cyto-kinin · 1 year
My Roommate is a Househusband Pt.2
It’s been awhile but anyways here’s a little pt 2 continuation
It was 8 in the morning. Lyle wore a simple plain t-shirt with shorts. Despite the hot weather, Adam wore a white sweater and dark trousers, being as neat as he usually is.
“So who’s cooking?” 
The two sat on the dining table, facing each other. Adam had his arms crossed and his eyes wandered across the room, Lyle looked at Adam with both hands on the table awaiting a response.
During prep school, they had no other choice but to learn to cook themselves. Adam could cook basic foods as far as Lyle knew. The brunette was aware that Lyle, well, he wasn’t the best. The only enjoyable thing Lyle has ever made was cheese fondue.
“Let’s eat something simple for breakfast first, then I’ll cook for lunch later.” Adam, wanting to avoid the chances of being poisoned by Lyle’s food, immediately claimed the kitchen as his. 
“Hey, I know what you mean by that but I’ve improved since prep school! I can properly cook now!” He stood tall and mighty in an instant, his chest puffing a bit in pride. Adam was startled by the sudden move Lyle made and fixed his eyes on furrowing cyan eyes, he didn’t know what to answer. 
“I’ll make your beloved cheese fondue for breakfast and we’ll figure it out for lunch.” 
Hearing Lyle’s words, Adam widened his eyes, he felt his lips curling into a soft smile,
Lyle grinned widely and dashed into the kitchen before Adam changed his mind. He began taking the ingredients from the shelves and refrigerator while Adam patiently waited, as his mind browsed through a million recipes for lunch. 
After a few minutes, Lyle arrived with his signature cheese fondue and placed down the bowl loudly out of pride, then sat down. 
“Let’s eat!” 
Adam took a few moments to admire the beauty of the cheese fondue he had longed for that is now right in front of him. His eyes scanned the bowl, mesmerized by how smooth it looked. 
Without further hesitation, Adam dipped the bread in, lovingly stared at how it slowly sinks into the cheese. He has always admired the way the cheese stretches as soon as he pulls it out. The bread was brought to his mouth which instantly flushed his taste buds with delicate milky flavour. The bread was the part he loved the most, it has a rough surface but as his teeth sinks in it’s as soft as a pillow. 
Lyle watched as his friend devoured the majority of the bowl leaving only a few breads left. He didn’t mind, as long as his soulmate is happy, he’s happy. 
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cyto-kinin · 1 year
Thank for food,i really did missed these 2
Also,the la chancla from Adam?
Goes straight to my hc thank yo
AAAA I’m so glad you liked it! Thanks you for readinggg
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cyto-kinin · 1 year
Adam get a new shirt challenge
yk how Adam’s buttons r holding for dear life? Yea that’s it.
Ok so, one day carole noticed how adam’s buttons are barely holding his chest anymore. Buuuut instead of telling adam to get a new shirt she waits for a time where his buttons finally pop to get an excellent view of his chest 
Finally she came up with a plan, she’s planning to make adam do some stretching to make that button fling bye bye. So eventually she came up to him and probably said smth like “hey did ya know stretching is nice before carrying out missions?”, adam just glared at her cluelessly then she continued, “i learnt a few effective stretching to boost our performance on the battlefield! (She lied) hey wanna stretch with me?”, adam, again looked at her blankly but agrees to it anyway
Carole was hoping some miracle would happen but unfortunately that button decides to risk its life and doesnt pop 
Fast forward to when they finished going on patrol and went back to the base. Carole and timido were called by the squad leaders only leaving lyle with adam. There lyle was taking a drink while…adam…he was stretching. Out of nowhere it was that very moment his buttons popped and hits lyle’s forehead. Man how sad it is for carole to miss this rare occurrence. “Nice chest, bro” lyle complimented adam with a hint of jealousy.
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cyto-kinin · 1 year
My Roommate is a Househusband
As a daily adamlyle worshipper we r starving for more content so here have a domestic adamlyle fic i wrote awhile ago! Story follows Adam as he moves in to Lyle’s apartment (if he even has one but anyways) Hope u enjoy~
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Out of all the places Adam could choose to live in, his best friend Lyle offered to stay in his apartment. What could possibly go wrong?
Adam set foot on the front door of his best friend’s apartment. He scanned the hallways, looked at the door up and down. It was a simple complex anyways, not too fancy, but not too bad either. Though the walls looked like they could use some polishing,
“Ahem.” Lyle attempted to break the silence, waiting for a response yet Adam looked back in his ‘default’ stoic expression.
Lyle smiled and shrugged it off anyways. He reached for the door and began opening it. The sound of clicking keys lasted for a while but soon they were greeted with a loud creek from the door,
“Tadaa! Welcome to collodeez apartment!”
“What’s collodeez?”
“Collodeez nu-“
The both stood in awkward silence, exchanging looks. Lyle proceeded to pat Adam’s shoulder lightly and pulled him to the room. ‘Lyle as cheeky as always but I like him that way’ Adam thought as he dragged in his luggage.
 The room was quite big, right in front of the door was the living room and a bean bag near the TV, the kitchen and table were just next to it, there were two bedrooms and one bathroom. There was also this one room, only it was locked. 
The only thing that bothered Adam was the amount of rubbish scattered across the entire room. Some leftover instant noodles on the table, snack crumbs on the sofas and floor, and stained shoe tracks. The peculiar smell was the cherry on top which made his nose scrunch instinctively.
‘What kind of person wouldn’t take their shoes off?’ The first thing that caught Adam’s attention was the soiled floor. Adam has always had cleanliness on top priority. Back during prep school, Adam would scold Lyle for wearing shoes in their dorm. He followed it thoroughly but look at him now. 
“Okay allow me give a quick tour, dear frien-“
“No we have to clean.”
Lyle only expected Adam to clean certain areas of the apartment, though it was just too big for some man to clean it up, but he was wrong. He’s cleaning the whole apartment spotless. 
Gloves, check. Mop, check. 2 Buckets of soap water, check. Everything except sterility, check. First, Adam took the trash bag near Lyle’s door and shoved all the snack crumbs, noodle leftovers, and rubbish in. He finished in less than 5 minutes which made Lyle question his new roommate’s hidden abilities.
In Lyle’s eye, Adam has always been a diligent student and a strong fighter but he doesn’t seem to have any other interesting talents. Adam was a shy boy with no specific hobbies anyways.
Adam dipped a handkerchief into the bucket, pulled it out, and gave it a squeeze,  letting out a floral scent. 
“Can you help wipe the countertop? I’ll do the rest.” Adam reached out his hand that was holding the handkerchief to Lyle, 
“Okay, but wouldn’t it be too tiring for you?” 
“I’ll be fine”, Adam reassured the other with a small smile which made Lyle grin as a response. It’s rare to see Adam smile, even if it was just a small smile it still counts!
Lyle snatched the handkerchief as Adam dipped another one and went to wipe the rest. Eventually, both finished at the same time. Next is to mop the floors. 
Adam proceeded to dunk the mop into the other bucket and began mopping each 
and every tile spotless. He tasked Lyle to wait on the entrance until the floor was dry. Adam walked back and forth with the bucket to every room. 
The finishing touch was the perfume he sprayed on every corner of the apartment to make sure the smell disappeared.
Lyle noticed how the floor quickly dried with no stains. Right about the time he was about to step into the living room area, Adam held his wrist and the mop on the other. Lyle confusedly looked into the brunette’s strict eyes. 
“Take off your shoes and don’t wear them here”, Adam ordered as a sigh of frustration trailed,
“You are a real husband material.”
The words unknowingly fell off Lyle’s lips. Hearing his friend's compliment (?) instantly reddened his ears and loosened his grip. His mouth was left agaped, he tried speaking but the right words won’t come out. Lyle had the same expression except he was more mesmerized.
“I mean it.” Lyle continued
“…” His ears visibly redder now
“Fine, I’ll take off my shoes only because I get to see your ears blush for once~”
“Do you know what it feels like to be hit with a sandal?” Adam spoke directly and had his stare petrify the other.
‘Curse Adam and his sandal technique! Though he won’t actually hit me with it’ (He would literally hit him with it) Lyle’s brain whispered as he began taking his shoes off out of fear. Adam left the moment Lyle bent to untie his shoes, and started washing the tools. 
As a token of pity, Lyle will now sleep in the guest room and Adam gets the main bedroom where Lyle used to sleep in. Eventually, the two started chatting again up until night. The next morning a questioned popped into Lyle’s mind,
“So who’s cooking?”
That’s a wrap of part 1(?) if I ever continue it idk tho but I hope y’all like it! Also if there r any feedbacks pls don’t hesitate i don’t even know if I’m continuing this lol
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