czasdojutra-blog · 8 years
"YOU STILL HAVEN'T FIXED MY DOOR, JACK ASS!" So his solution is to obviously break down Aleksy's front door too. An eye for an eye, man.
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        ‘ Lieeee—eeeet !!            Gilbert is breaking down your door for no good reason !! ’
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czasdojutra-blog · 8 years
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czasdojutra-blog · 8 years
tamsusvilkas replied to your post:-tapes a sticker on his forehead that says "my...
Kick his balls
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             This is why I say Szil has good taste in baes.
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czasdojutra-blog · 8 years
-tapes a sticker on his forehead that says "my hoe"-
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                                    Oho, bitch.                             Equips self with a high round rifle.
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czasdojutra-blog · 8 years
"Aleksy, have you seen my glasses? I've looked everywhere for them." They are definitely NOT on his head.
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             Would you look at that ?                      Silly illy Toris being …urm — silly.                   He indulges in seconds of his private entertainment, peripheries of his pressed ( not wobbly too, nope ) lips spread like icing on a cake; talk about a treat ?? Oh what the hell – who could suppress those high-strung muffled snickers; it’s criminal ! Who would be sufficiently cruel to devise an unsavory law like that when Toris looks just plain evidently confused ?? Oh, his ever so irresistibly endearing dove.                      Perhaps he should let the wise be wiser buuuut – he’s currently nestled into the warm expanse of Toris Laurinaitis’s steel-structured ( or it seems so, hee ) chest. Down, down, down his eyes travel, contemplation written in native language in his eyes ‘ hmmm … I really, really want a chocolate sundae now. When will Toris get my sundae ????? ’                                   Is this not tyrannical ?!                                    His chocolate sundae is the soul of his ambitious cravings,                                   the mystical goddess to the known myths && fables,                                   the fairy tale book not-so tucked in Toris’s travelling bag–                                       Oh right, the glasses. Whoop. Awkward coughing ensues.                                                         Uhrmmm …                                      ‘ It’s on your head, you silly ~ ’
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czasdojutra-blog · 8 years
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落書き by cruewood
*Permission to reprint was granted by the artist!
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czasdojutra-blog · 8 years
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落書き by cruewood
*Permission to reprint was granted by the artist!
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czasdojutra-blog · 8 years
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         RISE. lmao. It’s been a long time && I am still gettin’ followers ?? && I see that some still remembered me aaaahh -- You guys are so rad ;v;
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czasdojutra-blog · 9 years
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        ( Going to do a little revamp here before bumping up my activity. )
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czasdojutra-blog · 9 years
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        outofflames -- : Sorry for the sudden hiatus. I’ve been mowing through exams and being a nervous wreck over my results ( but they still turned out pretty good !! ) and my muse has been very down. I’m back for now but I’ll still put this blog on semi-hiatus just in case.
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czasdojutra-blog · 9 years
"I think I said 'decorate the house', not 'make our house visible from the Moon'!"
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     【 ♛ scent of the rye field​ 】         ❝Tut tut tut. Decorating, visible – what is the difference ?❞
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czasdojutra-blog · 9 years
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tbh something i loved about this part of the episode was that you could tell by the look on his face that Poland hated every second of having to even pretend to surrender
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czasdojutra-blog · 9 years
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                 When the doors were finally opened and a familiar (and so dear) face appeared from behind them, Toris felt his will waver for a split second, yet after a moment, that feeling was gone. Instead of it, a trademark light and ever so slightly nervous smile found its’ way to males lips.
“I-I’m sorry I came without calling in and making an arrangement.” In fact, they hadn’t spoke for months, not even a single decent call. Everything country related had been taken care of by their respective leaders who didn’t seem to notice it much. “I hope I d-din’t disturb you or anything.” No matter what had happened, he never wanted to be a burden.
“I don’t want to waste much of your time, so I’m going to make this quick. I came to talk about something serious.” Toris wondered if there really was any need to tell Aleksy what kind of a serious matter that was – it was too obvious from brunets’ voice alone.
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    【 ♛ scent of the rye field​ 】       He blinked once, blinked twice, pursing his lips and tilting his head questioningly. Although, it was coherent to himself that he was aware of their oncoming topic. While he may seem genuinely curious at the exterior; mentally, he had emitted a small ‘eek’ in his head. Nevertheless his feet shifted until he could allow Toris space to enter.       ❝It’s... totally fine. No need to worry your silly head over it.❞        He piped up, attempting to brighten their murky predicament despite the incessantly, frighteningly pounding in his chest. A forced smile began to pull at the corners of his lips as he closed the door in a swift motion out of anxiety.          Praying that his woes weren’t painted on his face for the world to see, Aleksy clapped his hands together and skipped towards the couch, doing a single twirl in the process and plopped himself onto the velvet seat.        ❝So -- what’s on your mind ?❞
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czasdojutra-blog · 9 years
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LEGAL NAME: Aleksy Łukasiewicz
ALIAS[ES]: Republic of Poland, Po, Leksy, Smart Alec  DATE OF BIRTH: 11 November
GENDER | SPECIES: Male | Nation
CURRENT LIVING CONDITIONS: A small bungalow at the outskirts of Warsaw
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Polish, Lithuanian, English, French, Hungarian, Russian, German
EDUCATION:  Private tutor
OCCUPATION:  Personification of Poland | Aerobatic pilot 
CRIMINAL RECORD: A restraining order by @prussiathegreat
DRINK | SMOKE | DRUGS: yes | yes | no
LIKE[S]:  Airplanes | Alcohol | High places | Sweets | Internet | Liet
DISLIKE[S]: Authorities | Distant strangers | Liet not kissing him
FEAR[S]: Needles | Enclosed, small areas | Capture | Snakes | Liet kissing a snake
PERSONALITY TRAITS:  Reserved, Energetic, Short tempered, Obstinate, Forgiving, Selfish
{ P H Y S I C A L   I N F O R M A T I O N }
HAIR COLOUR: Blonde EYE COLOUR:  Bright green HEIGHT: 166.5cm TATTOOS: Aquarell tattoo of phoenix wings beneath the nape of his neck that stretches horizontally across his back with a knife embedded on its right wing.
{ F A M I L Y   I N F O R M A T I O N }
SIBLING[S]: Considers Czech and Slovakia as siblings. PARENT[S]: -- CHILDREN: -- PETS[S]: Horse
{ R E L A T I O N S H I P   I N F O R M A T I O N }
SEXUAL PREFERENCE: Lietsexual RELATIONSHIP STATUS: taken by Toris -- @vienybe
meet the muse ;
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czasdojutra-blog · 9 years
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     【 ♛ scent of the rye field​ 】       ❝Coming !❞        A voice, lacking its usual skip and gaiety, was muffled by the walls of the house but had gotten its mission across nonetheless. Strolling down the stairs, he brisk walked towards the door and opened it, only to be greeted by the one who revolved around his mind for the past few months.         His mouth was slightly parted, his eyes gradually widened when the presence of his former partner sank into his attention. His body felt as though it was frozen for a moment, unable to move, and it took a few seconds to finally conjure an appropriate response. His tone was soft -- almost meek -- but it slowly became more coherent as his willpower began to collect itself.         ❝L-Liet. Ah... I wasn’t expecting you.❞           Even with that statement professed, Aleksy could still the small rush of excitement bubbling, which had became a typical reaction towards Toris’s presence, while at the same time, a sense of anxiety was nibbling at his flesh.
                  To say that he regretted what happened back then would be a mistake. Because no matter how painful it might have been at that time, it was necessary. For them both to move on and grow up. No, not them, him alone. It was a problem Toris had to fix on his own. And he had made a promise to himself, that when the time came, when he was finally ready, he would come back. And if at that time Pole still wanted him back..
                  And the time was now.
                  World was changing around so fast, that it seemed like moments since their last real talk that had nothing to do with their work as personifications. Yet in a way, it felt like ages passed by. No matter the time, Toris was now sure. Sure that it would work out this time, it had to.
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                  A hesitant knock, then another one. Maybe Aleksy wasn’t at home and this was all for naught. He shook his head as if to get rid of such thoughts. He would stay here no matter how long it took.
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czasdojutra-blog · 9 years
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     【 ♛ scent of the rye field​ 】
      ❝Is it really that surprising ?❞        Aleksy silently hoped that the answer would be ‘yes’. Perhaps it would give him a reason to believe that their breakup was abnormal, shouldn’t happen, a mistake. Even so, what was done was done. It would be unfair to Toris if he were to take another turn on his decision. For centuries, Aleksy had been doing nothing but drag him around but this time, he was hesitating on his choices. He knew damn well that it would hurt to the core. He knew.        His eyes were dulled in grief, his lips ajar to accommodate the slightly heavier breathing. His chest ached terribly. With his brows furrowed, Aleksy attempted to concentrate on getting away from the pain, only to find himself sinking further in his doubts and problems. Even with the hair falling around his face, the agony washed across his posture was conspicuous.        ❝It’s just that... I think that my affections are hurting him. Whenever I see him pretend that he’s fine, I just feel that we are becoming more distant... I--It’s not that I blame him for not trusting me -- even though he said he does but... it just hurts a lot... for the both of us. I want to try to think of him more b-but I can’t help but want to be with him again.           And I’ll put your fingerprints around the mess later. Don’t worry.❞
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   “WAIT… O-Over?”
  WELL, now - That explained A LOT of things. The glassy eyes, the shaking lips, the all too desperate way Aleksy darted towards his fridge and reached out for the tub of ice cream of all things – It all made sense. As the realization dawned on him, Gilbert found himself nodding along, his brows arching into a questioning look. He didn’t even know they had been an official thing, but he supposed he can’t be that surprised.
    NOW comes the part when he has to decide whether he’s going to be the good friend and let the Pole mope on the couch for a bit or if he was going to be the vindictive asshat and kick Aleksy out as payback for all those other… Disturbances. The second option was so tempting that Gilbert had actually opened his mouth to tell Aleksy to get the hell out of his living room, but one look at just how sad the other was shut him up.
    GOD, why did he always have to be the nice one?
    “OH. Well that… That sucks,” The Prussian shrugged with a hint of genuine empathy. Although he knew from personal experience that the best way to get this one to open up was to pretend like he wasn’t that interested in what happened, “And careful not to get anything on the couch - Ludwig will have your ass for that,”
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czasdojutra-blog · 9 years
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     【 ♛ scent of the rye field​ 】        Ho ! There was the awkward reaction Szilvestzer told him about. Whilst Aleksy abide by Christianity, his religious system was liberal. Besides, his mouth often ran off before he could even place them at bay. His face didn’t withhold any remorse but instead was overshadowed by amusement at Gisilbert’s weak endeavor in concealing his blush.
     Unable to contain himself, he temporary withdrew from their main topic and hunched over to press a finger against Gisilbert’s cheek ( which still had a bit tint of red ).       ❝C’mon ! It’s just Liet’s undergarments ! I’ve seen his and Szilvestzer’s so many times ! No need to become a tomato over it. Tell you what, I can even share with you what Szilvestzer’s main undergarments designs and colors are.         I’ll work properly alright. But I don’t know where to start. I guess I have no choice but to practice some on you until I can get it right !❞
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      NOW that was something he didn’t have to know.
      A BLUSH didn’t hesitate to spread itself across his pale cheeks, making his face light up a fairly bright shade of pink. Most boys his age (physical age, that is) would have probably found it in them to laugh at that kind of gossip - Then again, he wasn’t your average teenager now was he? Raised by a Christian Order as a child and now living in a monastery as a teen - What kind of a reaction did anybody expect him to have?
      “THAT wasn’t something I needed to know, Polen!” the Duchy grumbled under his breath, turning his head down in a futile attempt to hide his red face. Great. One more image to haunt his nightmares when he slept. 
      “AND to me it sounds like you’re just making excuses!” Gisilbert sighed, shaking his head, “If you really REALLY want to put in a genuine effort, you’ll find a way to get your limbs working for you! And focusing on Toris’ face or the colour of his undergarments was not the kind of focus I was talking about, Aleksy. Keep your attention on your tasks - You’ll find the work easier then!”
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