cxnstcllations · 1 year
they've just about forced on their customer service smile when they realise it's lizzie bounding through the door. facade dropped, the witch lets out a despairing groan. "please tell me you're here to save me. or just put me out of my misery." pinching the bridge of her nose, she grimaces. "if you mess with me today, i will sneak old salmon bagel chunks into one of your pockets. and you won't find it in time." they're kidding of course. mostly. pushing themself up to sit on the back counter, cat makes space for lizzie to potter about and serve herself. "so what are you doing here anyway ?? just can't bear to go a day without jj's ??"
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where: java joes who: open to anyone !
it was turning out to be a long shift - the kind that featured far too many non-fat, four pumps caramel, foam with whip and barely any coffee nonsense orders. cat's patience for customer service was short on a good day ( why had they bothered getting a job in retail again ?? ) but one more crappy request and she was strongly considering handing in her notice. "we're all out of the hazelnut syrup and those are the last bagel options-" the witch tips her head at the counter where a few sad ham and cheese bagels remain under the glass. "but i can get you anything else."
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cxnstcllations · 1 year
where: the evermore, penthouse suite. who: closed starter for @wmarionette
languid frame extends across the chaise longue, one arm tucked behind her head like a pillow, the other clasping a glass of champagne. it's five o'clock somewhere, after all. "mari-" the vampire hums, lips pressed together in a disconcerted pout. "i'm bored." eyes fix upon her sister, mischief glinting in the onyx pupils. "shall we get room service or go out for a bite ??"
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cxnstcllations · 1 year
the bitter liquid saps some of the irritation from her system, replacing it with an easy contentedness. taking another sip, a half-smile tugs at the corners of their mouth. "gotta have a talent for something, right ??" sure, they preferred the idea that they were a good potion maker...or herbologist...but top notch barista was what paid the bills. "mm, if we had a liquor license i'd say an irish coffee - hair of the dog is good for any late night recovery." the witch murmurs, abandoning her cup on the counter. "but since we don't...we got these new guatemalan beans in. real rich chocolatey flavour. or a ginger & citrus tea blend is good for a natural herbal boost."
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Seeing the barista put together what looked like two drinks, he smirked again and nodded in thanks. "That's what I'm counting on. Late nights at clubs, you'd think I'd never be exhausted from it but age hits us all at some point." Taking a sip from his coffee, he sighed in enjoyment and licked his lips slightly. "Perfection in a cup. You have a real skill for this." Taking another long sip since it was hot, he pulled out his card and tapped the reader with it. Looking behind him, he didn't see a line so that definitely would help the young one ringing him up. "What else would you recommend as a drink?"
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cxnstcllations · 1 year
shopping was as much a habit as getting her nails done - it was ingrained in her routine, not a want but a need. and while everwood was no cosmopolitan hub ( certainly not comparable to the likes of new york, milan, paris, london ) there were a few staple boutiques that she trusted to have quality pieces. perusing the rails, river is eyeing up a particularly figure hugging dress when the blonde asks for her thoughts. "the pink, unequivocally." manicured hands take the two shirts in question and hold them aloft in front of the other woman. "the pink is warmer, brings out the colour in your cheeks. this..." nose wrinkles, head shaking. "this is going to wash you out."
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LOCATION: The Blue Commons or some shop STATUS: open (@tsstarters)
She was distracting herself from the various things going on in her life by doing what she did best, shopping. She was strolling looking for that item that she knew would come home with her, a new shirt or a bracelet, a bag? It wouldn't distract her for long but it helped in that moment, and apparently she had remained even more about the moment. She was torn between two shirts, both identical yet in different colours, unable to decide. She caught sight of someone, and offered them an apologetic smile, "Hi, sorry can I ask your opinion? This shirt in blue, or pink?"
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cxnstcllations · 1 year
purgatory is a regular haunt of hers, for both business and pleasure. the dark corners and throbbing bass are enough to disguise what it's best used for - jae's collections. but for once, her deal with the other vampire is far from her mind, instead she's focused on enjoying herself, embracing the night. with the last of her wine drained ( their signature blend of b positive and a full bodied red ) and a slight buzz in her system, river heads to the bar for a refill. she's waiting to catch the eye of a bartender when the woman besides her poses her question. languid frame turns, eyes unabashedly drifting down the caramel contours in a heart shaped face to the curves of the woman's body - before rising back to meet her gaze. "well aren't you generous." tongue clicks, scarlet lips spreading into a bemused smile. "i'll take another red. and a name."
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LOCATION: whatever bar / club suits your muse. STATUS: open (@tsstarters)
It was supposed to be a night off, but Gabrielle had rarely taken one of those in well over a decade. It was triggered by checking instagram, when an account she didn't follow messaged her: her brothers wife, she figured from the quick scan of the woman's completely open profile. They had welcomed a child, she was an aunt. The woman was trying to bridge gaps, she had explained, but she knew that her brother wasn't the cause of her messages. He couldn't have been. It was the photo of her father with her nephew that caused her to go out where she could distract herself, and so she found herself drinking a glass of wine at the bar whilst trying to ignore the phone that weighed so heavy in her pocket. Needing a distraction she turned to the first person she saw, "Can I buy you a drink?"
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cxnstcllations · 1 year
one of the perks, besides getting paid, of working at java joes was the free coffee. it made a shift like this a lot more bearable with a little caffeine boost. so when the guy in line orders what sounds like essentially a heart attack in coffee form, they can't help but want to make one for themselves. "that..." the witch nods slowly, pleasant surprise clouding their features. "that's the drink." grabbing the cups, she works quickly at the machine, pouring out two sets of the four-shot espresso. placing one on the counter in front of him, they take a sip of their own - the heat of the liquid burning the tip of their tongue. "if this doesn't perk you up, nothing will."
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Ryder was up early after a long night at Purgatory, yawning in his jacket as he tried to keep himself from falling asleep on his way to work. That's when his bright hues went over the coffee shop he passed by. He knew he'd need caffeine even if it barely affected him. Stepping in and waiting in line, he rolled his eyes at all of those sugary drinks people were ordering. Just because something was non-fat didn't mean the sugar wouldn't affect them...and their vitae. Once he got to the counter, though, he heard the young woman's words and shook his head. "I'm all good without the sweets and pastries. I'll take the biggest black coffee you can muster with 4 shots of espresso. This bitch is tired." Ryder said with a chuckle, pulling out his wallet from his totebag.
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cxnstcllations · 1 year
for any of the other customers she'd had, the answer would've been an automatic no. get what you're given and be happy about it - or don't bother. but hazal was different, the kind of person she'd always be willing to go the extra mile for. even if that mile today meant a bit of avo on toast. "think we've got some sourdough in the back, that okay ??" cat quirks a brow. to be fair to the high priestess, the option sounded far more appetising than what was an increasingly more stale bagel alternative. soft hum leaves her lips at the question, teeth gnawing on the inside of her cheek. "uh - i've got a break in fifteen...that or i clock off at 6." half smile cracked at the teasing, the brunette shakes her head. "please take any opportunity to save me from retail hell."
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Her dark hues followed the information offered by Cat, watching what remained in the establishment for Hazal to eat. Although she could choose one of them, it seemed to be ideal to change her mind. “Would an avocado toast be too much of a problem? Because other than that, I think I would just stick to this cup of coffee and have another one.” Lips curved offering a sympathetic smile. “Well– and when does your shift end? I could say I have some plans for us once you’re out of here. But as I can see, you seem to be thrilled to be working here today, to the point of wanting to double your shift,” the head priestess was mostly teasing the other person, perhaps an attempt to get a smile from them.
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cxnstcllations · 1 year
a slight exhale of relief leaves her lips when she registers who is facing her. finally, a friendly face. "nor-" a wry smile tugs at the corners of their lips as they reach for a cup to start making the order. "you can have anything you like." the machine hisses and steams as she pulls together the coffee, bright eyes darting to the clock on the wall. turning back to her friend, she plants the cup down in between them. "eh, it's like an hour till close. you can have the scone half off. we just have to chuck 'em if they don't get sold today anyhow."
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Leonora smiled at Cat and nodded. "Oh, thanks hunny. I'll just take one of those delicious caramel ones you make. If you guys have that?" She asked, hopeful. Leo leaned at the bagels and saw that it had meat on it. "As for the bagels, what about any of those loafs?" She asked. "Nothing with meat for me, please!" She explained with a cheery tone. "If not, I can totally do a scone. You guys have the best ones." She continued, offering the witch another smile.
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cxnstcllations · 1 year
it's a weekly - if not daily - habit of hers to make a stop by beautello and have her nails done. she doesn't feel complete unless the full set is perfectly polished and sharpened, just another piece in the pristinely put together puzzle. suffice to say that since he moved here, she's probably not gone a week without crossing paths with ryder and his nail file.
the little chime of the bell above the door as she enters signals her arrival, sashaying over the walkway with the airs and graces that were to be expected of a regular. "i think you'll find that's already been achieved, darling." the vampire tuts at the greeting offered to her, pausing before she waves a hand aloft to show a chip in the polish. "but a little touch up on the shade wouldn't go amiss."
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The scratch of the nail file against the acrylics on his own hand were soft, articulate and filled with precision. He'd been doing this for many years before coming to Everwood, wanting to have sharp nails to keep himself safe. Sure, his ex hated it, but this is why he fully embraced it now. Weapons, that's what they were.
Hearing the bell ring gently at the door of Beautello, he looked over with a smile and a slight wiggle of his fingers as a wave. He stood up, walking over to the host counter and smirked. "How can we make you stunning today?"
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cxnstcllations · 1 year
where: java joes who: open to anyone !
it was turning out to be a long shift - the kind that featured far too many non-fat, four pumps caramel, foam with whip and barely any coffee nonsense orders. cat's patience for customer service was short on a good day ( why had they bothered getting a job in retail again ?? ) but one more crappy request and she was strongly considering handing in her notice. "we're all out of the hazelnut syrup and those are the last bagel options-" the witch tips her head at the counter where a few sad ham and cheese bagels remain under the glass. "but i can get you anything else."
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cxnstcllations · 1 year
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cxnstcllations · 1 year
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TATI GABRIELLE ph. Tiziano Lugli for InStyle (February 2023)
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cxnstcllations · 1 year
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Do you want me to strangle him, or do you wanna do that? We could take turns.
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cxnstcllations · 1 year
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cat camberwell - intro, mirror, musings
river wentworth - intro, mirror, musings
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cxnstcllations · 1 year
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. ✧ . * . ⌜ the lingering scent of burnt sage & cigarettes, chipped black nail polish, an inherited denim jacket frayed and hanging loose over slight frame ⌟
full name : catriona niamh camberwell
name meaning: pure, bright, well of the britons
nickname / alias: cat, cc
gender / pronouns: she/her/they/them
sexuality: pansexual
species: witch
age, birthday + zodiac: 25, may 22nd, gemini
place of birth: everwood, utah
accent : neutral american accent
occupation: barista at java joes, dealer of herbal highs
song: silk chiffon by muna
faceclaim: maya hawke
height: 5″5
eyecolor: blue/green
haircolor: blonde/brown
build: slim/athletic
tattoos / scars: sage leaves on her ribs, scar on her knee
positivetraits: outgoing, quick witted, imaginative
negativetraits: unfiltered, distrustful, distracted
parents : x camberwell ( mother ), x camberwell ( father )
siblings : younger twins, two older siblings
children : none
pets : ratsputin ( black and white rat )
cat - never catriona - was born and raised in everwood. they’re one of five camberwell children, a prestigious witch family within the town. and with the name camberwell comes responsibility. an obligation to be more than just your average witch, to climb the ranks, to be a force to be reckoned with.
but as a typical middle child, cat is the forgotten camberwell. overlooked by her parents apart from when they have time to remind her that she is a disappointment.
cat’s affinity has always lain within nature, she has no interest in the dark magic her family align themselves with. they’re a person of simple pleasures, healing spells, whipping up a salve, tending to her herb garden.
since turning 18, she has made it clear that she has no interest in being part of the family and their focus on a darker path. rather than be an outcast, she has joined the lunar coven as a neophyte. but for the most part, she spends her time with her new family - an unlikely collection of misfits, of all species, that live together.
on paper, her job is barista at java joes - but anyone that knows them knows well enough that she’s where they can go to pick up. cat is a dealer, though a careful one. they supply only natural herbal highs, a different kind of healing in their mind.
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cxnstcllations · 1 year
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. ✧ . * . ⌜ a penchant for the finer things in life, tongue sharper than a knife, an unwavering devotion to those who have earned her trust ⌟
full name : river lee wentworth
name meaning: flowing body of water, plum tree, pale man’s settlement
nickname / alias: riv
gender / pronouns: she/her
sexuality: pansexual
age, birthday + zodiac: 23/223, june 10th, gemini
place of birth: london, england
accent : general american accent, very rarely does she sound english
occupation: owner of the evermore
song: you should see me in a crown by billie eilish
faceclaim: tati gabrielle
height: 5″9
eyecolor: chocolate
haircolor: bleach blonde
build: slim
tattoos / scars: none
positivetraits: charismatic, driven, loyal
negativetraits: unforgiving, short-tempered, callous
parents : open wentworth ( adoptive mother ), open wentworth ( adoptive parent )
siblings : open wentworth ( 0 / 3 )
children : none
pets : none
tw: sex work, illness, child death, death
ada baker was born in east london in 1800 to violet baker and a travelling foreign soldier. violet was a sex worker, she had come from a poor family and gotten pregnant young. while the baby had died, she was disowned by her family and had to find a way to support herself. violet took to the brothels and there she remained for much of ada’s life. ada was the first of 7 children that violet gave birth to, though each child was fathered by a different client
as the eldest, ada became as much of a mother to her siblings as their actual one. while violet worked, ada cared for the children - did what she could to raise them. but with little education of her own, she could only do so much. she stole, robbed, and begged, to help them get by.
when ada was nearly 18, violet decided that they needed a chance to start over. she’d been sold the american dream and was willing to believe it. ada, her mother and her siblings travelled to new york but the journey was too much for violet, who had already been suffering with an unknown illness. she didn’t make it to the new country.
on arriving in the US, ada was now the only caretaker of her younger siblings. it was her responsibility to find them a home, to find them opportunities. they moved from place to place until ada found work as a maid in a small household.
it was in this house, with its elderly and chronically ill governess, that ada met x wentworth. x wentworth cared for ada’s employer and the two became unlikely friends. ada saw a kindness in x that she had not experienced before. it was this kindness that led her to seek x’s help in the end....
consumption. it was common, quick and deadly among the poor. and it consumed her small family in a matter of days. with her brothers and sisters barely hanging on, ada sought out x in the hopes she might have a solution. but the young maid had sent for help a little too late, only ada herself was able to be spared by the time x had reached them. thus began ada baker’s new life.
reborn, she renamed herself, desperate to bury the memory of her human life. river lee; taking on her sire’s surname wentworth. and with the new life, came a new personality. the sweet, caring girl who had carried the weight of her family was gone. in its place, a sharp, cold, creature - revelling in the luxuries that were now available to her.
200 years have passed since her turning and she had remained at the side of her adoptive parents, accepting ( however reluctantly ) any further siblings acquired along the way.
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cxnstcllations · 7 years
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