Any new content 🤧? Would love to see some more Madrigal tings <333 draw some...perhaps 🥸 if thou gives permission of course
(Hmmmm how about content that includes my oc Paulo?)
On the outskirts of the town, near the ghastly forest, stood a lone house. The Madrigals new of it, and of the man inside it, as he had helped them on many of occasions. The man was Paulo Esteban, someone who at first glance confuses many people as he does not appear to be any sort of creature or entity. However his 'curse' was more hidden, a fact he uses to his advantage.
Paulo was a warlock, a humanoid creature that can use magic with ease, at least partially. He could do small spells easily, levitate small items and such, but for larger spells and tricks, he needed ingredients. That is why most commonly he is never found in his house, rather he seems to always be in the woods, searching for ingredients or even lost folks that had entered the woods and needed help either getting in or out. Due to his actions he has earned the title as 'The Watcher' always knowing what was happening in the forest.
His relationship with The Madrigals began when young Isabella once got lost in the woods, getting hurt when a wild wolf attacked her. Paulo had found the injured girl and took her to his cabin, letting her rest and fixing up a potion to help speed up the healing process. When he had healed the girl as best he could, he escorted her back to Casita, making sure she got home safely where Julieta healed her the rest of the way.
Alma had tried to pay him for his help, but he refused. Paula stated that he needs no payment for helping the people of Encanto, especially what is basically one of the princesses of the village. However he did make a request, he wanted to practive his healing magic with Julieta, wanting to be a better help to the village. A request that Julieta accepted, seeing as this man had saved her daughter.
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Ok but in the cursed au whenever mira transforms, and she needs to be somewhere else, and they can’t wait for her to turn back to her legs
They’ll just drop her in a big bucket or pot filled with water, and either Luisa will carry it or they’ll have a horse pull a cart 
She hates it
Nah she hate that Fr 😭 she’d rather sit there and. Dry out then have someone take her to a river or Casita. Like she would literally rather sit there.
Luisa ain’t letting that slide tho <\\\33
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ALSO PLUG Y’ALL SHOULD TOTALLY GO FOLLOW THE ORIGINAL CREATOR THEY’RE SO COOL <3333 @cursed-encanto-au-blog y’all should totally send asks over there because I’d totally draw (a lot or most of) them. Just sayin’ <333
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Yeah I. Have been thinking about this AU for a MINUTE and really wanna draw for it, so any snippets or lore? Angst bruhaps 🗿
(Angst, Oh Boy, Lets just see how a certain event played out)
Bruno hummed softly as he was getting ready for Mirabel's ceremony. It was such a joyous occasion, a child getting their monster assigned to them, so much so it always led to a giant party in the village. But since the child was a Madrigal it meant an even bigger celebration. He smiled softly as he grabbed his hooded poncho, as well as his thin blindfold. Everyone was cautious enough to not always look at him, so he didn't worry much about his eyes, but he can never be too careful despite everyone telling him he was just paranoid.
Bruno smiled as he heard the music began to play as he stepped out and into the crowded area of the castle, slipping slowly past the guests as he went to stand with his family. Everyone was dressed up, wearing their fanciest clothes, each pertaining to the theme, that being the ocean. He hummed as he stepped next to his mothers floating form, as he smiled "such a joyous day today eh mamà?" As Alma smiled "Indeed Bruno, little Mirabel will finally get her monster form" she said quietly.
Soon, Mirabel was being led to the candle by her mother Julieta, whose firey feathers were burning extra bright out of joy, and her father agustin, who was quite literally falling apart as he tried to hold in his tears of joy. Mirabel was shaking with excitement as she saw the sun slowly setting, it was finally her turn. She knew her monster had to do with water, the wave like birthmark on her hand proved as such, but there were so many sea creatures she didn't know what she would become.
Soon, as the sun finally set, the flame of the candle began to burn green as the smoke began to swirl around. Mirabel giggled as it slowly circled around her as she began to feel herself change slightly. Sje felt her hands and feet gain small webbing between the fingers and toes, and gills forming on her neck, as well as some fins on her head and arms. Everyone began to cheer loudly as they began to dance in joy. Bruno smiled before yelping in fear as someone bumped into him freezing as his blindfold fell off. Time began to freeze, as did everyone else, as the loose fabric fell to the ground, just as Mirabel went to look at her family, freezing as all she saw was red glowing eyes, before everything went dark.
Everyone began to panic as they saw Mirabel pass out, as Julieta went to grab her. The people began to leave the castle, as Bruno began to whimper his tail falling down as he covered his eyes. He could hear his inner voices screaming that he had ruined everything, as he ran off to his room ignoring the cries from his family.
By the time the sun rose on the next day, Mirabel was awake if only sick to her stomach, both literally and figuratively. Since the party, Bruno hasn't been seen, and his room was empty. All that was left behind was his simple green blindfold and poncho.
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Yo yo❗❗❗ hope you doing well and. I'm sorry if I'm being annoying asl 💀 but like if you have any writing/lore, I would love to draw 🔇🔇🔇🔇 fluffy/angst any of dat 🗿
How about some small Camilo fluffy and funny lore
Camilo is a part cat, so it stands to reason that catnip would work on him, and so if ever he gets to anxious to where not even antonio can get him to calm down, the rest of the family give hin a catnip toy ti play with
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HELLO HELLO‼️‼️ Glad to see your back and doing well <333 if it’s not too much, could we get more fluff, maybe of the grandkids 🥸 it doesn’t have to be lore related, I just really like fluff <333
I have an offer for exchange 🫡
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(Hello hello my friend and sure you can have some fluff)
Maribel looked outside at the bad storm sighing a bit. Tia Pepa had gotten into a terrible mood thanks to a hunter in the woods and hasn't been able to calm down, meaning that all of Encanto was atuck inside as to not get hurt or lost in the storm. "Man, i really wanted to go swimming today" she whined a bit before yelping feeling a vine pulling her arm as Isabela walked past "yes mira we know, but abuela was clear no going outside especialy for someone who transforms the moment they touch water" she said teasing her younger sister who blushed a bit at the reminder. "I know you know but it's just there is nothing to do in weather like this" she said as Isabela hummed "i wouldn't say nothing" she daid practically dragging Mirabel to the small room in Casita designated as "The Grandkid Room" where all the grandkids could all hang out with each other while the adults dealt with things in the village. Inside the room Luisa was holding onto Dolores' head as Camilo was floating holding a sleeping Antonio in wolf pup form. Mirabel slowly smiled as she was dragged in and gentky set onto Luisa as well before feeling Isabela plop down onto her. 'Heh ok maybe this is better then swimming' she thought as she let herself fall into the nice calming aura of the cuddle pile.
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Ohhhhh Maybe how Agustín first reacted to becoming a zombie? And maybe how the triplets reacted?
Agustin was nervous as he paced around the living room of the large castle. He had spent nearly 24 hours withing the village, he visited everyday but always left before the 24 hours were up. He was watching as the sun was slowly getting ready to set, he either left now or stay and become a creature. "If i stay, i must leave my past behind, but i get to stay forever with the love of my life" he smiled a bit as he saw a small picture of the beautiful phoenix lady on the wall. His mind was made up right then as he saw Juileta, Pepa, and Bruno walk in laughing about some prank they had pull on some hunters in the forest.
Juileta looked at Agustin and frowned "Querido why are you still here? The sun is about to set you really should be goinf home now." She said softly as Pepa and Bruno nodded a bit as Agustin smiled "I've decided that, i want to stay here, in Encanto." He said as he hugged Julieta tightly as she blushed a bit "You want to stay? Why would you want to give your whole life up and be stuck here?" As Agustin laughed "Julieta you are my whole life" he proclaimed as he kissed her.
The sun slowly set as a green flash seemes to travel across the valley. The candle standing tall and proud in the lobby of the castle seemes to glow brighter as a green whisps of magic began to extend from it and reach towards Agustin who stood brave not showing fear in the eyes of his fate. The magic began to swirl around him as his skin began to change into a small sickly color some bits even falling off partially. The skin around his face began to sink in, some also decomposing. Eventually his tranformation was complete as the new Agustin stood proudly smiling at the beautiful phoenix woman before him and began to walk over...... Before yelping as he tripped and fell apart quickly his head rolling right over to the woman who giggled cutely and picked it up kissing it, as the other two siblings began to cackle and laugh at the clumsy man.
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Sorry for the very long delays everyone. My life has gotten a bit busy so my tumblr was kinda left behind for a while. I am working on two prompts rn that should be finished by tomorrow for sure.
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got any lore?
I have a bunch of lore, but your gonna have to be specific about the lore you want.
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How are you? Hope you’re doing good! Any new content?
I'n working on something that should be posted tomorrow
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I saw your snippet for the grandkids! It was really good, could we maybe have another one?
Sure just give me ideas and stuff to work on and i'll see what i do
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that drabble was super cool can you pls pls do another one
or maybe more lore
Uh sure give me ideas and suggestions and i'll see what i do
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How do each of the grandkids discover their powers/second forms? How does Alma/the adults react?
(This is my first ever drabble i hope you like it)
Everyone within Encanto, The “Cursed” Village, knew of La Familia Madrigal they were the ones who watched over and protected the entire valley. The Madrigals were also the weirdest of the village as unlike other families who’s creatures are hereditary mostly, the creatures that the Madrigals have the traits and abilities are almost all different. The matriarch,Alma Madrigal, was a Banshee, but her children were different creatures Julieta a Phoenix, Pepa a Storm Dragon, and Bruno a Black Shuck. And the most strangest comes from the Grandchildren who were even more different. Pepa’s children consisted of Dolores a dullahan, Camilo a cheshire cat, and Antonio a werewolf pup. Julieta’s daughters were Isabela a druid, Luisa a gargoyle, and Mirabel a siren. Now while they can use their abilities perfectly, when they manifested it was quite the experience for all involved.
Dolores was the first who had her creature manifest and it was a very chaotic day. Dolores was simply going through the village, doing some of her chores, when her head simply popped off of her body and rolled into a alleyway. The body however kept moving and eventually returned home much to the shock and worry of Pepa and Felix who ran out to find the head while Alma and Julieta focussed on keeping the body safe. After the head was returned to Dolores was made the center of attention for a few days after because everyone tried to focus on keeping her safe if her head popped off again. Soon a solution was found as one of the farmer brought over a horse that connected with Dolores becoming her well seeing eye horse in case of Emergencies.
Isabela was next and while her story wasn’t as dramatic it was hilarious. The boys of Encanto were always trying to gain Isabela’s affection via small gestures of love, none of which worked to be truly honest. One day a young boy named Paulo tried to win her over by giving her a garden a gesture she appreciated but she still rejected him. In a fit of childish rage the boy attempted to destroy his gift using his ability as a fire drake, however when Isabela cried out for him to stop, massive vines erupted from the ground and grabbed the boy and tossed him out into the water. The adults were quite impressed and after Julieta gave a piece of her mind to the boy and his family, she praised Isabela for her new power claiming that control over plants was quite useful, especially when dealing with troublemakers.
Luisa came next and while hers were expected it still came as a shock for how they appeared. Luisa was simply tasked with going out to check on the farmers and see what they needed. Hours later however Luisa never returned and the family learned that she never even got to the first farm. After a quick search a small winged statue was found near the road that was determined to be Luisa. While everyone was shocked and concerned, it was Agustin that calmed everyone down, stating that the statue was likely a cocoon like state for luisa, a fact that would be proven when a hour later the statue crumbled and Luisa emerged just fine, she just now looked like a living version of the Statue. The adults were all relieved and happy for Luisa as her new form showed off her strength greatly
Camilo’s transformation wasn’t even discovered until a day after it manifested when the madrigals started to note weird things happening around Casita. Objects mysteriously vanishing, buckets of water randomly appearing, and claims of a large grin being seen in the shadows. By the end of the day everyone was on alert when Isabela had a water balloon thrown at her, in a fit of rage she had a giant cactus spawn near where it came from. With a loud yelp of pain, Camilo appeared hissing softly. Everyone was a bit ticked at him for his pranks however, when Camilo woke up from a nightmare where he went invisible but couldn’t become visible again, all was forgiven as the adults did their best to help him.
Mirabel’s form was a shock for everyone because it took years for it to be properly awakened. Her power came in at 5, a soft gentle and hypnotic voice that put everyone that hears it to sleep and everyone believed that was it. However one day there was a incident where the valley was flooded due to some massive storms out of pepa’s control. A child was wept away by a current and Mirabel, in a act of heroism, jumped into the water and swam after the young girl. Everyone was shocked as when Mirabel made contact with the water her legs fused together into a tail as her hands became webbed, and she grew gills around her neck. With her new form she easily caught up to kid and got her to safety. She was hailed a hero for her action, however she was still grounded for being reckless and jumping in, when Pepa was nearby and was about to fly out and grab the girl. 
Antonio just recently got his new form and it was in a very adorable way. It was time for his party and after being comforted by Mirabel he was so excited he basically ran into the crowd happily. He was so fast everyone didn’t notice that he began to change from a boy into a puppy until Pepa was able to grab a hold of him. It was safe to say the youngest Madrigal received a lot of praises and pets. Everyone in the valley agreed afterall, that Antonio was the most adorable puppy ever. 
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What was it like for Alma to be a banshee AND have to care for her three kids, who were also cursed?
It was difficult for her at first because she believed she physically had to stop herself from getting to overwhelmed and crying because she believed her crying/wailing would lead to someones death
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What happens to Agustín when he turns into a zombie? Does he die and decompose at a fast rate, or does he just turn into one automatically?
It's not as horrifying as him dying and decomposing no. What happens when someone stays in the valley to long and miss their deadline to leave as the candle will release a magic mist that swirls around the person until they become the creature.
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Anymore drabbles or general content 👁👁
Of course, but i wanna let people make requests and ask questions first
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Did they think Dolores was human? You know, at least until Dolores’ head just. Fell off one day, and she had a random black horse pull up on her 😭 She must’ve looked human when she was born, she is the most human passing.
Maybe she wears a choker to keep her head from falling off too easily? Like the girl with the green ribbon!
When a child is born in encanto the candle does reveal what creature they are so no not really. The day her ability came in was a day of panic as it popped off while running an errand and the body just kinda kept walking until it returned home. They found her head eventually and decided to get her a horse to help guide her if lost and to catch her head if it randomly popped off. As for if she wears a choker or anything no not really see her head can't stay on for too long or else it kinda gets irratible so when it pops off dolores sees it as her body saying time ti keep the two seperated for a while
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What was it like when Alma was first figuring out how to control her banshee powers and stuff? It must’ve been hard, because not only did she have kids to raise but also a town to run <\3
It was difficult for her, i mean she had just basically cursed everyone around her into being monsters, her husband is dead, she now has to lead a village she just wanted to cry and let it out but she couldn't. However one day she finally broke after too much stress and shrieked and sobbed, and while a few people fell ill nothing bad happened. Powers like hers don't affect monsters like theu do humans and so she can cry just not to often
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