cxeurdelion-blog · 8 years
               A GRAND SHOW of ( regrettably, rather  r o u g h l y  ) dragging the blonde into a separate room of the Malfoy Manner would seem quite the anticlimax, as he sat Annette down in a chair and wandered to the other side. “ Well, ” he begun, idly running his hand over some elegant but old looking books tucked into a striking set of shelves. “Nice place, huh?? ” Crius hummed, observantly, turning to eye her over his shoulder. “ Soooo, you wanna’ stick with the whole ‘ DON’T KNOW ANYTHING ’ spiel, right?? ”
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A sharp, panicked cry escaped as she was grabbed----one that she cut off quickly, lest it drive any of the people left in the room to reacting and getting hurt. Surprisingly, after leaving the dungeon, the grip on her arm lessened, and she was able to focus, take in the unsettlingly familiar surroundings before they entered the next room. She held her breath, waiting for the inevitable-----whatever was coming----but it didn’t happen. In fact, this Death Eater----they weren’t even looking at her. “I---” Her eyes snapped back to the figure across from her, and she swallowed, summoning all of her courage. “I’m NOT telling you anything----I----this is Malfoy Manor, isn’t it?” She breathed, stomach dropping. Did that mean Scorpius....?
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cxeurdelion-blog · 8 years
              “ See, the FUNNY THING about this is, you actually don’t have any choice in it?? You’re going to give me what I want, love, because I’m going to  h u r t  you until you do. And nobody’s coming to save you. So, who’s calling all the shots for this ragtag resistance?? Give me the GOSSIP, the 411. It’ll be just like a slumber party. ”
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Annette bit down on her lower lip, eyes drawn from where they’d been---focused on Dash and Nat----to the masked figure speaking to her, “I don’t know anything, n o n e  of us know anything!” She closed her eyes, bracing herself for their response to her answer.
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cxeurdelion-blog · 8 years
“It is a party drink. Its such a party drink people are swimming in it.” He beamed, taking a sip of the water himself. “You know you’ll regret it in the morning if you drink much more. I’m just trying to save you…” Rhys nodded, faking a solemn expression before pecking her pout with a kiss. “We could get you some orange juice from the kitchens instead?”
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Rolling her eyes at his joke, she couldn’t help but return his smile, “I’m fine, I promise! I just want to----have fun with my super cute boyfriend. So what do I get if I drink all of this water, hm?” Taking another sip, she shifted her weight from one foot to another, thinking it over, “Orange juice is tempting----do you think we could have waffles, too? Maybe bacon?”
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cxeurdelion-blog · 8 years
“Good.” He smiled, snatching the empty flask out of her hand, replacing it with a bottle of water. “Drink this.”
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“Rhys!” As usual, Annette lit up at the sight of her boyfriend, so distracted that she didn’t notice the change in drink until she tasted it, “Hey----this isn’t a PARTY drink! Rhys!” She pouted, leaning into him and linking his fingers with her, “I want another drink.”
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cxeurdelion-blog · 8 years
 “ HOLY LIQUOROLEE!! Looks like someone’s stuck in a sitch, huh dumplin’?? ” From it’s spot tucked into her bra strap, Dillon produced a small, hot pink flask, and swapped it out for the empty one. “ Don’t sweat it, little goldilocks. Dillon comes in  C L U T C H  for the cuties in need, ” she assured, and executed a small dance of her own. 
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Annette gasped, one hand held against her heart as she reached out to take the offered flask, “This is-----what a blessing. You’re like, a guardian angel, you know?!” Swinging her arms around the other girl’s shoulders, Annette gave her a sound kiss on the cheek, “Some HEROES don’t wear masks----they wear super cute swimsuits instead!”
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cxeurdelion-blog · 8 years
“Why is the rum always gone?”
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“Because us small and sneaky girls can snag it without anyone even noticing, Lil! But I’m sure there’s got to be more around here  s o m e w h e r e !”
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cxeurdelion-blog · 8 years
“Uh oh---!!”
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cxeurdelion-blog · 8 years
“Well…” There was a sickening number of reasons why Ruben Travers needed Melody Shacklebolt. However, those reasons were exclusively reserved for the pair and no one else. “Wouldn’t you want someone to help you find Rhys, if you couldn’t find him?”
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If that comparison was supposed to clear things up for Annette, it did the exact opposite. Brows furrowing, she cocked her head to the side, arms crossed over her chest, “Yes.... but Rhys is my soulmate, obviously.” It was stated matter-of-factly, and she continued without pause, “Are you saying Mel is yours?” 
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cxeurdelion-blog · 8 years
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cxeurdelion-blog · 8 years
“Modesty is the conscience of the body. I am aware that mine rocks.” Ryder remarked, his thoughts cut short as Annette attacked him. In a swift move, he wrapped his arms tightly around her. If she was fighting dirty in order to win, she was going down with him. And down they went. The water exploded in a massive SPLASH. “For someone so little you make a big mess, don’t you A?”
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As Ryder pulled her into the pool with him, Annette realized that she probably should have seen this coming; Ryder had her beat by over half a foot at least. She closed her eyes right before they hit the water, arms reaching out to try and propel herself away from her friend as she broke the surface, “Me?! Me?!” She sputtered, letting out a peal of laughter, “YOU’RE the one making a scene-----trying to get someone’s attention, Ry?” Her tone was knowing as she backed away from him.
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cxeurdelion-blog · 8 years
Ryder rolled his eyes. “It’s a pool party, isn’t it? I also happen to like nudity. And I have nice abs.” He explained, still looking around for a better suited object. “That’s too small to make a proper sized slide.” He smirked. “But I suppose if it’s for you it won’t matter.” If there was one thing he loved, it was making fun of his best friend’s adorable height.  — or lack thereof.
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“That’s our Ryder----always so modest.” Annette cooed, fondness evident in her tone despite her teasing. An offended gasp came soon after, and her eyes narrowed as she pounced----literally, taking advantage of their close proximity to the pool to try and push him in. “You are the WORST, Ryder Bellamy!”
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cxeurdelion-blog · 8 years
“A slide?? What about, what about a diving board?? But a high diving board??” Esmé looked around, “I don’t know where Melody is, but why can’t we try to do it ourselves?? YOLO, right??”
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“Yes, yes, one of those too---I really don’t know why Hogwarts doesn’t just have a slide and a diving board in here already----but we have to make sure the water is deep enough for it!” Annette laughed, swinging her arms around her friend, “F I N E, we can try----what do you think about incorporating LIGHTS into our slide? Or maybe some fun spells?!”
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cxeurdelion-blog · 8 years
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               He sat by Annette, drawn to the  l i g h t  that seemed to radiate from her. “ I will, I will. I just have to let it sink in for a minute, though. Let her do the rounds, say hi to her friends. Let myself have a chance to comprehend how anyone could be that beautiful, y’know?? ” Amos laughed quietly. “ Sometimes she KNOCKS THE BREATH right outta’ me. ”
Annette’s smile only widened at his words; she nodded sagely, “When you find the right person, it’s like-----it’s hard to believe, sometimes, that they’re here the same time as your are, you know?” She glanced at him expectantly, “Soooo----what are you going to say to her?!”
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cxeurdelion-blog · 8 years
“It’s my best talent.” For a boy of many hobbies, Daisuke whole-heartedly believed that to be the truth. He wasn’t noticed much and that suited him fine. Gave him plenty of time to think. “I could try my hand at it, at any rate. Perhaps a tube kind of water slide would do the job well?”
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“Really?!” Clapping her hands together, she pulled him into a hug; she didn’t know Daisuke that well, but she knew Dorian and Melody, and their trust in him was enough for her. “This is going to be so much fun----thank you! Ooooh, yes---and what if we had two waters slides, next to each other, so people could race?”
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cxeurdelion-blog · 8 years
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               “ I guess it’s because you’re willing to see when people are trying, Annette. You see the choices people make for  t h e m s e l v e s,  not the ones that were made for them in the past; the ones they can’t help, ” Crius said, without his usual cocky smirk, his tone humbled. He laughed, too, adding, “ and the hair. Very Blake Lively. ”
Annette stared at him for a moment, eyes big and unblinking, as though she were waiting for the other shoe to drop; for him to sneer and call her names or worse. But it didn’t, and she thought maybe, m a y b e, he was telling the truth. And if he were, then didn’t he DESERVE a chance to prove it? “Well, I think....” Her tone was wary, but there was a hint of optimism there, “No one should be judged for----for things they had no control over.”
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cxeurdelion-blog · 8 years
Ryder sighed, he hadn’t even managed to take his clothes off  — something he enjoyed very much, before he was hit with Annette’s requests. “I’ll make you a damn slide. I can’t conjure it, though. I need something to use for transfiguration.” He smiled, finally taking his shirt off. “Any ideas?”
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Annette beamed at him, “This is why I love you, Ry!” She rolled her eyes, snatching his shirt from his hands and waving it around, “This, maybe? Merlin knows you’re not going to be putting it back on, huh? If you had your way every party would be shirts-optional.”
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cxeurdelion-blog · 8 years
“How about this, Bardon… If you find Melody for me, you’ll not only have one slide, but two.”
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“..... why do you need Melody? Or---why can’t you just find her yourself?”
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