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Zodiac Terminology!
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Sun Sign
The controller. This is your main sign. The sign you have known your whole life thinking that’s where it ended.
Moon Sign
Your inner-self. Your emotions, inner-thoughts, wants and needs are all controlled by your moon sign.
Acceptably called either, the Ascendant/Rising is your natural mask in the face of society. So basically, this is how people view you.
A very important sign, it rules your decision making mind. It is how you communicate and can be easy to spot in a person.
This sign rules love and finances. 
Most represent Mars with anger, and this is true. But it is so much more than that. This sign rules our animal instincts, energy, action and sexual desires.
This sign covers rules both generosity, tolerance and wisdom.
This sign represents fears, our limitations and responsibility
This sign is all about individuality. Progressiveness, forward-thinking and fresh-starts.
This sign rules the subconscious. Dreams, psychic-sensitivity and inspiration.
This sign represents rebirth. New-beginnings and growth.
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spell jars 101 ⚱
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how to craft a spell jar: 
gather your ingredients
charge & program each ingredient before adding it to the jar (aka, give power & instructions to your ingredients)
add the ingredients to the jar
close the jar
enchant the jar as a whole object (see my post on enchanting items for further guidance)
seal with wax, ribbon, or string to finalize & cast the spell 
optional: decorate your bottle if you wish
what you can use as a jar:
tiny craft store jars
mason jars
pickle / pasta sauce jars
old medication bottles
food storage containers
what you can add to a spell jar: 
dried herbs
dried citrus peels
magickal powders
small crystals
gem chips
essential oils (a drop or two will go a long way)
infused oils (carrier oils such as olive or grapeseed oil that have been infused with herbs)
a few drops of charged water (storm water, war water, sea water, holy water, rain water, moon water, sun water, etc.)
paper (with sigils / symbols / glyphs drawn on it, an incantation, a name, a phrase, etc.)
glitter or confetti 
seashells / shark teeth / beach sand
DNA (finger nail clippings, a piece of hair, etc. to be used as a taglock)
animal fur, nail clippings, teeth, or whiskers***
nails, glass, pins, needles, thorns, & other sharp objects (great for cursing, binding, banishing, or protection)
vinegar, lemon juice, pickle juice (mostly for “souring” a situation)
honey, sugar, syrup (to “sweeten” a situation or for attraction)
pretty much anything that fits & corresponds to your intent
what you should avoid putting in a spell jar: 
fresh herbs or plant material (this can cause mold to grow inside of the jar)
biological secretions (i mean, you can if you want but it’s not necessarily sanitary & there are cleaner, more easily obtained taglocks to use instead)
what spell jars are good for: 
containing your spell, theoretically making it easier to manipulate & control
manifesting goals/intentions over time
manifesting goals continuously 
passive manifestation that doesn’t require much ongoing participation from the caster
what to do with your spell jar once it’s been crafted:
keep it on your altar
depending on the intent of the spell, keep it in a different area that you frequent (for glamours, keep it in the bathroom; for sleep or dreams, keep it in the bedroom; for safe travels, keep it in your vehicle; for cursing, keep it concealed in a black box; etc.)
wear it around your neck
put it in your pocket, purse, or backpack
bury it in your backyard or within a potted plant outside (for spells you don’t plan to undo or want to last indefinitely)
if burying is not an option, hide it somewhere on your property
leave it at a crossroads
recharging spell jars: 
shake it up
light a candle on top of or next to it
submerge it in a bath of herbs or crystals that are associated with energy
submerge or surround with sea salt (a natural conductor of energy)
anoint with oil / blessed or charged water
pair with a tarot card or rune stone that matches your intent
suffumigate with incense smoke
energy work & visualization
disposing of & reversing spell jars - when you feel like the spell has done its job or you need to undo its effects:
do not throw the entire jar into an open flame - this is incredibly dangerous
remove the contents from the jar & either burn them or bury them
for items you wish to save, cleanse them thoroughly before using them again
take the jar & cleanse it in whatever manner you choose & either save it to be reused; or shatter it & then dispose of it properly
***please practice safe & ethical harvesting when it comes to using parts from a living animal in your craft; don’t ever trim whiskers off of your pet (if they come out naturally then it’s okay to use them); routine grooming is a great way to obtain some of the things i mentioned; you can use the baby teeth that you inevitably find when your puppy or kitten is teething, also! 
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just wanted to share with y’all the teenie-tiny travel altar i made today :)
i used this cute mint tin, btw the cloth is folded and tucked under everything so you can’t really see it in the second picture
1. a birthday candle
2. a candle stand (i made it from this donut-shaped-thingie i found in my dad’s tools, and wrapped some yarn around it to make the hole smaller)
3. black salt
4. a tiny quartz point
5. sea salt (earth representation)
6. little feathers in a bottle (air representation)
7. the match lighter thing (from a match box)
8. a seashell (water representation)
9. a pentacle + triple goddess charm
10. matches
11. incense
12. a piece of palo santo
13. a pentagram i made with twigs from my backyard
14. a sprig of sage
15. a tiny lavender satchel
16. a hag stone
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Altar Set-ups
Here’s a few random altars I created to show you all some of the possible variations one might encounter, and maybe inspire some of your own ideas for altar creation.
The elements represented according to their position in reference to the points of the pentacle
From the top, going clockwise: aether/spirit, water, fire, earth, air
The elements represented according to cardinal direction: earth, air, fire, water
A more dolled up version of #2, featuring some classic magickal tools (wand, pentacle, dagger; I’m lacking a censer so I have an herb bundle in its place)
A lunar altar, primarily featuring selenite, with a silver candle on the shelf above it
The first three images show altars that are commonly seen in the Wiccan tradition, but could easily be used in a secular manner to represent elemental energy, or to represent the elements for ceremonial workings. These altars include a ball of selenite to represent aether, a jar of salt to represent earth, an herb bundle meant for besmoking or recaning to represent air, a red candle to represent fire, and a small perfume bottle filled with spring water to represent, well, water.
The last altar, the lunar altar, is one I came up with on the fly. It has no set design, but also no boundaries. I simply organized it in such a way where I used tools that represent its purpose - in this case, it could be used for spells that involve lunar energy, or lunar deity worship. Aside from that, I keep so much selenite on my altar because of its ability to absorb negative energy.
My personal rule of thumb for setting up “eclectic” altars, or altars like the lunar one that don’t follow a particular format, is to include objects that represent your intent or desire, and tools that will help you achieve your goal.
I also think that altars should be neat and clean, perhaps wiped off with moon water or blessed water before beginning any spell or ritual work. A cluttered space tends to lead to a foggy mind, which is not conducive for spellwork. You do you, but that’s my personal experience.
This is by no means an exhaustive list of the infinite ways to design an altar, but hopefully it can help you all on your journey. Good luck!
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A Deep Room Cleanse
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The state of my room is extremely important to me. It’s a direct reflection of my mental health, so when it’s messy, my energy levels are low and I just feel yucky. There’s no way I’m getting any kind of work done, magical or mundane. When it feels good and clean to be in, it’s a lot easier to deal with my symptoms and be productive. You don’t have to do every step every time of course, but each step has helped me so I figured a list like this might help someone. 
Change the lighting. Use natural sources of light (like pulling back the curtains and letting the sun in) over artificial ones. If you have salt lamps to turn on, those are still very nice. If you need artificial light to keep it from being too dark, try to prioritize light bulbs you like the color of, and ones that don’t whistle quietly when they’re on.
Change the airflow. Open a window, if you can. Often our rooms feel yucky because the air is stale. Get some fresh air moving. If it’s too cold, it’s okay to only keep it open for a few minutes or put on a coat while you work because you’re stubborn like me.
Change the sound. Put on your favorite cleansing music. Let it soak into the room. I tend to go or ambient spa stuff, or playlists that sound built for a rainy day. (Note: the music that helps you cleanse the best may not be the same as what you like the most. The playlist should keep you focused/uplifted while you work and reflect the vibes you want your room to have.)
Change the smell. Take out the trash, maybe refresh the sheets on your bed. Light a scented candle, some incense, heat up some oil, something to make your room smell distinctly different from the mucky-feeling room from before. (If your method of choice is something short like a room spray, I actually like doing it at the very end.)
Actually clean and organize. Nothing junks up the energy of a room more quicker than actual junk. Organize everything as much as you can (this might mean finally gutting your closet, even if you can close the door and hide it.) Wipe down any surfaces that need it, get everything fresh and functional again. Do some laundry while you work. If you have clothes or trinkets that are just collecting dust, extra points for purging them! 
 Cleanse any sacred spaces by themselves. A lot of us have altars or shrines in our rooms. A sacred space can also be just an extra important area of your room, like a reading nook.  Make sure to give them extra attention! You don’t need to wipe the board energetically (and probably shouldn’t), but taking a little extra time to clean surfaces, straighten up, and make sure everything feels okay on them goes a long way.
Cleanse in your regular way. Bust out the herb bundles, the bells, the ribbons, the broom, whatever you usually do to cleanse a space! The room is SUPER primed for it now, most of the negative energy probably already feels removed if not broken down. A good once-over with your favorite cleansing method should finish it off nicely. 
Refresh any wards or protections. Self explanatory. If you maintain energy borders in your room, now is a good time to check in on them and zhoosh them if needed. Keep the space clean for longer! 
Practice self-care. Take a shower, a nap, eat some food, whatever you need. You’ve put in a lot of work and you deserve it. 
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Candles 🕯
🕯White - Purity, Peace, Healing, Divination, Substitute for Other Candles
🕯Black - Protection, Banishing, Safety, Hexes
🕯Red - Passion, Lust, Strength, Action, Hexes, Fire
🕯Orange - Creativity, Joy, Legal Matters, Justice, Happiness, Well-Being
🕯Yellow - Joy, Positivity, Memory, Happiness, Sun, Intelligence
🕯Green - Money, Growth, Luck, Earth, Success, Prosperity, Envy 
🕯Blue - Focus, Wisdom, Truth, Forgiveness, Psychic Abilities, Peace, Dreams
🕯Purple - Spiritual Power, Third eye, Psychic Abilities, Energy, Healing
🕯Pink - Love, Care, Healing, Friendship, Attraction, Relationship, Harmony
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💌Spell Envelopes💌
Y’all this is seriously a game changer!! 
As a college student, I’m super broke and haven’t wanted to buy sachets for spells, but I have a solution! Just use an envelope instead! You can get a whole box for like $3 (or you probs already have some) and they work just like a sachet: you put your herbs, pieces of paper, little crystals, etc. inside.  
You can also decorate them with designs, colors, and sigils that correspond to the spell you’re doing!  The one in this picture is a love spell I made for a friend! Art isn’t your thing? Just use stickers! Washi tape! 
You can carry them around easily and discreetly too.  You could even mail a spell to a friend! And add a layer of enchantment to bless your postal delivery person while they’re carrying the spell :)
Addition:  As the lovely @crystal-w0lf added to the comments, you can also bury them for offerings or protection spells!!!
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Symbols Chart.
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50 Spells
Money Spell: Mix basil and baking soda together. Use it as a carpet sprinkle before vacuuming to increase the flow of money to your home.
Protection Spell: Bury quartz crystals pointing outwards at the four corners of your property line to keep evil away from your home.
Good Dream Spell: Eat a pinch of thyme before bed or place a sprig of it under your pillow, and you will have sweet dreams.
Money Spell: Roll paper or plastic money towards you around a cinnamon stick to bring in more money.
Healing Spell: Carry juniper berries with you to ward against illness.
Protection Spell: Hang a bit of dried ginger in the kitchen to ward evil spirits.
Money Spell: Simmer cinnamon, nutmeg, and allspice in water on the stove to ensure prosperity of your home.
Good Luck Spell: Burn allspice as an incense to draw money or luck to you, as well as speed healing.
Love Spell: Cut an apple in half, and give one half to your love to ensure a prosperous and loving relationship.
Beauty Spell: Carry cloves with you to let your inner beauty shine outward.
Love Spell: Watermelon is an aphrodisiac, especially for men.
Love Spell: Eat fresh figs as an aphrodisiac.
Good Luck Spell: Place a piece of cotton in your sugar bowl to draw good luck to your house.
Love Spell: Celery is a great male aphrodisiac.
Lost Item Charm: Carry a sprig of rosemary in your pocket when you need to find something.
Protection Spell: Scatter dried chili peppers or cayenne pepper around your house to keep harm away.
Pregnancy Spell: Carrying a twig of raspberry leaves will help ease the pains of pregnancy.
Purification Spell: Add a little salt to your carpet sprinkle or floor wash to purify a room.
Rain Spell: Sprinkle water into the air using the bristles of a broom to make it rain.
Healing Charm: Carry ginger root in your pocket or purse all winter to ward against colds.
Wellness Spell: Drink amethyst-infused water during the day, before drinking, to lighten the effects of intoxication.
Healing Charm: Place a garlic braid in your home to help keep illness away.
Concentration Spell: Chew fennel seeds to help you concentrate.
Good Luck Spell: Carry a piece of dried pineapple in a green bag to draw luck to you.
Divination Charm: Ask an orange a yes or no question before you eat it, then count the seeds. If there are an even number of seeds, the answer is no. If there are an odd number of seeds, the answer is yes.
Fertility Spell: Eat avocados to ensure fertility.
Garden Spell: Sprinkle oats in your garden to ensure that your garden will be plentiful.
Love Spell: Eat mangos to increase libido.
Protection Spell: Plant thyme around your house to act as natural wards.
Relaxation Charm: Drink lavender, chamomile, and passion fruit tea to decrease anxiety.
Psychic Ability Charm: Sleep with mugwort under your pillow to bring psychic dreams.
Purification Spell: Add apple cider vinegar, baking soda, and epsom salt to your bathwater for purification.
Psychic Ability Spell: Eat raw chocolate to increase your psychic powers.
Psychic Ability Spell: Carry a herkimer diamond to increase your psychic powers.
Healing Spell: Cure hiccups by breathing in peppermint essential oil.
Protection Spell: Sprinkle cayenne pepper dust under your doormat to keep unwanted people from entering your home.
Happiness Spell: Evoke a feeling of optimism by breathing in peppermint essential oil..
Aromatherapy Charms: Add pink himalayan sea salt and a few drops of your favorite essential oil to a glass vial to make an instant aromatherapy oil inhaler.
Love Spell: Place pepper inside a piece of cotton and set it shut to make a charm to bring back a lost love.
Money Charm: Draw an infinity symbol on a square piece of paper, fold it towards you, and put it into your wallet to increase your wealth.
Purification Spell: Cut an onion in half and hide both halves inside your home to remove harmful vibes.
Healing Spell: Place a sliced onion under the bed of an ill person to help draw out the illness.
Pentacle Charm: Cut an apple in half for an instant altar pentacle.
Prosperity Spell: Add dried basil to your carpet sprinkle to increase prosperity.
Beauty Spell: Crawl backwards three times underneath a blackberry or mulberry tree branch to help remove acne.
Beauty Spell: Make a face mask out of ground dried oatmeal, powdered milk, warm honey, and water to soften the skin and clear the complexion.
Purification Charm: Carry a piece of black tourmaline to help purify and remove harmful energies in the space around you.
Purification Charm: Keep your pink himalayan salt lamp on for as long as possible to get the best benefit from the lamp.
Protection Charm: Carry a peach pit to ward off harmful energies.
Protection Charm: Carry a walnut to strengthen your brain.
Blessed Be,
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Symbols for each holiday <|:^)
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What is an Altar?
Altars are a hub of your magickal energy. A lot of witches perform spells there, seeing it as a source of valuable energy. It is also a place of worship if you have patron deities. For worshippers, this is where you would communicate and give offerings to said deities. This is also a wonderful space to charge and store your magickal tools. Altars are not a witchcraft-specific object, either- most christian churches have Altars dedicated to Jesus Christ as well!
What can be considered an Altar?
Anything that you use for any of the above can be considered an Altar. I use a bookcase as an altar but it can be anything from a table to an entire room to something as small as a suitcase or even an altoid can- something used commonly among closeted witches as it is not easily found or recognized by loved ones who might be so pleased with the concept of Witchcraft.
How do I decorate my Altar?
You can decorate it in any way you like! An altar, like the Craft in itself, is an extremely personal concept. However, here are various common ways I have seen some being decorated:
To honor their ancestors
To celebrate the seasons
To celebrate holidays such as Ostara or Yule
To honor their deities
Minimalist, having only their supplies and tools with it
Here are some ideas for each one one of these examples on the above list:
To Honor Your Ancestors 
Give Offerings of their favorite foods 
Decorate it in their favorite colors
 Have pictures of them on it 
Leave letters addressed to them on the Altar, sending your love and appreciation to them wherever they may be in the afterlife.
To Celebrate the Seasons 
Spring- decorate in bright colors such as yellow and pinks; regularly have flowers (real or fake) on or near it; dedicate your Altar to your patron fertility/life/nature deity 
Summer- decorate in bold colors such as reds and greens; leave plants such as cacti or produce plants like tomato plants on or near it; leave offerings of fresh (preferably local and in-season) plants on it; dedicate your Altar to your patron god of passion/sun/hard-work 
Fall- decorate in muted and comforting colors such as browns and oranges; leave offerings of wheat/cinnamon/squash; leave a small letter addressed to your late loved ones in this time of thinned veil; dedicated your Altar to your patron god of harvest. 
Winter- decorate in colors such as whites or blues or even black; leave sprigs of evergreen tree needles or cones near or on it; dedicate it to your patron god of death or life cycles
To Celebrate the Holidays 
Samhain- In this time of the thinnest veil, you would want to decorate your altar in a way similar to the way you would in honor of your ancestors. See above for ideas regarding that. 
Yule- Leave an (artificial) burning yule log on it, have sun imagery to celebrate the return of the sun 
Imbolc- Leave a burning candle (or an artificial candle on) on your altar all day; decorate with a bundle of wheat, a pomegranate, or other symbolism of fertility 
Ostara- Decorate with jasper or incense for jasmine or any other floral scent; leave offerings of food; if possible, move it in front of the sun
Beltane- Decorate with phallic decorations; leave items on it that bring great joy to your life, leave a candle of an earthy smell burning 
Litha- Decorate with imagery of the moon to welcome the growing darkness; leave it in dark colors for the same reason; similar to Imbolc, display symbols of fertility 
Lammas- Decorate in Fall-themed colors; Leave an offering of (preferably home-made) bread 
Mabon- Decorate your Altar in items and symbols of things that you are grateful for; leave a letter of thanks to your deity; cover in colors of transition such as orange-red, grays, blue-green, etc.
To Honor your Deities 
Cover your altar in their patron colors
 Display symbolism of their domain (for ex. A bowl of salt-water if they are over the Sea)
If their worship permits, display a portrait or artistic rendition of them! Feel free to do this yourself, no matter how you gauge your artistic abilities. I’ve even seen people represent gods with dressed-up dolls or barbies 
Light an incense in a smell that reminds you of them
The Minimalist Approach 
Typically these kinds of altars hold simply the tools of the trade and representations of the elements (none of this is mandatory ever and you should follow your gut with what is necessary for you): 
Incense to represent air 
Candles or light to represent fire 
A bowl of water to represent… well… water 
A bowl of salt to represent Earth 
Hey Guys! I made some more printable reference sheets for y’all! You can download them along with my other reference sheets and printables here. Feel free to request printables and reference sheets as I am always looking for ideas to create more!! Also! Feel free to share Altar tips and decorating ideas on this post ^_^
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Tarot Cheat Sheet
The Fool: Beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, free spirit.
Reverse: Naivety, foolishness, risk-taking
The Magician: Power, skill, concentration, action, resourcefulness.
Reverse: Manipulation, poor planning, latent talents.
The High Priestess: Intuition, higher powers, mystery, subconscious mind.
Reverse: Hidden agendas, listen to inner voice.
The Empress: fertility, femininity, beauty, nature, abundance.
Reverse: Creative block, dependence.
The Emperor: Authority, father-figure, structure, foundation.
Reverse: Domination, excessive control, rigidity, inflexibility.
The Hierophant: Religion, group identification, conformity, tradition, beliefs.
Reverse: Restriction, something to shake up routine.
The Lovers: Love, union, relationships, aligned values, choices.
Reverse: Disharmony, imbalance, misalignment of values.
The Chariot: Control, willpower, victory, assertion, determination.
Reverse: Lack of control and direction, aggression.
Strength: Strength, courage, patience, control, compassion.
Reverse: Weakness, Self-doubt, lack of self-discipline.
The Hermit: Soul-searching, introspection, alone, inner guidance.
Reverse: Isolation, loneliness, withdrawal.
The Wheel of Fortune: Good luck, karma, life cycles, destiny, a turning point.
Reverse: Bad luck, negative external forces, out of control.
Justice: Justice, fairness, truth, cause and effect.
Reverse: Unfairness, dishonesty, unaccountability.
The Hanged Man: Restriction, letting go, sacrifice.
Reverse: Martyr, indecision, delay.
Death: Endings, beginnings, change, transformation, transition.
Reverse: Resistance to change, inability to progress.
Temperance: Balance, moderation, patience, purpose, meaning.
Reverse: Imbalance, excess, short term vision.
The Devil: Addiction, sexuality, materialism.
Reverse: Detachment, breaking free, reclaimed power.
The Tower: Disaster, upheaval, sudden (brutal) change, revelation.
Reverse: Avoidance of disaster, fear of change.
The Star: Hope, spirituality, renewal, inspiration, serenity.
Reverse: Lack of faith, despair, discouragement. 
The Moon: Illusion, vision, dreaming, fear, anxiety, insecurity, subconsciousness.
Reverse: Release of fear, unhappiness, confusion.
The Sun: Fun, warmth, success, positivity, vitality.
Reverse: Temporary depression, lack of success.
Judgement: Judgement, rebirth, inner calling, absolution.
Reverse: Self doubt, self blindness.
World: Completion, integration, accomplishment, travel.
Reverse: Incompletion. Lack of closure.
Please don’t promote yourself on my post ✨
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Hi! May I request a reading? Can you tell me what my first romantic partner will be like personality wise/physically? And what will the overall relationship be like? -N.P ♒
Two of Swords -
I don’t want to comment on what your partner will look like physically, but personality wise they will be a balanced and well-rounded individual.  They will be a good problem-solver, as they equally consider logic and the heart when it comes to making choices.  However, they can be quite naive and short-sighted, but will always be thoughtful and considerate.  They will likely be either a Libra Sun or Libra Moon.
Ace of Swords -
The relationship will go well overall.  You will be inspiring to each other, and every day will be full of success and happiness.  This relationship will give you new ideas about who you are inside and what your desires truly are.
However, Ace of Swords indicates there will be a few bumps on the road.  A possible power imbalance in the relationship is also possible.  You must be able to work to communicate clearly with your partner about your relationship.  If things turn sour, you also need to have the strength to back away if this does occur.
Thank you for requesting a reading!
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🍃 Serenity Oil 🍃
An oil to place on yourself, your altar, and door frames to incite peace and calm. Best when placed in entryways to ward chaotic/negative energy.
Salt (protection, cleansing)
Garlic Clove/Powder (cleansing)
Pepper Corns (protection)
Olive Oil (peace)
1.) Fill container with as many garlic cloves as possible, insert salt and top with pepper corns.
2.) Pour oil over top, rotating the bottle to allow air to disperse.
3.) Use in a timely fashion! Oil goes bad relatively fast.
If you don’t have the ingredients or the time to make this, like to charge and reblog to cast.
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Lunar Phase One Word Cheat Sheet 🌙
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New Moon - renew, cleanse
Waxing Moon - attract, gain
Full Moon - manifest, enlighten
Waning Moon - banish, negate
Dark Moon - reflect, destroy
Blue Moon - wish, dream, achieve
Black Moon - power, energy
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