cyoa-ler-blog · 11 years
Hey Guys I'm off my haitus
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I just need some help
The mod who writes is currrently extreamly busy. and I don't trust myself to write as half decently as she does, so is there anyone who wants to write for the comic?
All I ask is for a paragraph writing of part of an rp or story. I just want to make sure this blog is the best it can be. 
Also please be willing to share your skype so we can chat about the story line and everything. 
The next update should be up by saturday :)
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cyoa-ler-blog · 11 years
(a;ldsfjadl It seems art mod might have to go on a small hiatus until may)
Mod is extremely sorry, but i've been really busy and wont be able to update for the next few weeks, with school and everything...ahahahaha So sorry ;_;
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cyoa-ler-blog · 11 years
((Mod Is Sorry)
There should be a update later today if not tomorrow or later this week, I have been busy and is really sorry for the delay. 
also the winner to the give away is Coffe-ler!
So expect to see him in the up coming update
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cyoa-ler-blog · 12 years
100 followers Contest/giveaway
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Mods:"Hey YOU! Thank you for following us~"
Onceler: "I've been lonely, and the thing isn't much company..."
Mods:"SO! In celebration of our 100 followers, We are doing a give away, all you have to do is simply reblog or like this post, and you are put into a random generator. The winner will have their Character or a character of their choosing featured in our next update!"
Onceler:"The rules are simple, Reblog or like the page and you're in~ you must be able to be contacted by fanmail or ask if you have won. I'm really hoping for a new friend!"
Mod: The giveaway/contest will close March 30th when we do the next update for the comic so best of luck!
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cyoa-ler-blog · 12 years
Achievement 1: Now that We're Men
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"You have Left the comfort of your home to go sell your new invention. Congrats on becoming a man"
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cyoa-ler-blog · 12 years
“Well, sorry to say, but it looks as though we've run into a bit of trouble. You see, I didn't really expect this to happen, but it seems like there's a tie. Guess you're both a couple of pretty popular fellas. But that's alright. It's not like we don't have ways we can solve this. I guess since we don't have a clear winner, we're just going to have to do this the old-fashioned way: the two of you are gonna have to fight to the death.”
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“Wait, wait, I'm just kidding! Geez, wipe that creepy look off of your face. Once-ler, you're in. Greed-ler, get out of here.”
“Well, congratulations, beanpole. It looks like you're the hero of this story. Your very own legend is about to unfold. Remember the importance of the choices you will make and try not to screw anything up too badly. You may not care but a lot of lives and an entire ecosystem hang in the balance, so remember to pick your choices with caution."
Well, this is it. You're finally going out into the world and trying to make a living. Despite what anyone else might say, you know you have it in you to make a household name out of yourself. In fact, it almost feels like you were born for this very purpose and you're completely confident in your ability to become a success. You knew the moment you thought up your revolutionary invention that it was going to be a hit.
You just have to make said invention first.
But, hey! All things considered, you could be doing a lot worse. In fact, you think you could sort of get used to this. It's quiet. Nothing but the wind in your hair, and a disgruntled mule to keep you company. This is real life. And it's not easy. But you're a man now, and it's time to live like one.
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You even brought to what amounts to a lifetime supply of marshmallows to commemorate the occasion.
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You've been traveling for quite a while, going from place to place in search of the perfect material for your invention. Unfortunately, nothing you've found seems to work. But that's not a problem! You're perfectly confident that you'll be able to pull this off somehowwwand what is that?!
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You turn around only to find some sort of... Thing sitting in the back of your wagon. You briefly wonder how exactly it got in there, before realizing that you're more interested in making it go away. The Thing, however, has other plans. It's looking for it's twin, and it believes if it comes with you, it will be able to find them. In return for the free ride, it claims it can help you find what you're looking for.
A tempting offer, but you don't exactly trust this Thing. Especially after it somehow snuck into your wagon and is currently staring at you without so much as a blink. Nevertheless, it is offering to help you find the perfect material for your invention, a chance almost too good to pass up.
What do you do?
Tell the Thing to go away
Let it come with you
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cyoa-ler-blog · 12 years
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Hey, Beanpole! Welcome to the world of The Lorax! I am the Lorax and I speak for the trees! This world is inhabited by trees known as Truffula! For some people, Truffula are beautiful to behold. Others use them for monetary gain. Myself… I watch over the Truffula Trees as a profession.
First, are you a Once-ler or a Greed-ler?
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Now you there, reader! Listen up! This is the first choice of many that you will need to make. Be wary of what path you choose, for each one comes with it's own set of consequences. The story is in your hands, now. Choose wisely.
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