cxrleonis · 2 years
i’ve beent hinking lately about coming back to this. maybe with same charas or completely new ones, or different versions of the existing ones?
or maybe i won’t do any of that lol
i’ve missed this tho, and i hope everyone is doing good <3
so i remembered the password to this account
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cxrleonis · 2 years
so i remembered the password to this account
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cxrleonis · 3 years
finally, a blog update!
first of all, i hope everyone is staying safe and taking care of themselves. the beginning of the year has already started off very... interesting, so make sure you’re prioritizing yourself and your well-being.
NOW, i have been pretty on and off with this blog for a while, disappearing for months at a time. that’s due to a few reasons, so i’ll try to list them:
probably the biggest one, ~my mental health~. my mental health has been all topsy turvy for a few years now. it’s affected my mood, my productivity levels, etc etc. it’s only recently that i’ve started regularly seeing a psychologist, got diagnosed with adhd and depression, and have been trying out some medications and all that good stuff.
i guess this is kind of a consequence of the first one, but my motivation to write/my muse has been dwindling a lot recently. after i joined a group rp that i’ve been in for a while now, though, that has gotten a lot better, which is why i wanna try and be more active again here.
i haven’t been very motivated with the rp community as of late. i could make a whole post about that, but in general, it’s very different from when i started writing on tumblr (given, that was like... what, 5+ years ago?) , which makes me more hesitant to reach out to write with new ppl. it’s also just... really hard to find ppl who want to write with me? especially as a multi-muse blog? especially as a multi-muse blog with only female oc’s?? yikes. however, i’m perfectly happy if i’m just writing with the ppl i already write with now, so i don’t mind it that much.
uni is stressful!! and thinking about the future is stressful! i’m in my final semester of my bachelor’s degree! aaaahhh!!!
i DO want to be more consistent on this blog, tho, bc i’ve missed writing with people here, and i’ve missed all my girls. in order to do that, i’m first gonna be moving into a new blog in the following days. no major changes-- i just feel like i need to switch blogs and start fresh, plus i want to try a better tagging system so everything is a bit more organized. i might make a promo post once i move, but i haven’t made graphics in a WHILE (plus i’m not really that good at them to begin with), so we’ll see how that goes.
i also want to explore more of my characters outside of their regular verses (bc there’s only so much you can do in a normal modern verse) so i want to explore au’s more! i don’t know if i’ll necessarily do fandom verses (like marvel, star wars, etc., bc i feel like i don’t know enough about any fandom to feel comfortable writing in those worlds lol), but i’d love to play arund with different au’s, whether it’s royal au’s time period au’s, etc etc. i might also make some of my muses that i don’t use that often (either bc people just don’t interact with them that much or my muse for them is finicky), and maybew new characters?? but that’s a hard maybe.
but yeah, that’s pretty much it, i think. i’m excited to be more active here, love u all 🥺
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cxrleonis · 3 years
the situation on capitol hill right now for anyone who is confused: https://twitter.com/canyonIarrie/status/1346904524615680000
list of states being targeted by white supremacists: https://twitter.com/ENFPreee/status/1346938604313079808
THREAD OF PEOPLE WHO CAN HELP EVACUATE DC AND THREAD FOR PEOPLE WHO NEED HELP: https://twitter.com/chadismz/status/1346922475846684673
thread of tweets offering ubers & places to stay: https://twitter.com/H0NEY00SUNG/status/1346940361311211522
thread of people who are helping people in DC: https://twitter.com/juzosuke/status/1346932911010795521
thread with a lot of BIPOC who need donations: https://twitter.com/jihanbit/status/1346909463660396550
thread of some Black folks with ongoing/unmet fundraising: https://twitter.com/disrupthehuman/status/1345796165426667523
more black people who need donations: https://twitter.com/MEANLESBlAN/status/1346931214180089859
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cxrleonis · 3 years
dc and american mutuals/followers, if you’re anxious and stressed due to the current situation, here are a few mental health and checkpoint carrds!
feel free to add more links!
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cxrleonis · 3 years
@bnjmin​​ said: “It’s too hot for hot cocoa.” for jackie
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-- which is simply not true, given the flurry of snow picking up just outside the entrance to the record store. a line etches between jackie’s brows as she nudges the styrofoam cup further across the counter to ben. “then turn the temperature down in here or something.” she pulls down the scarf settled over her mouth to take a sip of her own beverage before flashing a grin at him. “drink up-- i’m getting in my good deed of the year.”
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cxrleonis · 3 years
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Emma Watson as Belle in Beauty and the Beast (2017), dir. Bill Condon
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cxrleonis · 3 years
aly & aj released the explicit version of potential breakup song and this is all i will be listening for the next week thank u
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cxrleonis · 3 years
@anklebitxrs​ said: “I didn’t know what to buy you, so..I made you something…” from hurley to estelle and the something is a painting of them and the cat
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she remembers the half-finished sketch of her hidden in one his books, and the painting of a detailed eye he had showcased at the museum that was undoubtebly hers. hurley has drawn her before, but it’s always been in secret, not something that was ever meant for her to see outright. yet he shows her the painting, and that is unabashadly her, and unabashadly him, and unabashadly them. it makes something stir in her chest, warm and all-encompassing.
“hurley.” the whisper is muffled by the hand pressed to her mouth, though the smile behind it is revealed once she reaches out. her fingers graze the edge of his cheek, hesitant, like she contemplates pulling back the moment she touches him. they’re still so CAREFUL around each other, yet the warmth in her chest grows insistent. her thumb traces his cheekbone, hand gently curling along the side of his face. for such a quiet person, she always feels like she’ll run out of words to tell him what he means to her. but it’s the holidays-- perhaps she can save her words today. a gentle tug brings him closer, her lips finding his in a kiss that is equal parts soft and longing. and it lingers, longer than most, until she pulls herself back with pink cheeks and a small smile, hand still cradling his face, “you’re going to put my present to shame.”
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cxrleonis · 3 years
@anklebitxrs​ said: “Wow, that gingerbread house is…unique.” from teddy to cory
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there is a moment where cory is almost confident she can save this. the house itself is fine; it’s easy enough to follow the instructions. however, it’s the moment she starts applying the frosting that everything starts to -- kindly put-- fall apart. the consistency of the frosting is droopy, sliding off the sides of the house instead of hanging elegantly, and whatever fancy roofing she was trying to accomplish looks less like carefully placed shingles and more like bird shit. 
but she forces herself to love her ugly little house, so the moment teddy comments, she barely looks up from placing a row of jelly beans along the roof, only shooting him a narrowed gaze that barely reaches anything close to threatening. “i know you’re trying to be nice, teddy, and i really appreciate that, but i can read between the lines and i will not take your slander.” she can’t get through that without cracking a smile, though, especially when she throws a jelly bean at him that misses him by a long shot. then, she’s back to work, head tilted sideways as she works on piping a frosting window on the side. “--it’s called art.”
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cxrleonis · 3 years
@bnjmin​ said: “Woah, someone drank too much egg nog.” for cory
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“i didn’t know it had alcohol.” cory whispers conspirationally, having tugged ben into a corner of the steele kitchen. there’s a wide-eyed look to her, like a kid who’s just been caught trying to peek into the presents under the tree too early. she’s cradling a cup of water in her hands, tipping it up to her lips to take a big gulp. once the cup is placed down on a counter, she brings her hands up to her cheeks, feeling for the gentle warmth showing up in a hue of pink on her skin. “is it noticeable? because i’m a really good actress. i can just-- i’m, you know-- i’m totally sober.” her back straightens, lips setting into a straight line that doesn’t last long before she dissolves into a quiet fit of giggles.she feels silly, but she doesn’t really mind it here.
“it was really good, though, the egg nog-- did starlie make it? i should tell her it was good--” then she pauses, eyes widening once more, “wait, if she... that means she knows it has alcohol and she’s just been watching me down it the entire night-- oh, no, ben, she thinks i’m just here to get drunk.” cue her head plopping unceremoniously onto his shoulder, which shakes with silent laughter and only makes her join in seconds later, a grin splitting across her mouth. christmas music echoes in from the living room and voices spill in with it. she thinks she hears noel singing along at some point, and her smile widens, and the warmth in her chest grows.
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cxrleonis · 3 years
christmas / holiday starters
Feel free to change pronouns or anything else !
at a party
“Woah, someone drank too much egg nog.”
“Look, I only came for the Christmas cookies.”
“So do I make a sexy Santa/elf/reindeer or what?”
“Merry Christmas! Let’s get wasted.”
“Is my outfit too festive/not festive enough?”
“Hey! Come on in, I’ll get you a drink.”
a grinch
“I can’t believe I’m all alone during the holidays.”
“Most wonderful time of the year, my ass.”
“I hate snow. And smiling children.”
“If I hear one more Christmas song, someone is getting strangled with tinsel.”
“The only thing good about Christmas is the candy canes.”
“Wow, that gingerbread house is…unique.”
“Egg nog is disgusting.”
“I’ve had my tree up since November.”
“How could you not like the holidays?!”
“I’m going to shove a candy cane up my ass. I’m so excited!”
“Christmas is the only time of year when I’m stressed out AND receiving a bunch of gifts.”
“There’s NO way I’m going to lose the house decorating competition.”
“Christmas isn’t a holiday. It’s a way of life.”
“What did you get me?” / “I’m not telling you! It’s a surprise.”
“I didn’t know what to buy you, so..I made you something…”
“You gave me the present that I gave to YOU last year?”
“It’s perfect…”
“Aw, you didn’t have to get me anything.”
“The only gift I want is stability and happiness. But this wrapping paper is pretty.”
“You just rip the paper right off?! You heathen.” / “You save the paper? Nerd.”
secret santa
“Ugh, I can’t believe I got ___ for secret santa.”
“I got ____!! What should I give him/her/them?”
“Who bought me socks? They’re plain white no-brand socks.”
“The limit was $20, people. Why do I see an iPhone?”
“I know who got me this. There’s only one person who knows me this well. It’s you.”
with friends
“I got us matching ugly sweaters.”
“Do you think I can fit these candy canes up my nose?”
“Merry Christmas, fuckers. I’m broke but at least I got you stuff.”
“This is really corny…but you’re already a gift to me.”
“I haven’t seen you in so long! Get over here and give me a hug.”
“Are you Santa? Because I’d sit on your lap.”
“Have I been naughty this year?”
“Oh, I’d ride in your sleigh.”
“Your eyes twinkle like tree lights.”
“All I want for Christmas is you.”
“It’s snowing! That’s so perfect!”
“Great, now my flight is delayed…”
“How am I supposed to get home in this weather?”
“Baby, it’s cold outside…”
“Let’s have a snowball fight.”
no snow
“Why can’t we have a white Christmas?”
“It’s too hot for hot cocoa.”
“I wish I could wear a sweater without dying.”
“It’s nice to get away from all the cold.”
“The only ice I want to see is in a cold drink.”
knows nothing about other holidays
“So is it Jesus’s birthday?”
“Where did Santa even come from?”
“…Isn’t the tree a pagan tradition?”
“How do the deer fly?”
“This holiday sounds like it was made by someone on crack.”
“What’s a Hannukah?” / “What’s a Kwanzaa?”
“Is what I’m wearing okay?”
“Stop calling me a grinch! I’m not even Christian.”
“Watch me shove all these latkes in my mouth.”
“You don’t know how to play with a dreidel?” / “Let me teach you the dreidel game.”
“See the menorah? It’s LIT.”
“Try the sufganiyot and you will forget about Christmas cookies.”
“Hannukah is the time of year when us Jews gather and decide the next step in taking over the world. At least that’s what that crazy guy from work told me.”
“Do these dreidel cake pops look Pinterest-y enough?”
“Christians get WAY too upset over Starbucks cups. I’ve never gotten a Hannukah Starbucks cup! You don’t see me rioting about it.”
“That’s not a dreidel…That’s a beyblade.”
“Who needs one day of Christmas when I have a whole week of Kwanzaa?”
“See the kinara? It’s LIT.”
“I can’t go home until I buy a new kinara.”
“What do you think of the decorations? I think I need more African print.”
“How are we out of food? Kwanzaa is about the harvest!”
“I like Kwanzaa. It’s a holiday of principles.”
“It’s not a ‘made-up’ holiday. All holidays are made up.”
“Kinda wish the unity cup was filled with whiskey. And that I could drink all of it.”
“No matter the holiday, family time is always a bad idea.”
“This isn’t Pinterest-y enough!”
“Come on, let’s take a quick selfie. We never see each other.”
“You know I’m Muslim/Hindu/Buddhist/atheist/other, right?”
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cxrleonis · 3 years
  “DON’T ASK ME WHY, BUT I HAVE THE FEELING your first option will work out. Call it a hunch.” It’s not as if she’s known her since forever, but something about her tells him that she’s too dedicated and passionate about her goals. He decides to say this without hand movement, with his vivid voice, for her eyes seem too distracted looking at her own hands. He doesn’t know if it is because she relies on them to communicate, or if she’s being SHY…or just both. Either way, he makes sure he can hear her, even if he has to WHISPER due to the place they’re in. 
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  “Fair enough.” A smile settles on his lips, because that ANSWER is better than a plain negative. At least the idea of GOING to the event is dancing in her head and, if she ends up not going, he’s not going to blame her or be upset by it. He’s aware others have things to do rather than just attending these sorts of activities. “Don’t think about it for too long, though. Tickets might sell out.” Playful tone gets wrapped up in his words; bright, green eyes looking up to address her. 
   “The saxophone.” This time around, he uses his hands to reply, for he can see the librarian from the corner of his eye. He can’t risk getting banned from the library, right? Especially not after meeting her. It’s obvious he wants to keep on talking with her. “I just started playing it, about one or two years ago, so you could say I’m still a rookie. Still, it’s fun to play it.” A pause. “Do you like jazz? What kind of music do you prefer when dancing? Classical? Any other genre?” 
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Call it a hunch. Estelle isn’t sure how to react to that. Sure, whatever confidence she has lies mostly in her dancing-- she knows she’s talented-- but he has no reason to believe so. Yet he tells her, and she doesn’t know what to respond with other than a furrow of her brow, an exhale of a nervous chuckle as her gaze flits quickly between his eyes and her hands.
She still doesn’t know how likely she is to go the fair. It seems like a fun time, but she doesn’t know how well she’d feel in that environment. Maybe she can stop by, though-- just for a moment-- if she works up the courage to do so. But that’s something to think about later. Right now, Estelle in a conversation that she’s managed to not fumble in too hard. It’s a momentous occassion. “Yes-- jazz is very beautiful. I dance to classical mostly, yes. Though when I dance contemporary, the type of music we use can be pretty free-range.” She doesn’t mention her guilty pleasure for late 90′s and early 2000′s pop. She knows every Spice Girls song by heart. “What... what kind of music do you like?” 
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cxrleonis · 3 years
christmas / holiday starters
Feel free to change pronouns or anything else !
at a party
“Woah, someone drank too much egg nog.”
“Look, I only came for the Christmas cookies.”
“So do I make a sexy Santa/elf/reindeer or what?”
“Merry Christmas! Let’s get wasted.”
“Is my outfit too festive/not festive enough?”
“Hey! Come on in, I’ll get you a drink.”
a grinch
“I can’t believe I’m all alone during the holidays.”
“Most wonderful time of the year, my ass.”
“I hate snow. And smiling children.”
“If I hear one more Christmas song, someone is getting strangled with tinsel.”
“The only thing good about Christmas is the candy canes.”
“Wow, that gingerbread house is…unique.”
“Egg nog is disgusting.”
“I’ve had my tree up since November.”
“How could you not like the holidays?!”
“I’m going to shove a candy cane up my ass. I’m so excited!”
“Christmas is the only time of year when I’m stressed out AND receiving a bunch of gifts.”
“There’s NO way I’m going to lose the house decorating competition.”
“Christmas isn’t a holiday. It’s a way of life.”
“What did you get me?” / “I’m not telling you! It’s a surprise.”
“I didn’t know what to buy you, so..I made you something…”
“You gave me the present that I gave to YOU last year?”
“It’s perfect…”
“Aw, you didn’t have to get me anything.”
“The only gift I want is stability and happiness. But this wrapping paper is pretty.”
“You just rip the paper right off?! You heathen.” / “You save the paper? Nerd.”
secret santa
“Ugh, I can’t believe I got ___ for secret santa.”
“I got ____!! What should I give him/her/them?”
“Who bought me socks? They’re plain white no-brand socks.”
“The limit was $20, people. Why do I see an iPhone?”
“I know who got me this. There’s only one person who knows me this well. It’s you.”
with friends
“I got us matching ugly sweaters.”
“Do you think I can fit these candy canes up my nose?”
“Merry Christmas, fuckers. I’m broke but at least I got you stuff.”
“This is really corny…but you’re already a gift to me.”
“I haven’t seen you in so long! Get over here and give me a hug.”
“Are you Santa? Because I’d sit on your lap.”
“Have I been naughty this year?”
“Oh, I’d ride in your sleigh.”
“Your eyes twinkle like tree lights.”
“All I want for Christmas is you.”
“It’s snowing! That’s so perfect!”
“Great, now my flight is delayed…”
“How am I supposed to get home in this weather?”
“Baby, it’s cold outside…”
“Let’s have a snowball fight.”
no snow
“Why can’t we have a white Christmas?”
“It’s too hot for hot cocoa.”
“I wish I could wear a sweater without dying.”
“It’s nice to get away from all the cold.”
“The only ice I want to see is in a cold drink.”
knows nothing about other holidays
“So is it Jesus’s birthday?”
“Where did Santa even come from?”
“…Isn’t the tree a pagan tradition?”
“How do the deer fly?”
“This holiday sounds like it was made by someone on crack.”
“What’s a Hannukah?” / “What’s a Kwanzaa?”
“Is what I’m wearing okay?”
“Stop calling me a grinch! I’m not even Christian.”
“Watch me shove all these latkes in my mouth.”
“You don’t know how to play with a dreidel?” / “Let me teach you the dreidel game.”
“See the menorah? It’s LIT.”
“Try the sufganiyot and you will forget about Christmas cookies.”
“Hannukah is the time of year when us Jews gather and decide the next step in taking over the world. At least that’s what that crazy guy from work told me.”
“Do these dreidel cake pops look Pinterest-y enough?”
“Christians get WAY too upset over Starbucks cups. I’ve never gotten a Hannukah Starbucks cup! You don’t see me rioting about it.”
“That’s not a dreidel…That’s a beyblade.”
“Who needs one day of Christmas when I have a whole week of Kwanzaa?”
“See the kinara? It’s LIT.”
“I can’t go home until I buy a new kinara.”
“What do you think of the decorations? I think I need more African print.”
“How are we out of food? Kwanzaa is about the harvest!”
“I like Kwanzaa. It’s a holiday of principles.”
“It’s not a ‘made-up’ holiday. All holidays are made up.”
“Kinda wish the unity cup was filled with whiskey. And that I could drink all of it.”
“No matter the holiday, family time is always a bad idea.”
“This isn’t Pinterest-y enough!”
“Come on, let’s take a quick selfie. We never see each other.”
“You know I’m Muslim/Hindu/Buddhist/atheist/other, right?”
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cxrleonis · 3 years
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  HE LISTENS TO HER WITH A TIGHTENED SMILE, as on the inside, he feels like fainting right there and then. Somehow, he considers it’d be easier to just get swallowed by EARTH than continue lying, because he KNOWS he’s so awful at spitting lies and attempting to make them CREDIBLE. He can already tell she’s being suspicious; his heart THUMPING wildly in his chest as he hides his shaky hands behind his back. 
  “Oh, oh–ye-yeah! Places with high altitude have a better sky-view, that’s a fact. Also distant places that are far away from tall buildings and factors of smoke for, uh, for obvious rea-reasons.” Brows rise at Cory’s observation, looking behind his shoulder to stare at the MOON…that’s not a full one this time around. Darn it. “Oh…huh? I could’ve…sworn it was…fu-full a few minutes ago—maybe, the-the clouds—” He sighs, placing a hand on his forehead, almost SMACKING himself. “I’m just, this is–uh, I—” And then, he lets out a long sigh, trying to gather himself, before saying:
  “Do you…believe in…in supernatural th-things, miss Cory?” 
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She doesn’t want to put any unneeded PRESSURE on the boy. Wilder has never been anything but kind to her whenever she’s stopped by the bookstore; he seems like a nice person. Then again, Cory also knows better than to place her trust in someone just because they’re nice. Still, she plays along with the conversation that seems mostly driven by his nerves, a pursed smile on her lips. “Right, yeah. The buildings around here probably don’t help much.” The park seems like one of the few places to get a clear enough view of the sky.
Wilder’s resolve slowly lessens until-- there it is. He breaks somehwat, though not enough for Cory to understand this situation any better. His question, however, makes her raise a brow, shoulders tensing. “-- Supernatural?” She smiles slightly, pretending to think about it. She shifts her weight from side to side; her legs are already tiring out. “Yeah, I guess so... Why?”
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cxrleonis · 4 years
  HE PRETENDS TO BE OFFENDED AT HER WORDS, pressing a hand to his chest whilst frowning. Depends on if you have money for that big of a favor. 
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  “You think I’d come here to ask this empty-handed? That hurts my pride.” It doesn’t, really. He just likes to be DRAMATIC at times. He ( usually ) tends to be a man of his word…if all goes well, that is. Because when things go south, he goes as far as leaving people on their own devices. Depending on who it is. He can get quite selective. Félix pays loyalty to NO ONE unless it’s been earned. 
  “I can…pay you with a drink?” Now, he’s just teasing; a little smirk on his lips. “Look, I’ve been hired by a very wealthy man, and he’s willing to pay anything for this. So, if you’re worried about the money, that’s covered.” His tone gains seriousness, because that much is true. “Say a number and you’ll have it as soon as we successfully finish this.” Brows rise. “How does that sound?” 
Her raised brow only heightens as she pretends to take offense, an amused smirk tickling at the corners of her mouth. She finds that presenting confidence, even if it’s not all REAL, goes a long way in convincing people that you KNOW what you’re doing. And while she knows she’s skilled, she knows shit about negotiating or putting a price tag to her work. 
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The mention of a wealthy man, though, is good enough for her, the dollar signs briefly flashing behind her eyes. She considers him for a moment, head cocked to the side, before holding a hand out. “-- Deal.” Before he can grab her hand however, she pulls it back for a moment. Lake is aware that he could just be making his wealthy employer up, and she has no idea if he’s someone to be trusted yet. “But... I’ll also take the drink.” She extends her arm back out, a playful grin across her face.
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cxrleonis · 4 years
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Including me.
The Haunting of Bly Manor episode 1: The Great Good Place
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