I owe everyone a long overdue explanation to why there hasn’t been chapter updates in so long.
I’m not sure whenever I’ll continue the fic. I had hopes earlier this year, but I lost my channel due to copyright strikes caused by hateful ex friends, and last year was utter hell for me. I’m willing to give up the story for adoption if anyone is interested. I’m mainly focusing on my channel which is my bigger priority. I’m sorry to let everyone of you down. I’ll leave DMS open if anyone wants to reach out to me.
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If you think for 10 seconds that Fleetway is straight, and would get with AMY- omfg no. Fleet is a non-binary genderless being with no reproductive abilities and would totally, have a gay panic for a guy. Keep that heteronormivity off my blog!! Thanks for reading my TED talk.
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Sonic Unleashed was always a good game, you guys were just mean in 2008
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AU where Sonic’s werehog form doesn’t completely disappear after the events of Unleashed :0
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i could be doing things that are productive but instead im drawing sonic
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Curse of the Dark Emerald, Chapter 7.
Welcome back! Enjoy! Let’s see what Robot Eggman and Stone will do next! And here is the CHAPTER  AND “MOMENT” YOU ALL HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR!!!
“You saw that right, Agent Stone?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Not that you’re very observant as I am, but I assume you’re thinking what I’m thinking, right?”
“Yeah, from what the robot’s memory chip recorded, Sonic has displayed tremendous strength and agility than ever before.”
The two men after Sonic’s life had just finished reviewing the footage of the battle with Sonic and the robots, Robotnik paid attention to every tiny detail from start to finish. The video was captured from the perspective of a different robot that was observing from afar. The last scene shown before leaving was Sonic ripping its chest open. 
“What do you think has caused him to suddenly be better in fighting?” Stone timidly asks but his curiosity was too high to be afraid to ask his boss.
“That should be obvious,” Robotnik’s metallic voice shudders with a cold malice, “That jewel he found last night.. must have a lot to do with it, and my theory is..”
Stone turned in his seat to hear, “What?”
“It’s his fear. I, who loathes all human emotions and lack of them myself; I understand how they work at least. When you took away some of his soul, something new and powerful was awakened in his psyche to cause that transformation.”
Stone’s eyes widened in stunned fascination. “You know what, when we track Sonic down I was thinking, what if..”
“No no, let me say it.” Robotnik silences Stone with his fingers, “Because I want to first, we need to find him in that form and take that jewel back.”
“So we’re on the same page!” Stone skips in his seat and grins. “When you do get that thing back, what’s the plan?”
Robotnik’s red eyes clicked and flicker; “We will crush him and harness its power of course!”
Robotnik looks at the desk clock by Stone, it reads 4:38 pm. Dusk was an hour and a half away.
“We will set out to confront the Wachowski resident at sunset, if my theory is correct, the creature will put on a little show for me.”
Stone gulps a knot in his throat, he didn’t know if it was anticipation or the lingering guilt that was haunting him in the back of his mind.
Back at the house and sitting in the kitchen, Tom and Wade sat at the bar table, Tom helped himself to some coffee and Wade had his own glass of water. Sonic was upstairs taking a quick rest from the fight, in which earlier he was afraid to do so…
An hour before...
“I am exhausted, but are you sure?” Sonic was at the bottom of the attic staircase and hesitated to go to his room, still worried about more bots coming to attack,
“If any of those things show up we’ll take care of it; but we’ll wake you up if it’s too much.” Tom bent down to rub the young worried hedgehog on the ears,
 “You’ve dealt with a lot of hell and I’m more concerned about you than them, so please, get some sleep, Sonic.”
Wade looks into his partners eyes, both curiosity and his own worry mixed in his being. While Sonic slept in his room, Tom quietly told Wade the events that took place from the first hour of the night before at the dinner table, to where they sat now. He filled Wade in with everything he wanted to know. 
“So, from what you’ve explained something’s happening to the kid? Is he dying? Or sick maybe?”
Tom grinned and became a bit amused with his friends guess, 
“No, he’s not dying, I’ll probably have Mads take another look at him, but he’s…I don’t know how to explain it, but there’s definitely something going on with him that I don’t fully understand…yet.”
Wade gazes at the black Chaos Emerald on the table, now knowing what it was and its capabilities, he had a really bad feeling about it. 
“This emerald-thingy was causing all those strange lights in the other town huh? Makes me ask now, where are the other ones; he mentioned there’s more..”
“I don’t know that, either.” Tom gently grasps his coffee mug and let the liquid inside warm his hands, “They could be right under our noses, or scattered across the universe.” 
“And, the kid isn’t the type to be easily pissed off, right?” Wade glanced at the spot where Sonic’s room was located upstairs. 
“Yeah, pretty much.”
A humming from the garage rumbled the door leading to it following the engine of Maddie’s car rolling in, she was now getting home.
Both men look at each other, “I’ll tell her everything, and what are you going to do in town?” Tom asks.
“Well, I know everyone else is probably wondering where I am.. and I should head back, but I don’t want to leave you guys alone; what if that crazy guy who’s after you shows up? I still haven’t forgotten what he did to the staff months ago.” Wade shrugs one shoulder at him.
“You have a good point. Stay if you want to. We just need to make sure Sonic is safe.” Tom nods in agreement.
Maddie enters through the door, still wearing her vet scrubs and immediately, sees her husband and Wade, in her brain she assumed something bad was going on and hastily drops her belongings down, 
“What did I miss? Is Sonic okay?”
“He’s upstairs,” Tom replies.
“Has he been up there since I left this morning?” Now, she was really worried.
“No, no. Me and him went out for some food, but..Maddie..” 
Tom didn’t know where to begin to explain what was going on first.
“That crazy government guy is back and he’s after Sonic and Tom again.” Wade finished it for his friend.
Maddie’s jaw drops.
“Oh my god.” She sighs loudly, “But how? I saw you two send him off in a portal!” She rubbed her forehead and could feel the oncoming headache in her skull.
“We don’t know, but that’s not it, he’s brought in a bunch of mechanical looking Sonics with him and they ambushed the diner today.” Wade added.
“Oh my god…” Maddie repeated herself and not only was she worried now but angry. She put the pieces together and understood now..that evil doctor was responsible for Sonic’s injuries.
Tom gets up and put his arm on her, “I know he can defend himself, but he’s not only injured, I’m worried about his mental well-being.”
Maddie nodded and looked down at the floor, “But what’ll we do? He’s gonna come ruining the house again, and I’ll clock his lights out if he does.” 
Wade bent his neck back and made a soft chuckle to himself. Yep that’s like Maddie. 
“Pretzel lady?”
All three adults turned to the voice by the kitchen entryway, and Sonic grinned at his motherly guardian, and in a blink of an eye he was hugging her legs.
“Hey, sweetie. Are you okay?” Maddie bent down and rubbed her hands on his back quills.
“Sorta. I tried to sleep, but I’m too nervous about Eggman.” Sonic fumbled his fingers and his glove was still ripped from the battle earlier. 
Tom looked at the kitchen clock, it read 5:40 pm, 30 minutes till the sun was leaving. 
“Hold still for me, will you Sonic? I just want to check you again.” 
Maddie saw the new scuffles and cuts on Sonic’s arms and face, and he did as he was told. 
“Does this hurt here?” Maddie puts pressure on his fingers and forearm to check for any broken bones.
“No, I’m fine. Really.” Sonic shrugged and forced a smile, “It’s just a few scratches.”
“If you say so.” Maddie pats his head, and looks at Tom and Wade.
“So, what’s the plan?”
Tom looks at Wade quickly then back at his wife, “I really don’t know, egg-guy or whatever could be coming back anytime now and we should be on guard.”
“I’ll step up on that,” Sonic inserts a serious tone and points his thumb to his chest,
“Remember, it’s me he’s after and he can’t catch up to me no matter how fancy his robots are, but I need you all to know this…”
The three adults listened intently and Sonic jumps to grab the tainted Chaos Emerald, displaying it to them in his ripped up gloved hand;
“I have to fix this. No matter how you put it, I’m mostly to blame for making the Emerald turn into this and we have to restore its powers. When these become messed up, I was told by Longclaw bad things can happen.”
Tom was going to make a response but a loud bang on the front door interrupted the conversation.
Both Tom and Wade took their guns in hand, Tom made a silent signal to Maddie, and she understood what it meant: take cover.
The two adults and with Sonic right behind them inches closer to the door, readying for what could be outside. Maddie takes herself and Ozzy to a hiding place in silence. Ozzy could sense the tension from his owners and knew to be silent and on guard for Maddie as well. 
Another loud knock hits the door, Wade and Tom take each side, and Tom shouts,
“This is the Sheriff of Green Hill! Who is it!?”
No answer.
“It’s obviously a trap, you know that right?” Sonic throws his hands, warning them.
“Identify yourself! If you don’t we’ll take precautions if you’re a threat!” Tom yells again, and glances at Wade.
“On count of three…”
Wade nods.
Sonic positions himself with one hand on the floor, ready to stop any oncoming attack and enemy awaiting…
“One, two…”
Tom grasps the door-knob.
Tom shoves the door open with he and Wade aiming to whatever could be outside, 
But nothing. They scan around for anything or anyone but see nothing in sight.
“I’m getting sick of this…”
Sonic, whose head was bowed down and eyes covered in shadow, runs ahead of the two and shouts, 
“You coward!! Come out and fight me already!!” 
The sun was halfway set on the horizon, and not far from it..the full moon was soon going to take its place…
“I’m sick and tired of playing these games, Egghead! I’ll kill you!”
Sonic stops himself and puts his hand on his mouth, shaken by the words that came out. 
Tom and Wade still kept guard but they too were now really worried about what Sonic could be capable of, but it wasn’t the time and place to dwell on it.
“Very well, Sonic!”
A voice, that voice…Sonic and Tom immediately recognized it; callous and mocking with a hint of amusement.
A few of the dark blue robots finally hover downwards to them, their arms and hands pose and reveal their weapons aimed at the three, their red eyes piercing them down. 
In the center of them all, a figure with another pair of red circular eyes glow in the darkness, a man with his hands tucked behind his back, snidely chuckling at them like a giddy child.
“Glad to see you’re alive and well.”
“So you finally show up, Eggman.” 
Sonic gives the most angry glare he could muster at the doctor, shaking his fist at him, “I don’t want to prolong this any more than I have to. Let’s get it over with.”
Sonic runs in a blue flash straight at Robotnik, intending to punch his face..but the attempt became slack and Sonic’s expression turns confused; Robotnik was quick enough to catch this and stops his fist from reaching him and threw the teen back, Sonic yelled in surprise and falls on his back, stunned. He sits up,
“You’re…not Eggman…you’re a robot, too?!”
“Correct. I was created to take his place if something were to ever happen to him. And here I am.” Robot Eggman bowed with one arm outstretched,
“Now, there’s something I need from you, before you worry your little heart about attacking, first..”
Tom and Wade also yelped in surprise from behind Sonic, the two of them were pinned down by unsuspecting robots to the ground, they struggled to free themselves but the mechanical copies held a death grip on them. 
“Donut Lord!” 
“Sonic, don’t worry about us! For just this once, run and save yourself!” Tom begs.
                  Hearing that…something in Sonic’s mind snaps…
Hide. You can’t save them. 
You’re only good at running and avoiding your problems…
You don’t need them...
The black Chaos Emerald Sonic dropped on the ground pulsates, a little red, glowing light from its center begins to show. The sun was now gone…
Tom and Wade stopped struggling and froze, Sonic’s voice.., it was dark, guttural, and thunderous. The very sound of his voice alone seemed to make the air crack. Sonic never felt this much bitterness towards something and he didn’t have a sliver of care this time of how he looked and sounded like. He just wanted to rip into something..
They saw his eyes flash red at them, 
“I’m tired of running away, and listening to you, Tom.”
Wade gulps in stunned silence, his stomach dropped in a knot seeing Sonic’s face so grim. 
“I’ll handle this myself, since you have such little faith in me.” Sonic spat with venom at his best friend.
The corners of Tom’s eyes started to water with tears. He wasn’t hurt from what Sonic said, but was so scared for him…
“What’s happened to you, buddy?”
“Are you done talking?” Eggman asks in a bored tone while looking at his hand, waiting.
Sonic takes a few steps forward, his teeth revealing his small fangs, 
“Shut up. I’ll tear you to pieces..”
The full moon illuminated its cold light just behind the robotic doctor, the man was waiting for it..
“You just wait until I-“ Sonic stops in his tracks and lurches forward, his chest and heart throbbed in pain so hard it makes him fall to his knees.
“What’s the matter? Having some heartache over the fact you’re weak?”
Sonic could barely hear Eggman, he held himself up with his hands on the ground, his body was stopping him from moving any further and he grunted and tried to take deep breaths to calm his panic and hold back his pain.
“Urrghh! Agghh!”
“Sonic!?” Tom cries out and he knew he was helpless to do anything.
                               “Show me your true self, hedgehog..”
Sonic screams in pain and fear as his body once again begins to shift and morph. His gloves rip open to reveal the long sharp claws growing out, white fur pricks out of his wrists, his short fangs extend past his lips as his fur darkens to midnight blue, his shoes blossom out the metal spikes again and his quills become dipped in white tips..and finally with a tortured howl, the newly transformed Sonic sets his green slit eyes at his enemy…he groans angrily;
“What have you done to me, Eggman!!?”
“Don’t blame me, this is all in the good name of science.”
“I’m seeing everything on my end, Doctor.”
In a different area Agent Stone was watching on surveillance, “What now?”
Eggman didn’t reply to his assistant and and claps his metal hands together,
“I’m done here for now. I’ve collected all the information that I needed to see.”
The robots who held down Wade and Tom finally release them and fly off towards Eggman. The two with their guns in hand standby if they were to attack at any point. Sonic, still staring down his enemy, was livid, of course. 
“Now listen carefully, if I may call you “werehog”, you can find me at the same place you found your precious little diamond from last night, we can finally settle our conversation from there.”
Eggman turns and walks away, not before with a few final words, “Bring me the jewel and I may spare your friend’s lives and to make it a sweeter deal, I’ll cure you of your curse. Hahaha!”
He continuously laughs as he makes his leave and disappears into the darkness, the robots along with him.
Wade, who let out a breath he was holding clutched his chest, “Oh my gosh, I really thought I was gonna..”
He stops himself and runs back to the house, “Hey, Maddie! Are you okay in there?” 
Tom finally comes to Sonic’s side, who was looking at the ground, angry…but most of all, frightened. 
“Tom…” Sonic’s voice shakes with fear,
“Hey, it’s okay for now, he’s gone.”
Sonic looks at his hands, which tremble and shake, tears threatening to fall from his eyes. His claws gleamed in the moonlight. 
“What’s..what’s happening to me? I don’t know what to do..”
Sonic looks into Tom’s greenish blue eyes,
“I’m scared…”
Tom put aside all his own fears, frustrations and concerns for himself, right now he knew Sonic needed the one thing to calm him down…
“It’s okay. Everything’s gonna be alright..” Tom gets to knee height and embraces Sonic into a firm hug.
Sonic’s chin cupped on top of his shoulder, his face and eyes cloaked in so much fear…till finally his tears fell and were released. Sonic returns the hug back and sobs onto Tom’s uniform. His cries echoed into the empty night.
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Curse of the Dark Emerald, Chapter 6.
Sorry for the wait! Like I mentioned I’m doing full time running a YouTube channel where making 3-4 videos a week is very time consuming! But here it is, and enjoy! 
“Wade, hurry up! We got multiple shots fired here at the diner and citizens are at risk!”
“I hear you, and I’m on my way!”
Wade Whipple drove steady pace in his patrol car to give aid to his friend on his radio, he made a sharp turn on the main road of the town; he was a few blocks away from the restaurant. A few moments later he could see for himself what was happening;
Glass was everywhere on the ground and people close by showed concern and fear; Wade heard the rest of his partners just from behind and left their own  vehicles and didn’t hesitate to block any curious crowds getting closer with their arms and body. 
“I don’t see the suspects…better hurry.”
Wade grabbed his gun and made sure it was loaded..when a bang on his side window made him jump in fright; a ball of blue fur and a loud moan was followed after;
“Ugh, that hurt more than the first time.”
Sonic winced from being thrown against the patrol car, one eye shut and the other making daggers at the robotic enemy who tossed him out of the building. He slid to the ground and the car door he hit was bent and buckled a little bit. 
Wade rolled his window down halfway; “Hey, are you okay-?”
Sonic didn’t hear the police officers’ concern and dashed towards the robot, eager to stop and finish him. 
I have to get it away from everyone..
“Hey! Fake me, over here!”
Sonic ran to make enough distance but made sure to not go too fast, he looked from behind and sure enough it was doing exactly what he needed. He stood in the middle of a four way lane. Sonic stops and looks around for any more people around and it’s clear. The robot hovered a few feet off the ground, Sonic was confident he was going to finish it off quickly,
Until two more showed up.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me…” Sonic grinded his teeth and gave the new robots a mad look, annoyed. 
Tom manages to catch up to his friend on the other side of the block, Wade next to him and three other police officers, guns in hands and aiming at the robots. 
“Sonic! Are you alright!?” Tom calls out with one hand on the side of his mouth.
“I’m fine!” Sonic threw a hand at him and kept his eyes on the enemy. “Just stay there and I’ll handle this!”
Tom listened to his order and lowered his weapon slightly, surprised. Not by what Sonic said, but the way he said it; it was like the time back at the house from earlier, agitated. Usually, Sonic was overly confident and played everything off like a little game, but this was different. It didn’t feel right to Tom. But he kept his sights on the flying robots in the air. His partners were doing the same as he was doing.
Sonic cracks his hands and chuckles to himself, “You really think just because there’s more of you panheads, I’m gonna give up..?”
He runs and leaps at the robot in the middle, the same one that began the attack at the diner,
“Take this!” 
Feeling all the adrenaline rush to his head, he made impact to its eye-plate, sending it back but for only a second, the robot makes its retaliation and pulls Sonics arm forward and throwing him in the air and punching him back in the face, Sonic falls to the asphalt and didn’t waste time preparing to move again, his leg supporting him up and hands on the ground, he makes a cartwheel back just in time to avoid lasers and new bullets being produced at him. The other two robots were right behind him ready to grab, but Sonic instead with all his strength takes BOTH of them in his hands and slams them in the ground so hard making large cracks; Sonic yells a with a loud grunt, their bodies make whirring and clicking sounds and they twitch, but didn’t get up. Sonic pants heavily for a moment, grinning mischievously at his accomplishment, and puts his attention on the last robot, who only stared back unfazed.
All the citizens and officers watching him cheered and applauded for Sonic, Wade kept his guard up still having his gun aimed at the robot still staring down at Sonic; Tom however was silent and still kept looking at his friend. 
“Was he always that strong?”
Something in Tom’s gut was saying Sonic was acting more unusual than ever before, he could see a grim, and angrier glint in the hedgehogs green orbs.. in all the time Tom met him in the garage that day, was unlike anything he’d known. 
“You gonna make me wait till my next birthday? or you going to move?” Sonic makes a new stance and growls a bit at the robot, challenging it.
The said robot took one step forward, a loud clunk from its head echoed, a bullet was shot from one of the officers, the robot gives a menacing stare at the group of men in its response, some of the men glance at the shooter, who proudly announces, 
“Ha! Got him! Hey kid, why don’t you let us take it from here?”
Sonic whipped his head at the man, his small fangs bared at all of them and hissed; “I said stay out of this! This guy is mine!” 
Everyone froze from Sonic’s harsh response and gaped. 
“I’m not in the mood to protect all of you and I can’t guarantee that you’ll be safe, so again stay out of my way, or you’re going down with it..!”
Tom no longer could hold his gun up and stood baffled, and stunned by how he was acting. What’s up with him? It isn’t like him to get so riled up..
Sonic noticed how harsh he was speaking, he regretted it, but he didn’t have the time to think about it, he shook his head and got ready to attack the robot…
But instead to his shock, the robot went for the group of men. It saw them as a new threat to destroy.
“Oh no!” 
Sonic followed after it with no trouble and while trying to reach for one of its legs, the police officers scrambled to get away, the only one who stood in place was the officer who shot first at its head earlier was frozen in fear and fired more shots, narrowly missing Sonic’s own head! Sonic was now on its back and furiously tried to hold it back from getting to the man, and now it was back in the air trying to wriggle him off.
“Sonic!” Tom called out to him, he dared not to interfere like he asked, but even if he tried to shoot the robot, there was no way he could promise not to accidentally shoot Sonic.
Sonic and the robot threw more punches at another in mid-air and tugged at each other’s heads, the robots metal fingers had clawed onto Sonics already scratched up arms and making new fresh cuts, with a new furious roar, Sonic put his hands around its shoulders,
“I’ve.. had..ENOUGH!”
Sonic bared his teeth and fangs at the robot, he and it glaring at each other trying to take another out…but Sonic finally manages to grab its head…and pulling and tearing it off its body. But he didn’t stop there: his fingers protruded through his gloves with longer claws poking out of the tips, and shoved his hand into the robots chest cavity. Growling angrily, he jumps off its frame and lands on his feet, the robot’s mangled body falls simultaneously, it’s head rolls to his feet and meets with his red shoes.
Sonic kicks it, making it tumble a few feet away, huffs and takes his moment to catch his breath. He was too riled up to notice the police men and townspeople applauding once more and giving him compliments. As glad he was that it was over…
“Hey, uh..good job.”
Sonic’s cold expression from the battle softens after seeing Tom, along with Wade standing next to him. 
“Heh, thanks. Just doing what’s right, really.” Sonic makes an awkward one side grin at the men and rubs his arm.
“Hey Tom, mind maybe filling me in on what’s been up with you two?” Wade hits his friends back as a playful jab. 
“Uh..yeah.” Tom wrinkles his nose and looks at Sonic, “Let’s head home, there’s still lots of stuff we should talk about and explain.”
“Sure, and even though I hate water, just this once I agree I should take a bath.” Sonic makes his typical chuckle that Tom was more familiar with;
Seeing him now, Tom was glad for the time being he was going back to his usual self, but the images of the fight and different demeanor during it.. still haunted him. 
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Curse of the Dark Emerald, chapter 5.
Welcome back to Dark Emerald now lets see how Sonic and Tom are holding up! 
After the shocking discovery of Sonic being found injured on the front of the house, Tom put all his priorities on hold. Maddie had rushed out of bed to treat and bandage Sonic who was still unconscious as she took care of him. Now after 9 am and three hours after Sonic was taken in he was lying in Tom and Maddie’s room. His arms and legs were covered in wraps with small flecks of blood blotting through the materials.
Tom sat at the kitchen bar on the phone; with his colleague.
“Hey Wade, it’s me.”
“Yeah, what’s up?”
“I’m sorry I haven’t come in yet, there’s been an emergency.”
A pause from the other end came, “Are you okay? Did someone break into your house-?”
“No,no. It’s uh..Sonic. He had an accident, and I’m still here watching him. I’m not sure if I’m gonna come in later, but I have to make sure he’s okay..”
“Sonic? The hedgehog-kiddo?” Wade’s voice becomes coated in concern.
“Yeah, I’m trying to sort it out and I really can’t leave him-“
“Don’t worry man, you’re the boss and you do what needs to be done, alright?” Wade on the other end sitting at his desk fumbles with a pen nervously, wondering how bad it was but only listened to his best friend to show support.
“Okay, thanks. I’ll talk to you later.”
“Keep me posted, I’ll be waiting, bro.”
Tom hangs up, and cups his face in worry. He truly had a scare earlier and thought the worst had happened again to Sonic…
“Hey, honey.”
Maddie came to his side and wrapped her arm around him, “I checked on him and he’s stable.”
“Thanks for that.” Tom forces a smile to show his gratitude.
“I made sure there’s nothing broken, he’s just scratched and cut all over. But what happened?”
Tom sighed with a heavy breath, “I really don’t know. And that’s what’s killing me. I had stayed up almost all night worrying about Sonic and my hunch was right.”
Tom cups his hands together, squeezing them and putting them against his chin, the wave of guilt fluttering in his chest almost makes him choke with a knot in his throat.
“We-no, I should’ve checked his room last night, I…god damn it…”
“Shhhh,” Maddie wraps both her arms on Tom, “I should’ve said it sooner too. We’re both at fault, here. But at least now, we know he’ll be okay and he’s still alive!”
Tom tried to feel a little better, and her reassurance did put him at ease but only a little.
I don’t wanna tell her about what I saw, not yet…how Sonic looked like when he was on the ground…
“But, that’s not all when I found him.”
Tom gets up, and across the table picked up a black-colored jewel in his hand and holds it to his wife, “This was with him.”
Maddie furrows her eyebrows and takes the blackened jewel and looks over it, “What is this?”
“I don’t know.” Tom shook his head, “But my guess it might be why he snuck off without saying anything to us.”
“Well…it is kinda pretty, I admit.” Maddie smiles just a little at the item, but deep down in her mind, holding this mysterious gem was giving her a cold feeling, and as if she was going to be pulled into a black pit, it was unsettling.
Maddie put it on the table and sighs. “I have to get to work now, I want to stay but-“
“Mads, it’s fine. I’ll be here for him.”
“I know, but if anything happens call me, alright?” Maddie kisses Tom on the lips and he happily accepts it.
“I will, he’s my responsibility more than ever.” 
The two smile again at each other, Maddie takes her purse and keys and heads to the garage and closes the door behind her.
Tom was about to go upstairs then remembered the black gem on the table, realizing it was important; he took it with him. Tom enters his room and Sonic was still asleep, his body laying on his back giving full view of his head and face. The sight of the bandages on his limbs still hurt to see for Tom. Ozzy was also on the bed, comfortable by Sonic, watching him. 
Tom took a chair and set it on the bedside, watching his best friend like a hawk and afraid to take his eyes off. 
Tom saw Sonic’s lips curl down, showing his short fangs as they gritted together, realizing Sonic was probably having a nightmare. 
“Please, no..!”
Tom puts his hand on Sonic’s arm  to reassure him, when Sonic jumps up awake, his green eyes turning bright cold blue; he growled menacingly and his head flickers his blue electricity…
“Sonic! it’s me! It’s okay!” Tom holds his hands up to show nothing was a threat to calm the young hedgehog;
Sonic took one look at his guardians face and his powers eases up. 
“Hey, bud. Are you alright-?” 
Sonic pushed the blankets off and threw himself into Tom’s chest, trying to hold back his sobs, “I thought I wouldn’t see you again…!”
Tom wasn’t going to hold back himself and hugged him, finally resting his fears, “You’re okay, it’s gonna be alright, you’re safe…”
As embarrassing as it was, Sonic let himself weep softly into Tom’s uniform shirt, he had terrible nightmares and the memory of being tortured from just hours ago shook his core. The two stayed like this for only a couple minutes, but to Sonic, it felt like an eternity.
“Oh, right!” Sonic gasps and lets go and scans the room, his eyes going in all directions, “Are we under attack, or anything-?”
“Woah, slow down, what’s wrong now?”
“It’s…its’ Eggman! He’s come back!” Sonic stands on his feet holding his fists, his eyes flickered with anger, “He found me and I managed to get out-”
“What??” Tom stood up stunned,” “He’s back? But I thought-”
“Are you listening? He caught me and took the Chaos Emerald and used its power against me!” Sonic yelled back in anger. 
“Hey, I hear you! But “Chaos Emerald?” Is this the thing you’re talking about?”
Tom picks up the black emerald to Sonic, “This was with you when I found you outside.”
Sonic stares intensely at the tainted gem…then he snarls in disgust and slaps the emerald out of Tom’s hand with such force that Tom didn’t predict he would do that he flinched, making the emerald fall on the bed close to Ozzy.
“Ouch! What was that for-!”
“That stupid Emerald turned me into this and you’re not listening, or helping me!” Sonic accused and pointed his short claw at Tom,
Only for his expression to be replaced with shock and guilt.
“Sonic, what’s wrong? I don’t understand what’s going on here..” Tom rubbed his hand but was more concerned about the abrupt change of Sonic’s behavior..
Sonic sat back down on the back, not looking at him. His mouth curls inwards and purses, obviously guilty for treating his friend the way he did just a moment ago.
“I’m sorry. I don’t know why I did and said that. I was scared.”
“It’s okay.” Tom takes the Emerald and put it out of sight from Sonic to prevent upsetting him again.
Tom sat back into his chair,
“Start from the bottom, I know you left without telling me what was on your mind, and then what happened?”
Sonic’s eyes darted in different directions again, his mouth moved but no words were forming.
“It’s alright, I’m not going to be mad at you. I just want the truth, Sonic.” 
Immediately assured he wasn’t going to be punished in any way, Sonic explained everything that happened in a matter of a few minutes, in almost disturbing detail. By the time he finished, Tom’s arms and hands twitched the entire time, not from fear, but anger. He stood up and paces around and sighs heavily,
“That son of a..” He refrained from letting out what he was obviously wanting to say.
“This is my fault, and I made you worry.” Sonic’s voice trembled, deeply apologetic.
“We’ve been over it, how would we know that psycho was going to come back for you?”
“The thing is, I had to go and find the Chaos Emerald, before it could be used in the wrong of ways..”
“That, right? Just to be clear?” Tom points at the black emerald on the nightstand, “What is it, exactly?”
“A Chaos Emerald, it can be used to improve anyone’s abilities, and there’s more than one..there’s 7 of them. Those lights in the news? This one was causing all that.”
“And you just happened to know where it was?”
“Yeah, and then…”Sonic pauses,
“I don’t know what happened but after that Stone guy made the Emerald go black, my brain went out like a light and I don’t remember a whole lot before I made it to the house…”
Tom played the image of Sonic on the ground looking a little different, but decided against mentioning it in case it might upset him again, then an idea came.
“Why don’t we go out? We’ve been gloomy for the last hour and it’s making me sad and hungry. And we can talk more about all that later.”
Sonic for the first time since being awake, smiles with excitement, “Really? Yeah, let’s go!”
But Sonic froze again and frowns, “But what if Eggman is out there? We-”
“Don’t worry, you and I know what to do if he shows his mug.” Tom chuckles with confidence, “We’ve both had a scare so let’s just wait it out for now, and relax.”
“Yeah, lets! By the way, where is Maddie?” Sonic makes a little bounce on the bed before jumping down.
“She’s working, and she patched you up.” Tom opens the door to let himself and Sonic out. 
“Cool, I hope it didn’t make her worry too much.” Sonic saw that his red shoes were just a few inches away from himself and started to put them back on.
“I’ll let her know that you’re alright.” Tom pats Sonic’s head.
The two were getting ready to leave then Sonic looked at his hands;
“Hey, do you have any spare gloves?”
“Maybe, why?”
“Uh, I’m just…uncomfortable without any on and I don’t know where my other ones are.”
“Sure, let me check.” Tom went to the closet which was slightly disorganized from supplies and jackets blocking some of the way.
He pulls out a stash of gloves in a box and shows which ones Sonic liked, and he picks a pair that were similar to his old white ones. 
“You good now?”
“Yeah.” Sonic moves his fingers in the new, unfamiliar material but it would do for the time being. 
It was now after 12 and Sonic and Tom sat patiently for their food in a diner; which happened to be at the same place where Sonic and the evil Dr. Robotnik has their battle just outside on the street. Sonic was always a bit proud to have that memory of defending the town that night, but now it just made him a little anxious, so he tried to avoid looking at that street. Tom on the other side of the table across from him was on his phone, texting Maddie on Sonic’s condition to let her know he was fine. From time to time, people who were familiar with Sonic greeted him and asked what happened to him with the obvious bandages on his arms, to which the young teen would giggle and smile at them saying it wasn’t anything to worry about.
Finally, the waitress brings their requested food and says to enjoy themselves; Tom ordered a brisket burger and Sonic had Mac and cheese with fries. As they ate Tom saw how much more relaxed and happier Sonic was with his food and less tense than before. Which made him glad but he needed to help him with the problems awaiting just outside the doors.
“Sorry there weren’t any chili dogs.”
Sonic waves his hand, “It’s fine, I’ll eat anything at this point.”
After they both finished Tom put his phone away and began to ask, “I want to talk to you about that Emerald, if it’s okay with you? I don’t want to make you upset or anything.”
Sonic’s eyebrows move up and he forces a little chuckle, “Go ahead, I knew you were going to.”
“Alright. So how do we fix it? You said earlier that it’s not supposed to be so dark.”
“My only bet is if we find Eggman and force him to change it back; but that’s not going to be easy.” Sonic folded his arms and huffs angrily.
“He’ll probably show up eventually sooner or later, and we better prepare for it, but most importantly, Sonic, What happened to you after you escaped?”
Sonic gives a confused expression, “What do you mean?”
“You…how should I put it..you didn’t look like “you” this morning, your fur was a different color, and your claws and teeth were abnormally long…”
Sonic gulps, his chest tightened; he tried to soak in what Tom was saying and he scratched at his brain for anything he could remember after shattering his torture chamber, but it was fuzzy, and dark…
Both were interrupted in mid conversation when loud pops and bangs of glass breaking in the dining room makes them jump in their seats. People screamed in terror and scrambled for safety. 
“Get under!” Tom orders Sonic to hide under the table and Sonic was already on the floor before he could finish speaking. 
“It could be Eggman! I gotta get-!”
“No, stay here first!” Tom was not taking the chance of him or himself being at risk of injury; Tom takes his radio and connects to the police station ordering back up to their location.
Sonic watched as lasers and showers of bullets hit everything on contact and it hurt him to see so many people terrified and taking cover in whatever they could use to protect themselves, he growls; not wanting to wait for someone to get killed and steps out of his safety spot, he heard Tom shout in protest, but he couldn’t hear over the loud clattering and clunks of metal in the air. The shooting ceased as soon as the blue teen stood in stance, 
“Hey Egghead! Pick on someone who can fight instead of scaring these guys! I’m right here, you coward!” Sonic spat, challenging wherever the enemy could be hiding.
Onlookers who were hiding themselves observed and smiled at the hedgehog, feeling assured they would be saved, cheering for Sonic, while some retort shouting it was a stupid move.
“Come on! Am I too scary to take on-?”
Sonic was cut off when a dark ball charged out of nowhere hitting him scare on his chest, knocking him backwards and onto a wall. Sonic grunts in pain and tries to catch his breath. He forced himself to stay conscious.
“Target located, objective: bring Sonic the hedgehog alive.”
A deep, and robotic voice thundered in the room, Sonic finally sees what he has encountered, a dark blue metallic figure loomed over him with red blank eyes and lanky limbs stared back at Sonic.
Sonic coughs out dust from his lungs and mouth, and stands up ignoring his creaking bones, the cuts and forming bruises he already had were making his skin throb, but he ignores it all;
“Bring it on, tin can!”
Tom not from afar spits into his radio, “Wade, hurry up!” 
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Curse of the Dark Emerald, chapter 4.
Here’s a short and quick exposition of Stone and the big “reveal” that I’ve been saving for all of you!! It’s short so you won’t be bored and can get back to the main plot! Enjoy! 
“Is he gone?” 
Stone crawled out of the metal cabinets he took refuge in to avoid Sonic’s rampage; looking around, he searched for any signs of the beastly hedgehog. Seeing how quiet it was minus the buzzing of electricity and power surges cracking from damage, he exhales a breath he held in and stands up.
“Whew, that was too close.” 
Stone narrowly missed an eggbots laser by his head, he jumped in fright. The bot hovers closer to him, it’s circular eye scans him menacingly.
“So he got away, did he?”
“Y-yeah, sorry Dr.”
Stone turns to see his boss giving him an ominous stare, half of his body covered in shadow, as he makes himself known away from the darkness, a red uniformed and metal replica of Dr.Robotnik stood before his assistant. Red circular eyes made to replicate goggles plated to his face.
“But, what’s the status of the equipment?” Eggman seethes.
“I haven’t checked-“
“Go do it, you moron!”
“Yes, sir!” 
Hands shaking Stone makes way to the control panel, the computer in front of him whirs and lights pop back on. Stone and his master go to a room containing different kinds of robots different from the usual eggbots; these were more humanoid shaped, half the height of the two men before them, with heads shaped similar to Sonic. Their bodies were colored black but had a tint of navy similar to Sonic’s beast appearance.They stood in perfect lines, about a few dozen in count. 
“Activate!” Eggman shouts.
The robots flash eyes on their faces shaped into red dots, each one of them simultaneously raising their heads to see their new owners. 
“The readings I obtained from the extraction from the hedge- I mean creature were high, as to be expected, so the bots have just enough power to last.” Stone reports, holding his arm out to the robots, grinning.
“Fair enough. But we need more.” Robotic version of Eggman says coolly, “Ready the preparation for invasion.”
Stone flinched at his boss, “Uh, more robots? That’ll take time-“
“No, you imbecile..” Eggman gets closer to him with a snide smile, “More power.”
“But sir, with all due respect,” Stone’s voice shakes nervously, “If we take all that power it could kill Sonic or overload the bots-“
Robotic Eggman cuts him off and grabs the collar of Stones shirt, making the man gag and yelp in surprise, “If you disobey me, you’ll become like one of these.”
Eggman glances at the hedgehog-like robots, “Ready them or face the consequences.” 
“Yes, sir.” Stone could barely breathe and hastily agreed. 
“I’ll check on you later, don’t fail me.” Eggman hissed as he left the room. 
Stone side glances at the robots and goes to one, looking over its external and internal vitals. He did so for a few of them, he goes to another, stands in front of it, when a blast of red hot air shoots from it, scaring him and it scowls at him. 
“Okay..I’m done for now.” 
Stone shakes off the near heart attack he got and he knew to take the chance to get a few minutes of sleep before it was time to launch the upcoming invasion. 
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Curse of the Dark Emerald, chapter 3.
Back at Green Hill, Tom tossed a few times in his bed, trying so hard to get to sleep. But everything he tried, he couldn’t shut off his brain. He glanced at Maddie, her back facing the opposite of his gaze, she didn’t seem to be bothered or notice his restlessness.
He gave up trying to ignore the growing worry for Sonic. Tom pushes the blanket away and stands up slowly, making sure not to disturb his wife.
“I’m overthinking, I’m overthinking…”
Tom left his room and went to the ladder and stairway to the attic, and stood on the spot, deciding if checking on him was really a good idea this late in the night. He scratches his hair nervously and it thought, it was now or never. Tom was inches off from touching the floorboards, but stopped.
Tom shook his head and sighs heavily “I’m such a worry-wart.”
Tom gets back in his room and glances at the alarm clock on his nightstand; reading 2:32 am. He needed to be up in 4 hours for work, and this wasn’t helping him. Tom gets back in bed and just after a few minutes, he finally goes into slumber.
Sonic awoke and jolted his body up, eyes flashing to ocean blue for a moment and froze.
“Where-? I was..”
Immediately, confusion settled in and he sluggishly stood up, and made a run for it, only to be hit face-first into a wall of glass. “Ack!!”
Taking a moment to actually scan his surroundings, he saw a new opening, Sonic made another leap and ran to escape, only to have the same result. He continued to ram himself  into the walls though he knew it wasn’t working, each time it put his body in pain, each time he cried and yelled at every hit.
“Hey!! Anyone there?!”
Sonic’s heart began to throb and race against his chest, his eyes frantically looking for a way out, he jumped the highest he possibly could, reaching under 15 feet but it was still too high to climb or reach. Sonic grit his teeth and more panic took over. He pounded his hands on the glass, squeezing his eyes shut, trying to not be afraid, and the one person who could be responsible for all this…
“You’re awake?”
A voice on speaker somewhere within this glass prison crackles, Sonic looks up, a man with somewhat dark skin, a short beard, and gentle smile stares back.
“Good to see you’re still alive, what was your name again? Sonic?”
Sonic only glares at the man, teeth grinding, “Who are you?”
“I’m Agent Stone, close assistant to someone you…should already know.” Stone nods his head at Sonic, in a pleasant demeanor.
“Yeah, I pieced that together, right before you knocked me out.” Sonic’s voice turns sharp and cold at him.
“Don’t worry about my boss, he’s not actually here at the moment.” Stone gestured with his hand, “You’ll just be with me for now.”
“You think I’m gonna just sit in your little fish aquarium, and you what? Drown me?” Sonic retorts, keeping one brow raised at Stone.
“Jeez, someone’s a little morbid.” Stone panned, and shook his head. “No, Sonic. I wouldn’t do that. I’m not that…you know..” He shrugged his shoulders.
“Anyways, my mission is half finished; you were pretty easy to catch as long as I wasn’t seen by you. And might as well tell you why you’re here: Your purpose is to simply charge power to my bosses machines. Nothing more, nothing less.”
Sonic caught a glimpse of something in Stone’s expression, was it doubt, or fear? He didn’t sound all that convinced to himself. Sonic noticed that he didn’t have the Rings with him or the Emerald anymore, creating a painful knot in his stomach.
“Damn it..”
Bzzt -”Hurry up, Stone, or else I’ll finish you off first.”-
Stone flinched and hastily started pushing buttons. Sonic’s ears twitch at the voice from the speaker, he knew that voice and confirmed it,
“It IS Eggman. But where??” He tried to look for his enemy, but saw him nowhere.
Sounds of whirring and machinery became louder, making the glass tube he was contained in to vibrate. Sonic knew he was in serious trouble, he desperately looked for a way out. Cursing at himself that he should’ve been more careful in the first place…Stone was concentrated on the dash in front of him, jumpstarting the necessary power and programs to begin whatever it was Sonic feared he was going to do. After a few more moments, Stone grins.
“Finished that. You ready, Sonic?”
Sonic glares at him again.
“Good enough.”
Stone holds up a bright, green object in his hand, “I assume you already know what this thing is?”
Sonic’s eyes went wide and gasped. “The…Chaos Emerald?”
“Sure, if that’s what you wanna call it.” Stone shrugged, and left his spot.
Sonic’s weary gaze never left following the accomplice of his enemy, as he carried the Emerald.
“I ran a small test on this object, it has a lot of radioactive-like energy, but not toxic in any shape or form so I can touch it, it seems. You, and it should be enough to complete the procedures.”
He climbed on an upper catwalk that Sonic could see enough to watch him. Stone opened a metal door to a new chamber with a wide window; and set the Emerald in the center of the chamber on top of a flat surfaced support beam. Stone quickly returns to his original post.
“I’m not afraid of you.” Sonic spat sharply.
“Oh, I know.” Agent makes a brief smile at him while he glances at Sonic, then focuses back on the control panel.
“Don’t worry, I’ll make it quick. I honestly am impressed with how brave you are. If this goes smoothly, you might live.”
What’s with this guy? He’s definitely not like Eggman, so he’s kind of nice..?
Sonic blinks rapidly, trying to not fall for this man’s showcase of kindness and complements.
“Yet, I’m here, because I was so stupid.” Sonic’s voice trembles, it was low enough for Stone to not hear it.
“Initiating power-point.”
A cool, robotic voice echoed throughout, Sonic looks at Stone for any changes, or any chance this man might change his mind and let him go, but he could tell Stone was now avoiding any eye contact. Sonic’s head dipped down. He sat on his knees, his soft ears drooping downward.
“Powering at 20%…”
“I’m so stupid…”
The machines began to point lasers at the Chaos Emerald in the other room, a metal prong touches the top of it, getting ready to extract and connect it to the machines Stone desired to make stronger for his Master.
“Powering at 50%”
“I’ll never see them again.”
Sonic closed his eyes, head still down looking like a wounded puppy. He’d forgotten at the moment where he was and what was about to happen. His thoughts went to Tom and Maddie, missing their smiles. Their laughter, their hugs.
“Powering at 75%..”
“I HATE myself…” Sonic makes a guttural growl in his throat.
In the chamber with the Chaos Emerald…the vibrant green color in it’s center fades briefly to a darker shade of emerald green. Then for a second, to a grayish black. And back to it’s normal green. Sparks of its energy popped in the air, making the window nearby actually crack from the inside.
Stone only saw for a second Sonic unresponsive with his head bent down. He wished he didn’t. His own chest tightened with what he tried to hold back: guilt. He pushed the turmoil away to finish what he started, placing his hand on the trigger to start the extraction.
Sonic knew he was going to die. In what he felt would be his final moments, his mind flashes countless images of his guardians. Every moment he spent with them was the happiest he had ever felt. He would have given anything to be with them again, talk to them..let them know he was leaving for good. That bare minimum of time he wished he could have, would never come to be.
“I hate myself…” A single tear rolled down Sonic’s cheek.
The Chaos Emeralds hue began to fade….
“Power, complete.”
Stone pulls the trigger. Sparks of white electricity light up at the top of the holding chamber to Sonic’s prison and they plunged downwards through the glass.
Sonic let out a blood curdling scream. He lurches his body up, seizing from the pain caused by the machines.
Stone watched the monitor closely,  scanning the amount of power being taken away from the Chaos Emerald and from Sonic simultaneously. A digital scale on the monitors revealed a blue colored energy leaving Sonic’s small body, and from the Chaos Emerald, it’s own separate energy was, he saw, destabilizing. Stone hoped it wouldn’t overflow too much.
Sonic slumps over and then falls to the floor, letting his arms support him up. He grit his teeth so hard he thought his jaw was going to break. The Emerald loses all traces of its green color and begins to morph out wisps of black smoke, becoming dark.
Suddenly, something was happening.
Stone finally looked at Sonic and his eyes grew large at what he began to witness…
Still screaming in agony, Sonic glared at Stone with the most enraged and angry scowl.  He put his hands on his head, shaking uncontrollably, while his muscles and body throbbed and wriggled.. Sonic’s teeth began to enlarge into sharp, longer fangs, his sky blue fur darkens to navy. His gloves rip and become torn apart revealing elongating claws at his fingertips and tufts of long, white fur breaks through the skin of both his wrists. The rest of his entire body shifts into a bigger build and height. Sonic’s sneakers were still intact, but metal spikes poked out from it’s material. His once neatly, smooth quills began to grow longer, with coarse, white fading tips at the end. Still shaking from the pain, Sonic let out a ferocious roar.
Stone realizes he was not safe anymore and makes a run for it.
Sonic has had enough, and with his sheer strength alone, breaks his prison of glass walls into thousands of pieces, shattering the entire tube. He jumps out, hand outreaching for his enemy, wanting to tear out his throat. Sonic looks everywhere for Stone, wanting his blood. This new desire didn’t make him question what he was thinking, he wanted to kill and slice something, no matter what it was.
Briefly coming to his senses, he growled in annoyance and went to the other room with the Chaos Emerald, he smashed the window from outside, and furiously grabbed it back in his possession. Along the way, his eyes spotted his pouch of Rings sitting close to where Stone had been standing before.
“You’re lucky Stone. Maybe next time you catch me, you won’t be.” Sonic sneers to himself, his green eyes narrowed into slits.
Sonic jumps high and breaks through the metal enclosed ceiling, finally free. He roared again, letting out his anger and fear from being captured. The now full moon shone and bathed him in its light, revealing the new beastly shape in its wake. Sonic lands and runs, noticing he wasn’t going as fast like he usually does, but pushes that aside. Still angered and hurt by what had become of him, he howled like a lone wolf in the night. None of this made him question it; to him it felt natural and as if he was like this his whole life. The Sonic he had always known as himself was swallowed aside. After calming down just a little, Sonic had stopped running and walked at a regular pace. His mind was in a daze and then he remembered what was most important:
He held the blackened Chaos Emerald above his head, a fascination washed over him, it’s current presence was an entirely different entity. But he was happy it wasn’t in his enemy’s hands. Sonic holds it tightly and in the other hand he opened the pouch for his Rings and takes one,
“I have to..to get home-“
An explosion to his right side blows dirt on him and he jumped, scared out of his skin. Sonic growls, his anger returns again and a white, egg shaped robot hovering above him. Several were along with the one that made the first explosion.
“UGH!!! Leave me ALONE!!”
More of the robots fired at different times and Sonic evades every one, tired of being reminded and chased by the one who has tried and failed to kill him he leaps into the air, grabs the nearest bot and squeezes it into his chest, crushing it to pieces. Not wanting to prolong this stupid fiasco, Sonic makes a run for it, the bots follow and continue to fire at him mercilessly. Sonic tosses the golden ring that he depended on to save himself, his expression desperate to survive.
The ring opens, on the other side was the one place he called his home and jumped in; but a robot had managed to land a strike on his back, before cutting off the rest of the fleet. Sonic lands on his chest.
“Ugh…” Sonic winced at the new injury he was slapped with. He weakly sees the house just before him.
“Tom..!” He cried in a broken voice.
He needed to see his best friend. He needed to get to him. But, the cruelty of the long night had taken a toll on his strength; and Sonic had given up trying to stand up.
He wasn’t far from the patio of the house; the front door opened and Tom closed it behind him. He turns to see a patch of blue fur, it was Sonic lying on the ground, he froze in horror and drops his car keys. 
“Donut lord..” Sonic called Tom’s nickname, he felt a little sense of relief to see him.
“What happened?! What-“ Tom pauses and finally sees what had become of Sonic, he was almost unrecognizable; the fur, claws, and teeth gave it all away, his arms and back were almost covered in blood from cuts and little pieces of glass sparkled faintly on his messy fur.
“What happened to you?” Tom breathes out a scared, and shaky voice.
Sonic was too weak to answer, and he finally passed out. Tom turned him over on his back, listening for his heart beat, and it was moderately beating, to his hopes. The sun begins to rise and it’s light crept onto Sonics hand and on Tom, welcoming the new morning. Sonic’s body spits out purple wisps of an unknown energy to Tom, engulfing the hedgehog until it vanishes, and Sonic’s appearance returns to his normal blue fur.
Tom turns in different directions to see if anything was watching him and he picks up Sonic, and carries him into the house to treat his wounds. 
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Curse of the Dark Emerald chapter 2
I hope you all liked the previous chapter and it wasn’t too weird! Feedback would be great and sure to leave a like and repost!
As Sonic ran deeper into the forest, his excitement became intense with each second and step he made. He glimpses t the sky and his eyes weren’t playing tricks, there were green and bluish lights that moved and flowed like the ocean waves; they hovered over a big hilltop.
Sonic forms a wide grin on his face, “Something in my gut is telling me to be here, I just feel it…like it’s calling me.”
Sonic comes to a halt, almost tripping, and hides himself by a tree trunk. There were flashes of other lights around, he couldn’t make out what they were and he heard voices of other people nearby. He peeks out and squinted to see what was out there. After a moment letting his eyes adjust, he saw a small crowd of humans with their phones and cameras, their attention was solely on his destination where the mysterious lights hung in the sky. He thought he may have also spotted a news crew and a reporter there as well, so Sonic leapt closer to get a better view. Sure enough, he was right; a film crew stood with their gear on the side of a road that was at the bottom of the hill.
While he watches on, Agent Stone was just barely able to catch up and could see Sonic through his night vision, tracking his heat signature. The obvious shape of an anthropomorphic hedgehog was easy to see with it.
“He’s fast. No wonder my boss took a liking to him..” Stone manages to control his breathing so he wasn’t heard.
Stone dug his hands into his bag of supplies, checking his choice of weapon to bring Sonic down. It was, thankfully. To his relief.
“The ring thing is with me, too.” He also checked if it was still in his possession.
Stone focuses back his sights on Sonic who was still against the tree head.
“Piece of cake.” Sonic makes his move and quietly zips to other trees, getting closer.
Stone panics a bit, he didn’t mind having to run after him..the problem now was getting past the crowd of people in awe of the weird lights in the sky. Then he realized:
“Of course, I’ll use this.” Stone happily snaps his fingers and takes the ring in his hand, tossed it and it instantly opens,
“Not sure if it knows where I want to go, but I’ll give it a shot..”
Stone leaps in, he finds himself at the top of the same hill where Sonic was headed. He saw the green lights, peered down the cliff, and the crowd below was down there instead.
“I’m so good at this!” Stone holds a fist up, pleased.
Meanwhile, Sonic finished getting past the crowd and runs up the hill in a matter of seconds, and keeps his eyes on the prize.
He felt his heart make a hard, sharp beat.
He felt odd sensations and emotions that he never felt before, Sonic held his chest.
“What is going on..? It’s like…”
Sonic’s eyes gazed back at the green lights in the starry sky once more, “I’m at home. But it’s unfamiliar in a way..”
Now desperate to know the answers, he runs, but at a normal pace. His brain was suddenly wired and went on autopilot, knowing where to go next.
“What is that?”
A trail of colored mist cloaked his path, moving and swaying ahead, as if beckoning him to come and hurry up. Sonic’s eyes flare from his usual green to teal. Sparks, and flickers of blue electricity wafted around his head and body, but he took no notice of what was happening to him.
Sonic heard a distant voice, but from inside his mind, but he could only exhale the air from his lungs in response, that soft sweet voice he knew from so long ago..
Was she there?
“Are you alive?”
Sonic’s eyes swell in pain, he kept himself from letting his tears shed out, he needed to hurry and get to her! Or whatever it could be waiting for him.
“It can’t be.. I saw her…d-”
Sonic’s whole body begins to trickle and spark with electricity, he follows the mist, a light ahead glowing brighter, and brighter. So bright, he shielded his face with his hand to not go blind from sheer power of the light.
Sonic stops. He felt it. It was right there in front of him, but just not seen, yet.
Sonic bends on his knees and started digging, moving the old piles of pine needles and leaves; as he dug harder and deeper, he heard the voice again, ringing over and over.
Sonic’s fingers felt something hard, and another, new light arose from the earth, and he pulled it towards his body…grunting hard, he holds and grips it tighter to free it from the dirt. The force of the pull makes himself fall onto his back, but still in his hands. He pants, and within his grasp..
A beautiful, and elegant diamond shaped stone brilliantly shone its green hues. It was the size of a tangerine. Entranced, Sonic didn’t hear himself speak;
“A..Chaos.. Emerald..”
As he said this to himself  in his mind, that same voice of Longclaw repeats with him simultaneously.
A vision of a memory takes hold, Sonic closes his eyes…
“Sonic. One day.. if you’re strong enough to defend yourself and travel the universe, you might stumble upon a Chaos Emerald..”
Sonic remembers sitting on the ground, watching his beloved guardian.
Longclaw the Owl pulls down an old large piece of parchment like paper, and on it were seven varied colors of gems.
“If you are destined to defend the universe, you must protect them. If they fall into the wrong hands…”
Sonic opened his eyes again. The sparkling emerald still in his gloved palms. A warm, and compassionate expression surfaces on Sonic’s face, remembering Longclaw..
“It’s like she was here, leading me.”
Now knowing that what he came for was done, he got back up to his feet and turned,
Only to be met with a gun pointed at his shoulder…
It fires, pushing him back into the ground again. Sonic yelps in pain and grimaces, he keeps a tight hold of the emerald, not daring to let it fall from his hands.
“Ack…!” Sonic looked at the face of his attacker, the man still holding his tranquilizer gun at him. Sonic scrambles to get up to his feet again, in shock.
“Knowing how freakishly fast you are, this was the best choice.”
Agent Stone, someone who was always so cheerful and smiling, now, at this moment, held a cold and devilish smile at Sonic…two circular, red menacing eyes dawned on him.
“Eggman..?!” Sonic trembles in panic, his legs were beginning to fail him and his strength was waning fast. His brain was screaming at himself, he thought his nemesis had come back for him! “No..no…”
Sonic tumbled to the ground for what felt like the hundredth time, and his vision blurs and becomes black.
“Yesss!” Stone jumps for joy in triumph, congratulating himself on the success of getting to his target.
His phone buzzes, interrupting his little inner celebration, “Stone here!”
-“Did you get him?”- an even colder tone than Stone’s intentions cackles through the phone’s mic.
“Yes, sir. I have him. I’ll bring him back right this moment!”
-“Excellent, don’t fail on that now, if you can.”-
“Yes, Dr. Robonik.”
Stone ends his call and smiles at his accomplishment, Sonic laid lifeless and vulnerable on the cold, dirt ground.
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Curse of the Dark Emerald, chapter 1
Author’s Notes: Hello everyone this is my first time writing for Sonic and tackling the idea of Sonic in the movie verse as a Werehog because since watching the film I think myself and a lot of others have been egging (no pun intended xD) to have a shot at this. So I hope as my first time it comes off good and not too terrible! Apologies for any story mistakes! Please enjoy and keeping it at around PG-13 rated.
Tom Wachowski unlocked the door to his house, his body slumped involuntarily as he entered, it was a long, and dull uneventful day. He was tired from doing the usual patrolling of Green Hill and not much happened, which was pretty typical. Ozzy, his beloved golden retriever didn’t waste time greeting his owner and stood on his back legs lurching his upper body on Tom in the form of a hug.
“Hey, Oz! Good boy!”
Ozzy manages to leave a lick of drool on his face and instantly after receiving the affection, he settles down and sits at Tom’s feet. A neon, blue line zipped behind Ozzy.
“Hey, Donut Lord! You’re back!”
A young, blue hedgehog jumps onto Tom’s chest and and embraces him into a hug, Tom could feel his quills against his head bristling. Sonic’s cheeks were blushing from the joy to see his best friend back home. Electric green eyes meet Tom’s.
“Hey, bud, good to see you.”  Tom returns the hug and gently drops Sonic to the floor.
Sonic rests his fists on his sides, “You bring anything cool back? Like some food?” Sonic makes the brightest smile at Tom.
“Sorry, bud. Not this time.” Tom chuckled at Sonic, knowing him he was thinking he’d brought home a take out meal for free.
Sonic groaned, “Aww come on! I haven’t had a chili dog in like, forever!” He folds his arms and huffs at Tom.
“Hi, Tom.”
Maddie appears and made her greeting with a peck on the cheek for Tom. “Don’t worry about him, he’s been good today.”
“Oh I’m not worried about that,” Tom took off his coat and put it on the coat hanger, “But I’m more worried about Mr. Flash here getting too fat, for sure!” He teases.
Sonic laughs, but pauses; and he furrows his eyes, “Hey!”
“Did you take your nap, earlier, Sonic? Tom gives Sonic a pat on his head before walking past him and going into the kitchen.
“Of course I did!” Sonic rolled his eyes.
“I made some soup and breadsticks, so no hot dogs Sonic.” Maddie winked at Sonic, she knew his bribery at Tom had failed.
“Yeah, yeah ,okay.” Sonic sighed in disappointment, and took a seat at the table.
“Hey Sonic, how’re your muscles feeling?” Maddie finished bringing all the utensils for Tom and Sonic and sat down, grinning at the hedgehog.
“Really sore.” Sonic moans a little and rubs his back, “That workout was a killer yesterday, I don’t think I’ll do it again.”
Both of them laughed to each other, Maddie took her turn to tease him.
Tom smiles to himself warmly, his job may be dull at times but it was a different story here at home, which he didn’t mind. He always felt happier and lighter seeing Sonic as the new member of the household, officially welcomed after he and Maddie made him his own room in the attic. That was only a few weeks ago, and October was just around the corner. Tom and Maddie had already mentioned to Sonic about Halloween, which of course the little hedgehog was excited for, but that would be discussed later on.
Sonic was his usual chipper self, talked about his day but also made sure to let his guardians speak as well. Which he was getting better at. Tom let himself to the daily newspaper while Sonic and Maddie made small talk, turning the thin pages from time to time, reading the daily funny comics, then the weather, then he remembered he forgot to even look at the front page, the title in black, bold letters read
“Trick of the Eyes? Or the new Montana’s “Northern Lights?”
Tom scans over the slightly blurred picture below the main headline, which was in color thankfully; showing that in the next town over, there were sights of odd, but dazzling green and blue rays reminiscent of the northern lights anyone was familiar with in the Northern continents, but different.
“Hey, wanna see something cool?”
Sonic’s lime-green orbs lit up at Tom, “Yeah, sure, what’s up?”
Tom folds the paper for him to see better, “Looks like you might not be the only alien thing around,” he jokes.
But the moment Sonic looked at the picture of the headline, his eyes went sharp and into a trance, he gingerly took the paper, read it over and didn’t say another word. Sonic’ss mouth hung agape a little, but made no sound.
Maddie and Tom glanced at each other, not knowing when or what to say at first, but Tom beats her to it, “Sonic? What’s the matter?”
Sonic blinked his eyes and finally made his gaze at them, “I’m okay! It really is cool, Tom.”
Sonic almost couldn’t finish his sentence and was interrupted by a yawn. He shook his head to fight the sudden sleepiness.
“Are you all done with your food?” Maddie began taking dishes to the sink.
“Yep, I’m done.” Sonic gently pushed his plate away and got down, heading for his room.
Tom still kept watch on Sonic’s expression the whole time, he could tell the young hedgehog has something lingering in his mind, behind that smile. But, he thought, I’ll give him his space for now.
“Good night, Sonic!” Maddie gently shouts so she could overpower the sound of clinking dishes and running water.
“Goodnight!” Sonic makes a hasty wave at Tom and dashed to his room, opening the floor boarded door and closing it behind him.
“Ugh, I gotta..go..!”
Sonic fumbles with his words and thoughts, trying to think and properly conjure the crazy idea that he was about to do,
“That story in the paper…it felt so weird…and it’s bugging me…”
Sonic tosses all his belongings that were on the floor which were just left scattered around messily, looking for the most important things to him, his brain couldn’t remember where he put them, until he checked the drawers and instantly, his pouch of Rings were there in his stash of socks.
“Cool beans, I gotcha! Now, I should…UGH I gotta go now! No no no, calm down and slow down, I can’t just go there yet…”
Sonic took a sharp breath in, and slowed his brain down to think more clearly, “I have to wait until they’re asleep. So they don’t worry.”
It was finally settled on what he had to do. While he waited for Tom and Maddie to get to bed and sleep, he made his quick preparations on what to take for this short journey to the town outside of Green Hill. Sonic looked out the upper window of his room, a near full moon glistened it’s face downwards with it’s light.
“Backpack, check. Flashlight, check.”
Sonic grabbed his Rings, took one out and held it firmly in his hand, and stashed the rest into his bigger bag. Happy with his things, he took a step towards the door,
A rustle of noises was heard outside, he whipped to see what it was from and thought he also saw a pair of red eyes peering from the same window. The years of old paranoia washed over and Sonic quickly checked outside on the roof, and he found nothing about that could be spying.
“Come on, let’s go already.” Sonic griped at himself to get going, shook his head, and went to his door, the house lights below were off and a dark staircase greeted him.
Sonic quietly tiptoed to Tom and Maddie’s room, and he was happy to find out his timing was good, they were preparing to go to sleep, but they spoke amongst themselves in their room which muffled both voices a little bit.
“He had a weird reaction to that story from  the paper, you think he’s okay?”- Maddie
“Not sure, but it might not be that big of a deal.”-Tom
A sigh was let out from one of them, though Sonic couldnt see who it was.
“You’re probably right, but I’m…a little worried.”
Tom took the covers and slipped on the bed, “I’ll admit I am a little too, but for now if Sonic wants to tell us what it is, let’s just wait.”
Sonic’s chest tightened, he felt a little guilty for what he was about to do and rethinks if telling both of them would be best, but he was happy to hear they were so concerned about him.
“Okay, Tom. I don’t want to press him either, but you’re totally right.”
They’ll be fine.
Sonic had heard just enough to put himself at ease, he heard the bedroom become silent not long after, that was the que to make his move.
He promised to himself, “I’ll be back before the sun comes up.”
Sonic went back upstairs to his room, took the golden ring in hand, tossed it and a whirl of energy and wind blows, the ring showcases a sea of green pine trees on the other side,
“Nothing wrong with a little adventure, right?” Sonic rubbed his gloves together, his nervousness had vanished with the thought of what could be on the other side, waiting for him.
He goes in and the ring closes. His room was now vacant. Until an arm pulls down the window pane on the ceiling…
A black clothed person carefully props himself to the floor, wearing red tinted goggles on his head and a black beanie to mask himself.
“Whew, close one.”
After getting his balance, the man moves his goggles up his face, Agent Stone had been following his target for the last few days. He scans the room for anything he could use to further his plans into action, the execution to start could now begin.
“What now..? Oh..?” Stone’s eyes catch onto something interesting,
A single gold ring glowed on the floor, he grinned playfully at the item, studying it.
“He used this to disappear? Hmm..”
He barely moved his fingers and the ring slips from his grasp, clumsily it falls back on the floor, opening a portal.
“Woah, what the-?” Stone stepped back, startled.
From what he could see it was the same place his target took off to, green forests of trees and he saw large footprints from where Sonic was headed.
“No time to waste, then.”
He had his mission to fulfill, and he took the jump inside the ring, and it closed from behind. Stone looked back expecting the bedroom to be there, but it wasn’t. Stone went into focus and followed Sonic’s footsteps.
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Curse of the Dark Emerald, Chapter 7.
Welcome back! Enjoy! Let’s see what Robot Eggman and Stone will do next! And here is the CHAPTER  AND “MOMENT” YOU ALL HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR!!!
“You saw that right, Agent Stone?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Not that you’re very observant as I am, but I assume you’re thinking what I’m thinking, right?”
“Yeah, from what the robot's memory chip recorded, Sonic has displayed tremendous strength and agility than ever before.”
The two men after Sonic's life had just finished reviewing the footage of the battle with Sonic and the robots, Robotnik paid attention to every tiny detail from start to finish. The video was captured from the perspective of a different robot that was observing from afar. The last scene shown before leaving was Sonic ripping its chest open. 
“What do you think has caused him to suddenly be better in fighting?” Stone timidly asks but his curiosity was too high to be afraid to ask his boss.
“That should be obvious,” Robotnik's metallic voice shudders with a cold malice, “That jewel he found last night.. must have a lot to do with it, and my theory is..”
Stone turned in his seat to hear, “What?”
“It’s his fear. I, who loathes all human emotions and lack of them myself; I understand how they work at least. When you took away some of his soul, something new and powerful was awakened in his psyche to cause that transformation.”
Stone's eyes widened in stunned fascination. “You know what, when we track Sonic down I was thinking, what if..”
“No no, let me say it.” Robotnik silences Stone with his fingers, “Because I want to first, we need to find him in that form and take that jewel back.”
“So we're on the same page!” Stone skips in his seat and grins. “When you do get that thing back, what’s the plan?”
Robotnik's red eyes clicked and flicker; “We will crush him and harness its power of course!”
Robotnik looks at the desk clock by Stone, it reads 4:38 pm. Dusk was an hour and a half away.
“We will set out to confront the Wachowski resident at sunset, if my theory is correct, the creature will put on a little show for me.”
Stone gulps a knot in his throat, he didn’t know if it was anticipation or the lingering guilt that was haunting him in the back of his mind.
Back at the house and sitting in the kitchen, Tom and Wade sat at the bar table, Tom helped himself to some coffee and Wade had his own glass of water. Sonic was upstairs taking a quick rest from the fight, in which earlier he was afraid to do so…
An hour before...
“I am exhausted, but are you sure?” Sonic was at the bottom of the attic staircase and hesitated to go to his room, still worried about more bots coming to attack,
“If any of those things show up we’ll take care of it; but we’ll wake you up if it’s too much.” Tom bent down to rub the young worried hedgehog on the ears,
 “You’ve dealt with a lot of hell and I’m more concerned about you than them, so please, get some sleep, Sonic.”
Wade looks into his partners eyes, both curiosity and his own worry mixed in his being. While Sonic slept in his room, Tom quietly told Wade the events that took place from the first hour of the night before at the dinner table, to where they sat now. He filled Wade in with everything he wanted to know. 
“So, from what you’ve explained something’s happening to the kid? Is he dying? Or sick maybe?”
Tom grinned and became a bit amused with his friends guess, 
“No, he’s not dying, I’ll probably have Mads take another look at him, but he’s...I don’t know how to explain it, but there’s definitely something going on with him that I don’t fully understand...yet.”
Wade gazes at the black Chaos Emerald on the table, now knowing what it was and its capabilities, he had a really bad feeling about it. 
“This emerald-thingy was causing all those strange lights in the other town huh? Makes me ask now, where are the other ones; he mentioned there’s more..”
“I don’t know that, either.” Tom gently grasps his coffee mug and let the liquid inside warm his hands, “They could be right under our noses, or scattered across the universe.” 
“And, the kid isn’t the type to be easily pissed off, right?” Wade glanced at the spot where Sonic's room was located upstairs. 
“Yeah, pretty much.”
A humming from the garage rumbled the door leading to it following the engine of Maddie’s car rolling in, she was now getting home.
Both men look at each other, “I’ll tell her everything, and what are you going to do in town?” Tom asks.
“Well, I know everyone else is probably wondering where I am.. and I should head back, but I don’t want to leave you guys alone; what if that crazy guy who’s after you shows up? I still haven’t forgotten what he did to the staff months ago.” Wade shrugs one shoulder at him.
“You have a good point. Stay if you want to. We just need to make sure Sonic is safe.” Tom nods in agreement.
Maddie enters through the door, still wearing her vet scrubs and immediately, sees her husband and Wade, in her brain she assumed something bad was going on and hastily drops her belongings down, 
“What did I miss? Is Sonic okay?”
“He’s upstairs,” Tom replies.
“Has he been up there since I left this morning?” Now, she was really worried.
“No, no. Me and him went out for some food, but..Maddie..” 
Tom didn’t know where to begin to explain what was going on first.
“That crazy government guy is back and he’s after Sonic and Tom again.” Wade finished it for his friend.
Maddie’s jaw drops.
“Oh my god.” She sighs loudly, “But how? I saw you two send him off in a portal!” She rubbed her forehead and could feel the oncoming headache in her skull.
“We don’t know, but that’s not it, he’s brought in a bunch of mechanical looking Sonics with him and they ambushed the diner today.” Wade added.
“Oh my god…” Maddie repeated herself and not only was she worried now but angry. She put the pieces together and understood now..that evil doctor was responsible for Sonic’s injuries.
Tom gets up and put his arm on her, “I know he can defend himself, but he’s not only injured, I’m worried about his mental well-being.”
Maddie nodded and looked down at the floor, “But what’ll we do? He’s gonna come ruining the house again, and I’ll clock his lights out if he does.” 
Wade bent his neck back and made a soft chuckle to himself. Yep that’s like Maddie. 
“Pretzel lady?”
All three adults turned to the voice by the kitchen entryway, and Sonic grinned at his motherly guardian, and in a blink of an eye he was hugging her legs.
“Hey, sweetie. Are you okay?” Maddie bent down and rubbed her hands on his back quills.
“Sorta. I tried to sleep, but I’m too nervous about Eggman.” Sonic fumbled his fingers and his glove was still ripped from the battle earlier. 
Tom looked at the kitchen clock, it read 5:40 pm, 30 minutes till the sun was leaving. 
“Hold still for me, will you Sonic? I just want to check you again.” 
Maddie saw the new scuffles and cuts on Sonic's arms and face, and he did as he was told. 
“Does this hurt here?” Maddie puts pressure on his fingers and forearm to check for any broken bones.
“No, I’m fine. Really.” Sonic shrugged and forced a smile, “It’s just a few scratches.”
“If you say so.” Maddie pats his head, and looks at Tom and Wade.
“So, what’s the plan?”
Tom looks at Wade quickly then back at his wife, “I really don’t know, egg-guy or whatever could be coming back anytime now and we should be on guard.”
“I’ll step up on that,” Sonic inserts a serious tone and points his thumb to his chest,
“Remember, it’s me he’s after and he can’t catch up to me no matter how fancy his robots are, but I need you all to know this…”
The three adults listened intently and Sonic jumps to grab the tainted Chaos Emerald, displaying it to them in his ripped up gloved hand;
“I have to fix this. No matter how you put it, I’m mostly to blame for making the Emerald turn into this and we have to restore its powers. When these become messed up, I was told by Longclaw bad things can happen.”
Tom was going to make a response but a loud bang on the front door interrupted the conversation.
Both Tom and Wade took their guns in hand, Tom made a silent signal to Maddie, and she understood what it meant: take cover.
The two adults and with Sonic right behind them inches closer to the door, readying for what could be outside. Maddie takes herself and Ozzy to a hiding place in silence. Ozzy could sense the tension from his owners and knew to be silent and on guard for Maddie as well. 
Another loud knock hits the door, Wade and Tom take each side, and Tom shouts,
“This is the Sheriff of Green Hill! Who is it!?”
No answer.
“It’s obviously a trap, you know that right?” Sonic throws his hands, warning them.
“Identify yourself! If you don’t we'll take precautions if you’re a threat!” Tom yells again, and glances at Wade.
“On count of three…”
Wade nods.
Sonic positions himself with one hand on the floor, ready to stop any oncoming attack and enemy awaiting…
“One, two…”
Tom grasps the door-knob.
Tom shoves the door open with he and Wade aiming to whatever could be outside, 
But nothing. They scan around for anything or anyone but see nothing in sight.
“I’m getting sick of this…”
Sonic, whose head was bowed down and eyes covered in shadow, runs ahead of the two and shouts, 
“You coward!! Come out and fight me already!!” 
The sun was halfway set on the horizon, and not far from it..the full moon was soon going to take its place…
“I’m sick and tired of playing these games, Egghead! I’ll kill you!”
Sonic stops himself and puts his hand on his mouth, shaken by the words that came out. 
Tom and Wade still kept guard but they too were now really worried about what Sonic could be capable of, but it wasn’t the time and place to dwell on it.
“Very well, Sonic!”
A voice, that voice...Sonic and Tom immediately recognized it; callous and mocking with a hint of amusement.
A few of the dark blue robots finally hover downwards to them, their arms and hands pose and reveal their weapons aimed at the three, their red eyes piercing them down. 
In the center of them all, a figure with another pair of red circular eyes glow in the darkness, a man with his hands tucked behind his back, snidely chuckling at them like a giddy child.
“Glad to see you’re alive and well.”
“So you finally show up, Eggman.” 
Sonic gives the most angry glare he could muster at the doctor, shaking his fist at him, “I don't want to prolong this any more than I have to. Let’s get it over with.”
Sonic runs in a blue flash straight at Robotnik, intending to punch his face..but the attempt became slack and Sonic’s expression turns confused; Robotnik was quick enough to catch this and stops his fist from reaching him and threw the teen back, Sonic yelled in surprise and falls on his back, stunned. He sits up,
“You’re...not Eggman...you’re a robot, too?!”
“Correct. I was created to take his place if something were to ever happen to him. And here I am.” Robot Eggman bowed with one arm outstretched,
“Now, there’s something I need from you, before you worry your little heart about attacking, first..”
Tom and Wade also yelped in surprise from behind Sonic, the two of them were pinned down by unsuspecting robots to the ground, they struggled to free themselves but the mechanical copies held a death grip on them. 
“Donut Lord!” 
“Sonic, don’t worry about us! For just this once, run and save yourself!” Tom begs.
                  Hearing that...something in Sonic's mind snaps…
Hide. You can’t save them. 
You’re only good at running and avoiding your problems…
You don’t need them...
The black Chaos Emerald Sonic dropped on the ground pulsates, a little red, glowing light from its center begins to show. The sun was now gone…
Tom and Wade stopped struggling and froze, Sonic's voice.., it was dark, guttural, and thunderous. The very sound of his voice alone seemed to make the air crack. Sonic never felt this much bitterness towards something and he didn’t have a sliver of care this time of how he looked and sounded like. He just wanted to rip into something..
They saw his eyes flash red at them, 
“I’m tired of running away, and listening to you, Tom.”
Wade gulps in stunned silence, his stomach dropped in a knot seeing Sonic's face so grim. 
“I’ll handle this myself, since you have such little faith in me.” Sonic spat with venom at his best friend.
The corners of Tom's eyes started to water with tears. He wasn’t hurt from what Sonic said, but was so scared for him…
“What’s happened to you, buddy?”
“Are you done talking?” Eggman asks in a bored tone while looking at his hand, waiting.
Sonic takes a few steps forward, his teeth revealing his small fangs, 
“Shut up. I’ll tear you to pieces..”
The full moon illuminated its cold light just behind the robotic doctor, the man was waiting for it..
“You just wait until I-“ Sonic stops in his tracks and lurches forward, his chest and heart throbbed in pain so hard it makes him fall to his knees.
“What’s the matter? Having some heartache over the fact you’re weak?”
Sonic could barely hear Eggman, he held himself up with his hands on the ground, his body was stopping him from moving any further and he grunted and tried to take deep breaths to calm his panic and hold back his pain.
“Urrghh! Agghh!”
“Sonic!?” Tom cries out and he knew he was helpless to do anything.
                               “Show me your true self, hedgehog..”
Sonic screams in pain and fear as his body once again begins to shift and morph. His gloves rip open to reveal the long sharp claws growing out, white fur pricks out of his wrists, his short fangs extend past his lips as his fur darkens to midnight blue, his shoes blossom out the metal spikes again and his quills become dipped in white tips..and finally with a tortured howl, the newly transformed Sonic sets his green slit eyes at his enemy…he groans angrily;
“What have you done to me, Eggman!!?”
“Don’t blame me, this is all in the good name of science.”
“I’m seeing everything on my end, Doctor.”
In a different area Agent Stone was watching on surveillance, “What now?”
Eggman didn’t reply to his assistant and and claps his metal hands together,
“I’m done here for now. I’ve collected all the information that I needed to see.”
The robots who held down Wade and Tom finally release them and fly off towards Eggman. The two with their guns in hand standby if they were to attack at any point. Sonic, still staring down his enemy, was livid, of course. 
“Now listen carefully, if I may call you “werehog”, you can find me at the same place you found your precious little diamond from last night, we can finally settle our conversation from there.”
Eggman turns and walks away, not before with a few final words, “Bring me the jewel and I may spare your friend’s lives and to make it a sweeter deal, I’ll cure you of your curse. Hahaha!”
He continuously laughs as he makes his leave and disappears into the darkness, the robots along with him.
Wade, who let out a breath he was holding clutched his chest, “Oh my gosh, I really thought I was gonna..”
He stops himself and runs back to the house, “Hey, Maddie! Are you okay in there?” 
Tom finally comes to Sonic's side, who was looking at the ground, angry...but most of all, frightened. 
“Tom…” Sonic's voice shakes with fear,
“Hey, it’s okay for now, he’s gone.”
Sonic looks at his hands, which tremble and shake, tears threatening to fall from his eyes. His claws gleamed in the moonlight. 
“What’s..what's happening to me? I don’t know what to do..”
Sonic looks into Tom’s greenish blue eyes,
“I’m scared…”
Tom put aside all his own fears, frustrations and concerns for himself, right now he knew Sonic needed the one thing to calm him down…
“It’s okay. Everything’s gonna be alright..” Tom gets to knee height and embraces Sonic into a firm hug.
Sonic’s chin cupped on top of his shoulder, his face and eyes cloaked in so much fear...till finally his tears fell and were released. Sonic returns the hug back and sobs onto Tom's uniform. His cries echoed into the empty night.
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Movie sonic turning into a Werehog
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Then Ozzie came in and added to the symphony
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I’m such a lycanthropy fucker, the minute I learned there was a game where the main character essentially transforms into a beastly shadow of themselves I fell in love immediately lmao Have some practice sketches!
Most all were referenced from Night of the Werehog, which is a great little short film btw, you should watch it if you haven’t already.
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