cursedphoenix · 4 months
(I FINALLY DID IT! I got rid of the ghost note! :D also my notes aren’t glitched for Tancred’s blog anymore!)
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cursedphoenix · 6 months
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(Hey, how do I get rid of this ghost note? It’s driving me nuts!)
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cursedphoenix · 10 months
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You are my muse.
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cursedphoenix · 10 months
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cursedphoenix · 11 months
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Tancred leveled an icy glare at the giggling brat. Of course he’d be embroiled in house rivalries. “Not every blond pureblood in Slytherin is a bloody Malfoy clone!” he quipped. “I’m well aware of my house’s reputation and biases, but my ambition is to survive, not uphold some stupid, backwards traditions. I’m not some rich nepotism baby. Learned a long time ago that I have to look out for myself because no one else is going to unless absolutely necessary. Potter may be a self righteous prick, but at least he understands that on some level! Why else would he and his little posse insist on forming a secret Defense Against the Dark Arts club?”
He wasn’t angry, though he really wished he could be. At Zacharias for needling him. At Umbridge for slowly but surely taking over Hogwarts, and just generally being a haughty bitch. At Dumbledore for not being able to do anything about it. At the Ministry for sending her in the first place. The truth was that Tancred was more scared than anything else. Between the tournament last year and Umbridge, Cornelius Fudge was quickly proving that he cared more about his reputation and job than he did about his people, especially those who were underage. He was scrambling to keep any shred of credibility he’d once held, failing miserably, and putting the most vulnerable wizards at risk in the process. Tancred didn’t even want to think about what He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named might be brewing if he was truly back. Hell, part of him wished that Potter had made that bit up just to cover his own ass, but it didn’t seem remotely possible.
“Look, I don’t know what your plans are after graduation, but I want to get out of the UK. Travel the world. Live my own life, free from my mother, the Ministry, and every other authority figure who doesn’t give two flying fucks about me, and I can’t do that if I’m dead before I turn eighteen. If taking lessons from Golden Boy means I survive whatever shitstorm is about to hit, then I’ll do it. I shouldn’t have to justify that to you or anyone else.” Had he ever even told anyone what he wanted to do with his life after graduation? Tancred realized with a start that he hadn’t, in fact, divulged such personal details to those he’d considered friends, let alone to annoying acquaintances. He huffed, averting his eyes. “You make me talk too much, Smith…speak a word of this to anyone, and I’ll make sure you regret it.”
❝ well that’s one way to make an introduction! ❞ (from @cursedphoenix )
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After hearing his house-mates, Ernie Macmillan and Hannah Abbott, discussing it; part of his motivation seems to have been curiosity as to how Cedric Diggory was murdered at the end of the previous school year. Hermione Granger eventually regretted inviting him, as he was annoyingly and constantly sceptical. This did not stop his continuous criticism at the Hog's Head meeting exclaiming:
"All Dumbledore told us last year was that Cedric Diggory got killed by You-Know-Who and that you brought Diggory’s body back to Hogwarts. He didn’t give us details, he didn’t tell us exactly how Diggory got murdered. I think we’d all like to know…"
Zacharias threw a foul expression to the student beside him who made light of his forward introduction.
“So Dumbledore says because he says! The point is, where's the proof?”
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cursedphoenix · 11 months
Send a word, get a starter inspired by it— German etymology edition
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cursedphoenix · 11 months
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Fifteen years of living with an alcoholic mother had taught him to know a lie when he heard it, especially one so blatant. Still, he didn’t want to chase the other boy off just yet. That kicked puppy look on his face had been obvious enough to make Tancred feel a twinge of guilt. Perhaps he’d been a bit too harsh?
“Look,” he sighed, “if you’re worried about grades, I get that. Especially with Um-bitch tightening her grip on the school. I’d honestly choose Potter over her any day. Rumors aside, he’s been through a lot, and he came out of it more or less unscathed. If he can teach the rest of us to do the same…”
Tancred trailed off. Perhaps if Cedric had been instructed by someone as experienced and willing as the Boy Who Lived, he might have survived whatever went down in the maze. Then again, he definitely would have survived if there had been no maze to begin with. No Tri-Wizard Tournament. “All I’m saying is that Potter isn’t the one you should be interrogating. He’s not the one putting all of us in danger; he’s just survived enough of it to want to help others survive.”
❝ well that’s one way to make an introduction! ❞ (from @cursedphoenix )
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After hearing his house-mates, Ernie Macmillan and Hannah Abbott, discussing it; part of his motivation seems to have been curiosity as to how Cedric Diggory was murdered at the end of the previous school year. Hermione Granger eventually regretted inviting him, as he was annoyingly and constantly sceptical. This did not stop his continuous criticism at the Hog's Head meeting exclaiming:
"All Dumbledore told us last year was that Cedric Diggory got killed by You-Know-Who and that you brought Diggory’s body back to Hogwarts. He didn’t give us details, he didn’t tell us exactly how Diggory got murdered. I think we’d all like to know…"
Zacharias threw a foul expression to the student beside him who made light of his forward introduction.
“So Dumbledore says because he says! The point is, where's the proof?”
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cursedphoenix · 11 months
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📷 (x) (x)
Jamie Campbell Bower as Christopher Marlowe (Will 2017)
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cursedphoenix · 11 months
fighting together starters!
25 starters || TW: violence || requested by anon!
« behind you! »
« need a hand? »
« stay behind me! »
« i’ve got your back »
« thanks for the help »
« stay back, i got this »
« together, we can win »
« we need a battle plan »
« i don’t need your help! »
« i take the ones on the left. »
« how many did you get yet? »
« who lands the last blow wins! »
« are you sure we can win this? »
« i didn’t know you got so strong »
« stay out of this, this is my fight! »
« i got you covered, go get them! »
« calling dibs on the big monster! »
« i can take care of these guys myself »
« stop trying to be a hero and let me help »
« how are you holding up? i’m barely sweating! »
« i’m fine, i can continue fighting for a little longer »
« fighting side by side with you… it still feels weird »
« you think i couldn’t defeat those guys on my own? »
« you can’t call dibs on the big monster, who kills it kills it! »
« don’t read too much into it. if fighting together will let me stay alive, so be it. »
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cursedphoenix · 11 months
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1K notes · View notes
cursedphoenix · 11 months
wow i really like this song i think i’m gonna listen to it 1 maybe 60 more times
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cursedphoenix · 11 months
skeletonin is the happiness chemical released when you see a ghoul or perhaps a ghost
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cursedphoenix · 11 months
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Slow Autumn Living 🐑🤎🍂☕️
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cursedphoenix · 11 months
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cursedphoenix · 11 months
the urge to disappear into the forest and become local folklore
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cursedphoenix · 11 months
↪     𝑲𝑰𝑺𝑺  ﹠ ᵀᴱᴸᴸ .    (  a  collection  of  50+ kiss prompts .   feel  free  to  specify  the  initiating  muse .  potentially  nsfw  content  within .   will  be  updated .)
finally kissing the person you’ve been pining for .
a kiss shared during a game  ( truth or dare ,  spin the bottle ,  etc ) .
kissing your lover to show you forgive them .
neck kisses that turn into love bites .
wiping away your lover’s tears as you kiss them .
a kiss to prove you don’t have feelings for them .
a last kiss before one goes away .
biting your lover’s lip amidst a kiss .
an emotional kiss bringing one party to tears .
a kiss while being reunited after a long time .
kissing your lover in a moment of sheer joy .
a kiss while slow dancing .
sharing a spontaneous kiss with a stranger .
an abrupt ,  heated kiss during the middle of a fight .
kissing them to shut them up .
a kiss to wake your lover up in the morning .
sharing a kiss in a heavy downpour of rain .
kissing your partner to seal a marriage .
a possessive kiss that is meant to stake a claim .
a kiss to resolve suppressed romantic/sexual tension .
a kiss attempting to convince the other party to stay .
kissing the top of their head as you hold them .
a risky kiss between forbidden lovers .
stolen kisses while hiding away from a crowd .
a kiss that leaves lipstick stains .
a kiss shared on a rooftop while the sun sets .
a flirtatious kiss on the back of the hand .
sneaking off to a public bathroom to make out .
a kiss on the forehead as the other sleeps .
an  ( accidental / mutually )  drunken kiss .
caging your lover against a wall with your arms to kiss them .
a kiss after joining your lover in the shower .
a kiss after receiving good news .
a tentative ,  exploratory kiss between friends .
a kiss shared between enemies during combat .
kissing your lover after believing you’d lost them .
a kiss after a devastating event ,  meant to comfort .
a possessive kiss in front of a jealous third party .
kissing your lover under the night sky while stargazing .
a kiss between two people in a fake relationship .
a kiss that seals a promise .
kissing your lover lazily first thing in the morning .
holding your lover by the jaw to kiss them .
kissing the tears from their cheeks .
a kiss to your lover’s stomach as you travel down their body .
an abrupt kiss that you melt into after a moment of hesitation .
sleepy ,  domestic morning kisses in the kitchen while making breakfast .
a rushed kiss before one party leaves for work .
a kiss shared while holding your dying lover .
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cursedphoenix · 11 months
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