d1ssc0urse · 3 years
I joke around a lot about how I would pay So Much Money for a Pokemon: Eevee Version where the entire selling point is finally giving us an eeveelution for all 18 types and also some dual-types.
And then I saw this:
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And I am no longer joking.
With 171 potential combinations, it is entirely feasible to make a Pokemon game centered around Eevee.
Why? Because Eevee deserves it. And because we have had an egregious dearth of new Eeevee content since Sylveon dropped.
Here’s my pitch:
The region you live in is an island where Eevee basically became the endemic dominant organism. (If Gamefreak really wants to fuck around and find out, they could play around with real-life evolutionary theory concepts. They’ve used recent games to teach kids about stuff like environmentalism and conservation and energy/power production, so why not?)
The Pokemon Professor in the game will be a distant relative of, idk, Professor Rowan or Professor Sycamore, who decided that studying Pokemon evolution is too broad and decided to focus on what really matters: Eevee and Eevee-Associated Phenomena.
The player is tasked with filling out the Eeveedex.
The gym leaders still specialize in particular types, but they still only use Eeveelutions, of course. A fire-type leader can have Flareon as their signature ‘mon, sure, but for the rest of their team it’ll be dual fire types. Which might actually add to the difficulty level, especially if you get some weird type combos like fire/grass, because then you can’t just walk in and annihilate their entire team with a single not-overleveled water type unless it’s got some appropriate moves.
The Elite Four follows the same trend but with trickier type combos. The Champion has a six-Pokemon team full of the most seemingly contradictory type combos, like fire/water and normal/ghost. And lots of unexpected movesets, like the absolute badass that is Cynthia.
In the post-game Professor Oak will show up to give you the National Dex and you can have access to other ‘mons, as a treat, but until then? You get Eevee and its various -eons. It’s Eevee’s time to shine, which means Eevee and -eons only.
(I might make one (1) exception. There can be That One Fisherman with an entire team of Magikarp, if Gamefreak insists on carrying on that trope. Or he could just have a team of six Vaporeon that only know Splash. I’m willing to compromise.)
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d1ssc0urse · 3 years
Oh mon dieu l'enfants amongus !
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d1ssc0urse · 3 years
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i remember being called by my name by a friend on accident in front of my parents once. I had taught all my friends that if my parents were present they were to use a specific name even though it upset me. when my parents heard my name they gave me a subtle look letting me know what i was in for when we got home.
I remember when my sister had a rogue hairstylist that gave her a more masculine cut, to the point she was continually mistaken for male and it made her cry. but worse so was my parents response to the haircut and anyone who made the mistake of not knowing my sister was a girl.
if i was asked my pronouns in their presence they would either answer for me or glare as i gave the response they wanted or not & still be punished later.
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d1ssc0urse · 3 years
Do I love playing this game or do I just love browsing and downloading mods for this game?
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d1ssc0urse · 3 years
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d1ssc0urse · 3 years
As someone recently diagnosed with ADHD as an adult, one thing that’s been helping me grapple with the intense shame I have over all my “wasted potential” is accepting that potential doesn’t exist and never did.
This sounds so harsh, but please bare with me.
I procrastinated a lot growing up. I still procrastinate today, but less so. And yet, I got good grades. I could write an A+ paper that “knocked [my professor]’s socks off” in the hour before class and print it with sweat running down my face.
I was so used to hearing from teachers and family that if I just didn’t procrastinate and worked all the time, I could do anything! I had all this potential I wasn’t living up to!
And that’s true, as far as it goes, but that’s like saying if Usain Bolt just kept going he could be the fastest marathon runner in the world. Why does he stop at the end of the race??
If ANYONE could make their top speed/most productive setting the one they used all the time, anyone could do anything. But you can’t. Your top speed is not a speed you’re able to sustain.
Now, I’ve found that I do need to work on not procrastinating. Not because the product is better, even, but because it’s better for my mental health and physical health to not have a full, sweating, panicked breakdown over every task even if the task itself turns out excellently. It’s a shitty way to live! You feel bad ALL the time! And I don’t deserve to live like that anymore.
So all of this to say, I’m not wasting a ton of potential. I don’t have an ocean of productivity and accomplishments inside of me that I could easily, effortlessly access if I just sat down 8 hours a day and worked. There’s no fucking way. That’s not real. It’s an illusion. It’s fine not to live up to an illusion.
And if you have ADHD, I mean this from the bottom of my heart: you do not have limitless potential confounded by your laziness. You have the good potential of a good person, and you can access it with practice and work, but do not accept the story that you are choosing not to be all that you are or can be. You are just a human person.
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d1ssc0urse · 3 years
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d1ssc0urse · 3 years
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d1ssc0urse · 3 years
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d1ssc0urse · 3 years
i hate the crockpot slander on tiktok if your parents make bad food in the crockpot it’s because they can’t cook do NOT blame this on the crockpot #theysilencedyou
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d1ssc0urse · 3 years
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coachella YAY! Presale for Weekend 2 starts Friday 1/14 at 10am PT. Weekend 1 is sold out. Register now at http://coachella.com
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d1ssc0urse · 3 years
*has a thought and has to scroll back to where I was on the tumblr dashboard to remember it*
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d1ssc0urse · 3 years
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d1ssc0urse · 3 years
fun game i play where i reblog jokes abt christianity/catholicism to see if my catholic friend reblogs them and thinks they’re funny of if they’re blasphemous
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d1ssc0urse · 3 years
oh crap I need to add this to the list of things bisexuals can't do without people calling them weird
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So far we have:
- be bisexual
- be proud of being bisexual
- talk about bisexuality
- talk about attraction to multiple genders
- talk about bisexual history
- use the bi flag
- use any symbol at all
- reclaim slurs that have been used to violently oppress us
- talk about the issues that affect us
- talk about our partners
- be happy to be in a relationship with our partners
- express the desire to have a relationship
- have internalized biphobia
- be closeted
- not be closeted
- coming out
- make jokes
- joining a LGBT club or association
- going to Pride
- going to a gay bar
...and more
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d1ssc0urse · 3 years
bi ppl/allies: *give list of reasons why identifying as pansexual is harmful*
pan ppl/allies, in their infinite wisdom: ok but it’s not harming anyone, so
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d1ssc0urse · 3 years
destroy the infographic industrial complex
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