d0g-bless · 2 months
"A cishet person must have made this, no queer person would ever portray queerness in this way."
"This artist must be white."
"No SA victim would ever handle the subject in this way."
"No woman would ever write women like this."
"This creator is obviously neurotypical. Everyone with autism/ADHD/depression understands-"
People who make these blanket statements are very frequently proven wrong when the creator comes out as a member of that group. And even when they aren't proven wrong, even in cases where the creator isn't from the group in question, actual members of the group who don't fit whatever arbitrary criteria are being expressed will see these statements and feel excluded and erased.
Not everyone in your group is going to share your experiences. No single individual gets to personally decide what does or doesn't count as a "valid" expression of trauma or being part of a particular group, and creators are also not obligated to out themselves in order to "prove" their validity.
If something doesn't resonate with you, all that means is that it doesn't resonate with you. You don't have to like it. But you don't get to decide what it means to someone else.
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d0g-bless · 3 months
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Pidge (with some geometric fine-line tattoo designs ) 🌿
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d0g-bless · 1 year
these are basically turning into my video diaries
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d0g-bless · 1 year
it’s been said before but the fact this site used to let you edit other people’s posts is beyond unhinged. the potential for slander was next level, you really could just edit the body of posts that weren’t even your own and it’d look like the OP said it. just casually spread misinformation via reblog, the original post being lost to time. john green cock monologue. sayonara you weeaboo shits. they gave us way too much power. can you imagine if a website let you do that today? people would lose their fucking minds. sure, on twitter you can impersonate anybody, but you have to make your own tweets. they would never let you edit other people’s tweets! that’s stupid! it’s literally the worst feature any social media site could ever have! if it ever happened somewhere else, it would be by accident and fixed immediately! but on old school tumblr? yeah, you could edit someone’s childhood fear from vampires to danny devito, and we all just had to live like that for years. INSANE.
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d0g-bless · 1 year
Medievalists of Tumblr: what inaccuracies annoy you the most in movies set in the Middle Ages?
Mine is probably the ‘everyone was constantly caked in mud and only wore grey and brown’ aesthetic.
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d0g-bless · 1 year
I feel like a somewhat disregarded aspect of modern internet callout culture is the impact on people with anxiety or paranoia or intrusive thoughts and how the general sentiment of "bad things will only happen to you if you're bad, so just be good all the time" just exacerbates obsessive self flagellation
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d0g-bless · 1 year
not a dream
conservative women are harassing a retro clothing brand for featuring David Ross Lawn wearing their dresses, which they apparently used to love because their linen clothes are modest and it allows the tradwives to cosplay as waifs from the olden times so they're big mad that the brand is inclusive
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Also, when I followed the brand yesterday, they were at 320k followers and now they're at 323k so they're gaining, not losing
personally I love retro clothes and it's all linen!
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d0g-bless · 1 year
oof BIG disagree here
as someone who was here at the start of VLD and was a shidge shipper right off the bat (and still am no surprise yikes), i am going to have to tell you the exact opposite happened.
shidge shippers took the first hit after SDCC 2017 because some person decided to ask the producers the ages of Shiro and Pidge, which then came back and resulted in a huge chunk of the fandom sending hate and threats to shidge shippers.
a lot of us ended up fleeing to Discord servers and the like because people got so nasty on here, and early sheith shippers were often involved in chasing shidge shippers off.
we took the heat early, so when klantis came for sheith shippers, they didn’t really have anyone to back them up on it
I don't think about voltron a lot but the blorbo poll had me reminiscing. I was a hard-core pidge fan and shipped them with literally everyone - but especially shiro. however, I don't think I truly understood the toxicity of the fandom until more or less after the show had ended. I think this was probably because I was so pidge focused and all the drama involved Lance and Keith and Shiro (I was in sophomore year of hs (till senior year) ig, and I just never saw that hatred). So, now, looking back on my relatively good experience with the Fandom, this is how I view sheith. My heart goes out to y'all 🫡❤🖤💚❤🖤💚
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d0g-bless · 2 years
Cleaning up some old writing stuff and found these bits of nonsense I wrote for a never-finished one-shot during the height of the Crocs-Shiro debacle
It’s not like they never have visitors. The extra seats at the dining room table serve a purpose outside of placating Shiro’s insistence that “dining room tables don’t only have two chairs, Katie,” to which Pidge had reminded him that they spent most of their time eating take-out on the living room couch. But impressing Mrs. Holt is high on the list of things Shiro takes seriously, somewhere below ensuring that Pidge is in actual bed past 2:00AM and above having a landline “just in case.”
Pidge didn’t even know they had a home phone for a good two years and the dining room table is more of an extension of her desk at this point, but whatever. The point is that they have a table, with chairs, and occasionally? People sit at it. People who aren’t them.
People who are usually Keith, or Hunk, or Lance; occasionally Coran or Allura, sometimes even Kolivan, though his presence is usually reserved for the holidays. Pidge can always tell who’s visiting by their shoes alone, something one unconsciously learns to do while spending the better half of a decade in space with a group of individuals with vastly differing tastes in fashion. So when she sees the unfamiliar pair of black Crocs lined up neatly next to Shiro’s boots in the entryway, she doesn’t know who’s in their house, but they need to leave—immediately.
Lance, of course, does not disappoint.
“Please, Pidge.”
“Say it and I swear you’ll be singing falsetto for the rest of your life.”
“I – I can’t. I have to.” Lance is two seconds away from completely losing his shit. He’s talking to Pidge but his eyes are locked on Shiro’s feet as he stands at the counter, blissfully unaware as he pays for their meal.
“Let me say it, just once. Please,” Lance begs.
Pidge digs her heel into his shin when Shiro makes his way back to the table.
“You wanted chocolate, right?” he asks Pidge, voice hopeful and brows furrowed.
Pidge accepts her brownie with a wavering smile. “Yeah, thanks.”
Shiro nods and takes his spot next to her. Pidge can practically feel the need to be a jackass radiating off the moron next to her. She glances at him from the corner of her eye to confirm that, yes, he is in fact about to implode.
Shiro pulls apart his donut. “You guys want to try this?” he asks, and Lance – God fucking dammit, Lance – can’t help it.
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d0g-bless · 2 years
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sry but i wanted to draw this for a long time XD
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d0g-bless · 3 years
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Today is my best girl birthday! Happy b-day, Pidge!!! 💚🖤
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d0g-bless · 3 years
Pidge: Shiro. May I have your hand?
Shiro: *takes off his prosthetic to give it to them*
Pidge: I love how much you trust me, but I was proposing to you.
Shiro: Y-yes, both, you can have both.
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d0g-bless · 4 years
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shidge commission for @olkarianprincess
COMMISSION IS OPEN!! help me get a new drawing tablet pls 🙏
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d0g-bless · 4 years
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Shidge (Shiro x Pidge) moodboard for anon
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d0g-bless · 4 years
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Just imagine...
Shiro and Katie wearing this ❤️
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d0g-bless · 4 years
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d0g-bless · 4 years
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shidge commission for @olkarianprincess
COMMISSION IS OPEN!! help me get a new drawing tablet pls 🙏
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