cylurthedemigod · 8 years
Cylur then glanced up when she returned to his side his body was nearly completed in repair, glancing up at her he then smiled. "Welcome back."
Tidal Wave Arrives at the Rose.
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cylurthedemigod · 8 years
Cylur gave her a apologetic smile before nodding and giving a chuckle before leaning himself back. "What a day..."
Tidal Wave Arrives at the Rose.
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cylurthedemigod · 8 years
He sighs a breath of relief out as he heard she didn't feel upset with him anymore. "Sorry for the misunderstanding...Haha I just wanted to sleep with my future girlfriend is all...Haha. literally sleep nothing more. Sides though I like to flirt and all...I do like it slow.."
Tidal Wave Arrives at the Rose.
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cylurthedemigod · 8 years
Cylur then blushed waving his hands and head in a embarrassed manor. "No, not what I meant you got it wrong, I mean literally sleep... " He sighs looking down when he seen her begining to Walk away. "Great..."
Tidal Wave Arrives at the Rose.
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cylurthedemigod · 8 years
Smiling after he had done finished eating he was laying there and had pats next to him saying for her to lay with him. "Just encase I don't come back for what ever reason, I want you and I to sleep together from now until I'm recovered...If you like?"
Tidal Wave Arrives at the Rose.
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cylurthedemigod · 8 years
Cylur then leaned up to kiss her cheek softly before laying down to eat his food. "I promise.."
Tidal Wave Arrives at the Rose.
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cylurthedemigod · 8 years
Cylur gave a smile as he rubbed her hand over his own. "and when I get back I'll take you on that date I promised." He chuckled softly. "That I can't wait for."
Tidal Wave Arrives at the Rose.
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cylurthedemigod · 8 years
When she handed the plate over to him he thanked her and smiled. "Hey think theirs a place I could visit when I'm recovered? I mean to train maybe? At least for a few days? Encase that thing is after me?"
Tidal Wave Arrives at the Rose.
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cylurthedemigod · 8 years
Cylur got onto the ship, and gave one final look to the island as he began to hum. "Hope you make it out safe..." He sighs.
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cylurthedemigod · 8 years
Cylur rushed off into the distance, gathering whom she requested out of him, getting as many as he could to safety and as he did he made sure those who were injured or anything made it safe.
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cylurthedemigod · 8 years
Cylur nodded and looked at her one final time, before hugging her. "Good luck." He said leaving to round up everyone.
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cylurthedemigod · 8 years
Cylur nodded a bit and sighs before going to the door. "It's falling apart.....Isn't it?" He ask as if...He knew.. the dream...He had has foretold this event somehow.
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cylurthedemigod · 8 years
Cylur could see the seriousness in her eye as he nodded and placed a hand over her should...She could see it in his eye this was his most serious response the two ever had. "I promise they'll be safe..Even if it means my life, you should prepare too."
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cylurthedemigod · 8 years
Cylur stood up, and with a nod he knew she was serious as can be..And with that he got dressed and was ready to take out the order that of which she requested of him to carry out. "It will be done."
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cylurthedemigod · 8 years
Cylur then glanced at her with another question...Before he noticed the buttler. "Oooo..."
Tidal Wave Arrives at the Rose.
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cylurthedemigod · 8 years
Cylur's eyes began to flicker open a bit as he heard his name being called from outside his slumber as he woke up completely he glanced at her and looked confused. "Hmmm....? ...What...?"
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cylurthedemigod · 8 years
Cylur gave a nod before sighing a bit when she showed him the wardrobe, and the bed nodding to her saying she was heading to bed. "Alrighty, stay safe alright? And good night!"
Cylur then leans back onto the bed and began to dream of returning to the rose soon, to meet back up with Xeonia of course, but he felt...Something was off...What was it?. He brushed it off as some...Dream.. yet a few days of the same greetings, and trainings and what not up until... Cylur was woken abruptly due to a disturbance.
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