cvmyungsoo-blog · 8 years
Myungsoo snorted out in amusement when he saw Hyungwon wheeze, struggle to pull in air after being winded. As far as Myungsoo was concerned though, he'd deserved it. It wasn't as if it was unusual, a good portion of their time spent together was spent with biting remarks, rough hands as they shoved at each other's shoulders. It wasn't something to take personally, and it was largely in good humor, but it was just how they fit together. How a lot of The Pack fit together. "You're never hilarious – you're just loud." Myungsoo corrected him, though it came out teasingly, obvious enough paired with the smile that was on his face. 
He might have been annoyed with the side effects of the potion if Hyungwon wasn't mirroring the expression himself, an unusual sight to see on his friend, and he might have teased him about it if he wasn't in the same position. Or maybe he would anyway, it really just depended how much Hyungwon wanted to try and annoy him. Still, it was hard to twist himself into full blown irritation, anger, especially when he couldn't bring himself to care that his usual mask of a demeanor had long since fallen apart since he'd taken the potion. Not that it took too long for Hyungwon to goad him even further, had Myungsoo shooting a hand out t shove him a little too forcefully, ended up laughing as he watched the other topple his way into a bush. Not that Hyungwon seemed all that phased by it. Myungsoo liked that about him though, how he could pick himself up out of a fall, out of a fight and pretend like nothing had happened. He was envious of it, in a way. 
"You would steal something that's easily recognizable, wouldn't you?" Myungsoo teased him, the top hate sitting just a little higher above the crowd, and if someone were seriously looking for it then it probably wouldn't be extraordinarily difficult to find. But then, it probably belonged to someone that didn't care too much if they never saw it again. Where else were you going to wear a top hat? He wound an arm around Hyungwon's neck and pulled him into a headlock (a good natured one, if there was such a thing) when he shoved back, wandered a few steps forward and dragged Hyungwon with him just for the fun of it. He had to set some boundaries after all. Hyungwon would take a mile if you gave him an inch. "I think you probably look the most ridiculous right not. Actually, I'm entirely sure you do." he concluded by reaching over to knock Hyungwon's top hat on the ground once more, arm still locked tight around his neck.
&. youthful tricks
“i lost my coat,” is his excuse for brandishing the apparel, tilting it sideways upon his head to give him a less put together appearance. there was no explanation of what coat, how or when, and why that had to do with the hat. that was for myungsoo to put together on his own. with the piece was at the perfect angle, hyungwon examined the tiny incision in the inside of his palm, wiped it on his shirt and then moved closer to shove myungsoo back. “you’re the one whose face is ridiculous.” words grunted out with the extra effort he put in to knock the other over. it was an immature game, but myungsoo shoved him first and if there was anyone that hyungwon could be childish with, it was his fellow pack. 
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cvmyungsoo-blog · 8 years
Myungsoo wasn't one for festivities, not really, not this type anyway. He tended to gravitate toward more laid back affairs, and not toward places with invitations that instructed costumes, suggested frills and monocles and opulence. He wasn't usually one for potions either, not that he never bought from The Apothecary, but he usually stuck to alcohol when he wanted to find oblivion. But free was free and the only way Myungsoo figured he was going to loosen up was to knock one back, and it left him stretched away from his usual persona – or maybe it was just something often hidden from view entirely. 
Regardless, it left him light footed now, his spatial awareness an afterthought and he ended up bumping into someone. At least it was someone he knew. "At this point it's a little impossible not to." Myungsoo answered her back, his smile only widening as their eyes met. It wasn't the usual expression he wore when he was with Sana. Sure, sometimes they laughed at the odd customers that dragged themselves into the 24 hr. Mart late and half asleep, but there was usual something hidden in Myungsoo's expressions. Not secrets, but parts of himself that he was uncomfortable revealing. 
"I came late, though I can't quite figure out if I regret coming or not." Myungsoo contemplated aloud, his hand dragging through his hair once again, bangs feathering through his fingers and settling in an uneven mass on top of his head. He was craving a cigarette, but he'd left his pack back in his room and he wasn't about to stumble his way back to go and get it, was instead just contemplating ditching early regardless. "You look good though, I like the outfit." Myungsoo murmured out, his voice just barely audible over the white noise of the party around them, perhaps another distinctly un-Myungsoo thing to say (he was more a fan of brooding stares and actions over compliments), but it was hard to battle against the effects of the potions, and he'd long since given up.
“hey, oppa, you look like you’re enjoying yourself.”  the smile on his face gave away his current state, a grin of her own growing as she took in the situation.  the tilt of her head portrayed a sense of innocence, hiding her sinister motive to have some fun with his unusual giddiness.  “i technically came with yoongi-oppa, but we split up almost immediately.  what about you?”
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cvmyungsoo-blog · 8 years
Myungsoo had spent his time between a few people he knew. The potions had long ago permeated his system and he was left in a blissful mood, a smile stuck to his face and laughter falling easier than it usually did. Everything had collapsed though, the danger of the semester before rearing its head and reminding those in the party that the school might not have been quite as safe as initially promised. He'd been in the middle of talking to Sana when he'd first seen one of the ghosts that the people around him were shouting about. A figure that was curled up in white, and the euphoric feeling he'd been swimming in before plummeting in his stomach, left adrenaline and fear in his wake. He'd shaken himself off of Sana despite the fact that she'd been halfway through trying to tell him something. 
There was only a singular thought in his head, and that was making sure that Seunghee was okay. 
His sister meant the world to him, and he'd spent the majority of his life taking care of her, looking out for her, brushing dirt off of her knees and sticking bandaids into place like a solution immediately after. What was happening now seemed a little more paramount than the boys down the street who had one upon a time pulled her hair, however, and Myungsoo found himself pushed his way bodily through the crowd in an effort to find her, tried to focus in on the added senses that came with being a familiar to pick her out from the panic stricken masses. 
He managed to pick out her voice, a shaky fracture of the sound hitting him (though he swore he'd be able to pick Seunghee's voice out a mile away no matter where he was at this point), head turning sharp to try and find where the sound had come from. Seunghee's presence followed soon after, took a few long strides to meet her and curled Seunghee up tight in his arms, one hand pressing flat to the small of her back, shoulders hunching in protective, like a wall against any who might try to pass. "There's...something, I don't know. Ghosts. Come on, we need to go." he rattled out fast, his voice a pointed sort of control that seemed half-forced out of him in order to try and keep Seunghee calm.
“myungsoo,” she shouted, feet quickly traversing the flattened floor in search of him. for a minute, he seemed to be no where in sight and her eyes started to sting, heartbeat rising with every passing second. her lips parted to shout his name again, but let out a shaky exhale of relief instead when he landed in her sight and she ran over quick. “myungsoo, what’s going on?” she breathed, hands latching tight around his arm. 
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cvmyungsoo-blog · 8 years
Myungsoo had been trying to acclimate himself to the climate of the party. It was all raucous noise and people falling over each other happily, smiles drawn bright across their faces, a few of them stumbling into a waltz. It wasn't really Myungsoo's normal scene, it reeked of money, of wasting it, but with the potions he'd swallowed down moments before swirling their way through his system, well, it left him just slightly more open-minded than usual. Maybe that was the ploy behind it, maybe that was bringing together students and covens alike, until they were all nearly getting along. At least from what Myungsoo could tell. He knew a few people there, dotted in between crowds of people that were talking, laughing, shouting out in excitement. He was the type to skirt along the edges of things he was unsure about though. 
He didn't really know anyone in the Life and Death Brigade, tended to stay with his pack, with the handful of friends he'd amassed over the years. Perhaps he'd wander in soon, find someone he knew to hang around until the potions kicked in a little more thoroughly and left him without thought as far as his actions when. That had been the plan anyway, before someone shot a hand out at his back and shoved, a loud shout following as one foot fell forward to catch his balance, head swinging around the glar angry at the culprit. It was just Hyungwon though. He was pretty sure it was always Hyungwon, and he quelled the urge to knock him over and into a bush (at least for the moment). He smacked a hand against Hyungwon's stomach when he felt the weight of the other's arm collapse around his shoulders – not enough to hurt him, but enough to where he pulled a groan from the back of his throat. 
"You're actually the worst. That still isn't funny. In fact, I think the more you do it, the less funny it gets." Myungsoo determined around a snort, head lolling to the side to glance over at Hyungwon. "Potions?" he questioned aloud when he caught sight of the smile hanging from his face, surprising considering Hyungwon had a tendency to wear smirks like an accessory. Not that Myungsoo was faring any better as he cracked a smile back at him, shoved his hand rough against Hyungwon's side to send him stumbling, dislodged the other's arm from around his shoulders. "Where the fuck did you get that hat anyway? Looks ridiculous."
&. youthful tricks
the weight of his steps lessening as he maneuvers his way closer, trying to remain out of eye-line until he was mere feet from myungsoo. one hand reaching forward to shove gently at myungsoo’s lower back to throw him off balance. a playful and will-less attempt of a ‘rah!’ by the older boys ear, followed seconds by an arm slinging around myungsoo’s shoulder and slipping off laughter trickled out, canting his head and stepping around to see if he’d managed to have any effect on myungsoo. everything from the obvious playfulness and the smile–one that never made its way to hyungwon’s features–were in the hands of whatever he’d ingested to make this event worth attending. 
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cvmyungsoo-blog · 8 years
Myungsoo was fond of Hyeri, in the way one might be if they were constantly stuck to your little sisters side and sometimes crashing into his apartment to raid his movie collection. She was a nice enough girl, and he never minded hanging out with her, but he had her categorized in his head as his 'kid sister's friend' and so it was hard to push himself past that and see her as anything else, to see the feelings she may have devolved for him over the years, was blinding by his own preconceived notions. 
Hyeri had changed over the years, and while Myungsoo was aware of it, it just wasn't something he noticed outright. It had just developed piece by piece, the creep of time spread long enough that it hadn't seemed drastic. That even now didn't seem apparent, even in a dress that probably came from Seunghee's closet. "The least bows? But...there are already so many of them. Where do you fit more bows?" Myungsoo joked, reached an arm out to tug gently at one of the bows adorning the heaps of fabric, though he let it drop soon after. Myungsoo found himself nodding along as Hyeri spoke, the teacup settled just a little too awkwardly in his hand despite the contented expression currently gracing his features. 
"Well, I mean. I guess this isn't really my scene, is it?" he answered her back in turn, nodded over to the party – the gaudy outfits, the teacups that shimmered like there might have been gold overlay pressed into the porcelain, heavy look chandeliers and decorations that probably cumulatively cost more than a year's rent at his family's apartment. No, he preferred the bonfires held deep in the caves, surrounded by his pack members or those they were friends with ducking in, drinking beer, smoking, and goading each other into stupid decisions. Still, he'd come. "I don't really think it suits me. I think this is too small." he complained, one eye scrunching as he reached a hand up to yank at the partly-undone collar of his shirt.
“You look super uncomfortable.” she noted brightly, bluntly, part of her somewhat dubious charm. “I think this is the most dressed up I’ve ever seen you.”
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cvmyungsoo-blog · 8 years
The music seemed dulled as it seeped in through the trees and the underbrush, distorted by the manic laughter of partygoers, a sound that was forced out from them by the potions they’d swallowed down. Myungsoo was among them, his body felt light and his head even lighter. There was a lopsided smile slashed across his face, and it felt off balance, almost wrong. It wasn’t as if Myungsoo never smiled, he wasn’t nearly that stoic, but he wasn’t one to laugh at the slightest prompting. 
He had a worn-in stone-faced expression that was his usual go-to default. Some had teased him for it, but as far as he could tell it was the easiest way to grab the upper hand in a situation. People treated you differently when they thought you to be unbending. When you proved it, too. That was gone for now though, washed away in euphoria and it had a foreign feeling lodged in Myungsoo’s chest, though one he couldn’t bring himself to care about presently. He carded his fingers rough through his own hair, left his bangs in a disarray as he weaved his way through people that looked far too dressed up to be wandering through the middle of a forest. He was on his way to nowhere when his shoulder brushed against someone else's, paused momentarily to make sure they were alright, one hand dropping to the small of her back to make sure she kept her balance. 
When Myungsoo ducked his head down to see if she was alright though, he noticed a familiar enough face to that of another familiar. "Oh, Sana. Hey." Myungsoo mumbled out, his voice just a little gruff, though there was an uncharacteristic smile lingering, his body language far more relaxed than usual. "Here with anyone?" he continued, turned his head to glance around at the few people milling around nearby.
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cvmyungsoo-blog · 8 years
actual zombie me has returned, ooc note under the cut
i accidentally poofed from existence because some ppl left at my job and i got overscheduled :< but i think i’ll be on more regularly now! i’m going to try and respond to msges i owe and maybe send some ims to people but pls just throw an im my way if you’d like to plot (especially for the event maybe?) also i have a (very lame) plot page up if you’d like to check it out.
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cvmyungsoo-blog · 8 years
Myungsoo had never been one for frivolities, for excess funds spilling over into extravagant events. It always felt unnecessary to him, though maybe that was due to him viewing the world through the lens of his own upbringing. Not enough money to go around, thrifted clothes, and the constant worry of whether or not they'd have enough to pay for their electricity bill. It made sense then, that shelling out for chandeliers to intertwine with the foliage overhead seemed like a ludicrous idea to Myungsoo. 
Despite this, he was still there. It seemed like everyone was. While Myungsoo wasn't one for frills or lace, he'd put in a moderate amount of effort. Well, the lower end of moderate, anyway. He had on suspenders, a pair of black pants and a simple enough white button down. It wasn't like he was going to go out and buy a victorian themed outfit for the whole affair, after all, where the hell else was he going to wear it? He'd come for the company, for the promise of free potions, though he quickly found himself in Hyeri's company. Perhaps because they both weren't the type to play dress up, but amusingly enough, it seemed Hyeri had gotten herself roped into some frilly mess of a dress. 
"I see that, it's very...poofy." Myungsoo decided with a nod, though there was a flicker of amusement hiding in his brief smile. "I haven't decided yet if I'm jealous of these things, or if I'm glad they usually just keep it to themselves." Myungsoo continued, took another sip from the teacup they'd passed out, though it looked nearly comical in his grip due to the fact that he was refusing to hold it by the handle (though in fairness, it was a bit of a tight squeeze for his fingers).
at least until myungsoo approached, too cool for school in black pants and suspenders, having obviously relied on his face to carry him through and - god was it working. she swallowed hard, feeling suddenly absurd. “hey, oppa.” she offered casually, easily enough, nose scrunching. “your sister talked me into quite the outfit.” she threw it out like an explanation, before he could tease her for looking like a six year old at a fairy tale tea party. 
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cvmyungsoo-blog · 8 years
i’m so late to the party i think i’ve been uninvited – !
but i’m here now and i even finally got my plots page up?! it’s a miracle. you can check them out here if you want and if any of them catch your eye just throw an im my way and i’ll get back to you. i still need to reply to the messages i got (you guys are so nice to this absent ghost cries), but if you’d still like to plot just send me an im or like this post! i actually think i might disappear to go eat in a little bit but I SWEAR TO GOD i am going to plot with people today so help me so i’ll respond when i get back 100%! for a sparknotes version of myung since i still need to put his stats and additional info on his about oops:
he’s the leader of the pack
he’s a huge black pup
he has kind of anger problems (but he’s trying to fix it...maybe...sort of)
he’s going nowhere in life
his lil sister is seunghee (try anything and he’s going to end you!!!11)
he lives in the basement of the carriage house
he sometimes plays guitar but it’s more just a hobby
he has an A+ poker face like glhf trying to read him
he’s kind of a mess but he can sometimes be a cute once he lets his guard down
so yeah!! if you wanna know anything else just let me know and i’ll try to get back to everyone soon, also i’ll probably send some people those meme things soon-ish?? but i’m going to try and not reblog it until i plot a little bit first. ;^;
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cvmyungsoo-blog · 8 years
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cvmyungsoo-blog · 8 years
My body’s covered in teeth marks. Your bite’s worse than your bark. You ruin everything you touch and destroy anyone you love. You’re all over me.
Dog Teeth, by Nicole Dollanganger.
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