket Expense - Personal Finance Assistant
Daily Budget Original Pro - Saving Is Fun!
The Coupons App
Hope this helps! x
64K notes · View notes
me when anyone mentions finals or any of the other responsibilities i’ve been steadily ignoring:
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