cveenso · 16 days
Today signifies a significant milestone in my life as I celebrate my graduation. It marks the commencement of my journey into adulthood—a phase filled with both excitement and apprehension.
I am eager to embrace the opportunities that lie ahead, yet I cannot deny the nervousness that accompanies thoughts of what awaits me: my career, my life's path, and the challenges to my mental well-being. Can I navigate this terrain without succumbing to moments of doubt or breakdown?
Adulthood, I understand, is a journey fraught with difficulties. However, amidst these uncertainties, I find solace in the belief that Allah will guide and ease my path.
With faith and optimism, I commit myself to embracing whatever lies ahead, trusting in divine providence. Amin.
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cveenso · 19 days
The weight of emptiness presses heavily upon my soul, leaving me adrift in a sea of nothingness. It's a sensation I've become all too familiar with – the hollow ache that gnaws at the core of my being, consuming me from within. It's moments like these that compel me to retreat further into the recesses of solitude, seeking solace in the quietude of my own company.
The decision to sever ties with social media weighs heavily on my mind. It's a choice born out of necessity, a desperate attempt to shield myself from the relentless onslaught of comparison and self-doubt that accompanies each scroll through endless feeds. In the digital realm, I find myself ensnared by the carefully curated lives of others, my own existence reduced to a mere footnote in the grand narrative of social media.
Deleting my accounts felt like a liberation of sorts – a break from the endless cycle of comparison and self-flagellation that had become all too familiar. Yet, even in the absence of likes and comments, the specter of emptiness looms large, casting a pall over my every thought and action.
But perhaps, in this emptiness, there lies an opportunity for growth – a chance to rediscover myself amidst the silence and stillness of solitude. And so, I press onwards, navigating the depths of my own inner landscape in search of a sense of purpose and meaning that can only be found within.
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cveenso · 30 days
Reflecting on the recent exchange, I find myself grappling with the audacious presumption made by the other party. How bold of them to assume that I harbor expectations! In truth, I've never held such aspirations—not for them, nor for any man I've engaged with. It's a notion that warrants careful consideration, for it speaks to a deeper issue of misguided assumptions and misinterpretations.
Their delusion that I might develop feelings for them simply because they differ from other men I've encountered is both perplexing and frustrating. They fail to realize that their uniqueness does not exempt them from being judged by their actions. Despite their insistence on being different, they've fallen into the same pattern of assuming that I'll inevitably be enamored with them.
I've long since deactivated the part of me that entertains romantic feelings for anyone. What prompts them to believe that they're exempt from this detachment? Is it their misguided belief in their own charm, despite displaying behaviors that are far from appealing?
It's a reminder that actions speak louder than words, and their actions have left much to be desired. Instead of basking in the illusion of their own allure, perhaps they should strive to improve themselves and their behavior. Until then, their assumptions will continue to fall flat, as I remain steadfast in my resolve to not be swayed by empty gestures or hollow promises.
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cveenso · 1 month
There's a certain magic to the early hours of the morning, a time when the world is still draped in the quiet embrace of night, yet hints of the day ahead begin to peek through the darkness. Some mornings, I find myself drawn to this ethereal limbo between night and day, where the gentle chirping of birds serves as nature's alarm clock, signaling the arrival of a new dawn.
As I sit in the hushed stillness of these pre-dawn moments, I often find myself lost in thought, pondering the mysteries of the universe and the complexities of my own existence. It's a time of quiet introspection, where the hustle and bustle of the world fade into the background, leaving only the rhythmic beating of my own heart to keep me company.
But amidst the serenity of these early mornings, there are times when my mind refuses to quiet its relentless chatter. Thoughts swirl and dance like wisps of smoke, weaving intricate patterns that I struggle to untangle. It's as if my brain is locked in a perpetual marathon, racing tirelessly through the corridors of my consciousness without a moment's respite.
In these moments, I find myself staring into the vast expanse of space, as if searching for answers among the stars. Time becomes a nebulous concept, slipping through my fingers like grains of sand as I lose myself in the labyrinth of my own thoughts.
And so I sit, suspended between wakefulness and dreams, grappling with the ceaseless torrent of thoughts that threaten to overwhelm me. But even in the midst of this internal chaos, there is a strange sense of peace, a quiet acceptance of the swirling maelstrom within. For in the stillness of these early mornings, I find a kind of clarity that eludes me in the harsh light of day.
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cveenso · 1 month
There are moments when the desire to vanish completely consumes me, like a shadow creeping in to swallow me whole. All I yearn for is the solitude of complete isolation, where not a soul can breach the walls I've erected around myself. It's a longing for a peace that seems forever out of reach, a sanctuary of silence where the noise of the world can't find me.
The pull to retreat into solitude grows stronger with each passing day, a relentless tug at the edges of my consciousness. It's not that I seek to escape from anyone or anything in particular, but rather a deep-seated need to disconnect from the constant cacophony of human interaction.
In this solitary space, I imagine finding a sense of tranquility unlike any I've ever known. No demands, no expectations, just the simple bliss of existing in my own company. It's a dream I cling to tightly, even as the world around me clamors for my attention.
But I've come to realize that this desire to vanish, to cut ties with the world, is a sentiment that few seem to understand. To others, it may seem like a rejection, a closing off of oneself from the possibility of connection. But what they fail to grasp is that sometimes, the greatest connection of all is the one we forge with ourselves.
So I'll continue to yearn for that elusive peace, carving out moments of solitude wherever I can find them. And in those quiet spaces, I'll revel in the freedom of being alone, knowing that in solitude, I find a kind of solace that no amount of human interaction could ever provide.
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cveenso · 1 month
It's as though I'm adrift in a sea of abandonment, with no shore in sight. Each word resonates within me, a poignant reminder of the solitude that seems to define my existence.
"It's okay. Everyone leaves." These words reverberate in my mind, stripping away any semblance of hope I may have harbored. It feels as though the universe conspires against me, orchestrating a relentless exodus that leaves me stranded in its wake.
"I have no hopes for anyone anyway. This is my life." The resignation in these words weighs heavily upon me, a testament to the barriers I've erected to shield myself from further pain.
"People won't stay. Ever. They won't." The certainty of this declaration cuts deeply, leaving me reeling from the inevitability of abandonment. It's as if I'm fated to be left behind, forgotten and alone.
"I'm not capable of being loved." These words echo in the recesses of my soul, casting doubt upon my worthiness of affection. The scars of past wounds run deep, leaving me to question whether I'll ever be enough for anyone.
"I was so right when I broke down last night." The memory of that moment floods back with a tidal wave of despair. It was a moment of reckoning, a confrontation with the specters of abandonment that continue to haunt my every thought.
"Literally nobody gives a damn about my mental well-being." The bitterness in these words is palpable, a bitter lament for the support that remains elusive despite my desperate pleas. It's as though my suffering goes unnoticed by those around me, leaving me to endure in silence.
"I was at my lowest because everything came crashing down at once." The weight of the world presses down upon me, threatening to crush me beneath its relentless burden. It's as though the universe conspires against me, hurling one hardship after another in my path.
"I broke down the hardest last night as I pondered how my biological father abandoned me, making it unsurprising that others would follow suit." The wounds of childhood abandonment resurface, tearing open old scars I thought had healed. It's a pain that runs deep, shaping my perception of both myself and others.
"I'm simply not capable of being loved. That's the harsh truth." The resignation in these words is absolute, a final surrender to the belief that has long held me captive. It's a bitter pill to swallow, accepting that I may never find the love and acceptance I yearn for.
"Sometimes people leave without explanation. They simply 'ghost' you. They don't care." The injustice of it all is staggering, a stark reminder of the callousness that pervades human relationships. It's as though I'm disposable, easily discarded without a second thought.
"It hurts, but such is life, I suppose." The resignation in these words is heartrending, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of overwhelming adversity. It's a harsh reality that I've come to acknowledge, even as it threatens to consume me whole.
"I've had enough. I'm too easily trampled upon, too easily taken advantage of." The anger in these words is palpable, a simmering rage that threatens to boil over at any moment. It's a defense mechanism, a shield I've raised to protect myself from further anguish and rejection.
As I close my diary, a sense of desolation washes over me, leaving me feeling hollow and depleted. Yet, amid the darkness, a glimmer of hope remains—a faint spark of resilience that refuses to be extinguished. Perhaps, in the depths of despair, lies the seed of redemption, waiting to take root and blossom once more. Only time will tell.
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cveenso · 1 month
I sit here engulfed in the shadows of my thoughts, I am burdened by an overwhelming sense of injustice. It's as if the universe conspires against me, allowing others to trample upon my emotions with reckless abandon while they bask in the warmth of their own happiness.
I find myself grappling with the bitter reality that when I inadvertently disrupt their peace, they are quick to embrace the sanctuary of their bad moods. Yet, when the tables turn, and it's my tranquility that's shattered, they seem impervious to the storm raging within me.
In moments like these, I can't help but lament the decision to partake in this outing, to open up my heart to those who fail to comprehend the depth of my feelings. Within this family dynamic, I am but a mere stepping stone, perceived as an easy target for exploitation.
Do they not see the fractures forming within me? Are they blind to the agony etched upon my soul? It's as though I am invisible to their empathy, an afterthought in the narrative of their lives.
I can't help but wonder, do they truly love me as their own flesh and blood? Or am I merely a pawn in the intricate game of familial politics? Their words, their actions—they paint a portrait of neglect, leaving me to question my place in their hearts.
If the roles were reversed, if it were their beloved son in my shoes, would they dare to wield their indifference so callously? No, they would shield him from the arrows of their discontent, concealing their animosity behind closed doors.
But for me, there is no such shield, no refuge from their scorn. I am left to navigate this labyrinth of resentment alone, grappling with the weight of their disdain.
I am not asking for much—just a moment of respite from the relentless onslaught of their apathy. I am not the embodiment of evil; I am simply a daughter yearning for a sliver of validation, a whisper of affirmation in the cacophony of their indifference.
So, I implore them, do not push me to my limits. Do not test the fragility of my resolve, for within the depths of my despair lies a reservoir of strength waiting to be unleashed.
Grant me the reprieve I so desperately crave, for in doing so, you may just uncover the dormant embers of love that still flicker within my wounded heart.
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cveenso · 1 month
The weight of disappointment hangs heavy upon my shoulders as I grapple with the aftermath of yet another failed relationship. It's a familiar refrain, one that echoes through the chambers of my heart, leaving behind a trail of shattered hopes and broken dreams.
To think that I allowed myself to believe in the illusion of love, only to be met with betrayal and deceit. It's a bitter pill to swallow, a harsh reminder of the fragility of trust and the depths of human deception.
And yet, amidst the wreckage of my shattered expectations, there lingers a nagging doubt—a whisper of insecurity that threatens to consume me. For if someone could feign affection so convincingly, if someone could pretend to love me while harboring nothing but disdain in their heart, then what does that say about me?
Am I truly so unworthy of love, so undeserving of affection and companionship? It's a question that haunts me in the darkest hours of the night, casting doubt upon my very existence.
I find myself questioning my worth, my value as a human being. What did I do to deserve such callous treatment? Was I too trusting, too naive in my belief that love could conquer all?
And yet, even as I grapple with these doubts and insecurities, I refuse to surrender to despair. I refuse to allow the actions of one person to define my worth or dictate the course of my life.
For I know that I am deserving of love, deserving of happiness and fulfillment. I refuse to allow the shadows of doubt to obscure the light that burns within me, the flame of hope that refuses to be extinguished.
And so, I press onward, with a renewed sense of determination and purpose. I may have stumbled along the way, but I refuse to let those stumbles define me. I am worthy of love, of happiness, of all the good things that life has to offer.
And though the road ahead may be fraught with challenges and obstacles, I know that I am strong enough to overcome them. For I am more than the sum of my past mistakes—I am a survivor, a fighter, and above all else, a believer in the power of love to heal even the deepest wounds of the heart.
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cveenso · 1 month
It's been a while since I've found myself engaged in a meaningful conversation with someone new. As I reflect on this realization, I can't help but acknowledge my own shortcomings when it comes to communication. While I may excel in the heat of an argument, navigating the waters of day-to-day conversation has always been a challenge for me.
I suppose one reason for this struggle lies in my fear of dependence, of allowing myself to become too attached to others, only to have them disappear without warning. It's a fear that gnaws at the edges of my consciousness, casting a shadow over every interaction, every connection I attempt to forge.
And yet, despite the weight of these insecurities, I am determined not to let them dictate the course of my life. I refuse to allow myself to be held hostage by the fear of abandonment, by the uncertainty of what tomorrow may bring.
Yes, there are moments when I feel overwhelmed, when the burden of loneliness threatens to consume me. But I refuse to let those moments define me. I refuse to allow them to dictate the rhythm of my days, the melody of my existence.
I've come too far to let my happiness be dictated by the whims of others. I've fought too hard to allow someone else to invade my peace of mind, my sense of self-worth. And though the road ahead may be fraught with challenges, I know that I am capable of overcoming them.
So, as I confront these feelings of doubt and insecurity, I do so with a sense of determination, a quiet resolve to persevere in the face of adversity. I know that I am stronger than I give myself credit for, that I possess the resilience and the fortitude to weather any storm that comes my way.
And so, I press onward, with hope in my heart and courage in my soul, knowing that with each passing day, I am one step closer to finding the peace and contentment I so desperately seek.
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cveenso · 1 month
I find myself grappling with a feeling that has become all too familiar: the belief that I am not worthy of love. It's a notion that haunts me, whispering in the recesses of my consciousness, casting doubt upon my very existence.
I understand, in theory, that everyone deserves to be loved. Yet, when I turn the gaze inward, I am met with a profound sense of inadequacy. I cannot shake the feeling that I have nothing to offer, nothing to prove that I am deserving of love. It's a relentless cycle of self-doubt that gnaws at my soul.
I wonder, what is it about me that could inspire love in another? Is there some elusive quality that I lack, some essential component of my being that renders me unlovable? It seems to me that there is no reason, no justification for anyone to truly love me for who I am.
The weight of this realization is suffocating, oppressive in its enormity. It leaves me feeling hollow, empty, as though I am adrift in a sea of indifference. I seek solace in my journals, pouring out my innermost thoughts in an attempt to find some semblance of understanding, some measure of peace.
But even as I write, I am keenly aware of the walls I have built around myself, the barriers I have erected to shield me from the pain of rejection. I have shut myself off from the world, retreating into solitude, convinced that no one could ever love me for who I truly am.
And yet, amidst the darkness that threatens to engulf me, there is a glimmer of hope—a flicker of light that refuses to be extinguished. It is the knowledge that I am worthy, that I deserve to be loved and cherished, not in spite of my flaws, but because of them.
Perhaps it is true that no one has ever reminded me of my inherent worth, of the fact that I deserve to be treated with kindness and compassion. But that does not diminish my value, nor does it diminish the possibility of finding love in the future.
As I navigate this turbulent sea of emotions, I cling to the belief that love is not a finite resource, but an infinite wellspring that flows freely to those who dare to seek it. And though I may stumble and fall along the way, I refuse to surrender to despair. For deep within the recesses of my heart, I know that love—true, unconditional love—is not beyond my reach.
So, as I confront the demons that threaten to consume me, I vow to hold fast to the belief that someone, someday, will see me for who I truly am and love me all the more for it. And until that day comes, I will continue to have faith, to maintain my redha, and to embrace the journey that lies ahead, knowing that love is waiting for me just beyond the horizon.
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cveenso · 1 month
Yesterday was an unexpected whirlwind of emotions. I ventured out with someone new, someone who intrigued me with his genuine demeanor and sweet disposition. We had conversed for three days prior without even exchanging numbers, yet when we finally met, there was an undeniable connection.
I found myself drawn to his authenticity, his ability to make my heart flutter with his words, and his evident kindness. During one particularly engrossing conversation, I was wholly immersed in expressing my thoughts when he suddenly gazed at me with a look of admiration. It caught me off guard, and when I questioned his intent, he confessed to admiring both my passion for communication and, surprisingly, my beauty.
No one had ever spoken to me in such a way, making me feel cherished and valued. It was a moment of vulnerability and sincerity that left me smiling and flustered, yet undeniably touched.
However, amidst this newfound connection, a message from someone from my past disrupted the serenity. Frustration welled within me as I questioned the timing of their outreach, especially now that I was exploring a potential future with someone else. Despite my reservations, I responded, unwilling to harbor any ill feelings.
Now, I find myself at a crossroads, torn between the familiarity of the past and the promise of a new beginning. The man I spent time with embodies everything I've longed for in a partner, yet uncertainty looms over our future. On the other hand, the allure of someone from my past lies predominantly in physical attraction, lacking the depth of character I desire.
As I navigate this dilemma, I am reminded that the heart is a complex entity, capable of leading us down paths both familiar and unknown. It is a journey fraught with uncertainty, yet filled with the potential for growth and discovery. Only time will reveal the right path forward, but for now, I remain open to the possibilities that lie ahead.
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cveenso · 1 month
Today marks another encounter with the weight of familial discord, a burden that threatens the peace I've worked hard to establish within myself.
The frustration is tangible, as I confront yet another wave of turmoil crashing against the shores of my serenity. It's a challenge to maintain composure amidst the chaos that surrounds me, a struggle that leaves me feeling drained and weary.
The guilt weighs heavily on my conscience, a constant reminder of the blame unfairly assigned to those around me for my own actions. It's a burden I carry with a heavy heart, unable to shake off the sense of injustice that accompanies it.
Despite my efforts to distance myself from negativity, I find myself tethered to individuals I cannot easily sever ties with: my own family. It's a paradoxical situation, feeling both bound to and estranged from those who should provide comfort and support.
Their hurtful words linger in the air, poisoning the atmosphere with their toxicity. It's a challenge to remain silent in the face of their provocations, to resist the urge to retaliate and escalate the conflict further.
At times, I find myself questioning the fairness of it all. Why must I bear the brunt of their toxicity while they remain oblivious to the pain they cause? It's a question that weighs heavily on my mind, leaving me feeling adrift in a sea of uncertainty.
Yet, amidst the turmoil, there remains a glimmer of hope. Hope that someday, I will find the strength to break free from the chains of familial obligation and carve out my own path to peace. Until then, I hold onto the belief that brighter days lie ahead, clinging to the small moments of solace that punctuate the darkness.
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cveenso · 2 months
Today, as I reflect on my relationships with friends and family, I realize that I've begun to distance myself from them. It's not that they're the problem, nor am I. It's simply a choice I've made to seek solace in solitude. I've come to believe that I'm better off alone, that the happiness I share with them is fleeting.
This distancing manifests in my reluctance to share details of my life. I've made my experiences private, confiding only in Allah. In this secrecy, I find peace. It's not that my loved ones are unwelcome in my life; rather, I've discovered a certain tranquility in keeping my struggles and triumphs to myself. Perhaps it's the fear of a certain response that drives me to silence, causing me to retreat into myself entirely.
I've also quietly severed ties with some individuals recently. It's not a rejection of their presence, but a recognition of the unnecessary burden of maintaining numerous connections. I've come to value quality over quantity in my relationships, seeking counsel only from those whom I believe offer wisdom.
In embracing this newfound solitude, I find a sense of liberation. There's a clarity that comes with keeping my inner world guarded, shielded from the judgments and expectations of others. While some may perceive my actions as withdrawal, for me, it's a deliberate choice to cultivate a space where I can find solace and authenticity.
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cveenso · 2 months
I find myself engulfed in frustration and confusion. It's baffling, really. He liked one of my posts, only to swiftly retract his acknowledgment by unliking it. Petty, much? I can't help but wonder what drives such behavior.
Reflecting on our past interactions, I'm reminded of the unanswered messages, the unread texts. It's perplexing how someone can choose to ignore communication and then resurface with such inconsistency. The inconsistency is maddening, to say the least.
In attempting to mend bridges, I expressed my desire to move forward without any lingering animosity. Yet, here we are, stuck in a cycle of passive-aggressive antics. It's disheartening to witness the unraveling of what little peace I've managed to cultivate.
And then there's the undeniable attraction, a magnetic pull that defies reason. Despite my efforts to distance myself, his presence continues to linger in my thoughts, casting a shadow over my attempts to move on.
I can't help but question if I ever truly let go when we parted ways. What is it about him that holds me captive, despite my best intentions to break free? Who is he, and what power does he wield over my emotions?
These questions swirl in my mind, taunting me with their elusive answers. For now, I'm left grappling with the turmoil within, longing for clarity amidst the chaos.
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cveenso · 2 months
As the news of Saddie's passing spread, my heart shattered into a million pieces. The ache followed me relentlessly, tainting even the simplest moments of my day. Yesterday, I held her for the last time, my hands trembling as I helped her take her medication, and gently guided water to her parched lips. Yet, deep down, I knew there was no hope left to cling to. Saddie, the matriarch of our furry family, was slipping away from us.
Saddie wasn't just a beloved pet; she was Luca's mother and Louisa's sister. The thought of how my brother would react to the news weighed heavily on my heart. Saddie held a special place in his affections, and her absence would leave a chasm in his world. My grief felt suffocating, omnipresent. Everywhere I turned, there was a reminder of her gentle presence.
I find solace in reminiscing about the moments we shared. Whenever I visited my Grandma's house, Saddie would call out to me, her plaintive meows beckoning me closer. And when I called her name, she would gracefully pad over, her fur brushing against my fingers in a silent caress. Saddie's transformation from a shy, reserved cat to a social butterfly was a testament to the love and care she received in her new home.
But amidst the fond memories, there lingers the pain of witnessing her suffering. Saddie's inability to give birth, and the tragic loss of her kittens, cast a shadow over her final days. Despite the slim chances of survival, we couldn't bear the thought of letting her go without a fight. Yet, her dwindling blood count spoke volumes of the uphill battle she faced. The severity of her condition became all too clear when her blood rate plummeted to a mere 13%, a fraction of the normal level for cats.
As I grapple with this overwhelming grief, I try to distract myself from the harsh reality of Saddie's absence. I sing, I laugh, I do anything to escape the crushing weight of sorrow. But no matter how hard I try, her image haunts me, her once vibrant body now lying still, her eyes forever closed. In moments of desperation, I turn to prayer, seeking solace in the hope that Saddie finds peace in the afterlife, free from the pain that plagued her in her final days.
Goodbye, dear Saddie. Your strength and resilience have left an indelible mark on our hearts. May you rest in eternal peace, knowing that you were cherished beyond measure.
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cveenso · 2 months
I found myself engulfed in a state of vexation, a feeling that seemed to seep into every fiber of my being. It was a vexation born of frustration, sparked by a brief dalliance with the world of social media. Upon reactivating my dormant profiles, I was met with an overwhelming sense of disdain. The simple act of posting felt suffocating, as if I were being forcibly confined within the confines of a digital realm that offered little solace.
In the wake of my reentry into the virtual landscape, I found myself bombarded with a myriad of emotions. One particular interaction stood out, leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. An individual, seemingly distressed, reached out to me, seeking solace in my words. In an earnest attempt at consolation, I extended a hand of empathy, only to be met with a dismissive response. My message hung in the air, suspended in the void of 'read' status, a stark reminder of the fickle nature of online communication.
The audacity of such behavior left me profoundly irked. It became glaringly apparent that I was being used as nothing more than an emotional crutch, with little regard for my own feelings. The lack of reciprocity struck a chord within me, prompting a sobering reflection on the importance of mutual respect in any interaction.
The experience of being left dangling in the digital ether, whether 'delivered' or 'read,' served as a poignant reminder of the pivotal role communication plays in the intricate dance of interpersonal dynamics. It was a stark realization that resonated deeply within me:
"Communication is indeed arduous, yet so is its absence."
With this newfound understanding, I made a solemn vow to fortify my boundaries, a testament to my unwavering commitment to self-preservation. While my essence remained unchanged, the establishment of discerning boundaries served as a shield against future transgressions. From that moment onward, I stood firm in asserting my worth and demanding the respect I rightfully deserved.
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cveenso · 2 months
Since I was occupied yesterday and will be busy all day tomorrow, I've decided to write three journal entries at once.
I'm overjoyed for my best friend. After enduring so much, I believe she's finally found what she deserves. She's met the man of her dreams, and they've been getting to know each other for some time now. It brings me immense happiness because the man she's with is truly remarkable. He's devout, with a solid understanding of Islam to guide her on the right path.
She's truly deserving of this happiness, as is everyone. Having witnessed her growth since 2010, I'm moved by every phase of her life. Even though I may not have been fully present in some of those phases, I'm grateful to be a part of her life now, Allahu Akhbar.
This is a brief entry of appreciation, and if you ever come across this, you know who you are. I'm incredibly proud of you, my dear Ata-girl. You deserve all the joy in the world. It fills my heart to see you back on track, and I'm thrilled that you've found someone who can accompany you on this journey, hopefully for the rest of your life. God willing.
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