cyborgworldhopper · 1 month
((Alright. Time for kinky as fuck blog. Expect kinks, smut, wildly varying RP mood and dumb shitposts. Very non cannon, very kinky, very vibe-based. But take a peek if my smut interests you but wasn't intense enough.))
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cyborgworldhopper · 1 month
How many people wanna fuck my muse?
Send anonymously ( or not) an “Aye” if your muse wants to get with mine. See how many you get! 
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cyborgworldhopper · 1 month
Understanding a character’s flaws is key to making them well-rounded and believable, so send me a number (and a character, if there’s more than one option) and I’ll tell you:
a trait they have too much of  (ex. too much pride = arrogance)
a trait they don’t have enough of (ex. too little pride = insecurity)
a trait they express in the wrong way
a trait they’re ashamed of
a trait they’re not ashamed of (but maybe should be)
a bad habit
something they do that hurts themself
something they do that hurts others
a reason (or excuse) they haven’t improved on any of the above OR
a way that they are improving on any of the above!
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cyborgworldhopper · 1 month
Understanding a character’s flaws is key to making them well-rounded and believable, so send me a number (and a character, if there’s more than one option) and I’ll tell you:
a trait they have too much of  (ex. too much pride = arrogance)
a trait they don’t have enough of (ex. too little pride = insecurity)
a trait they express in the wrong way
a trait they’re ashamed of
a trait they’re not ashamed of (but maybe should be)
a bad habit
something they do that hurts themself
something they do that hurts others
a reason (or excuse) they haven’t improved on any of the above OR
a way that they are improving on any of the above!
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cyborgworldhopper · 1 month
Bar brawling blonde (Open RP)
As Stella walked into the bar with a few handfuls of questionably earned money she overhead some patrons harassing a random other patron. Walking over to the poor harassment victim she was confident like she was on her fifth drink. "Excuse me there, I think your ride is here~" She hummed to the poor abused bar patron.
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cyborgworldhopper · 1 month
seggsual tension!
never too early/late for some sinday stuff! add '+' for the reverse! assume all of these are done with consent!
[smolder] - Sender stares at receiver from across the room.
[pin] - Sender and receiver are caught in a small space, causing their bodies to be close together.
[position] - Sender catches receiver in a compromising position.
[heat] - It's hot, and sender/receiver notices how the other's clothes are sticking in all the right places.
[cold] - It's cold, and sender/receiver have to stay together for warmth.
[bed] - Sender and receiver have to share a bed.
[towel] - Sender catches receiver in nothing but a towel.
[squeeze] - Sender and receiver have to hold hands.
[moan] - Sender accidentally / on purpose moans suggestively.
[wound] - Sender has to patch up receiver's wound.
[dance] - Sender and receiver have to dance together.
[whisper] - Sender whispers in receiver's ear.
[bath] - Sender catches receiver bathing.
[food] - Sender watches receiver eating something in a particular manner.
[sleeves] - Sender sees receiver roll up their sleeves.
[button] - Sender sees receiver's shirt unbuttoned.
[zip] - Sender helps receiver zip/unzip their dress.
[grope] - Sender accidentally (on purpose) gropes receiver.
[stretch] - Sender watches receiver stretch, showing a bit of skin.
[scent] - Sender gets a smell of receiver's cologne/perfume.
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cyborgworldhopper · 1 month
((Also since this blog is trying to revive. Like this/reblog this (And not be one of my other blogs) to get a starter going.))
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cyborgworldhopper · 1 month
((Oh. Hey there. What's that in the distance? Is it the innocent blade? Demonbane.
Perhaps. Perhaps not.
Reviving an old blog. Like/reblog/follow if a super robot pilot and lovecraftian mage partnered with the Grimoire Al azif, the living necronomicon who also is the protagonist of an Eroge VN interests you.))
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cyborgworldhopper · 1 month
((Oh. Hey there. What's that in the distance? Is it the innocent blade? Demonbane.
Perhaps. Perhaps not.
Reviving an old blog. Like/reblog/follow if a super robot pilot and lovecraftian mage partnered with the Grimoire Al azif, the living necronomicon who also is the protagonist of an Eroge VN interests you.))
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cyborgworldhopper · 1 month
Boobs meme!
Send a symbol for any of the below interactions!  
○ Accidental boob groping ◉ Face-Lands-In-Cleavage cliche ● That awkward moment when something falls down someone’s cleavage ◑ Oh no, you’re wearing white and now it’s raining heavily! ◔ A public wardrobe malfunction ◍ Don’t touch them! They’re extra sensitive today! ◓ Please touch them, they’re extra sensitive today! ◗ I don’t appreciate you staring ◎ I DO appreciate you staring ◌ OW! It’s foreplay, not tuning a goddamn radio! ◕ You don’t think they’re too big/small/weird?
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cyborgworldhopper · 1 month
((Stella's armor did/does an amazing job protecting and healing her.
As one might imagine in a world with no ideas of warcrimes where things also got fucked even more sideways Stella has been hurt plenty. Stabbed, shot, shocked, burned, chemical burns, lacerations all things she's experienced, and many of them without medical treatment. While her pre-armor genetics, surgery and other modifications helped she picked up scars and other injuries galore. While I haven't decided her final look before the armor it wasn't the best no matter what. The armor took her, found that her surgery had a record of her gene's from some decades before all of this, and used that to re-construct her while she did her first jump. It did an impossible job as its not tech from her world. Its source is currently unknown (read I haven't decided on a particular backstory) but its clear its advanced. Having said that Stella is also incredibly unbothered by her own pain and discomfort. She registers it sure, but when a 3 ton killer robot pins you down and hits you with its half broken mech fist before you shoot it dead and have to shove it off, a little cut isn't much to worry about. And that's (debatably) far from the worst pain she's had.))
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cyborgworldhopper · 1 month
kinky/rough smut prompts
CW: VERY NSFW! contains potentially uncomfortable kinks like bondage, cum play, knife play, sensation play, etc. feel free to combine prompts & change pronouns/descriptors as needed. put under a read more for viewing safety, & it’s also rather lengthy as well. written from the perspective of the sender — ‘my muse’ = sender, ‘your muse’ = receiver. !!! MINORS DO NOT INTERACT !!!
Keep reading
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cyborgworldhopper · 1 month
You have permission to send me thirsty anons.
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cyborgworldhopper · 1 month
Send '👟' to throw a shoe at my muse just because you can.
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cyborgworldhopper · 1 month
Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have
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cyborgworldhopper · 1 month
things that you want to hear.
change pronouns as needed for things you DON’T WANT to hear, click here!!
❝ you’re good enough. ❞
❝ you’re important. ❞
❝ everything’s gonna be okay. ❞
❝ she pulled through. ❞
❝ i forgive you. ❞
❝ i love you. ❞
❝ you’re not alone. ❞
❝ you’re my favorite person in the world. ❞
❝ i’m so glad you’re doing better. ❞
❝ it’s so nice to hear you laugh again. ❞ 
❝ your laugh is contagious! ❞
❝ you can do this on your own. i believe in you. ❞
❝ you know what i love about you? ❞
❝ i love spending time with you. ❞
❝ i’m here for you. ❞
❝ you’re right. ❞ 
❝ i can’t stop thinking about you. ❞
❝ you look amazing. ❞
❝ we’re in this together. ❞
❝ you’ve got this! ❞
❝ i missed you. ❞
❝ i did the dishes! ❞
❝ last night was incredible. ❞
❝ if you wanna talk, i’m here. ❞
❝ i don’t understand, but i want to try. ❞
❝ how can i help? ❞
❝ breakfast in bed? ❞
❝ dinner was great. ❞
❝ let me make dinner tonight? ❞
❝ lets go to the park. ❞
❝ thank you. really. ❞
❝ you’re wanted. ❞
❝ i got you a coffee. ❞
❝ can i ask your opinion on something? ❞
❝ there’s my beautiful bride! ❞
❝ i’m the luckiest man alive. ❞
❝ so, i made plans for us. ❞
❝ don’t worry, i’ll take care of it! ❞
❝ go do something for yourself. ❞
❝ i took a day off work tomorrow. ❞
❝ go hang out with the girls tonight. ❞
❝ what do you need from me? ❞
❝ tell me about your day. ❞
❝ i trust you. ❞
❝ i feel like i can tell you anything. ❞
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cyborgworldhopper · 1 month
((So I did a thing. And made another blog. So like this post if you wanna see the adventures of a grand fantasy pirate crew that voyages the multiverse. And as I slowly update this blog bit by bit))
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