cxthln · 6 months
#oh wow like literally just drown me in the nearest freaking river or something
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just take him
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i can’t help but see the double meaning in ellie’s words. i feel like it’s probably obvious. literally, she’s telling abby to take lev.
but she also has flashbacks to joel right before she lets go of abby and stops drowning her. him playing the guitar on the porch. the last time she saw him before watching him die.
so when she says “just take him”, i also hear “just take joel”. she’s done fighting, she’s done with this whole revenge plot, she knows that killing abby isn’t going to bring joel back, she’s known it the whole time but she’s hit rock bottom now.
just take him. he’s gone and he isn’t coming back. you won.
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cxthln · 10 months
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It's a full time job.
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cxthln · 10 months
Hiccstrid is crazy because it's Hiccup "would kill for her" Haddock and Astrid "would die for him" Hofferson, not the other way round.
Yeah in any other case it's Hiccup 'would die for a cause/person' and Astrid 'would kill for cause/person' but when it comes to each other? Hiccup has canonically been ready to kill for Astrid, as in blast-a-man-to-bits with Toothless and let a nearly extinct dragon be slaughtered. And whenever Hiccup is in danger and Astrid is there she's the one who pushes him out of the way, endangering herself. Like with the Death Song, the Light Fury, girl was ready to sacrifice herself for the young chief.
I just think it's cool how much these two love each other they're willing to go farther than they ever would in any other occasion.
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cxthln · 10 months
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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH he came 3rd on my spotify wrapped and i tagged him and WHAAAAAT? AAAAAAAAHHHHHH
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cxthln · 1 year
The Fire Tides Chapter 3: Meetings to a Close
Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait, I've just started uni so we're kind of in the process of adjusting to everything. Chapter 3 was getting too long, especially with all the dialogue, so this was a bit of a hard write. Hope you guys enjoy it!
The respective chiefs began to gather around the table, finding their places and getting seated. Some were holding mead, some sharpening their axes and others gossiping about other tribes (the Berkian tribe was the main topic, for obvious reasons).
Hiccup started shuffling his papers, going over his notes and checking on each point he was going to bring up within this meeting. He knew that his main proposal would arise some issues amongst the other chiefs, but he had to persuade them somehow. In fact, he was determined to do everything in his power to assure some form of provocative agreement was made.
Reaching out to the arm of his chair, he moved his eyes from the papers to the seat. He eyed it with unease. A wise and powerful leader once sat in that very seat, with a reputation of honour and pride and admiration from all of the chieftains. Now, remaining empty and desolate, it was to be filled with the risible workings of a young and inexperienced boy.
Hiccup sighed and sat down. The place looked very impressive – whoever was leading the meeting sure had stockpiles of gold in their pockets. With dim-lit candles crowded on the table and stringed lanterns gleaming with the apricot glow of fireworms, the hall held a disposition of incandescence, slowly, yet reassuringly, pulling in all of the leaders to have an enlightened and engaging communal discussion.
Hiccup was met with a vigorous hug, banging his head to the back of the chair and causing the dislocation of his two shoulder bones.
“Oh, look at you! After all this time!”, Dagur laughed ecstatically, squeezing Hiccup’s cheeks together, “I must say, brother, I am loving the new look! Hmm, the jacket really does bring out those Hiccupy biceps and did you get a new haircut?! Wow! You are looking as dashing as ever!”
“U-um, D-Dugur, you-” Hiccup tried to speak with his face being squeezed to the likes of a puffer fish.
“Oh Brother, I think it’s best you don’t take away Hiccup’s oxygen supply before the discussion starts,” Heather walked towards the two with a growing smile.
“Oh! Sis, you’re right!” Dagur took a step back, “Sorry! Sorry! Just very happy to see you, Brother!”
Hiccup let out a sharp breath and plunged downwards after being released from his death grip,
 “S-Same here. Hehe, my cracked ribs and broken cheekbones are happy to see you too!”
Toothless warbled, prodding to his rider in worry as he glared at Hiccup’s attempts to restore his breathing.
“Hey T!” Dagur leaped at his head, “New tail? Looks awesome!”
“Hiccup, we heard about what happened. We’re so sorry. We were planning to fly over to Berk a long time ago but some things got in the way and-” Heather looked at Hiccup, apologetically.
“N-no, no! It’s fine, honestly. I’m okay now, somewhat at least,” Hiccup gave a solemn smile, petting Toothless, “It’s great to see the two of you though, how have things been over at your end?”
“Much better since the days of Johann and Viggo,” Heather replied, “We’ve been training new Berserker riders, so something like that doesn’t happen again.”
“Yep, we may have borrowed some of the A-Team’s counter-productive methods…” said Dagur, sheepishly.
Hiccup laughed, “Not sure how Astrid’s going to take that, but if it helps the island, then –”
“Speaking of which, where is Astrid?” asked Heather, curiously, “And the other riders?”
“They should be at the back somewhere, on the other table,” said Hiccup.
“Have fun!” Dagur quickly whispered in her ear before she left, “Remember, Fishlegs is the kindest Viking in the entire Archipelago. I’m sure he’ll understand, sis.”
Heather looked at him doubtfully, slowly walking off to the riders as the meeting between the chiefs began.
The meeting was signalled to a start as a tall and pretentious man walked towards his seat, causing a disperse in conversation amongst the fellow Vikings. He was a chief in his fifties, perhaps the eldest of them all, with a robust and sturdy stride echoing his wise demeanour. The glow of the fireworm lanterns transmitted an orange glint into his eyes, reflecting a look of power and prudence as he opened his mouth to start speaking.
His face seemed to resemble Eret’s.
“A warm welcome to all of you,” he smiled, “Chief Aries of the Axehorders Tribe, Chief Isire of the Volsungs Tribe, Chief Sebastian of the Mercenary Tribe, Chief Dagur of the-”
“Berserker Tribe! The best and the greatest!” Dagur exclaimed, throwing his hands on the table.
The chiefs sighed in unison.
“Thank you for that, Dagur.”
Hiccup giggled quietly. Some things never changed, huh?
“And our youngest leader, Chief Hiccup of the Berkian Tribe,” he turned to him with a smile.
“Er y-yes!”
“I believe I ought to introduce myself to you all,” the elder rubbed his hands together, “I am Eret, Father of Eret, retired dragon trapper, now enlisted within the trading business. Our tribe mainly tends to deal with the sources of fish now, especially in the east coast.”
So the facial resemblance was no coincidence. This was Eret’s father?
“Now with the introductions completed, I believe we should head to the points of discussion. Who would like to –”
“I believe my brother would like to go first! He has got quite a lot he wishes to disclose in this meeting,” Dagur smirked at Hiccup, nudging his elbow.
Hiccup let out a sigh, quickly scanning his papers again for reassurance.
“Very well. Chief Hiccup, if you would like to start us off,” Eret’s father gestured to him with his open palm.
“R-right! Okay, erm,” Hiccup looked at the other respective chiefs, glaring back at him with a sense of unspoken vulgarness, “I believe that the dragons have been such a huge change for all of us, good and bad. And to prevent the bad from happening, I guess it’s a process of consistently protecting and training them in order for us to live in harmony. With Toothless as the alpha, that procedure can be easier for us so –”
“Can you just get to the point, boy?” Chief Aries tapped his fingers impatiently.
“I would like to propose the task of opening up Berk’s borders to all dragons in need.”
All of the chiefs slammed their fists on the table.
“Outlandish idea!”
“Stoick would never do such a thing!”
Hiccup had expected this reaction, thankfully he had mentally prepared himself for such comments.
“Enough!” Eret’s father placed his hands on the table, “Let him speak.”
Dagur gave Hiccup a reassuring look, placing his hand on his shoulder.
“Go on, Brother."
This wasn’t going to be easy.
Heather walked over to the back table, smiling as Astrid gestured her to come and sit with them.
“Long time, no see!” Astrid exclaimed, hugging Heather tightly, “How have things been with your crazy Berserker brother?”
“Luckily Berserker Island hasn’t burned down yet!” Heather laughed and gave Astrid a knowing smirk, “And how about you and your heroic, unassuming dragon-rider? Will I get to be a bridesmaid soon?”
“W-what?! Oh gods no! We’re just a couple!” Astrid shaked her head, “Quite a long way to go till that happens.”
“Really?” Eret smirked, “That’s not what Hiccup tells me…”
“Please ignore him, he’s had too many drinks and clearly needs to see a healer,” Astrid slapped Eret’s head.
“Eret, Son of Eret,” he reached out his hand to Heather, “I’ve only had a cup of mead, quite the responsible man I am.”
“Heather,” she shook his hand, smiling back, “I’ll try to believe that!”
“I’ve finally got it! My yak butter parfait!” yelled Snotlout, punching his fist in the air.
Snotlout, Fishlegs and the twins came running with mead and food, with suspicious yells echoing from behind them.  
“So, are we stealing his yak butter parfait again?” Tuffnut whispered to his sister.
“Shh! We need to stick to the plan, bro. Distract and infiltrate,” replied Ruffnut.
“Per-fait,” Tuffnut snickered, “Did you see what I did there, sis? I mixed perfect and parfait together to create a miscellaneous response.”
“One may say, yak-cellent!”
“Guys, I told you to pay for those!” Fishlegs pointed at the handful of fruit buns in the twins hands, “The owner will probably kick the two of you out if he sees you! Be careful-”
Fishlegs’ eyes widened as he caught a glimpse of a familiar face from his Edge days. It was Heather, she was smiling at Eret. He could never forget that smile, no matter how far apart they were, that smile would be engrained within his brain till he reached his end in Valhalla. She seemed different now, much more content and stabilised, almost as if she had finally found a form of peace after so many years of being without it.
He approached the two with a smile. Heather glanced at him, wide-eyed, attempting to hide her worries away by putting on a quick smile too.
Astrid darted her eyes between the two, deciding it was best to leave them alone.
“Alright, guys! I think it’s time we put Eret’s gag reflex to the test. Anyone want to take him on?”
“You bet!” Snotlout jumped out of his seat, “That guy has nothing on me!”
“We’re up to it too!” Ruffnut yelled, quickly whispering in Tuffnut’s ear, “Distract and infiltrate.”
“Right! Per-fait!” Tuffnut exclaimed, giggling as they followed behind Snotlout.
“I’d love to see you all suffer terribly with the high doses of mead you’re about to consume,” Eret sighed as the three headed to the bar.
“Opening our borders to all dragons will be the best thing for all of us. The more wild dragons we aid, the less of a threat they’ll be to Vikings, hence it’ll be easier for us to build the utopia of human and dragon-”
“How would you deal with overpopulation?” Eret’s father questioned.
“That’s the same thing with Vikings, isn’t it? We’ll just simply expand our base.” Hiccup stated confidently.
“And what about food supply? If there are more dragons over at your end, you’ll require more fish. The other tribes would suffer.”
“Not necessarily. We’ll just outsource fish from the original areas that the dragons used to collect them from.”
“And what about issues with migration? Having all of those dragons fly over to Berk can cause disruptions in the other tribes transportation routes.”
“We can redirect the migration routes based on the days when the other tribes are travelling.”
Hiccup had been arguing about this same topic, for over an hour. If anything, he was getting more irritated by the second. How could they not simply understand? Building this human and dragon utopia was always the goal from the very start. Did these dumbfounded Vikings think that only a selection of dragons were allowed to live amongst them?
The more he thought about it, the more he felt like he was talking to a wall. It was worse than explaining dragon theory to the twins.
“Listen. We can work our way around all of these things,” Hiccup tried to stay calm, “I’ll make sure no trouble comes to the other tribes. You have my solemn word on that.”
“I understand,” Eret’s father looked at Hiccup, concentratedly, “There’s one more thing I wanted to ask you.”
“Go on.”
“How will you deal with those who do not wish to live in the same world you dream of? Dragon trappers? Dragon hunters?”
Hiccup was beginning to lose his patience, “Drago’s gone. Viggo’s gone. Johann’s gone. Their operations have been obliterated to the ends of the archipelago.”
“And what if another dragon hunting operation is reconstructed? What would you-”
“If another dragon hunting operation is rebuilt, we’ll destroy it. It’s not like we haven’t done it before,” Hiccup sighed, scratching Toothless’ head.
“And you’d be satisfied doing that continuously? Devoting your entire life to dragons? Living in a continuous process of war?”
“Hiccup. I’ve heard so much about you, the young boy who dared to ride a dragon, with that dragon being a night fury out of all dragons. The boy who outwitted the Grimborns. The boy who defeated Drago. You’re intelligent, Hiccup. Very intelligent. However, you lack experience. You fail to realise that this process is a long one. One of a lifetime. And one day, when you grow old, become weak and fragile, would you still be able to hold up a sword against a dragon hunter? This idea, whilst it is a beautiful one, I fear that we cannot always change the world to how we wish. Sometimes, it’s best to leave the world be, and if it changes by itself, then we let it change.”
“I completely disagree with you there, Eret,” Hiccup remarked with a solid force, “Living in a world that is not what we desire for? Leaving it to become rotten as the days go by? That can’t happen. I can’t let that happen!”
“Hiccup. Please listen to me, ” Eret’s father spoke softly, “You aspire for change. And you’ve done so much. But some things cannot be shaped, no matter how hard we try. You can fix one thing, then another thing will arise. The world is too cruel for us to keep rebuilding it.”
He failed. He couldn’t do it. They just weren’t going to listen.
“Fine,” Hiccup stood up, “Live in your cruel world.”
With Toothless following his rider, Hiccup walked out of the hall in silence and dismay, slowly disappearing into the dark of the night.
And that's Chapter 3! I really wanted to show how fixed Hiccup is with his dream of building the ultimate dragon utopia at this point. Both arguments are valid in my opinion, but I feel sorry for our boy Hiccup here, he's quite relatable for a lot of us really!
Be ready for Chapter 4, the conversation between Heather and Fishlegs, Eret and his Father, Astrid consoling Hiccup etc! Chapter 5 should begin the start of the main plot of the Fire Tides :)
Also this will be uploaded on Ao3 soon, just trying to sort my account out :)
@rosiethedragongeek @sorushing @limesandcoconuts
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cxthln · 1 year
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a comic about fix-it fanfics
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cxthln · 1 year
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Cartoon Family + Father and Sons/Daughters-in-Law
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cxthln · 1 year
snotlout ‘i’m having asia fondue’ jorgenson vs hiccup ‘are you trying to say deja vu?’ haddock
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cxthln · 1 year
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Shots of the gang just being domestic around the edge give me life,,,, like
Give me rainy mornings where they’re all half awake and eating breakfast in comfortable silence
Give me everyone complaining about each other’s cooking when it’s their turn to make dinner
Give me them taking care if each other when they’re sick, or patching up minor scratches and bruises
Give me spontaneous competitions and pointless arguments
The point I’m trying to make here is I love RTTE so much and I love the parts of it that only happen in my head just as much
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cxthln · 1 year
people sometimes forget that the taller you build a wall is the longer the fall.
since y'all seem to lean more in the movies then there was a deleted scene of astrid and valka in httyd: the hidden world where she opens up to valka about marriage and says "he would just turn it into a joke" and "im not gonna compete with a dragon", i think this was pretty similar to the scrap metal thing on mi amore wing episode.
those proves that she does thinks about how hiccup handles their relationship and how there are more things preoccupying him (rtte: his viggo obsession, thw: grimmel the night fury killer) that messes his way of showing affection and love to her but instead of lashing out on him she understands. she was by his side all the time so she knows how hiccup is trying to keep everything together and she helps too putting her feelings aside but that doesn't mean it doesn't bother her, it does but she doesn't acknowledge it even to herself.
they were teenagers, literally 19, when they went to the edge, had 5 enemies to deal with along with the other hunters, they were trying to keep themselves alive while rescuing dragons and more. and if those does not overwhelm you then lucky you, astrid had to deal with that too and even tho hiccup was the leader she was his support and that needed her to be always ok and ready to jump in place for him or just comfort him. and might i remind you that in mi amore wing she held his hand and said "im with you" when clearly everything that happened that day bothered her but she chose to be there for him.
so if you think being badass and crying does not go together then you need serious help, or you just grew up in a toxic environment and has been brainwashed.
There's a great post about Astrid's feelings/behavior in Mi Amore Wing by @per4mancecheck that I'll just link to. (Seriously, it's so good. Read it.)
But yeah... the fandom reaction (especially when this first premiered) acting like Astrid is in the wrong/OOC because she [checks notes] dared to express dissatisfaction with her relationship with the man she's engaged to was super fucked up.
I'll say it: Astrid deserves better treatment from the fandom.
This fandom has been so annoying about her since the beginning. Since she dared [checks notes] kiss Hiccup's cheek after Romantic Flight. And it's always couched in ways that pretend to be progressive and feminist, but it's... just... kinda not.
Astrid is allowed to be both badass and have feelings.
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cxthln · 1 year
this fit omggg we were robbed
this was her concept art for httyd 2 and the off shoulder top, the OFF SHOULDER TOP is so givingggg
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cxthln · 1 year
The Complete HTTYD Franchise
How To Train Your Dragon
(Short) - Legend Of The Boneknapper Dragon
(Short) - Gift Of The Night Fury
(Short) - Book Of Dragons
(Sports) - Bobsled
(Sports) - Medal Ceremony
(Sports) - Ski Jump
(Sports) - Speed Skating
(Sports) - Snowboarding
(Training) - Deadly Nadder
(Training) - Gronckle
(Training) - Monstrous Nightmare
(Training) - Hideous Zippleback
(Training) - Night Fury
(Training) - Terrible Terror
Popcorn Ad
(Riders of Berk) - How To Start A Dragon Academy
(Riders of Berk) - Viking For Hire
(Riders of Berk) - Animal House
(Riders of Berk) - The Terrible Twos
(Riders of Berk) - In Dragons We Trust
(Riders of Berk) - Alvin And The Outcasts
(Riders of Berk) - How To Pick Your Dragon
(Riders of Berk) - Portrait Of Hiccup As A Buff Man
(Riders of Berk) - Dragon Flower
(Riders of Berk) - Heather Report Part 1
(Riders of Berk) - Heather Report Part 2
(Riders of Berk) - Thawfest
(Riders of Berk) - When Lightning Strikes
(Riders of Berk) - What Flies Beneath
(Riders of Berk) - Twinsanity
(Riders of Berk) - Defiant One
(Riders of Berk) - Breakneck Bog
(Riders of Berk) - Gem Of A Different Colour
(Riders of Berk) - We Are Family Part One
(Riders of Berk) - We Are Family Part Two
(Defenders of Berk) - Live And Let Fly
(Defenders of Berk) - The Iron Gronckle
(Defenders of Berk) - The Night And The Fury
(Defenders of Berk) - Tunnel Vision
(Defenders of Berk) - Race To Fireworm Island
(Defenders of Berk) - Fright Of Passage
(Defenders of Berk) - Worst In Show
(Defenders of Berk) - Appetite For Destruction
(Defenders of Berk) - Zippleback Down
(Defenders of Berk) - View To A Skrill Part 1
(Defenders of Berk) - View To A Skrill Part 2
(Defenders of Berk) - The Flight Stuff
(Defenders of Berk) - Free Scauldy
(Defenders of Berk) - Frozen
(Defenders of Berk) - A Tale Of Two Dragons
(Defenders of Berk) - The Eel Effect
(Defenders of Berk) - Smoke Gets In Your Eyes
(Defenders of Berk) - Bing, Bam, Boom
(Defenders of Berk) - Cast Out Part 1
(Defenders of Berk) - Cast Out Part 2
(RTTE Season 1) - Dragon Eye Of The Beholder Part 1
(RTTE Season 1) - Dragon Eye Of The Beholder Part 2
(RTTE Season 1) - Imperfect Harmony
(RTTE Season 1) - When Darkness Falls
(RTTE Season 1) - Big Man On Berk
(RTTE Season 1) - Gone Gustav Gone
(RTTE Season 1) - Reign Of Fireworms
(RTTE Season 1) - Crushing It
(RTTE Season 1) - Quake, Rattle And Roll
(RTTE Season 1) - Have Dragon Will Travel Part 1
(RTTE Season 1) - Have Dragon Will Travel Part 2
(RTTE Season 1) - The Next Big Sting
(RTTE Season 1) - Total Nightmare
(RTTE Season 2) - Team Astrid
(RTTE Season 2) - Night Of The Hunters Part 1
(RTTE Season 2) - Night Of The Hunters Part 2
(RTTE Season 2) - Bad Moon Rising
(RTTE Season 2) - Snotlout Gets The Axe
(RTTE Season 2) - The Zippleback Experience
(RTTE Season 2) - Snow Way Out
(RTTE Season 2) - Edge Of Disaster Part 1
(RTTE Season 2) - Edge Of Disaster Part 2
(RTTE Season 2) - Shock And Awe
(RTTE Season 2) - A Time To Skrill
(RTTE Season 2) - Maces And Talons Part 1
(RTTE Season 2) - Maces And Talons Part 2
(RTTE Season 3) - Enemy Of My Enemy
(RTTE Season 3) - Crash Course
(RTTE Season 3) - Follow The Leader
(RTTE Season 3) - Turn And Burn
(RTTE Season 3) - Buffalord Soldier
(RTTE Season 3) - A Grim Retreat
(RTTE Season 3) - To Heather Or Not To Heather
(RTTE Season 3) - Stryke Out
(RTTE Season 3) - Tone Death
(RTTE Season 3) - Between A Rock And A Hard Place
(RTTE Season 3) - Family On The Edge
(RTTE Season 3) - Last Auction Heroes
(RTTE Season 3) - Defenders Of The Wing Part 1
(RTTE Season 4) - Defenders Of The Wing Part 2
(RTTE Season 4) - Gruff Around The Edges
(RTTE Season 4) - Midnight Scrum
(RTTE Season 4) - Not Lout
(RTTE Season 4) - Saving Shattermaster
RTTE Season 4) - Dire Straits
(RTTE Season 4) - The Longest Day
(RTTE Season 4) - Gold Rush
(RTTE Season 4) - Out of the Frying Pan
(RTTE Season 4) - Twintuition
(RTTE Season 4) - Blindsided
(RTTE Season 4) - Shell Shocked Part 1
(RTTE Season 4) - Shell Shocked Part 2
(RTTE Season 5) - Living on the Edge
(RTTE Season 5) - Sandbusted
(RTTE Season 5) - Something Rotten on Berserker Island
(RTTE Season 5) - Snotlout’s Angels
(RTTE Season 5) - A Matter of Perspective
(RTTE Season 5) - Return Of Thor Bonecrusher
(RTTE Season 5) - Dawn of Destruction
(RTTE Season 5) - The Wings of War Part 1
(RTTE Season 5) - The Wings of War Part 2
(RTTE Season 5) - No Dragon Left Behind
(RTTE Season 5) - Snuffnut
(RTTE Season 5) - Searching for Oswald… And Chicken
(RTTE Season 5) - Sins of the Past
(RTTE Season 6) - In Plain Sight
(RTTE Season 6) - No Bark All Bite
(RTTE Season 6) - Chain Of Command
(RTTE Season 6) - Loyal Order Of Ingerman
(RTTE Season 6) - A Gruff Seperation
(RTTE Season 6) - Mi Amore Wing
(RTTE Season 6) - Ruff Transition
(RTTE Season 6) - Triple Cross
(RTTE Season 6) - Family Matters
(RTTE Season 6) - Darkest Night
RTTE Season 6) - Guardians Of Vanaheim
(RTTE Season 6) - King of Dragons Part 1
(RTTE Season 6) - King of Dragons Part 2
(Short) - Dawn of The Dragon Racers
How To Train Your Dragon 2
How To Train Your Dragon: The hidden World (3)
To anyone who is thinking about watching HTTYD 3. You have some homework to catch up on.^^^ XD
I’ve made this exact post a couple of times but now it’s actually DONE. Like nothing more to add :’(  We should be so, so grateful that we have this much canon content and that everything was made with such care and attention to details. We are so lucky to have all of this <3 <3
Also, there are the books if anyone wants to add on to this list. 
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cxthln · 1 year
imagine if there were a heather centric show and at the end when she goes to visit berk, nobody’s there and it just feels so ominous because we know what happened but she doesn’t.
it’s kind of creepy viewing this from the perspective of heather and the other village’s.
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cxthln · 1 year
soo heres what ive got so far after 2 hours of scouting my playlists. honestly its all higgildy piggildy (try spelling that i dare you) but anyways here
so just know these are basically a mix of what i think the gang would listen to and songs that remind me of their character or fit well with their character
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cxthln · 1 year
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the fact that both heather and tinkerbell's voice actor is mae whitman and both astrid and fawn's (tinkerbell 2008) voice actor is america ferrera is so mind-blowing to me, best girls indeed.
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cxthln · 1 year
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cxthln · 1 year
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i'm experimenting with some simpler coloring styles so i don't spend three hours painting a small drawing. Did a little young Heather dreaming of flying on her old village (before it got attacked and everyone died).
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