d1nneranddiatribes · 11 months
Hello i saw your post for free reading, my inicials are SB, if i will have sucess in my career (music and acting)? I have not started
My favorite color is Blue
Thank you
hello, SB.
cards i got are knight of cups reversed, 8 of coins reversed, king of swords.
the start of your career might go smooth, but continuing what you started is the hard part. you are a perfectionist — you want your performances to go as exactly as you planned, but something is stopping that, which is very frustrating for you. it seems you'll get high on a feeling of first success, but winning a battle is not winning a war. the thing that is holding you back may be lack of your skills (not saying that you're untalented — you just need polishing) or poor organisation. now is the time to by led by your mind and not by your heart. enjoy what you are doing, but think smartly about your next step. you could even get professional help — a manager, coach or some sort of a mentor might be of a big help. they can help you with technical stuff connected with your career or make you shine even more than before.
hope this connected 🫶🏻
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d1nneranddiatribes · 11 months
Hey my intial is T and I would please like to ask for a free reading:)
I would like to ask whether I will get into medical school through clearing this year n will it be the one i desire?
Thanks so much appreciate it !!!!!!!
hello, T.
cards i got are the chariot reversed, knight of swords reversed and the hierophant.
have you been feeling burnt out, T? or perhaps not so ambitious? i have a feeling that you're going through a hard time with your school duties. something is holding you back — and it's not professors, hard material to study etc.
it seems as if medical school is not your first choice. as if you're doing it for your family or because you think it's the best option out there. you might've had an idea that if you work hard enough, you'll get into the school, but you might've been too aggressive with your goals. sacrificing your mental health or free time for pursuing goals doesn't always pay off. constant work left you feeling tired and helpless.
think again. is this really what YOU want? if the answer is yes, find a balance for studying and resting. share your troubles with family, friends, any supportative community. you can get into school you want if you work hard, but don't work too hard and burn yourself out.
if the answer is no, now it's time to listen to the universe. follow your heart and do what you want, because even if you get into the school you can feel miserable.
hope this connected 🫶🏻
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d1nneranddiatribes · 11 months
thank you everyone for trusting me and sending questions. i'm a bit tired, so that's it for me. the rest of the asks will be answered in next couple of days. ♡
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d1nneranddiatribes · 11 months
hello mila! could i pls have a reading on what my future spouse will love about me? both physically and personality wise if possible? i’m p libra sun and my favorite color is light pink. thank u!🫶
hello, p!
the cards i got are queen of coins, page of coins, 6 of wands.
your future spouse sees you as the backbone of the family. you're essence of the word "parent". you have a job, your ambitious goals, yet still you manage to provide attention to them and the rest of the family. you're the glue that's keeping everyone together. you have your ideals and rules, but you still stay soft and caring.
you're proud of what you achieved and strive for more. the spotlight is always on you. but sometimes, you feel too pressured. you might have a creative block, a period of tiredness etc. your future spouse is happy to now support and provide for you. they want to remind you to rest.
i feel like their favourite body part of yours will be your hair, cheeks or back. i feel as if you look androgynous and they love it. the way you carry yourself is the thing that makes people recognize you.
hope this connect with you 🫶🏻
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d1nneranddiatribes · 11 months
Can I ask two questions? Because I'm very curious about this other thing as well lol
So I'm currently in Finland for 2 weeks and I met this French boy BT who I have a crush on which is sooooo weird and surprising because I never had crushes!!!! I didn't know it was possible. So I'm curious what does he think /feel about me? I don't expect anything major but I'm curious to know. He acts kinda flirty sometimes? And he asks me how am I and everything all the time.
So I don't expect for a whole love story but I'm just curious about it because I don't have much experience.
Something about BT he is a libra I think? He likes sweets A LOT! And he reminds me of Ken from barbie lol.
About me I'm kh, cancer sun, leo rising. I love Barbie lol
Thank you so much!!!
hi again!
the cards i pulled: 3 of wands, 8 of cups, 7 of swords reversed.
based on these cards i can tell that BT not so long ago ended his previous relationship. some truths were revealed to him and he decided it was time for a new stage in his life. his partner could have been cheating him or they just outgrew each other. his confidence is shaken up and his standing on unsteady ground. he wants to continue and explore, but his soul currently needs a rest. he might like you — especially if he's flirty and showing signs, but this is classic "wrong time" sutuation. he needs time to heal, but he's thinking about you.
hope this connects with you🕊
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d1nneranddiatribes · 11 months
Can we ask 2 questions in separate asks?
of course! i'm responding to asks in the order they came, so if you sent second question/ask, it will be answered soon. ♡
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d1nneranddiatribes · 11 months
Hii Mila, nice to meet you, im P! Your tumblr color palette is cute💙
May i get a love reading? what my fs will think of me?(in appareance and personality) Im sun in taurus and rising in cancer and my fave color is babypink and i love Gustavo Cerati songs and i love crocheting, also cats and im a little passionate with things and i get excited easily but at same time im really depressed and pessimistic. Thank you in advance 🫶
hello p, nice to meet you too! thank you for the compliment. ♡ i suppose "fs" means future spouse, correct me if i'm wrong.
the cards i got are 4 of wands, 3 of cups and 9 of wands.
from what i can see here, i suppose you're an introvert or take some time to warm up to someone. that might be situation with your future spouse. i feel as if they will be the one chasing your and trying to truly crack you to see what's in your head and in your heart.
they will think that you're a strong person. i feel as if in your past something unpleasant happened that defined you as a person (possibly something in your childhood, in your first home). this thing probably made you doubt yourself and slow down with achieving your goals. but as the time passes, you're trying to get over it. your spouse will try to support you through everything, because they will care for you a lot — what if you break down without someone's support? you're a mystery for them. they won't push you, but they will be interested in your experiences and stories from before.
your charm and creativity will be aphrodisiac for them. it's as if that everytime you walk into the room all eyes are on you or a certain warmth spreads around the room. you're there for everyone and will always try to support others because that's what you lacked in past. that will be interpreted as a noble and genuine thing to do.
you might have blond hair, blue or just light eyes, fair skin or something like that. i feel that will be quite attractive to your future spouse. the way you walk or dance might be very eye-catching. are you, perhaps, tall? your future spouse seems to like it, haha. i feel as if they think you're beautiful, but you're hiding your beauty. always remember to be confident, because that's when you shine in their eyes.
i hope this connected with you:)
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d1nneranddiatribes · 11 months
Hii. How are you?
I applied for a volunteering opportunity in Italy and I would to know if I'll get accepted? They said they are picking candidates right now! But there are so slow.
I'm kh, cancer sun, leo rising
hello kh, i'm doing well! thanks for asking.
the cards i got are ace of wands reversed, the high priestess, ace of coins.
if feel that the reason you applied for volunteering in italy is because you need a change of the rhythm. your surroundings are choking you; you feel as if you've already seen everything, heard everything, learnt everything. this need for a change in your life is making you anxious and impatient, which may affect other areas of your life.
with ace of wands reversed, i'm aftaid i'm not bringing good news. the answer that card is giving me is "not right now". but here's the interesting thing: in your reading there's two aces and aces generally represent new beginnings.
your flows are blocked. your searching for change might not be resolved with this trip. you need to look deep into yourself and ask: what i'm really passionate about? where lies my power? why is exactly this happening to me? connect with your inner self, with the universe and seek answers which only you know.
when you set your record straight, new opportunities are coming for you. maybe even something you thought was completely out of your style? or, even, picking candidates is going slowly because the universe is giving you time to find your true power and be completely prepared for italy. be patient and trust your intuition!
i hope this connected with you🤍
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d1nneranddiatribes · 11 months
𑁍┊mila's tarot services ˎˊ˗
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greetings everyone! my name is mila. i'm 19 years old, a student, aquarius/libra/libra, books and movies lover. i've been reading tarot cards since i was 15 years old; i can't say that i'm best reader out there, but so far i believe i can say that my readings were accurate and helped my friends and family. the purpose of this blog is exactly that: if possible, i'm here to help you using my knowledge of tarot and at the same time sharpen my skills! all readings i will do are completely free.
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before sending an ask, i'd like to remind you: free will exists in tarot. the reading you will get will be based on current situation, but you can change the present and the future with your influence.
also, sometimes i might be wrong or you won't hear exactly what you want to hear. even though i believe in my capabilities, i advise you to take these readings with a grain of salt. i'm only human after all.
please, read the rules before sending an ask.
english is not my first language, so maybe sometimes i could twist the meaning of words or not be as eloquent as i wish to be. please, be understanding! ♡
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rules for sending asks/questions
1. i only answer to questions sent through asks. no private messages, sorry! anonymous asks are completely okay.
2. in my bio will be a queue. the queue is number of asks in my ask box. if my ask box gets crowded i will close readings for a short period until i catch up with everything. check regularly if my readings are open (it will be stated in my bio) if you didn't get a chance to send an ask.
3. i like to have a specific form for questions/readings. for every person you mention (including yourself) write something i can associate with them: name, nickname, initials, zodiac sign, colour, emoji, song, symbol, anything that comes to your mind and that you wish to share! with this just send me a question you want me to answer with reading. example of a good ask:
hello, may i get a love reading? what’s my next boyfriend gonna be like? (Physically,traits etc) thank you :) im a libra, my fav colors are green and pink! -h
4. topics i will not do readings for: any medical concerns, nsfw topics, death
5. any asks sent while my readings are closed or that don't follow the rules will be deleted.
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thank you for reading until the end! if you have any further questions my ask box is open. i appreciate getting feedback after i finish readings. don't be afraid to update me about the situation you needed reading for. if you ever need support, someone to talk to or distract you from anything, i'm always here!
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